US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Visa Approved after Interview
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-20 05:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow to change interview appointment to earlier date
I called embassy yesterday, the algiers one, and they said everything is booked until October: so they want us to wait 4LONG MONTHS...
Im so depressed with this..
hope that ure will be moved to an earlier date..
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-01 11:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat did happen in the US embassy in Algiers ?

First, call the DOS and ask for the status of both. They will tell you if the visa has been issued yet (Takes about a week for UPS to receive after it is issued) or not and if your dad is still in AP or approved, or if also issued. Once you have this information, I would email the embassy with the subject line something like this... Case #ALGXXXXXXXXXX - URGENT: Attention required before Wedding date - or something along those lines. Send it ASAP. If you do it through Outlook you can mark it as High Priority and tag it so you get a "read receipt". That way you know they have seen it. There is no guarantee they will answer, however they were more responsive with mine when I let them know there was urgency involved.

If they still do not answer, I would have your husband call (since he is the USC) and tell them he needs to speak to a live body in the consular section. They will tell him they cannot transfer him, but if he is insistent and lets them know you were promised something that isn't happening - they will put you through. I recommend this only as a last resort though because this is not their standard operation and it may not sit well with them. To my situation it was the only option to get my situation fixed.

I hope this was helpful, I wish you the best getting it fixed, and with the wedding! Keep us posted and let us know if there is anything else you may need! :star:

Hi thanks for youre help.

well we tried to call the DOS thise morning, as crasy as it seems ,when my husband finally got in the phone with an operator and explained the situation, she told him he need to put my mother on conference call since she is the one applying..he told her she doenst speka a very good english , she said its fien but she has to call..Weird.
we also tried to call the US citizens number, and the guy was very rude to my husband saying if its not an emergency regarding him, he cant help or transfer him. my husband got very up set..and after a moment of trying to talk to this guy, he just hang up on us ..with no notice.

we will try tomorrow with the DOS, do you have a number that you know goes directly to the non immigrant visa section?
Thanks for ure time

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2012-10-23 22:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat did happen in the US embassy in Algiers ?

The embassy does not use the local mail to return passports with visas. They must be picked up at the UPS location. You might try calling them and seeing if they have it there. If not, approvals may still need to go through AP and can take a while. The embassy will not answer anything regarding AP if it is not past due.

Thanks for youre reply.

yes my parenst know that they have to pick them up from UPS, they have been calling UPS almost everyday since, but nothing.

One detail to you since you seem knowing the consulate very well, maybe it can help you and me understand this crazy situation.

My mother got approved right away ( by the councelor), and my dad was told he is on AP...what is strange since its only a tourist visa, i have a green card and my husband is a US citizens..( knowing they already did a background check on me before allowing me in the US, how come it is so difficult for my dad).

Anyways, my parents were given a UPS slip and an other document saying its all good and my dad was told that only for him its going take longer ( up to 8 weeks) but since he knew about my wedding they are going try make it faster ( what i doubt).

a month later , nothing, i sent an email to the embassy, and no response, my mother even went back to the consulate and spoke to somebody there, that contacted the office and was told that her passport will be ready in TWO DAYS. Crazy as it is almost two weeks later..she havent heard from them. she contacted UPS..and always nothing.

can somebody explain me this situation now?
My wedding is in a week here in the US, and we have been trying contact the Algiers consulate so many times....They seem so busy at answering our emails, but not that busy to up date there status on Face book...

Edited by Moonlight2011, 23 October 2012 - 07:06 PM.

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2012-10-23 19:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat did happen in the US embassy in Algiers ?

