US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting for Packet 4 from U.S. consulate in Montreal...

go to wiki top of this page click all pages scroll down to nvc montreal- saylin  you will get help there. or saylin vj 90397 good luck

There is a NVC montreal? I only see one number for NVC and they were no help at all. Yet I have seen ppl say they got updates from DOS. Where do I call?

LKMK2004Female02013-11-24 08:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting for Packet 4 from U.S. consulate in Montreal...

Have you tried inquiring in the Canada forum?  We have a specific thread for Montreal Beneficiaries. 

I didn't realize. Is there any way to move this thread there? I'm just hoping someone can help me out!

LKMK2004Female02013-11-24 08:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting for Packet 4 from U.S. consulate in Montreal...
Hi everyone!
Can anyone please tell me how long it takes for the U.S consulate in Montreal to send out packet 4? My fiancee sent out packet 3 via express post, which the consulate recieved Oct. 29th. On Nov. 4th, they emailed my fiancee stating that he needed to fill out the ds 160 online. He filled it out Nov. 9th and he has a confirmation so im assuming it went through just fine. We haven't heard from the consulate since. I'm stressing about it. I tried calling DOS, but when I call, it doesn't connect me to anyone, it just gives NVC's number....and when I called them, they couldnt give me any info (i dont understand how ive read ppl getting updates from DOS yet i cant seem to get through??)
I'd like to know how long it takes. It's been 2 weeks since the 9th. Is this normal? The holidays are almost here and I really just want my fiancee home :(

LKMK2004Female02013-11-23 23:11:00
CanadaGetting aggravated with U.S. Consulate in Montreal

We got the email today! Booked our interview for March 24th

How did you book it? I went on the csc site and it says no available appointments? I clicked on immigrant visa - ready to schedule. Is this correct?

LKMK2004Female02013-12-13 17:48:00
CanadaGetting aggravated with U.S. Consulate in Montreal

Definitely follow the instructions that the consulate gives you instead of the state department operators on the phone. They can help, but are mainly following a script as to what is supposed to happen. Again if I were to guess, you're at the bottom of the pile like me and the others who submitted around that time. If you take out thanksgiving you're almost a week earlier then you think you are in processing time. No special emails I know about, just the one with the automated message you get back in reply and the form email they want you to use now which is linked to in that automated message.


I'd give it another week or so before I start stressing about it. Hopefully they process all of our P3's in one batch.



Hopefully! I was so excited that everything was going pretty quick, so its a real bummer that it slowed down now. Fingers cross that we hear something soon.

LKMK2004Female02013-12-06 11:47:00
CanadaGetting aggravated with U.S. Consulate in Montreal

Can I ask why he didn't email in the pdf confirmation with his packet 3? it's literally the first thing they tell you to do in the new instructions. Did they just email him out of the blue that they received his packet 3? Was it a personalized message? I'm just trying to figure out some of their procedures. None of it seems to be cohesive and I have no idea what's coming when they eventually log my packet 3, if anything. I've not been impressed with this whole experience to say the least. My guess is that when they switched from snail mail to email only for packet 3 they found it easy at first and now that everyone knows they are getting flooded with endless packet 3's that would have before arrived in batches in the mail room. I sort of anticipated it would take a while but you're right in that it seems to be inconsistent on timing. I actually emailed them through their form asking where packet 4 was about 2 minutes after emailing packet Hopefully we'll all know something soon.


My fiancee made a mistake. He is terrible with paper work, let me tell you.


This is what the consulate emailed him:


We thank you for your communication regarding the below-referenced immigrant visa case.   In order to continue processing the case, please complete, scan and send the DS-160 Confirmation page by replying to this message. or http://travel.state....forms_1342.html We thank you for your cooperation.    Sincerely,  Immigrant Visa Unit U.S. Consulate General Montréal



Now I emailed them back with the confirmation page, emailed them a screen shot as well, I mailed a physical copy to the consulate. When I called DOS, one of them told me that Im not supposed to email them or send them it. That just completing it online was enough and that's it. I am totally confused. Not sure if I should try emailing it to them again. Is there another special email I don't know about? I would think they would have logged it in by now!!!

LKMK2004Female02013-12-06 11:10:00
CanadaGetting aggravated with U.S. Consulate in Montreal

Supposedly it takes 3 to 6 weeks for Montreal to respond to email. I sent in my packet 3 via email on November 19th and confirmed with the State Department today that they haven't logged it yet . Add to that the chaos of Thanksgiving and that the consulate is a slow nightmare of suck to begin with and it's easy to get frustrated. You are not alone. Be glad they emailed you at all. I have yet to receive any physical correspondence from anyone over there. I've done it all on my own through phone calls and trial and error. I'm sure that there will be movement for both of us soon, but all I can suggest is to keep calling the state department and it wouldn't hurt to email the consulate from their online form.



