Hello fellows,

Finally, i'm done with my tension for now. I had my interview at USEM Manila yesterday May 12, 2008. Arrived before 6:30am and my first fell in line at security to enter the embassy, where they posted IR1/Cr1/K1/K3 Non-immigrants visa applicants. It wasn't long line there compared with the other two lines (for other applicants). There were different lines also for "seafarers", that's probably the some people said who had had previous interview at USEM where they said we should arrive so early. But there's nothing to worry about that. Those long lines were different from us.(who has scheduled interview at the consul).
At this security check, he asked for my appointment letter that embassy sent me, i told him i didn't receive any packet from USEM, what i have was e-mail appointment letter that they sent us right after I scheduled my interview, i told him briefly this is what i showed also in St. Lukes and the guard noticed that there's St.Lukes marked on my appointment letter, he just uttered "hindi co yata alam yun ah, ok cge patingin nalang I.d mo", i showed him only my postal i.d, and he let me in.

(Hey guys, don't bother anymore to bring your cellphones or any gadgets, because there is really no way you can store it in USEM, though there are this outside people who will charge you P200 for you to give them your cellphones and you will be given by number for you to claim it later. Well , this people are not working at USEM. It's up to you guys, either you entrust your phone to these outside people and pay P200 for them to keep your phone while your still inside the Embassy or just leave your phone in your house, for me i didn't bring my phone, i just left at the hotel.)

At second security, the guard asked again my appointment and i showed him and he instructed me to window 3, it's where I put all my things to their x-ray machine for security check. After this, the guard instructed me to embassy pavillion. (geez! this was a wrong instruction he gave me, been in pavillion, fell in line for almost 40 mins and when i was almost finished at the line, when the staff checked my ds156 and ds157 he said, ma'am You should be at the immigrants section. There were few of us also in K3 and K1 there who got wrong instructions from the guard from the window 3. So, the staff told us to to go to immigrants section. When we got there, there were many people already, wow, just because of that wrong instruction.Those some applicants who were scheduled for 8:30am were ahead of us already. But it's okay. It's past already.

Ok here's the steps i have done yesterday inside the Immigrants Section. (don't worry guys we won't be going to different floors here, its only in this Immigrant Section big room that everything will happen from the 1.checking of ds forms, 2.finger scanning, 3.pre-screening,4. consul interview, and 5.delbros- payment of visa delivery, unlike in St. Lukes different floors to get all things done so we won't be needing back and forth from time to time at USEM.)

1. GIVING NUMBER. Fell in line to window _ , they asked 2 sets of ds 156, 2 sets ds 157, and appointment letter.(Since I am K3, i didn't have the DS156k, for K1 you will be asked for this). After the woman check mine, she gave me number, this number was important so don't lose it. I then took sit again at waiting area.
2.FINGER SCANNING. From the window where I gave my DS forms and appointment letter, its here where we will hear if our names will be called already for Finger scanning. When i heard my name i went to window _ for Finger scanning.(if your palms perspiring just make sure you dry it before you put it in the finger scanning machine, don't worry also, there's staff here that will assist you and hold your fingers for the scanning.) After finger scanning, i then took a sit again at waiting area.
3. PRE-SCREENING. My number flashed at the board and the window where i will go. I then proceed to window _ for pre-screening of my docs. Here, the guy only asked to give him first: NSO Birth Certificate, NSO Marriage Certificate and NBI.
After he checked what i gave him, he then second asked me again to give him the following; Affidavit of Support (134) W2s, and Tax Transcripts. ( i gave him 2005,2006,2007 W2s and 2005,2006,2007 tax transcripts, Affidavit of Support and Employment letters.) After he checked it, he gave back the employment letters to me.
* with pre-screening here i was asked, (my pre-screener was a handsome gay and he seemed nice)
-who is your petitioner
-when is his birthday
-what's his work
-how i met my husband
-when i first met my husband in person
-how long he stayed in Philippines
-what date exactly he got here in Philippines
-when did we get married
-how long my husband stayed in Philippines
-were you married before
-were your husband married before
-do you have kids
-does your husband has kids