My wife had an interview on September 23 at US embassy in Algiers, and they told her that everything is fine. All what she has to do is to wait for a visa which will be delivered from 10 to 15 days.
However, she did not receive anything. Usually, it takes less than 10 days to get a visa. I hope that the recent events occurred in Libya does not affect the functioning of the Embassy.
It's tough situation because I can not call them, moreover, they didn't respond to my emails. In fact, the Embassy does accept call only from US citizens. Unfortunately, I am permanent resident.
Does anyone here experienced a similar situation, and what were the outcomes ?
Thank you

did youre wife got her passport back with the visa???

just wondering, my parents did there interview arround sept9th, got approved and still didnt get there passport back.
the consulate do not answer our calls or emails.

please advice if you heard from them

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2012-10-23 11:52:00
PhilippinesVisa Interview Approved Today!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-25 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsyeSSS, NOA 2 finaLLY!!!
Congrats Guys..:D hope we will be next..
Please up date ure it can help others..
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-19 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Posted Image

Way to go Moonie!! Happy about your NOA2


Thank u MARI :D
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-28 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
:dance: thks MilitaryGF!
IM so Happy!! Im just praying that all will be good for the rest of us,a nd also for my interview!!!
We all need PRAYERS!!!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-27 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Hello ,:wow:
I SO HAPPY WE JUST GOT APPROVED! NOA2 in the pocket!! :lol:
i still cant believe it!! THANKS GOD!!!!!

next INTERVIEW!! i strated stressing!!!:huh:

Good luck for the ones that still waiting!!!!


Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-27 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Hello Guys,
Congratulations....we are still waiting fro NOA2..two weeks to go..!!!:D

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-23 02:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow important are multiple visits?
Loooks intersting.
My fiance visited me Two times in less than two months but for few days (lesss than a week..)
I guess if ure fiance came for more than a week its fine, but the most she comes the better it is..cause they will see that ure trying get together as much as u can do it and afford it.
Actaully im wondering if the Algerian embassy give easily visa to woman or to man...i heard so horribol things..about it i start to worry!!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-10 04:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaAbuse of power in the American Consulate
Hi... im wondering How many Blonde cold aggressive coucil embassies of the MENA area do have? LOl
well, in Algeria there is a woman (blonde...cold, arrogant....) that denied a lot of fiance visa and marriage visa......
and i still try understand why they treat people so badly!... and i guess if they put people more confortable and ask question like a friend is asking u questions, they will probbaly find out more easily if the fiance fiancee our husband and wife,and really in love or not!!!

i was reading stuff, about french embassies and other countries, and all never had to deal with so much questions and inquiries and bad attitude from coucil!!!
i guess its descrimination because we are arab!!
what do u think???
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-10 04:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Fiance's Interview Today
Waw, i feel the pain that u have been throught...and wondering why since this new Co(that came after june2009) is so agressive with applicants..!!..

Im wondering how im going deal with her in My interview...! do u remember the questions asked to ure Husband???(even if she yeld those questions..I need to be emotionally prepared..)
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-12 14:56:00
Middle East and North Africahelp with interview questions
well, i guess they will question ure story with ure wife:
here i posted a topic regarding typs of questions expected, but everything will depends on each personal story of the applicant!

i was feeling very stressed about the interview a month ago! so i found all those stuff on internet!

make sure to be ure self, Always be honest and say the truth, even if they will ask u some personal questions to make u feel uncomfortable, but just answer!!!

in ure profile u didnt fill any timeline !!! !

when i ure interview???.... mine should be in june!!!

good luck

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-15 06:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaConversion as related to visa approval...
I just read youre topic, and felt the need to Give my opinion. (maybe not all will agree ..but this how i see the things..)
Since few days i started reading almost all postings here (about the visa, the process , the issues. interview........) just to understand how to deal in my process with the differences that I do have with my Fiancé.

I'm a very liberal person (in my mind regarding the religion), im Muslim and my future husband is not.....Some will stop here and will say: hey, following Islam ure not allowed to marry a man that's not unless he convert...! okay : i know about it, and i honestly dont agree with it, and maybe this why im more not really practicing...All those stuff are my belief and I respect the ones that don't agree with me...