Thank you so much for responding. I know it's slow enough because of the holidays, I'm just very nervous why they haven't just logged in the DS 160 form yet. They responded fairly quickly about receiving Packet 3. I guess my fiancee didn't realize he had to do DS 160 which is why he had to do it after when they emailed them. It just seems a little off that its been a month and they haven't logged in that one form. I want to make sure my fiancee did it correctly.

LKMK2004Female02013-12-06 08:42:00
CanadaGetting aggravated with U.S. Consulate in Montreal
Hey everyone,

I really need some help understanding where we are at. My fiancee sent in packet 3 and on Nov. 4th he got an email from the consulate stating that they received everything but he needed to fill out ds 160. He did it on Nov. 9th, got the confirmation page and all. Since then we haven't heard anything. I finally called DOS a few times right before Thanksgiving and they kept telling me that it shows as if the consulate didnt receive or acknowledge the ds 160 form. I even had my fiancee take it step further and print out the confirmation page and send it to them express. Still nothing. Is this normal? Its been a can it still show no status on the ds 160? I mean it was done Nov. 9th and its now Dec 5th! I can understand processing taking a bit but they didnt even put in their system that they received it! I even emailed the consulate but no answers. I am getting extremely frustrated. Everything was going rather quickly before this.

LKMK2004Female02013-12-05 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.
Thank you all again for your responses. Waiting for my fiancee to send his half of the papers the signatures over to me. Its been hard since he works a lot of hours. I checked my status online and now it doesnt say july 10 local office anymore, it just says that it was transferred and is processing at a uscis office. Im still so worried sick. I cant believe I made such a mistake. I hope it doesnt get rejected...
LKMK2004Female02013-07-14 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

You'll get a paper in the mail telling you where your case was transferred to within a week. I would go through and get together everything you need, check all the threads, etc. Make sure you have everything. :)
The "local USCIS office" thing is bull. That's just a generic case transfer message and not correct. Local offices do not process I-129F petitions. Vermont, Texas (which is new), & Cali do.

Doing that now. Im so stressed over this. I just pray I do not denial.

Thanks again.

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

You're going to want to wait until you find out where your case was transferred either way. Otherwise it'll get lost in the shuffle.

Ok. I guess I should be receiving that in the mail soon? Online it said on July 10, yesterday, that it was sent to my local USCIS..

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

Okay, I am in the minority here as I think given what you sent in you stand a very good chance of being denied because you did not supply proof that you and your fiancee have met in person within the last 2 years.  That is one of the fundemental requirements for the I-129F.  I would do as others have suggested and mail in the proof with the case number on every page and the envelope.  To not do so risks the filing fee being lost when the petiton is denied.  Then you get to file it all over again.  You MAY get and RFE for the  evidence of having met, but since you did not include anything in the original packet the USCIS person is most likely going to just deny your case for not following directions. 
At a minimum you need to show:
    1) The I-129F form and payment
    2)  The petitioner is a USC
    3) Both the petitioner and beneficiary are free to marry
    4) Both the petitioner and beneficiary plan to get married within 90 days of entering the US (signed letters of intent  by both parties with original signatures (i.e.
        no copies))
    5) You both need to complete the G-325A biographical information form with original signatures (i.e. no copies)
    6)  Passport style photos of both the beneficiary and petitioner taken within the last 30 days.
    7) The most important is that the two of you have met in person within the last 2 years
You supplied Items #1 and #2 out of all those required, so that is why I say that unless you can get the other documents into the hands of the person looking at your case ASAP, it wil be denied and this will be a $340 lesson.
Good luck,

This is what im afraid of. I can get everything sent by next week, once I receive my fiancees part by mail. I hope thatsfast enough.

Has anyone in my position actually received a RFE instead of a denial??

Thanks again to everyone who has responded. You are all so kind and helpful.

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

Me too! I agree with stevie b, it can help sometimes. See my thread: http://www.visajourn...-denial-or-rfe/. It's not as extensive as this case is, but I believe it worked. LKMK2004, I ran into a similar issue and mailed in extra documentation and got approved without an RFE that I was sure I was going to get. I don't know if the documentation ever made it to our file, but maybe it did and that was why we didn't get an RFE. 