The third he asked me to give him were pictures. I gave him pictures, of me and my husband with my family and with his family. The pre-screener then asked "Is your husband a muslim?", i answered "No, he is not, he is american.", by flipping the pics, He also commented , "he is still young and handsome like you, you two are meant for each other." I said "thank you sir", and then he asked me , "have you experience to travel abroad or international flights", i answered "No, not yet Sir."and then he gave me some advises about nothing to worry about , it's important that i get a good sit at plane so i will be comfortable with the flight. I said "thank you sir for that tips". Once again he looked at our pics, and then i asked him, "do you need anything or any proofs Sir?" and he said , "No, this is enough already" , "Ok, you can go back to your seat and wait again for your number to be called. Thank you", I answered "ok sir, Thank you po."

At the waiting area, i sighed and i felt something a bit upset because they never looked at my evidences, i brought so much of our proofs and evidences that weighs almost 7 kilos, geez! until now i have back pain for carrying this.

I couldn't say i have had a friendly consul, unlike others had. What i had was a tall American woman with i think in her 30's with very short hair. I greeted her "Good Afternoon", she didn't greeted me back though, she just said "have a seat." She asked me the same questions what my pre-screener asked me. Plus she asked me some additional questions. She even told me "i think you need to be grilled", then she smiled. She also gave some comments, "So you were 23 or 24 when you met your husband". i answered her, "i am 23 when i met my husband." She asked me, "what did you like most about him?", I answered, "He is so thoughtful, no matter how busy he was he always finds time to give time to me even when he was still in Afghanistan. " She then uttered, "oh he is a Military" , i said "Yes Ma'am".
Then once more he flipped our pictures, and she said "i think everything is all fine."

Then she explained brief about the document verification. She asked me if i paid for it, i said yes i did. And she said, The USEM requires document verification so to make sure there are no fake marriages or no fake identities to all applicants. She then said "Ok, i think everything is okay now. You will need to wait for your name to be called once again for one last time." And i said "thank you Ma'am", and she said "thank you"

I then took a sit again at waiting area. After few minutes my name has been called, i went to window_ and the girl gave me back the appointment letter plus the instruction to pay the Delbros visa delivery.

5. DELBROS Visa delivery payment.
They gave me form to fill up for visa delivery and i paid P400 for delivery fee, i put my address in Bataan is why P400, if only Manila area it's only P250. (I saw some someone from Cebu she paid more than P500.)

Finished before 12pm. And was so tired and exhausted because of too much pressure the past few days. The first days of my mens period came the morning of my interview, because of the nervousness i felt i think. haha.

At 5pm i met Relyn at MOA and check the possible place for Eyeball meeting. Will be posting about the infos at the eyeball thread.

Thanks everyone.


Wow....Congratulations. What a nice experienced. Well, I had too and I am under AR. The Interviewer just asked me 5 questions only like:
-when did we met?
-where did we met?
-why I've chosen him and not others?
-what things that I like in him?
-what common we have?

That's all and I thought I will get my Visa next week but sad to say that I'm under AR. Well, I can wait anyway. I'm just happy and thankful to God that I passed the Interview.

God bless.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 10:33:00
PhilippinesFilipinos Against Arizona Immigration Law SB1070

Thanks for the mods for allowing this thread to continue as all posters supporting or disagreeing with the OP seem to me to have done so very respectfully. I hope this post will be taken with similar intent.

I'll direct it in part to Jordan, since he indicated he's of Mexican descent, although I mean the response much more broadly to those who are taking advantage of this valid issue to drive wedges between Americans and make this about race.

How dare anyone accuse those of us who support this law and in general the enforcement of American immigration law of being racist? This is not about race. It's about enforcement of our laws. The immigration law is intended to protect the American people. What role of our government is more important than protecting Americans? That's one of the primary responsibilities of the government of each country...isn't it?

