Asia: East and PacificThe K-1 and HCMC

Well, my fiancee loves to drink. With me. :) She drinks in Saigon with her friends, but normally has one or maybe two at the most. When we were in Germany she asked me if she could have a 3rd drink because she had never had that many. I let her do it and it was absolutely hysterical. But no more. After that is was a 2 drink limit. ;)

By the way, a friend of mine was born in Vietnam and came here as a teen. He's a fashion photographer and knows a lot of Vietnamese women who have come here and he can tell you that the idea of Vietnamese women going to clubs and drinking is not crazy. In fact, it's quite common. Many do come here and live it up because now they can. He personaly knows many women who came her through sham marriages.

This is why the HCMC Consulate is run by a bunch of goons. The fraud is rampant.

WOW, You sure do have control over your fiancee, Oh and, The consulate is run by a bunch of goons? Really? Do you really think it is because of friends like yours and the sham marriages? :blink:

Well, my fiancee loves to drink. With me. :) She drinks in Saigon with her friends, but normally has one or maybe two at the most. When we were in Germany she asked me if she could have a 3rd drink because she had never had that many. I let her do it and it was absolutely hysterical. But no more. After that is was a 2 drink limit. ;)

By the way, a friend of mine was born in Vietnam and came here as a teen. He's a fashion photographer and knows a lot of Vietnamese women who have come here and he can tell you that the idea of Vietnamese women going to clubs and drinking is not crazy. In fact, it's quite common. Many do come here and live it up because now they can. He personaly knows many women who came her through sham marriages.

This is why the HCMC Consulate is run by a bunch of goons. The fraud is rampant.

HHmm, I wonder if they would still be considered goons if they were to give you your visa on the first time around?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 17:44:00
Asia: East and PacificThe K-1 and HCMC
Thats a good point, I can not fathom the idea of my wife in a bar.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 14:03:00
Asia: East and PacificThe K-1 and HCMC
Another topic covered was that of significant delays for some K-1 visa cases for which there appears to be no legitimate reasons. Some couples they just don't want to give visas to and despite jumping through all the paperwork hoops, the Consulate always has a new technicality to hang them up on. The reasons given can be quite strange, or just extra picky where they would not be applied to the cases of others. These cases are in effect held hostage at the Consulate. Lacking the evidence sufficient to stand up to a denial were the case returned to the US service center, the HCMC Consulate resorts to hanging up the case on technicalities, stringing it along until the couple breaks up and withdraws the application, or fails to submit the new information requested. This dirty trick is perfectly legal. An example given was that a couple would be strung along with a series of blue/green slips. After submitting all the information requested in a sufficient manner, the Consular officers ended it in this way: "Your I-129F (I797) is expired". Whereas they extended the I-129F while they were stringing the case along, their final tactic was to declare the petition expired. This too is also at their discretion.

This worries me the most, The "no reason theory", I would think that if you have some red flags go up with your case then this senerio could activate their delay visa play book. I remember in Highschool in American history, I read that immigrants going through Ellis Island were fearfull to look into the eyes of the immigration officers. If the officer didnt like the way you looked they would at their own descretion not let you enter the country and put you back on the boat. Makes me wonder if this still is happening today.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-09 12:22:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestions for Landy
Were you requiered to have the irs1722 form or was the W2 and 1040 sufficiant enough? I will not be using a co-sponsor, so I am thinking that the irs1722 is only requested if using a co-sponsor.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-15 11:00:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestions for Landy

Hi Lan and Andy,
I thought it would be good for all of us to start a question thread direted to you since you just sucssefully completed your interview. I know Dalegg is getting bombarded with alot of questions latley. I am taking you up on your offer to help answer some basic questions.

1. How long did it take to get your (Ly Lich Tu Phap) police report? Scy said it had taken his fiancee 3 weeks to obtain. If this is the normal time frame, there is not much time between packet 4 and interview date.

