Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition


This is the guy that didn't want any sympathy.  I think people were offering up some possibilities.  Not sure that anyone was writing any romance novels here.


Correct...what I meant was that I didn't want to hear, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear about this! Hope that it works out!"


That line is #######...and I see it all over the place on VisaJourney. I didn't think that by saying that I would get a bunch of A-holes making comments that are completely non-productive. At no point did I ever ask anyone's personal opinions of my Fiancee...maybe about our situation and what we can do...but not about her. I know her a lot better than anyone else presumptions and negative stereotypes can move along. 


...and no...people were not offering up possibilities. They were typing the first worst-case scenario that they could imagine. I already have my own romance novel with my Fiancee...and it will either end with living in the Philippines with her as her husband...or getting this situation worked out and going to the US to be married and start our life. We have both agreed we will move on with our life with either route. The negative people can p!ss off and find other people to shoot down...


...ain't happenin' here!

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-19 13:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

There must be a lot more people out there this happen to. There are a lot of bad people on the internet that use people, and then throw them away. The Beneficiary needs to make sure they get all the copies and all the information from the USC from the beginning.  I would think there is a way to cancel a petition by the beneficiary when the USC pulls this kind of stunt.


I agree! It's insane to me...especially since my Fiancee didn't know there was even a pending petition - YES...she knew and told me from the start that she applied with him before and we included that on ALL include his name! Still, it was a total shock that she couldn't do ANYTHING about the petition, let alone she didn't know it was actually active still after almost 4 yrs. So even if she DID know...what could she have done? Contact him maybe...yes...but we would still be in the same boat as now. Regardless, he was able to get married with another petition...and now we can't...amazing...really amazing...




I will be calling the USCIS tomorrow with him on conference call. He doesn't have any of the documents he filed with her years ago, or any case numbers. So I'm hoping they can get his info by social, name, etc...something. I'll get whatever proof the USCIS will give him, as well as have him write a letter that's notarized. Yes, a bit overkill...but I'm done playin games...this whole mess is making me insane. He is willing to help which I am blessed for. I will be sure to thank him and let him know that I do appreciate his help BIG TIME! I have since calmed down and realize my comments and JOKES before (because that's all they were...) were in the heat of the moment and should have been rethought prior to posting. Anyway, time moves on and all I can do now is focus on how to remedy the situation.


We did check the CEAC again this morning and saw that the status has been updated...already. My congressional office told me that they were not able to hold the petition in USEM Manila but it first showed AP on 14Nov...yet 4 days later it's updated again in the review process?? It showed reviewed on the 18th this morning. I know that it's not even the 18th yet in the US when we checked that...the only place it was the 18th already was there in Manila and here in Afghanistan...soooo...I'm hoping that's a good thing!!! I think that the congressional office had some influence and caused them to review it again before sending the petition out from the USEM and back to NVC/USCIS. This might be a stretch and wishful thinking on my part but I'm trying to stay positive!!!


I would like to thank everyone again that posted something worth reading. Thanks for being involved, providing insight, and confirming some things for me - you know who you are. The others that wasted their time posting useless opinions and are trying to be moral police....kick rocks!  


I'll provide another update once we hear something or after I call USCIS on Tuesday. I hope this post and everything that has been said is able to help someone in the future going through this rough time....because it REALLY sucks!!

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-18 06:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition



What is wrong with you people to invent a romance novel gone bad just because someone is asking a specific immigration question ?
Slow day at the office or what ? 
These speculations and assumptions are just that....assumptions from total strangers. Geez, give me a break and stick to the topic.


Appreciated...thanks a lot. Nice to really see that not everyone is so narrow minded. 

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-18 05:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

 Another case some kind of like yours



 Kind of the same...but not the same. Her situation has a few things wrong that are not the same as me. My Fiancee's ex is willing to help. Myself, I am not leaving her. Endless discussions between us over the last few days have lead us to start making contingency plans just in case. We already have a house in Manila that we have lived in for almost 2 years. Worst case, we can get married in the Philippines and still be together. If we so chose, we can file a CR1 visa later - although we might be in for another fight and investigation because of previous petitions...oh well. We have even gone so far as to plan the rest of our lives together in the Philippines should this hit one giant wall and go no where. We are happy together and love each other with all our hearts. We do not want to be separated and whether that's living in the US or in the Philippines...we are willing to do that. 