I have nothing against Mexicans. Some of my very best friends are of Mexican descent. In fact, I'm a great admirer of one particular couple and their children, especially because of the way they've raised their children and the values they espouse. I hope when Machie and I have children that Martin and Guadalupe will very much be a part of their lives. They are immigrants from Mexico, but they came here legally and are now US citizens. I've been to Mexico for work many times, as well for a gringo, I speak decent Spanish. I sympathize with the plight of poorer Mexicans, including those who would do almost anything to find work to support themselves and their families. I sympathize with people from all around the world who struggle with poverty. But America can not be the answer to all of these problems.

That said, those who cross the border illegally are not only good people who seek work. The mix includes brutal criminals, murders, rapists, gang members, drug runners. As much as I sympathize with those who just want to work and create a better life, I do expect my government to protect our border and prevent anyone who is not properly documented from entry. And for those here today who've entered illegally, there should be severe consequences.

Most other countries restrict those who are permitted entry don't they? More importantly, don't most countries carefully restrict who is permitted to work in that country? Since this is the Philippines forum, I'll point out that as an American while I can enter the Philippines easily it would be almost impossible for me to work legally there. The local laws severely restrict "foreigners" from employment. While that's disappointing for me personally, I certainly understand it from the perspective of Filipinos. Why allow foreigners to work in the Philippines when there aren't enough jobs there for Filipinos? Why wouldn't the US have the right to make the same restriction for the protection of Americans?

I do sympathize people that trying to find a better job to help their families too, but you're right, most of the people who cross the border are criminals, they're smuggling drugs, rapist, etc. It's okay to enter other countries but they should do it in a proper way. It hurts me to think I waited a year to process my visa just to get here in the USA even if I am already a wife of American citizen.. Now they're gonna make those Mexicans legals? Most of them have bad intentions. The worse thing also is when you go to Mexico and you're not legal, they put you in jail. I agree in protecting the country...,always. It's not about races at all.., it's protecting the country. I agree on your 3rd paragraph.., love it.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2010-07-23 23:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTaking CFO Counseling
QUOTE (Loshiel_Kenny @ May 12 2008, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone!

Just want to ask for your help or nay idea of when is the best time to attend CFO counseling? should i need to do it while waiting for my May 22 interview? or is it okay if i will take it after my interview? headbonk.gif

helpsmilie.gif Loshiel

Well, I think it's better to do the seminar while waiting for your interview date coz when I had interview last April 25th, they asked me about the certificates in seminar. You can attend the seminar in PRISM at Taft Avenue then they will give you a certificate in yellow paper with your name and photo printed. So the next thing you need to do is to go to CFO to get another certificate and to stamp your passport. Even if you have no Visa yet, you can still go to CFO to get certificate and just go back after you have your Visa to stamp for it. Either, you can do both..,no Visa or with Visa.

Hope that helps. Good luck in your Interview and God bless.

God is good always.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 10:11:00
Philippinescan NO longer call delbros..
QUOTE (envy_me @ May 13 2008, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we can no longer call delbros for visa inquiries... sad.gif

i just called them today and said..

they no longer entertain visa inquiries thru phone..

and that u can just txt 09176221949 for all visa inquiries..

ps: maybe they got tired of peeps callin them.. laughing.gif

That's right. You can't call the Delbros anymore for inquiring your Visa status. They just want us to text in their Hotline.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 09:43:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar Question
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ May 14 2008, 12:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chopstick @ May 13 2008, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ May 13 2008, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The stamp is given at the CFO office and not PRISM. Moreover, the beneficiary must have the visa in order to received the stamp. Since Maymay has completed the Guidance Counceling Seminar already, she will need to go to the CFO office and take the following:

1. Original valid passport;
2. Original and photocopy of visa;
3. One (1) 2x2 or passport-size photograph;
4. Ask for the registration form upon arrival
(they say that the forms are downloadable at, but I completed the two applicable forms for my
wife and they were both either outdated or the incorrect forms);
5. Payment of P400.00 registration fee; and
6. Original and photocopy of the Guidance and Counceling Certificate


Sheriff Uling

p.s. - If I've missed anything, someone please fill in the blanks...