2. Exactly what documents need to be translated to english? House registration book, Police report, Single paper, Birth certificate.

3. Can the translation be done at any govenment office in Vietnam, or only specific location were the documents were handed out? Am I clear on this?

Thats all I have at this time, Thanks so much for your help.

Han & Bruce

Hi Han and Bruce,

It took me 4 weeks to have my polic report and i did it right after i got the packet 3.

Only the household registeration and the ID card (chung minh nhan dan) don't need to be translated. All other documents like police report, birth certificate, single status statement, ... have to be translated.

The US consulate accepts the translation from Notary Office in HCMC. They mention Notary Office #1 (Phong Cong Chung so 1) in their website as the place you can have your translation

Good luck on your journey :)

Lan and Andy

Lan & Andy,
Thanks for your help. You two are wonderful!!!

Han & Bruce
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-06 21:18:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestions for Landy

Hi Lan and Andy,
I thought it would be good for all of us to start a question thread direted to you since you just sucssefully completed your interview. I know Dalegg is getting bombarded with alot of questions latley. I am taking you up on your offer to help answer some basic questions.

1. How long did it take to get your (Ly Lich Tu Phap) police report? Scy said it had taken his fiancee 3 weeks to obtain. If this is the normal time frame, there is not much time between packet 4 and interview date.

2. Exactly what documents need to be translated to english? House registration book, Police report, Single paper, Birth certificate.

3. Can the translation be done at any govenment office in Vietnam, or only specific location were the documents were handed out? Am I clear on this?

Thats all I have at this time, Thanks so much for your help.

Han & Bruce

I have a reply to question #1. I just talked to my fiancee and she said it will take 2 weeks to get the police report.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-05 14:10:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestions for Landy
Hi Lan and Andy,
I thought it would be good for all of us to start a question thread direted to you since you just sucssefully completed your interview. I know Dalegg is getting bombarded with alot of questions latley. I am taking you up on your offer to help answer some basic questions.

1. How long did it take to get your (Ly Lich Tu Phap) police report? Scy said it had taken his fiancee 3 weeks to obtain. If this is the normal time frame, there is not much time between packet 4 and interview date.

2. Exactly what documents need to be translated to english? House registration book, Police report, Single paper, Birth certificate.

3. Can the translation be done at any govenment office in Vietnam, or only specific location were the documents were handed out? Am I clear on this?

Thats all I have at this time, Thanks so much for your help.

Han & Bruce
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-05 13:25:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 Instruction letter

Hello My fellow Vietnam Journey men and women. I was doing some searching online and foud this. I am not sure the date of it but it is the english version of the instructions in packet 3.


Hello My fellow Vietnam Journey men and women. I was doing some searching online and foud this. I am not sure the date of it but it is the english version of the instructions in packet 3.


There is more helpful information at this link.


This information is pretty old, it dates back to 2001. The Visa fee was only $45.00. Who know what else has changed since then.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-16 14:49:00
Asia: East and PacificEVeryone here who has received a Blue Slip should write to Bill O'Reilly
It could be that the CO will reject the co-sponser if there are no means of health insurance for the applicant, they may view this as a possible public charge.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-16 12:28:00
Asia: East and PacificSomehow the Dam Hoi for 30 is now for 50

Matt, don't forget to bring the credit card, you're along for the ride, enjoy it dude and keep us posted.

No way will I let them take advantage of me. But then again, so far it seems that is not the plan. :thumbs:

If possible, Take as much cash as you can and then convert the cash to Dong. This way you wont be tempted to use the credit card, and you can keep better control of spending but if you take your credit card for backup, you need to notify the credit card company at least 1 week in advance that you will be using the card in Vietnam, otherwise the first time you use it there, they will shut off your card.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-14 21:48:00
Asia: East and Pacificyellow123 Interview Rally

2:33 am and still waiting .... I dont know if i should call her up.