I think, if my relationship with my fiancé is working that way, and he we have nothing to parents don't really or fully sure (i hope) that the embassy will just question this matter ,and i hope that they will understand regarding my family and friends history and practices that its common and fine. Unless im sure i will be in trouble!!
I already asked this question on my topic,few days ago: what do the people think: if my fiancé get converted before the interview....!!!
As at today its really clear in my mind, that this not at all a very good idea: cause it just shows to the Embassy Co, that my fiancé felt the need to convert just to please, the Co point of view, maybe my culture and the Algerian Gov (that's Muslim...) unless of choosing this religion because he felt the need, after making research ,all reflection that can lead to a human to change his belief for an other and im sure that this will right away lead to a denial..cause as Staashi said: the Fiancé will look: weak and able to be manipulated !!........
The fact, if u have diffrent religion and accept it and can live together with it, its better to stay as u are, not change some factors on ure relationship in purpose to please the Co of the embassy..this will not work at all!

Best of luck for all of us.(F)

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-13 04:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Spouses Poll
Hi...Im the Fiancee woman from MENA(Algeria)..and he is the Man (American )
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-10 05:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur Visa Journey is Complete!
congrats ..:-)
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-26 04:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?
Hi, u can still send ure emails today or before sunday, i heard that the guys at the embassy check there emails..but do not answer to people timely.
also, i guess his interview is teh afternoon, and if they get the email before that, it will be taken in to consideration before the interviw.
Also, if you talk to ure fiance tonight and let him know about ure fears and than after all that u decide to quite this relationship, you can still tell him that u sent and email and talked on teh phne with somebody from embassy about ure fears and that u want stop the process, and from that u can tell him there is no need to go to interview cause for sure he will be denied and maybe banned from US..(in case he still want go to interview and use u to get his visa))))...

what the folks thinks about this??
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-10-28 14:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?
Im very sorry to hear that.
my advice after all this, is RUN, RUn and RUN far ...very far.
Email the embassy as the people adviced u, stop the process, call the embassy.
Im algerian, and i only can give you the best advice on Algerians.
I feel very sorry for you that its happening to you, but i feel if this is happening now its better than later when he will be in the Us, and u will be responsible for him for 10 years.
Im algerian woman, and im very surprised that ure finace didnt show his real algerian caracter earlier than now.Not all algerians are like that,but some are and you got unlucky to pick up this one.
Usually the algerians that are like that, uses women to have a visa and travel, and try to control the foreign woman, if she agrees in everything(like to convert, to wear hidjab, to stop all relation with male and woman friends that are not muslim...stop eating porc ,or drinking..going out alone, shopping alone...)...they will stay married..but in most cases, foreign woman dont accept and feel in prisn after few months or years..and ask for divorce, from that the man will ebhappy to divorce and have a new girlfriend(usually they already planned to marry an algerian (the moms will be happy to find a girl from same town or family to marry to..)
my question to you: is how did you feel about him, his family when u were in Algeria? u came to algeria yes? did he ever asked you to change something before: like religion, drinking...teh way you dress up??friends??what does he do in life?did he studied ?
please dont get me wrong, but im just trying to figure out how this person is, from wich area he know algeria is very big and it contain a lots of different people....!!!
unfortunatly,there are many like the new salafist, that talks about religion all time,there wifes wears burka and they have a beard and wear strange clothes (im not judging them..but this is not our clothes and culture they brought that from pakistan..and excttt countries).

i feel very a shamed to hear that he is treating you that way. please think twice, but i will recomand you to broke up with him and run away, he doesnt deserve you, and believe me youre life is going be a night marre if he gets to the US.
if you need any help just send me an email here on VJ.i will be happy to talk to u and share my thoughts on this situation.
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-10-28 12:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily Death Overseas
Hi Danni,
very sorry for youre husband and My condolences to you guys for your loss.