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-15 07:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

OP is in a frustrating situation, cut him some slack. He is angry at the situation and not the beneficiary's ex.
He has a plan to proceed with now and no need to nit pick and criticize. 
OP, I don't know if you are serving in the military in Afghanistan but if you do.....thank you for your service !

Hoping all will work out for you soon.

Best wishes for a resolve.


Wow...someone that understands. Thanks a lot!! Yes I'm mad at the situation and not so much him - although I must admit a little jealous also that he is living the good life while me...well I'm having to deal with someone else's past that is currently ruining me from making my own future. I do know that he is the only one that can fix the situation...and that frankly bothers the hell out of me. I wish the plan to proceed was working a little better...I seem to be reaching points where I think I know what to do...then do it...then get stuck. It's not really a dead-end I know...however it's just as frustrating. Again, I apparently "lambasted" him...whatever...bottom line is that I'm VERY grateful he is willing to help. I simply just got overcome with stress and dealing with the location in which I work as well...this isn't easy. Not an apology...but an explanation. 


I am on the phone right now with the US Embassy Manila...I have (3) numbers to call for the consular section...and none are working:

The Embassy?s main trunk line +63 2301-2000 is experiencing technical issues and  prone to congestion. If your call can?t get through please use these numbers: +63 2301-2166 or +63 2301-2177


Well they are working, just no answer. I'm guessing there are THAT MANY people calling?? Does anyone have anyway to contact them?  


I am not in the Military, but working as an IT contractor - for and along-side the Military here. I am a Veteran though. I appreciate your gratitude, I feel the same and tell the Military thank you all the time as well. They are my security as I travel around this crappy country for work.

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 23:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition


Was this necessary?



And this? Why is it his fault that USCIS/DOS dropped the ball?



Wishful thinking aside I think you should be thankful that he is a stand up person though I don't know if he would be as welcoming as he is if he knew how you are lambasting him on the internet.

 Yes, it was necessary. My jokes...maybe not. I shouldn't have joked I guess...but I am trying to make light of a horrible situation. Did I ever post that it was his fault? If I did...I should correct it. I didn't mean to say that it's his fault I'm here...but in a non-direct way it is at the same time. I cannot do anything unless he contacts USCIS and corrects this (direct quote from USCIS). He did not retain ANY records of cancellations or letters to USCIS that he said he sent before. He did in fact do his part to take care of himself...the fact remains that I am in the situation I am in now because of actions that need to be taken AGAIN on his yes...indirectly the ball is in his court...sadly.


All wishful thinking aside...YES..I am very grateful he is willing to help - he is definitely being a stand up person. I am trying to hold all personal feelings aside and deal with the situation rather than "lambasting" him on here. How did I lambast him?? Jokes? Come on...I don't think I did that at all. Again, I think you are confusing your own personal feelings here. Although I do appreciate your input in the post...I don't wish to know how you would deal with it if you were him.  

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 22:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition


Mr big D 1983 ,

I don't know why you are so  angry from him ? 

May be she took some money and cheat on him or ?  also he could forget  the hurts.

Until  two days ago her memory doesn't work about him  to remember even  his name , suddenly after  people  ((here ) advice you to find the man anyway , she found his number and ?. who knows may be she called to  another person that you think he is "him"

or  may be she had more than one person  on k-1 visa and she just told you one of them. 

 you are in love and blind with love now.  or may be you spent so much money on her during 3 years  also  you don't want believe the  true  or searching  the true . I hope,I am wrong about your girl. but you should be ( wake up )

Have a great day.



Sounds like you have had some bad experiences...blind with love? Ummm...I don't think that's the case here. Easy to see that from the outside I'm sure. Seems like you need to meet better women. You grasp as straws to downplay my relationship and suggest there is malice?? I'm shocked and offended and will no consider any post you have from here forward. 