I had seminar last July 2007 and my interview was last April 25th. In PRISM, they gave me certificate in yellow paper with my name and photo printed there and then I went to CFO and they gave me a certificate in green paper with my name and photo printed there too...,but, I don't have passport and Visa. So, I think when I'll get my Visa, I need to go back to CFO and bring the original and photocopies of certificates and get a stamp there for my passport..., Is that right?

Thanks. God bless.

Oo... Tama ka...

Thank you so much. God bless.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 22:04:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar Question
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ May 13 2008, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The stamp is given at the CFO office and not PRISM. Moreover, the beneficiary must have the visa in order to received the stamp. Since Maymay has completed the Guidance Counceling Seminar already, she will need to go to the CFO office and take the following:

1. Original valid passport;
2. Original and photocopy of visa;
3. One (1) 2x2 or passport-size photograph;
4. Ask for the registration form upon arrival
(they say that the forms are downloadable at, but I completed the two applicable forms for my
wife and they were both either outdated or the incorrect forms);
5. Payment of P400.00 registration fee; and
6. Original and photocopy of the Guidance and Counceling Certificate


Sheriff Uling

p.s. - If I've missed anything, someone please fill in the blanks...

I had seminar last July 2007 and my interview was last April 25th. In PRISM, they gave me certificate in yellow paper with my name and photo printed there and then I went to CFO and they gave me a certificate in green paper with my name and photo printed there too...,but, I don't have passport and Visa. So, I think when I'll get my Visa, I need to go back to CFO and bring the original and photocopies of certificates and get a stamp there for my passport..., Is that right?

Thanks. God bless.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 10:00:00
Philippinesairline ticket booked from US,is it okay?
QUOTE (joyce_peter @ May 14 2008, 08:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thank you so much guys for all your,im confused a bit worried because my flight is fast approaching May 23....and im confused regarding this matter...huhuhuh

Joyce, if you called them and they confirm it and they said everything is ok then no problem na. Maybe it's only in AA or whatever. Just be ready in your trip and good luck in your America life. God bless.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 22:00:00
Philippinesairline ticket booked from US,is it okay?
QUOTE (NoelandTintin @ May 13 2008, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chopstick @ May 12 2008, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's right. There is policy about the flights from Philippines must purchased the tickets in Philippines. My husband booked a flight for me last April for May 11th flight coz we expect that our Visa process will be ok..but just last week, the AA called him and they said I should purchase the ticket in Philippines so if ever I will get my Visa, I'll go to Manila to stamp my passport in the CFO and to purchased my ticket.

Again. Who is setting this policy and where did you hear it from? Is this AA specific? Coz when someone says "policy", people tend to assume that one cannot buy or book a ticket from Philippines to USA from anywhere except the Philippines. Which of course is not true because for one, I was able to book my wifes flight here in the US and we already have iten, confirmation, and even seat numbers. As you can see, even some people on this thread were succesful in booking their flights from the US.

I've heard a lot of "rumors" about this policy too but nothing concrete so if you could specify on your statement, it would be great for all of us.

Well, I'm just telling you what me and my husband had experienced. I don't know if they only did it to me and not in others.., or whatever. I'm happy for those who had a successful in booking their flights. For me, I have no choice but to do that thing in Manila.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 09:20:00
Philippinesairline ticket booked from US,is it okay?
QUOTE (edp333 @ May 12 2008, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is a policy that all flights originating in the Philippines must have the tickets purchased in the Philippines. But, I have never heard or it being enforced.

American Airlines refused to honor the ticket I purchased for my wife in January for this reason. I tried to rechedule the ticket right after AA's FFA fines and delays. I then purchased the ticket from aother US online travel agent. She arrived with no problems.

