United KingdomAdvice anyone? Please!
Confused.. I dont know the first thing about fiance visas... I was leaving it till after I got past this one... This ones bad enough.. I know its not even scraping the fiance visa though lol!
Lady PinderFemale02008-03-19 17:31:00
United KingdomAdvice anyone? Please!
It's something we're going to have to talk about when I'm over there.. What Im not sure about is shall I start applying for a fiance visa as soon as I get back? Or should I wait a while? I just really don't want to mess this up >.<
Lady PinderFemale02008-03-13 11:18:00
United KingdomAdvice anyone? Please!
The main reason Im going over there is cause I havent been there yet.. and I know in order to apply for a fiance visa you need to have been there.. But.. is it a wise idea to apply for a fiance visa to get married when I get back? Or would it be better if he applied for a fiance visa? I know its kinda jumping the gun a bit.. But its something we are both thinking about as we have wanted to get married for ages now, its just the problem of I have never been there, because it was always easier for him to come here cause he has a clean record and didnt need a visa till he got denied entry..
Lady PinderFemale02008-03-10 12:25:00
United KingdomAdvice anyone? Please!
Yeah Ive been telling him that Im going to tell them the truth about us and everything when I go to the embassy.. He's paranoid cause of him being refused entry to England and is scared I wont be granted a visa because of it as well..
Lady PinderFemale02008-03-10 05:38:00
United KingdomAdvice anyone? Please!
Hey there,

Kinda a new to this site.. was recommended it by a friend. Kinda need a little bit of help as my heads in a mess and I dont have a clue what to do!

Myself and my other half have been together 2 years now. He lives in America (Louisiana) and I live in England. I'm 20 and he's 21. We have seen each other ect, he came over here for 3 months last year from April-June. He tried coming back again in August but was denied entry as he was trying to come back for 6 months and immigration at Gatwick found a engagment ring on him for me and stated that they didnt believe he was going to leave the country after his stay because he had no job to go back to, he had an engagment ring on him, he was coming for 6 months and I lied to them.. (unaware that he had told them about me) We didnt know that he needed any visa's to come over here as he has a clean criminal record and had no problems last time he came over.. Yes niave I know and we've paid for it.. We havent seen each other since August last year :-(

I'm currently in process of applying for a visa to go over and visit him in the states, I have to apply for a visa to enter the states as a tourist becuase I have a criminal record, which is.. 2 warnings and a conviction of £50 damage which resulted in paying the money and a 3 month referal order. I have a full time job here and all my family are here, as well as the place i live in (rented).
I'm worried that I will have problems at the embassy if I tell them about him and I when I go and get my visa on the 4th April. Should I tell them about us? and explain the situation? or something else? please help!

Sorry to have wrote a novel and im extremely grateful for anyone that replies, really need help here!

Lady PinderFemale02008-03-09 17:21:00
United KingdomPolice Cert
I only got my police certificate a few weeks back.. And that cost me £40.. They keep changing the prices >.<
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-09 11:46:00
United KingdomAdvice please?
I rang the embassy about getting denied and they said that I'll just have to try again and get stronger ties.. How?!?! >.< Having some problems with Germany now.. His mothers german yes.. and was a German citizan when he was born.. But he cant state that he has family in germany as his mums green card ran out last year and she hasnt renewed it.. so if they ask who his mum is.. and he gives her name she could be deported.. or so has been said...
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-15 07:39:00
United KingdomAdvice please?
Is that no visa needed for either of us? cause we are both in the same situation at the moment apart from the fact I can go into any EU country..

I need a visa to go to canada too.. >.< Exactly the same thing as America.. and Mexico is the same as well.. Any country surrounding the US I need a visa for
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-09 11:42:00
United KingdomAdvice please?
He was coming back too soon after he left, they didnt believe he was going to leave the country at the end of his visit because they found an engagement ring on him.. he proposed to me in the detention center they locked him in over night =(