She didn't even know I was posting online. She started looking for that number days can you possibly know what we have been going through based on blog postings only?? 

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 22:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

Why do you insist on dragging this poor Guy through the mud?

He has no responsibility towards you and he took care of his own side of the issue.


What are you talking about?? Dragging him through the mud?? How am I even doing anything remotely close to that?? Well, first off - I'm not. Second, he has a moral responsibility to help (not that anyone seems to care about morals anymore!). While you may be right...he doesn't HAVE to...but I never put a knife to him, threatened him, nor did I speak negatively to him at all. I wasn't aware there were sides to K1 petitions? If the petitioner "cancels" his petition, and marries another woman...great...more power to him. It's supposed to cover ALL...not half...or one side of the petition. So you mean that if the US Citizen cancels their petition, they can move on...but the applicant can never again apply with another US Citizen? That doesn't make sense at all. The applicant has no power to withdraw the I tried this. EVERYTHING has to come from him only. Obviously the situation was NOT fixed and his "side" was not completely handled...or else my Fiancee would be getting her passport back in a few days with a visa in it. Matter of fact, after my Fiancee called him initially, he insisted on speaking with me and trying to resolve the issue since I am the other petitioner. I have to be honest and say that he was more willing to help than I anticipated.


He also mentioned that he is willing to help because he does not want to be the reason my Fiancee and I cannot be happy. Again, he is happily married himself. 


I don't think you fully grasped the situation. Perhaps you were reflecting on how you would feel if another man called you up and asked for assistance in withdrawing your petition with your ex-Fiancee (his current one)?? Maybe - I now have pity on that man if that ever happened - he is screwed. Either way...I don't feel I am dragging him in the mud at all...nor did he ever give off that vibe at all.

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 16:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

It's a good thing the ILS Human was able to do something.
IMO, the ILS human should be able to do more, as well.


Agreed! I'm curious how the USCIS allows petitions to be approved and pass through...then along to the next step @ NVC...yet they have multiple pending petitions?? Are they checking anything?? I understand I would be at the same position I'm in now...but at least I would have been there months ago...and not a month before my vacation to see her..and then fly to the US. 


I find it extremely CRAZY beyond anything that EVERY agency in this process allows our petition to flow through the system and then once she arrives at the Embassy window, she is embarrassed in front of 500+ people in the room....totally useless. The last step...then...oh wait...




The ILS has been great. I just spoke with her again right now. She said she sent two notifications to them yesterday but there hasn't been a reply yet mad.gif So we will just keep waiting. I will not speak to my Fiancee's ex again until Tues when we will conference with USCIS to try to remedy from that angle. The ILS gave me her blessing to call the CO tomorrow in Manila (not that she needed to, but still) and told me that it might help to reach them faster and more directly. She is trying to contact any liaison she knows to ensure our petition doesn't leave the Embassy.

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 16:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

I'm glad that the ex was found and now that he is married the original I-129F is invalid because one party is not free to marry.  


I don't see why they are being so difficult about this, but our I-129F was difficult to cancel - I wrote a letter, they ignored it, and eventually had to get the embassy and NVC involved to get it cancelled because we were already married.   It took 4.5 months to finally get it cancelled and only then did they do it because it was expired.  I'm confused as to whether this I-129F was approved or an RFE was issued?  Either way shouldn't it have expired by now?


We did however get a CR1 visa with an open I-130 in the works.  They ended up approving that I-130 a while after we had already made POE on the CR-1.  


Our case is slightly different because the petitioner was the same across the board, but I'd like to encourage you to keep pushing at this until you get the solution you want.


Glad to hear your situation worked out. Yea, it's a little different than mine - however it still magnifies the issue that USCIS is extremely inefficient at canceling previous petitions. 


You mentioning that you wrote multiple letters to cancel...and then still nothing...makes a little sense. When I spoke with the ex, he mentioned he sent (2) letters to withdraw the original petition. When I asked if he had any proof...nothing. I asked if he even had one of both of those letters he sent...nothing. Can anyone tell that I love the word USELESS by now??? HAHA! 