That's right. There is policy about the flights from Philippines must purchased the tickets in Philippines. My husband booked a flight for me last April for May 11th flight coz we expect that our Visa process will be ok..but just last week, the AA called him and they said I should purchase the ticket in Philippines so if ever I will get my Visa, I'll go to Manila to stamp my passport in the CFO and to purchased my ticket.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 00:47:00
PhilippinesDelbros Docs To NSO on April 21st
QUOTE (Loterly_Richard @ May 16 2008, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
name-----------date of payment --------forwarded to NSO--------interview-------date of txt for/visa on hand
july052007--------april 01--------------------april 21-----------------april 24--------------------April 30VISA-ON-HAND
envyme-----------april 08--------------------april 21-----------------april 24----------waiting
stephen1----------april 02--------------------Unknown ---------------april 22---------waiting
happyheart------- march 26------------------april 21----------------Unknown------------------VISA-ON-HAND
donchelle----------april 09--------------------april 21-----------------april 22----------waiting
jaritu63------------feb 04----------------------april 21----------------march 11------------------VISA ON ITS WAY
honeyme----------april 08---------------------unknown---------------april 24--------------------VISA-ON-HAND
wlisa_rbert-------march 27--------------------april 21-----------------april 4---------------------VISA ON ITS WAY
Chris_ShaSha----March 27--------------------April 21-----------------April 29-------------------VISA-ON-HAND
chopstick----------april 11---------------------april 21-----------------april 25--------------------VISA ON HAND (May 25)

chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-06-04 10:05:00
PhilippinesDelbros Docs To NSO on April 21st
QUOTE (dbears @ May 5 2008, 03:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I paid april 10
Delbros forwarded verification request to NSO april 21
Interview may21

I was told that from NSO the verified documents goes straight to the embassy so Delbros have no control when NSO will forward verified docs to embassy.

Some who have had their verification request forwarded to NSO april 21 and who had finished with interview already received their visa or have received text that their visa is about to be delivered while there are still some who are waiting.

There are a lot of birth certificates (include CENOMAR, death certificate) in the Philippines that have problems or discrepancies so that will also account for the delay in other applicant's document verification. If you'd call and ask DELBROS you would be told that it will take 1-2weeks for NSO to verify IF the documents don't have any problem at all. BUT IF the documents to be verified have some problems: late registered, discrepancies in spelling, gender, birth date, registered double birth certificates containing slightly different data, etc. (even for the corrected ones which are only annotated) then it will take NSO longer to verify.

Even if you go to an NSO office, you will note that some of those applicants requesting for simple docs like certified Birth Certificate or CENOMAR or death certificates are asked to come back after a week or 15 days or a month... while some get the document requested in matter of minutes.

I didn't understand why some people would miss checking the accuracy of their birth certificates especially if they have used them so many times in the past (enrolling in school, etc.) until I experienced it first hand with my son's birth certificate... I have stared at it BAZILLION TIMES, have photocopied it many times when he entered kinder then grade one and also when I claimed them as beneficiary in my SSS & philhealth before but I never noticed that my son's birth certificate don't have middle name on it until I applied for passport for him and the DFA consul pointed it out. I'm just lucky, having no middle name is of no big consequence, DFA just left the middle name blank on my son's passport.... Most people (me included) just stare at our BC but don't really pay too much attention to it until we need the data verified for accuracy.

So for those who have been waiting longer than others, maybe just maybe, your documents are a little harder to verify becoz of minor glitches that you are not aware of: birth certificate discrepancies or CENOMAR problems. (there are a few here who have to cancel interview because they found out they are or were still married in the NSO records.)

As what Lot have been emphasizing, try calling USEM or NSO to check on your docs... and also, it will be better for all future applicants to request birth certificate and CENOMAR (especially cenomar) long before the filing of visa petition just to make sure you are really cleared. It is frustrating and painful to cancel everything because of document problems when you are so near to being together. Just my two cents worth.