When you say somewhere tropical.. where could we both go visa free?
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-09 08:58:00
United KingdomAdvice please?
Thing is though.. Where? I was thinking Germany.. Because he has family in Germany.. Cause his mothers german.. But its an EU country... so he'll need a visa cause he was denied entry to here and got a black mark put in his passport..
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-09 07:00:00
United KingdomAdvice please?
IM worried about trying again though.. I spent about £250 in total getting all the stuff together for that appointment and getting there.. and thats alot of money to throw away for me..
We're finding out somewhere else where we can meet up for a bit.. Even if I do apply for another visitors visa its going to be months until I get an appointment.. I was waiting for this one since January..
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-09 06:49:00
United KingdomAdvice please?
I had to apply for a visa because i have been arrested in the past.. therefore needing a visitors visa =(
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-09 06:34:00
United KingdomAdvice please?
Im kinda in a mess at the moment.. I got refused a visitors visa to the US because apparently I dont have sufficiant ties to the UK.. I have my own place.. I have 2 jobs.. and all my family and friends are here.. The consular office I saw didn't explain anything to me.. Just handed me a piece of paper and said that will explain everything and that I can reapply tomorrow.. Well. The piece of paper didn't explain anything just told me i'd been refused.. I took everything I needed to the embassy with me.. Rent book, bank statements I also have a contract phone which is a 18 month contract.. I'm just at a loss for what to do.. Theres no point in reapplying because its just going to happen again and now its on my records that I got denied.. My other half (Louisiana) was denied entry into the UK last August and we havent seen each other since.. Hence me wanting to go over there.. but now we are both in the same position and we're really worried things are not going to work out to even see each other again let alone have the future we want..
Any advice?
Lady PinderFemale02008-04-09 05:29:00
United KingdomInformation for Marriage in Barbados
ok then thank you for everything happy.gif
Lady PinderFemale02008-10-11 09:01:00
United KingdomInformation for Marriage in Barbados
Just.. once I get back here... how do I go about getting a spousal visa to go there? Or what do i do when i get back :/ I dont know what do from then on..
Lady PinderFemale02008-10-11 08:14:00
United KingdomInformation for Marriage in Barbados
Cause we wanted to get married in Barbados at Xmas..
Lady PinderFemale02008-10-11 08:08:00
United KingdomInformation for Marriage in Barbados
I have a CRB.. which on that says..


Offenses against property

(This was £50 damage to a wardrobe in the place i used to live inback at the beginning of 2005.. seriously pathetic thing to get someone arrested for but still..)

I was taken up the the Magistrates court with this offense


Offenses against proprty - 2002 (Trashed my old childrens home kitchen)
Fraud and kindred offences - 2004 (I topped up my phone with my mums credit card and she got me arrested for it..)

I was a bit of a bad kid... Wouldn't have done any of that #### if I knew I would be in the situation now crying.gif

I just want to get everything sorted and get over there.. so we can start our lives together.. and I'm so lost as to what to do :-(
Lady PinderFemale02008-10-11 08:02:00
United KingdomInformation for Marriage in Barbados
I have 2 warnings and a conviction on my criminal record.. its nothing bad... but its why i had to apply for a visitors visa to go for a visit to the US, I was denied that cause apparently 2 jobs, my own place and all my family and friends aren't enough proof to say I'm going to come back to the UK.. I did look at fiance lawyers in the US but they were like £3000+ I wish I had that much money...
As for him coming to the UK Im happy to leave everything behind.. and to leave this country.. He doesnt want to leave his.. Plus he hates england, after the way they treated him in immigration when he got denied entry he never wants to step foot back in this country which is a bummer..
I just dont know what to do.. me being niave though we could get married in Barbados and everything would work out from there on.. :-(
Lady PinderFemale02008-10-11 07:49:00
United KingdomInformation for Marriage in Barbados
Was wondering if anyone can help me.. I'm English and My Fiance is American for starts :-P

We've just come back from Barbados 5 weeks ago, the reason why we went there was because neither of us could go into either ones country because of things that have happened in the past which you'll find on my last two posts.. And it was the first place we could think of going to actually spend some time together again...

While we were in Barbados we found out we could get married there 24 hours after being on the island.

We are going back to Barbados in December hopefully to be there for christmas so as to finally have our first christmas together..

If we get married there then which we are really keen to do.. will it be a valid marriage certificate here in the UK and in the US?

Cause the next plan of action after us getting married is for me to apply for a spousal visa and go out to the US..

Can anyone give me any advice on what to do?

Thanks happy.gif
Lady PinderFemale02008-10-10 12:31:00