Anyhow, still mind boggling to me that he was yet able to apply for another K1, get it...and now be married to another Pinay...totally insane. NOW...I'm the one with issues because of his sh*t past. Totally depressing scenario. I wouldn't wish this on any of my enemies. 

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 16:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition


I am elated to read that he is doing well.


By the way, I know you know that USC cannot get a US visa, so he can't possibly be a visa chaser.




I was meant to be a joke...I got a little frustrated at comments prior (and other posts) that people assume automatically a K1 applicant (from ANY country) with multiple petitions is a visa chaser. I understand and appreciate the fraud laws and protections in place...and I'm grateful for that. But one size does not fit all.


By law, a petition may only be withdrawn by the can it possibly be the applicants fault if she fell in love with two men...YEARS apart??? I mean come many people have we been in love with throughout our lives?? Anyone that says one...don't reply...useless to lie...


So since she could not have influenced the cancellation of the previous petition by any means (other than telling him to, but she cut him off after they broke up) is every girl with multiple K1's a visa chaser?? She never anticipated being with another American again...or even in the first place. By chance we met and 3 yrs later...boom...problem. It just makes me mad, that's all. Not all square pegs fit in the round holes...not everyone can be bunched together. As I said before, the CO does this kind of grouping and it's unfair. He saw two case numbers and immediately assumed without even asking to see any of her proof. In my mind, he didn't do his job fully. His job is to review and see if the rela is bonafide...and so on. Sending EVERYTHING back to the USCIS is extremely inefficient. The only way to get the CO to review this is get the Congressman/Senator involved ASAP. YES I KNOW they cannot fix everything. However they can make things happen before things get worse. Sometimes that's all you need. IF the CO even did his job...ya well...I could blab on...but I won't...


More or less he is a Pinay chaser...we all know there are enough of those guys around! Again, it was meant to be a joke. Ya, I guess jokes are taken in wrong context by some. Calling him a Pinay chaser as well is a case anyone needs clarification. 

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 16:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

The only thing I can say is consult with a reputable immigration attorney. Calling the embassy and pleading your case won't do anything. Your fiancé has 2 petitions pending from 2 different people, they cannot grant a visa until the first one is cancelled, they have strict rules and guidelines to follow. The way they look at it is it isn't their problem if she cannot reach her ex, they simply won't give her the visa until what is broken is fixed. Best of luck and keep us updated.




My fiancee dug through the dark corners of our place in Manila and found his contact info...THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE!!! She was able to call and speak with him today, as was I. He is at least willing to help and fix the situation. He claims that he submitted (2) requests to withdraw previous petitions (he sounds like the visa fisher all the comments about my Fiancee can know who you are). He is now married as well to another Filipina...seems funny enough. So it's proof that he did his part on his end, however he retained no paperwork or proof of dealing with this previous petition with my Fiancee about 3+ years ago. It's actually funny that we contacted him today while he is on his (1) year wedding anniversary...ironic if you ask me. He did take the time to speak with my Fiancee and I for a few minutes and I told him since he cannot provide any document with any case number or anything, that we will be calling USCIS together on Tuesday to sort sh*t out - he is will to play ball. I won't venture further into details because of his privacy, I'm just glad there is light at the end of the tunnel. I will be calling my Congressman's office again to speak with the Liason and update her about this. She told me yesterday that she already contacted the Console in Manila, as well as USCIS not to send the packet back in a diplomatic pouch. Speaking with her tonight I'll remind her again that it's very important that she reiterates that to them...although I'm sure she knows this. 


I have one month left before out ticket to the USA. I'm hoping that I can call and light enough fires under people's @$$'s to push this through. Worst case scenario I can go to the Philippines on Dec 6th (as planned) and try to request an emergency Console meeting...HA...we will see where that goes. I think being in person though might help the situation. 