Hello, good day.

I paid Delbros last April 11 and was forwarded last April 21 then my Interview was April 25.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 00:56:00
PhilippinesDelbros Docs To NSO on April 21st
QUOTE (Loterly_Richard @ May 6 2008, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ChrisB0707 @ May 6 2008, 12:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anymore updates out there for April 21st date???????? Please let everyone know for the ones who are still waiting.

name-----------date of payment --------forwarded to NSO--------interview-------date of txt for/visa on hand
july052007--------april 01--------------------april 21-----------------april 24--------------------April 30
envyme-----------april 08--------------------april 21-----------------april 24----------waiting
stephen1----------april 02--------------------Unknown ---------------april 22---------waiting
happyheart------- march 26------------------april 21----------------Unknown------------------VISA-ON-HAND
donchelle----------april 09--------------------april 21-----------------april 22----------waiting
jaritu63------------feb 04----------------------april 21----------------march 11--------waiting
honeyme----------april 08---------------------unknown---------------april 24----------waiting
wlisa_rbert-------march 27--------------------april 21-----------------april 4-----------waiting

chopstick---------april 11-----------------------april 21----------------april 25----------waiting
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 00:03:00
Philippineswe have fix it!!!
QUOTE (joyce_peter @ Jun 5 2008, 09:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi guys,
yesterday,when my fiance arrive from worked...i talked to him right away...i told him what i feel,everything,i have said words that hurts him that much...we almost ended up looking for a ticket...i told him i will go home,then he said okay,we will go to phils together...i want to be with you until you get home safely...we will talked to your family...thats what he said,while looking for a ticket online...sad to say he wasnt able to get a ticket yet so he get off from the computer then we continue talking...explaining everything,..( KUNG SA BISAYA PA,NAPAHUNGAW NKO TANAN AKO GIBATI,AS IN...I KNOW NASAKITAN CYA SA AKO MGA NASULTI BUT ATLEAST NAKAPAHUNGAW KO...WE DISCUSSED EVERYTHING...) i know its unfair for him too that im only one who is getting your opinion and its unfair that you only hear about my side...






Good day Joyce.

That's a great news. I'm happy that God enlightens your mind and you resolved your problems. I prayed for both of you and thanks God again that He answered our prayers. Just always pray to God and He will guide us always. God is good always.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-06-07 04:21:00
QUOTE (chopstick @ May 14 2008, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're welcome. ANyway, I'm in Brgy. San Juan in Surigao City. So what about your mother side's family..? where are they in Surigao?

Well, if you're not under AR, then you'll receive your Visa soon.

Depends if my document verification has no delays. Then maybe yes.

I asked my aunt about your Bgy. she said it's called Bgy Sabang before and now Bgy. San Juan. My lolo's place is in Bgy. Washington.

Yup, it's Brgy. Sabang before. Hmmm, I also have relatives there.,actually, we're just near coz Brgy. Washington is right after Brgy. San Juan.

Ingatz... Regards to your family. God bless.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-23 04:25:00
QUOTE (chopstick @ May 13 2008, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow....Congratulations. What a nice experienced. Well, I had too and I am under AR. The Interviewer just asked me 5 questions only like:
-when did we met?
-where did we met?
-why I've chosen him and not others?
-what things that I like in him?
-what common we have?

That's all and I thought I will get my Visa next week but sad to say that I'm under AR. Well, I can wait anyway. I'm just happy and thankful to God that I passed the Interview.

God bless.

Hi Chopstick,

Thank you. By the way where are you in Surigao City? coz my mother side's family are from there. I don't know either when i am going to receive my visa, but i hope that would not take more than a month.

Hello Aingela,

You're welcome. ANyway, I'm in Brgy. San Juan in Surigao City. So what about your mother side's family..? where are they in Surigao?

Well, if you're not under AR, then you'll receive your Visa soon.
chopstickFemalePhilippines2008-05-13 22:31:00