HCMC time is 2:33pm at the time of your post, I would give her 1 more hour, then call her.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-13 02:37:00
Asia: East and Pacificyellow123 Interview Rally
Hi Yellow,
I am right there with you! God Bless you, your fiancee and the CO. for a fast and simple interview. You can do it!!!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-11 11:56:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 arrived today. My fiancee has questions

That's it? Just that one form? So why is the packet so big? What is all the other stuff?

Thats all she need to send for now to them to schedule the interview. She will need to fill out the other forms and bring to the interview. In packet 3 there in an instruction page that tells you exactly what to do.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-14 21:54:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 arrived today. My fiancee has questions

OK, so today the packet 3 arrived. My fiancee called me and said it is so big it will give her a headache. :D She is a little confused by it all.

My question is this: What do I have to provide to her to turn in when she mails the Packet 3 paperwork back to the Consulate? Is there actually anything she needs from me now? I have never been sure of what she needs with Packet 3 vs what she needs for the interview.

Thanks :thumbs:

She only needs to send back DS-230 form from PCK 3. Keep this in mind, she can hand deliver the form to the consulate, it will be quicker and safer if she can do this. Also, after she completes the form, see if she can scan it and email you a copy so you can cross check her information. Next thing to remember is once she turns in the form you need to get the ball rolling fast, send her proof of relation, Co sponsor information (make sure everything get notorized that needs it) and she will have her lists of tasks as well, police report, and the least popular one (The medical exam). After my fiancee turned in her DS230 form, the interview was Approx. one month later, so there is not alot of time to prepare.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-14 21:34:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue slip on the horizon

Let us know how it goes !

Got the report, Had to stuf $125 bucks in their hands, but well worth it. Papers are translated and ready to go.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-21 19:16:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue slip on the horizon

I agree with Dalegg,

Money ALWAYS speaks inside Vietnamese dealings! If you (she) want(s) it bad enough, you'll get it.

I just wired some money to her
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-19 20:00:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue slip on the horizon
Ok, My fiancee went to get her police report on April 5. They told her it will take 15 days (Not counting weekends) to have it ready for her to pick up. Her interview is on April 24. So, this is where the problem is. She will not have the police report in time for the interview. The consulate website states:

I am unable to submit a document that your office requested. What should I do?

If you are unable to provide information requested by the interviewing officer, you should submit a letter explaining the circumstances that prevent you from complying with the request. After you submit the letter, a consular officer will review your case file.

I am writing a letter explaining the situation and sending it to my fiancee and she will take it to the interview.
I do think she will get a blue slip for not having the document. We will submit the police report as soon as we get it translated.

Any other thoughts/ideas?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-19 18:34:00
Asia: East and PacificWhat is form irs1722
I posted this question to "Questions for Landy" thread. Anyone have thoughts about this?

Were you requiered to have the irs1722 form or was the W2 and 1040 sufficiant enough? I will not be using a co-sponsor, so I am thinking that the irs1722 is only requested if using a co-sponsor
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-15 11:05:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

Bruce, what happened to your Avitar and photo? Are you tearing down your profile now?

I am still here, I am just looking for a new look. I will have something up soon.

Might I suggest:
Posted Image


That picture is priceless. Maybe Matt should use this one, because in another thread he talked about his being black and blue.

Well, maybe for after the wedding anyway--this guy is giving the :thumbs:

I went back to the original, I could not make up my mind. I know Han will be taking over this show anyway and she will put the ladies look to it.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-01 22:07:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

Bruce, what happened to your Avitar and photo? Are you tearing down your profile now?

I am still here, I am just looking for a new look. I will have something up soon.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-01 17:55:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

I was wondering the same thing myself. If he is in Vietnam, I'd like to meet up and have coffee with the guy!


Did Bruce go to Vietnam after the interview? He's been suprisingly quiet since that first day. :unsure:

I am back! I actually went the opposite way of Vietnam, I flew back to Missouri to visit my Father who is getting up there in age. I wanted to plug him in on everything going on, plus I was house hunting. If my company stock goes crazy, I am buying a house in Missouri were I can afford one.