Thanks to everyone for the insight. I didn't intend to be rude when I said I don't want sympathy - I just meant that I wanted the thread to turn into something that can be referenced later for other people in the same situation who are looking for advice and help. This problem and hold up has been extremely heavy for my Fiancee and I. The past few days have felt like someone put 1000 lbs on my shoulders and said, "Good luck." Sharing information is the best way to achieve progress. The #1 advice I can give anyone...GET YOUR CONGRESSMAN OR SENATOR INVOLVED IMMEDIATELY. Yes, they cannot solve all issues. BUT, if the issue is something they can solve...the sooner the better your chances are. A lawyer is good too, but regardless...time is of the essence and I cannot fully express how important it is to act quickly. If you allow that K1 petition to leave the Embassy in a diplomatic can kiss it goodbye. It will possible take weeks to months to finally arrive in the US (passing through several Embassies on the way), and the depth at which it lays in the bottom of the stack will mean almost surely that your (4) month validity will all but vanish. If you involve the Congressman/Senator QUICKLY...and provide them with your info, case number and receipt number...they have the authority to pull it from the diplomatic pouch prior to leaving to the US. I am not making this up for people who are about to doubt me...this is what the Congressional assistant told me herself. This doesn't solve the don't think that. What it does do is allow you more time to make things work. It also allows them to use their influence and pull to request the CO to review the case himself again. The CO does his job...and that's it. He/She is trained that when they see two case numbers for the same questions. They see 500+ people a day...frankly they don't care. With the influence of the Congressional office, they can push for a review and it will be a lot more efficient than sending back to the USCIS. My Fiancee will be able to return her Passport back to the embassy via the certified courier them handing it back to her means nothing really. I refuse to include myself in the category of, "Well it happened to" I know each case is different, and if the CO even asked to see ANY of the 15lbs of paperwork that more than proves our rela over the past 3 years...he would know she is not "fishing for visas" or anything like that! He didn't even look. He saw two case numbers and that was it...again it's his whatever. 


I will update everyone again once we know something. I think it's looking good....hope so.

Edited by bigD1983, 14 November 2013 - 03:20 PM.

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 15:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

There was a thread I was looking for but can't find it. Beneficiary had a previous K1 application many years ago and the CO refused to

issue the visa because of it and wanted to return it to USCIS. He contacted his senator who straightened it out and she was issued the visa, 

the CO had actually made a mistake by letting the previous K1 stand between her and the visa.

The thread was from a few months ago, I went all through my content and can't find it. 



Yes, I did read that one as well. He went through the ringer from how it sounded...but it worked out. 


Thanks a lot for the input at least :)


Have a great day!

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 14:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition


call the embassy that he filled out k-1 visa ,  find his name and his address. may be he has so many things to tell you about her. ask him to cancel that.

In the  file in embassy,  they have all his information such as address and his full name and ?

finding someone in USA , is so easy than drinking one class water.

Also  THE embassy officer is  thinking now  you are in Afghanestan , Why she should be very hurry to come in USA. They will wait till you duty done.anyway, you try to find the ex man.


 HAHA! wow, thanks for the advice...but no thanks.


First, I cannot get any of his info from the prior's called Privacy Act. She cannot either because it's not her petition, it's his. She is just an applicant.


Second, there is nothing he can tell me about her. I have been with her for 3 yrs, seen her 5x as much as he ever did, and I have a house with her - he was with her for less 6 months...he is useless to me other than getting ride of the prior petition.


Third, me being in Afghanistan has nothing to do with anything. I still have a US home of record, I make MORE than enough for the affidavit of support, have paid full taxes since forever, and also I have known many guys who got their wives visas or fiancee's visas while overseas. Military members do it all the time. 


Again, thanks and have a great day!

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 14:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition


Okay so you want no sympathy?  You won't get it from me.  My bet is she will not be issed a visa until the other/s are cancelled in writing.



HAHA! Nice! I had to laugh at your simple reply. You also were of no thanks for that. Mentioning something I already knew wasn't what I was looking for by posting here. 


Have a great day.

Mary her in the Philippines and apply for a K-3 Visa. Don't know if this would work, but it's an idea.