Prepare all the items you want to send in and have a copy of them all as well. Send in one set and maybe it'll make it into your file before it gets adjudicated. If it doesn't make it in, you'll have a set ready to go when you get an RFE. I know others may disagree, but I look at it and say it can't hurt to at least try to send it in. When you send in the documentation, include a copy of your NOA1, as well as a cover letter explaining (and apologizing!) the mistakes and what's included in the packet of items.
As for your transfer issue, wait till you get a hard copy of the transfer notice. It'll tell you where it as been sent, which is most likely the Texas Service Center. Include a copy of that as well in your packet. 
If you do decide to mail in the items and it has indeed been transferred to the Texas Service Center, the address of the service center is:
4141 North St. Augustine Road
Dallas, TX 75227
I did not address the packet to anyone or any unit in particular, so I'm not sure if you need to do that. I don't imagine that TSC actually has an I-129F unit, since they don't usually process these...

Thank you for all the info, I appreciate it.
I only just discovered this site, otherwise I wouldnt be so clueless. The US consulate in Montreal obviously wasnt helpful. I will try sending everything asap I hopes that it will help. If it doesnt I just pray that I just get a RFE and not a denial. I feel so embarrassed for making such an error. They are probably going to look at my file with my one lonely copy of my birth certificate and wonder what the heck is wrong with girl?

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

It's probably best to wait for the rfe. Calling them is not going to make a diffrence. When they require the info they will write to you. Not heard of anyone calling up after incomplete documents get things sorted till they recieve their rfe. They have way to many files to deal with at this point. Try to relax they will write to you.

I know I sound frantic, im just afraid since everything but the actual file and copy of birth certificate is missing that they will deny it and I wanted to let them know that it was a mistake and I have everything else. If they do a RFE I can live with that.

you can call but the k-1 transfer to a local office is an error message
it is in transit to texas
you can call and ask an IO what to do for the mailing address

Sorry what do you mean by error? Its wrong what they have on the case status update?

Thanks everyone for the responses.

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

not true

forget about waiting
write a letter explaining your situation and what you are submitting
copy your noa1
send all the stuff to the address on your noa1 attn. 129f unit write your file number under that
keep copies of everything in case you get rfe'd for the same stuff, but your package and subsequent info will get matched up by the time it hits a desk

You said to send it to the noa1 address but yesterday my status said it was sent to my local uscis? Does that matter? Should I try calling to also explain situation??

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

Usually the only time they flat out deny without even an RFE is if you fail to send what you did send in - that is the application itself is incomplete or you don't send the check. Everything else usually gets an RFE. There have been exceptions of course, but that is the general trend.

I really hope so. Im beyond stressed over this now. I just wonder if I should try calling.

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

You shouldn't get denied, but you may if you fail to send in what they want after the RFE. Worst case scenario, you will just have to file again after a denial. It would suck, yes, but at least you will properly know what to send in. But like I say, you probably won't get denied without a chance to remedy things with an RFE.

I was scared I would only because so much is missing considering I only sent the I129F and my birth certificate. I just know dont want to wait months only for them to deny it.
Thank you for responding btw

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 01:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.

There are two separate things going on here, neither of which is really related.

First off, the notice you got was the same notice thousands of filers got about a transfer of all cases from the Vermont Service Center (where yours and these other thousands of petitions were) to the Texas Service Center (where they were/are sent to). So don't worry about that, just let the process occur.

As far as your specific file, yes you are missing a lot of required documentation that will be needed before approval (an NOA2), so you will likely be sent a Request for Evidence (RFE) which will list for you all the things missing and wanted. You will be given a chance to return this request with all the asked for documentation. If what you send is satisfactory, you will be approved approximately a month later. If not, you will either be sent another RFE, or, worse, denied. So it is indeed very important you read this letter carefully and read all the guides here to be safe.

I would say it is virtually zero now since she is a TSC transfer.

I have no problem with them sending me a request for evidence, I have everything that I need to send, now that I realized myhuge dumb just afraid we will get flat out denied. Thats why I thought I would rush to send it now, but I guess thats out of the question.

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 01:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiling Mistake. Not sure what to do, please help.
Hi everyone, I am new here..

I filed the petition for the K1 fiancee visa back in March. Being overwhelmed and rushed, I only sent the I129F, the check and a copy of my birth certificate. I know, I obviously didnt follow directions. I had asked some questions at the US Consulate in Montreal (my fiancee is Canadian) and my understanding was that we show proof at the time of the interview. Thats how I took it from the guy who was giving me info. Honestly all I want is to be married, and was trying to get the ball rolling very quickly.
I have received the NOA1 in May and I just checked my status now, it says my petition has gone to my local USCIS...... and here I thought that this was a good thing.
Is there any way I can send the rest of info without them denying us? I have a million pics, proof of traveling.... should I try calling and seeing if I can do this? I am absolutely distraught right now that I screwed up and this could take even longer.
I am so overwhelmed, any help would be appreciated.

LKMK2004Female02013-07-11 00:52:00