Ok here are the details from Hans interview.

Han's interview was scheduled for 10:00AM. She arrived there at 7:30 AM, was called to the interview window at 2:30PM. Cudos to Dalegg for guessing that senerio.... She told me that when she handed in the documents to the Vietnamese staffers that they have this huge power trip ego thing going on and they were basically yelling at everybody that came to the window. She just handed them the papers looked at them and smiled. When she was called up to the window for the interview she said a very short man with glasses on was standing there. As he was asking her questions, Han said it was like he was whispering the questions, so she had to ask him several times to repeat the question, and she said she had to almost put her ear to the glass just to hear him speak. I am thinking he is testing her hearing and her English skills.

Here are the questions they asked her during the interview:

1. Who is your sponser?
2. Who does he live with?
3. How did you meet each other? She told him the website name.
4. Please write the name of the website on a piece of paper and hand it to me. She did just that.
5. At this point he asked her for her email address and password. Han said he was searching for about 3 min. She could not tell if he was opening emails or just looking at the to and from section. He did not ask her any questions related to any of the emails.
6. Was the petitioner married before? Note: he said petitioner this time.
7. When did the petitioner visit you the second time?
8. When was the engagment?
9. How many people was there? she told hiim only 6 people were attended. he frowned at this and asked:
10.Why so few people? Because he was here for only 1 week on his seconsd visit and we did not plan any party. he was going to come again to have a party but could not get away from work.
11. show mre pictures of the engagment. She showed him the pics with Han and I and our party of 6.
12. Do you have wedding pictures? She said no, we are not married yet. (Trick question)

He then handed her the Pink slip and said congratulations and wished he a happy wedding in America.

I am so relieved that this huge weight has lifted of our shoulders. I would never in a million years want to go through all this again.

I forgot to tell you,
Han picked up her Visa yesterday. She wants 1 more month to spend with her family and friends before she flys over here. :yes:
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-29 02:18:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

Wow. Going into someone's email is highly irregular and a serious breach of privacy. That is, quite frankly, disturbing.

I could not believe it when she told me that. What was this guy thinking. But what is Han going to tell them? (NO I have my rights?) Now I wonder if anybody has rights once they step into the consulate.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-24 15:07:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

We got the pink slip, I will fill you in on the details after I get some sleep. :dance:

Ok, I have some details, more will follow soon. her phone card ran out soon after she called me and so we will be chatting up all the detail details tonight. She did tell me something very odd. The CO asked her for her email address and password and actually opened up her email right there on the spot and searched around looking at our emails. So much for all the printed versions i sent to her. she said he did not even look at those or all the instant messages I printed out. He did quiz her about our engagement party and why only having 8 people attend. I asked her about the mystery irs 1722 form. He never mentioned it.

I will be back with a play by play Jepordy game show version after we chatt it all up tonight.

Thanks everybody!

Good luck to all of you!!!!

Han & Bruce
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-24 14:57:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally
We got the pink slip, I will fill you in on the details after I get some sleep. :dance:
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-24 05:03:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

Do you think she's sleeping sound now?

Do you think I am getting drunk now?

Here is a heads up. After eating breakfast she is planning on being at the consulate at 7:30AM. Han's interview is scheduled for 10:00AM.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-23 18:30:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

Bruce, you put Laguna Nigel as your local office. Have you ever been to Little Saigon in Westminster?

Yes, I have been there several times. It is a short time from Disneyland.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-23 17:16:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally

Do you think she's sleeping sound now?

Do you think I am getting drunk now?
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-23 13:26:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally


You successfully navigated the "under the table" ways of Vietnam and got her police certificate. Way to go!

Here is wishing you and your fiancee the best of luck on Monday morning, April 24th. We'll all be on the board waiting for the news.

If I can be of any help from the HCMC end...let me know.

Come out pink bud!!!