They don't do K3's...from what I was told. It's now a CR1 Spousal Visa. I spoke with USCIS and they told me this will just compound the issue. She is married to me yes...but still the lingering issue of multiple K1 visa's remain. 


Until I remove that other one, we're stuck.

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-14 14:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

I just got off the phone with my Congressman's office. Out of this whole process they have been the most helpful and appreciative of the situation. I filled out a document to update them on the situation and was informed that she will forward the case this afternoon and try to reach out to Dept. of State contacts, as well as Immigration office contacts to see if the situation can be fixed. 


I definitely recommend this step before contacting a lawyer for a $300 phone call consultation!!! 


Fingers Crossed!!

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-13 13:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

...and if there is no way to contact him?? I find it hard to believe that its the final straw. Not everyone keeps in contact with ex's...especially when there is a bad break up such as this. I am currently in Afghanistan, so it's late and I'm waiting for the USCIS office to open. I'll call them first, then DoS, then a Lawyer and my Congressman. 


Not really sure what else to do. Thanks again for at least replying and giving insight.

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-13 09:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

After they initially filed, they broke up. They did nothing after that. 


The 221g says only "you have multiple K1 applications pending." There is nothing else checked or marked on the form. Just the info at the top and the consular's horrible signature on the bottom. 


Also, they gave her passport back to her...not sure if that matters.

bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-13 08:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

I'm still waiting for her to scan it to me now. I have want to review it myself. I checked into it some more and been told that I have a chance to call the embassy myself and ask to speak to the senior consular office to plead my case. Seems a little too good to be true. She isn't "fishing" for visa's or whatever else I have been reading...we have a bonafide rela of almost 3yrs. So this is very confusing to me, however I understand at the same time why it was put to AP. 


I know it's my fault for planning stuff in the US prior to having approval for all this...but I'm trying to salvage the situation before it's too late. 


Thanks for the fast reply. I'll reply once she sends the 221g. 



bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-13 07:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied - Admin Review because of prior K1 petition

I have seen a few articles on AP, and they are pretty informative - thanks. HOWEVER, I have yet to find a situation like mine (although I hear it is quite common??). My Fiance and I have been together for almost 3 years. She had a previous relationship about 4 years ago with a guy who she was engaged with and filed a K1 visa petition. They never went beyond filing it and getting an initial approval (NOA1) and no interview or travel to US. They broke up because of his cheating and treatment towards her before the process was completed. Matter of fact they only met once in person. They haven't had contact since - at all. She cannot even remember his middle name, exact age, or where he is now - no contact whatsoever. I know...weird...but it is what it is and it was a while ago.


Meanwhile, we have completed the whole process for the K1 (USCIS, NVC, and this morning failed the Embassy Interview). Every form that we filled out, we put all of the correct info. Every spot that asked about previous rela's we put his name and that they filed before together (again, this relationship was almost 4 years ago...2010ish). They denied her this morning and gave her a 221g form for Admin Processing.


We have PLENTY of proof for our rela the past 3 yrs (she brought about 15lbs of paperwork with her this morning to the Embassy), and I have visited her multiple times in the Philippines, most recently Jan 2013. I will also be going there in December (few weeks) to visit. We had our plane tickets to the US already on the 14th of Dec, with plans to get married in Vegas already booked for 21 Dec. Not to mention both our families had plans already to be a part of that celebration...wasted now.


I don't see why an approved I-129f is valid for only 4 months, yet an incompleted and outdated K1 petition is still valid and causing issues for almost 4 years now?! From what I understand I need to file a request for waiver or something?? I plan on calling the USCIS tonight, as well as DoS. If I'm not satisfied, I will be calling a lawyer but they charge $300 for a phone consultation - so that's my last ditch effort. I will not sit and wait for this Admin thing to take it's course. I want to know what I can do to make this happen. Any help or advice will be GREATLY appreciated!!!


**Please I don't need the, "I'm so sorry to hear that" or, "I hope it works out." That's useless right now. I hope I'm not being rude, but I didn't join to receive sympathy.




bigD1983Not TellingDominican Republic2013-11-13 07:31:00