Try youre best to be with him, and make him feel you`re support... if youre family can visit him more often this week, and present there condoleances, im sure he will appreciated, its very important to feel that everybody loves you and feel youre pain even if they didnt knew his ,yes if you can get ure family, friends coming home visiting him even if its for just for few hours this will help him to not feel alone!.
Give him space, but also, youre his wife so be the one to contact algeria and try get his family and talk to them, he must be very sad and maybe not able to think ,in what to tell them or even he will feel not bothering them and calling... a support from his friend in algeria is important too, even if its through: skype ,emails or the phone...its always good!.

we think about you guys!
Take care

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2012-01-04 19:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvice in buying Caftan In Moroco
THANKS Girl..;-)...
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-13 02:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvice in buying Caftan In Moroco
THANK U SO MUCH..........
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-11 10:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvice in buying Caftan In Moroco
Hello ,

Im going to Moroco next month for holidays, and will stop in Casablanca(one day), than head to marakech and Agadir...
Im algerian and my fiance is i will be able to understand morccan people..:-)

I want buy a very Nice Caftan for me and my mom, and some stuff(souvenirs...for house..)..i would be happy if one of u guys that are familiar with places and shops and also Prices.. could guide me.

Also we will be traveling by train from Casa to u know how much it cost??

Thanks all in advacnce..:D

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-06-09 04:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny hope for december fillers!!
I have no clue..we had our NOA december 8...we are still waiting fro NOA2..>:S
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-25 02:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy marked case as a "No Show" after husband attended interview
its crazy, i have been trying contact them for my family visas ,they never answer my emails, i cant call, and when i called the embassy they dont wnat forward me to the cosular section.
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2012-10-04 09:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Visa Denied at US Embassy

well, i live in Algiers and there are a lot of good school of english, that are even known by the US embassy !!!

I have no Idea where ure husband live, but thats right that out of the big cities: live algiers, Oran constantine, anaba and hassi messaoud... english school may be difficult to be found.

Isma, i think ure big issue here on the student visa, is not because of his application but maybe the information on that application: if u was his sponsor, if he mentionned u somewhere?? does the Co asked him about a fiance or girlfriend..
and than there were an other issue, in ure Cr1 application: just about info there, did u guys mention that he got denied a student visa!!!!
I got denied my second tourist visa with that Co just because i was honest i put my Boyfriend in the application that he invited me for holidays, i was stupid to think that i have nothing to hide, so i found it its normal im going visit him so i put him in my application, taking in consideration that i got few months before a tourist visa without any was an other Co, before this one gets there....(if i really had something to hide i would put the name of the friend a girl that invite me to US teh first time...but i didnt

I think that Co, is just very hard in giving visa to all those long distance relationships ! i guess she hardly think that it works. After reading alot of people stories i think she just give hard time to couple and put them in AP to see if it really works!

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-28 06:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Visa Denied at US Embassy
I dont think the problem here is the Age...!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-26 17:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Visa Denied at US Embassy
for me this what i see as red flag:

met once, dated online and rapidely got married......----> if i was the co: i will think this: he met her once, keept in toutch with the girl on internet and made her help him to come to study,it didnt work than he mad eher coming to algiria and Marry her...
the co will not care about u working,and ure life in USA, they care about ure algerian husband : cause remember as a fiance or husband he will be in the next 5 years maybe a US citizen and will be able to bring other memebers of his family to the US...(to sponsor them..), they maybe just analyse him as a future immigrant:his age, education, salary and situation in Algeria and also who sponsor him for the student visa..Did u appear on it somewhere in the application???

the last point: is that for the Co in tree years u guys met : 3 times..(im i Wrong)???.... This is ure major red flag, unfortunatly, if u only traveled to see him is an other one.

the algerian embassy is being really difficult with Fiance and mariage visa: cause in each time it seems that there is just one person that is running this relationship: `traveling to algeria`.
So i guess in the future u guys u have to have a plan to show that, u guys do ure max to met and see each other even if its hard: like meet in Tunisia, Morroco, or Europe, or if ure husband has issues to get visa to europe , try choose countries that algerian do not need visa(i know there arent a lot..but there are som egood ones..:)

i hope that the other memeb ers of this forum will comme with more light and help more.

Let me know if u want talk by email.
send me ure
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-26 16:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Visa Denied at US Embassy
Sorry to hear what happend to ure husband.

well if u want my advices please contact me, i know very well how hard to be burned out by the Co, theya re usually unfaire...
but as people told u here, if u wan advice(complete ones..): u have to give more details about ure situation and story...cause : yes each case is diffrent, but when we do have some pertinent details like: if he works, how much u guys dated... ure situation in many time su guys visited each other in Algeria and abroad...)..Than we can really advice u regarding ure personal case, and also help u focus and identify what can be ure Red Flags..than work them out..or just try to clarify them to the Co

U have to click up Watch topic: at ure right in the top so u can receive emails that notify u peope comments..