Thanks to everyone for your support :) I will let you all know the outcome as soon as I get the news.

Hey Bruce,
Good luck. I see a pass in your future and you will be united with your fiance. Do you know if your fiance still have the following forms to bring to the interview: DS230, DS-156, and DS-156K? Or did she turn them in before already? Thanks.

She turned in the DS230 along with the check lists when she submitted Pkt 3. All the other forms will be turned in at the time of the interview.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-22 01:39:00
Asia: East and PacificBruce_Han Interview Rally


You successfully navigated the "under the table" ways of Vietnam and got her police certificate. Way to go!

Here is wishing you and your fiancee the best of luck on Monday morning, April 24th. We'll all be on the board waiting for the news.

If I can be of any help from the HCMC end...let me know.

Come out pink bud!!!


Thanks to everyone for your support :) I will let you all know the outcome as soon as I get the news.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-04-21 23:40:00
Asia: East and PacificFor those of you who had your interview, a question:

In regards to handing in the I-134 with packet 4, will the I-134 for the co-sponsor as well as the petitioner be given at the same time?


OK, but when do they take the I-134 stuff? Is that turned in with the packet 4 documents when she arrives?

Yes :yes:
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-08 21:30:00
Asia: East and PacificFor those of you who had your interview, a question:
Ok here is how it went with Han,
She gave the I-134 and supporting bank papers with the packet 4 documents. They do not ask for the birth certificates when giving the Packet 4. However, they will ask to see it during the interview, so this is something to keep up close and handy.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-08 00:57:00
Asia: East and PacificFor those of you who had your interview, a question:

Hi gang. I have read that when you show up for the interview and have your big giant packet if evidence and paperwork that the consulate immediately removes certain items they want to see. Can someone explain this to me? As in what are they taking?

I ask because I would like to have whatever that stuff is on the very top for ease of use.


First thing, they dont remove anything, Your fiance will turn in her Packet 4 documents. Then she will wait to be called up to the window. She will have everything with her the entire time(proof of relation stuff), then they will ask her for various papers as the interview is conducted. As I recall, they asked Han for the phone records first, copy of the first email, then photos. It really depends on the flow of the interview as to what they will ask for. I would keep all the reciepts, phone bills, first 10 emails and photos on the top of the pile. The best thing to do is put everything in a folder with tabs and indexing.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-07 11:22:00
Asia: East and PacificMin. Income Req.
Ok, Now it's my turn to chime in,
You may still have along way to go, so use your time well. I am not very familure with the K3 process.

Do you need to show proof of relationship, phone bills, emails.

It is best to talk to your wife on the phone, and speak english with her, this way it will give her some practice. You can also record you speaking english and send it to her to practice.

Tyr to eliminate the red flags that can pop up in your case. Try to get a second job. you have plany of time.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-06 00:22:00
Asia: East and PacificMatts going to Vietnam
[quote name='Matt_Stevens' date='May 7 2006, 09:06 PM' post='180865']
I have no idea where I am staying! :hehe: Anh says she found a place about one block from her. $11 a night, ac, with a bathroom and shower. OK, that works for me. I'd rather spend my money on her and us. Screw the room.

It might be a good idea to find out where you are staying before you get there. The reason I say this is because the customs paper that they pass out on the plane asked where you are staying in VN, and when I was going through customs at the airport in HCMC the customs agent asked me where I was staying during my time in VN.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-07 23:04:00
Asia: East and PacificMatts going to Vietnam
Hello Mr. Matt,
I am 100% positive that you are excited about your up comming trip. Now is the time to think about what you can bring with you to help your fiance prepare for her interview. If you have emails or instant messages from each other, print them out now and bring with you, this way you can spend quality time together. Also, go over your case with her, think about what questions they will ask that is specific to your case. Practice the questions, act as if you are the CO and you are conducting the interview. Bring copies of the ring reciept, copies of your phone bills, what ever bank and co sposer information you can get your hands on. Just think deeply about what you can bring. If you are going to be staying in HCMC, go with your fiance to the US consulate, it is next to the French consulate you cant miss it. Go there and get a feel for the place, maybe ask a few questions.