I sent u a private message by the way.

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-26 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to prepare when waiting For NOA2
Hello, guys….:yes::)

On may way of research and understanding the process of K1 and all what I should prepare after I will get my NOA2 by the way im still waiting….

I found usuful information here in VJ forum about document that should be gathered for the interview: :thumbs:

What to send to your fiance(e) once the I-129F is approved (Receive NOA2):
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-14 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE APPROVED!!!
Congrats Guys..:D
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-19 05:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerned after being over questioned at the airport
Im sorry for that.
My fiance wasnt questionned when he returned from Algeria, but they took away fruits(dattes that we offred him..)...

Good luck!
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-24 03:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 approval status
Hi, well we got our NOA1. the 8 of december2010. i think following what the timeline is: u have to wait until ure reach 5 months and mayeb a few days (5 days..)
than start calling them. before u cant do anything
the ones that got theres, was maybe: luck or just theire case were easier !!!
thants it.
So be patient...:D
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-25 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphotos as evidence of meeting....

Petition approval is not visa approval. Be very well prepared for the interview.

Yes. im trying to be! :D
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-03 05:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphotos as evidence of meeting....
well we just got approved NOA2, and we submit 0 ZERo: Yes zero photos, cause we had enought proves of meeting in those last two years: my trip to the USA, our trip meeting in Europe and flights and hotels, and his trip to Algeria, plus phone record!
we didnt submitt: any emails or chat record or letters with that! im not sure im going do that to the embassy, maybe just few emails and letters, cause we never though of saving chat logs,and feel its really strange that peopel save there chat conversation, this maybe will show that all this relationship is planned since the first conversation, i guess to be unperfect somehow in evidence is normal!

I guess ,u dont have to put too much pictures, just organize them carefuly, by trip and periode, that will tie to the trips and travel evidence, and also, choose pics together, activities, but also with people: freinds, family .....

Hope this may help!

we will see, what the co will ask me at interview! :D

Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-04-29 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdocumentary proof
Thanks guys for the reply.
well, yes Jimvaphuong is right, Algeria is not UK..issues are so big ...
Well here i m, since i wrote to u guys the message, i have organized the most important pictures by trip: so my first one to the USA, than europe trip together than his 1st trip to Algeria, his second and included a small trip together to tunisia, than and finally his last trip this may in Algeria.. So i fund my self, like TOOOO much pictures Like almost 50 in each trip,and 100 for the europe one(because we were in Paris, prague , nice and monaco..)...
Now im thinking, the Co has few minutes to look at them and want see just enough to say okay, this looks like acouple having fun and enjoying each other.. but how many can be enough?? like 10 for each trip??? cause i tryied to select the ones with friends family and connection , very few are about juts him and me...

Please advice me...
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-25 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdocumentary proof
Hello Guys,
Im just wondering: how many pictures we should present at the interview (taking in consideration i have seen my fiance including the first time i met him: in total i have 5 trips!° how many pictures i should present on each trip???
Thanks for ure help
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-23 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i have my inetrview in an other country?
Okay.. thanks for the advice :)....we are already making plans to meet outside US and algeria for holidays...:D
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-31 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i have my inetrview in an other country?
:blush:Okay. well my fear is that my fiance visa application will expire ( i understand that the NOA2 expire after 4 months..)...but if u say that the embassy is in charge to revewiew it..that will be fine for me(even if me and my faince we had plans for this summer..but ..:(..):wacko:
what kind of document we should request from the embassy to reneview the application if it expire??? can i do now things to prevent misunderstanding until October???

its annoying that there are no date available, but u are right i have no other residency in an other country and it takes also time to get an other one in Tunisia or other... grrr ....!

Thanks for ure answer.
Moonlight2011FemaleAlgeria2011-05-31 05:21:00