If you have any questions as to what else to bring, just ask.

Good luck and have a good time!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-06 15:58:00
Asia: East and Pacifickvtran Interview Rally!
Good luck to you!!!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-10 23:11:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3

Yeah it was a huge relief when she called me at work, the 2 ring rule, lol. I usually call her around 10:00 her time before she goes to sleep, and when she called me, I was int he elevator heading downstairs thinking, I bet she got Packet three. When I called her she was so excited, and she said I got my police clearance paper back today, and I was happy but sad at the same time, and then she said AND I got mail from Consulate. We both just felt like we were side by side.

Now is the tough part, as you can see in my timeline, I fall after the March 6 deadline. What I don't understand the new law has the name MArriage Broker in it, so why are people that didn't use a broker being recalled? So here is my problem. I have not said anything to Huong about this new law, becuase I am not sure if our petition will be recalled. I don't want her to worry if there is no reason to. I just don't know what to do, to make sure we won't be recalled. She got Packet 3 on Friday and we want to send it in, and use fast mail, but I don't want her to spend the money to send it if our petition was sent back. So should we just continue on and hopefully we won't have any problems, or shoudl I call about another question, and hopefully they will just answer my question and not say anything about our case being shipped back.

Any opinions would be great!!!!

You should carry on. Dont stop the process. Send in your Packet 3. If your petition is recalled then it is recalled and you will need to deal with it. I think you should be open with Huong and prepare her for a wait if there is one. You mention mail from the consulate, is it informing you of a petition recall?

I hope you have smooth sailing and no problems. You need to be strong and try to remain positive throughout the rest of your journey. You need to be strong for Huong!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-21 22:12:00
Asia: East and PacificMy NOA2 was Approved Tonight


It's a different place, called "Texas BBQ", it's actually quite good. Same quality as US but about 1/3 the price PLUS those Tiger Beer Drafts are tasty. The USA Consulate also holds a 4th of July party and they used to allow normal citizens (local expat residents) to attend but those days are history. Look in Vietnam News (local English Paper) and you'll see advertisements for 4th parties sometimes. Check "Amcham", means American Chamber of Commerce, they hold 4th parties. Then there's "Mogumbos" bar on Thi Sach Street, it's a little $$$.

I know the place
I took my fiancee there. They have a big Texas shaped neon sign in front. Just watch out for the Budweiser girls, they look really sweet in their dresses.
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-25 20:56:00
Asia: East and PacificIRS sent be the stupid standard tax transcript again

With just 4 weeks to go, it does not look good.

Hey Matt,
If you did not receive your 2005 tax transcript yet, I have an IRS number you can call and you can talk to a real person. This is the Tax advocate section of the IRS (1-877-777-4778). Just explain to them the date you filed, and that you need your 2005 transcript document for your fiancee interview. They may even be able to tell you about the 1722 form. I was talking to a friend of mine who works at the IRS and he was telling me about this little known group in the IRS.

Good luck and I hope this will help.

Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-06-04 12:09:00
Asia: East and PacificIRS sent be the stupid standard tax transcript again

Forget about requesting what HCMC wants because you won't get the stamped from from the IRS. They simply send you the new way of doiung transcripts. They were in my mailbox when I returned last night. So I went through the trouble of filling out the forms for nothing.

If HCMC still wants the now obsolete forms then I am screwed because you CANNOT get them.

Im curious, Who said they needed to be stamped? I would think that as long as it is from the IRS and the form is filled out by them then that is good enough. The form is only obtainable if you fill out the 1046T right?

Do you see any type of control number or reference number on the form that would make it somewhat official?

One other suggestion is: Find a local walk-in IRS office and have them stamp the form.

How was your trip Matt? welcome back!
Bruce and HanMaleVietnam2006-05-29 15:24:00