IMBRA Special TopicsRFE Question
Can someone please tell me what IMBRA stands for>?? I hope I am not missing out on something important?? I just got my RFE in today also.. but my I-130 was apporved last week so not sure what to do about it all!!

becca x

I received the RFE today and mailed it back already. Its quite simple asking if I meet my spouse through an IMBRA and if I have commited any crinmes listed in the RFE.

If anyone can help me I do have one question concerning waiver request. Last year I submitted a k1 visa request and it was approved. But later I withdrew the petition because my fiance and I decided to get married in her country of residence. Now I am married and going the k3 route. I am not sure if a waiver request is required or applicable to k3 because we are already married and it seems to reference the k1 in the RFE I received.

beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-04 05:48:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Fantastic post mate!! what a :star: you are .I will be coming from Glasgow too so you pretty much covered my whole journey.. ( when the time comes) London is so scary.. this helps loads! Cheers very much!
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-19 08:20:00
United KingdomJuly 3rd Interview, Visa finally approved today

Well guys, we had our interview in London on the 3rd of July. However, I didn't want to post until we had some definitive answers. So here is our saga:

Monday 3rd July, we had a 9am appointment so we took the morning train in with all the commuters. Took a taxi to the Embassy & got in line (we were just behind 1 person) at about 8:30. Around 9am they started letting us in & by then the line had grown quite a bit behind us. We went through the security hut & made our way to the back of the Embassy & into the Visa unit. We were given a number by the man and took a seat to watch the board. It's a very cool TV-like board that shows what number is being serviced at what counter and also what numbers are waiting for which type of service (Immigrant Visa, non-immigrant Visa, interview) Anyway, after about 20 minutes we were called to window #1. The guy took our letter and asked for our forms. (I highly suggest having all your copies tabbed in a folder so you can quickly give them as they are asked for) He took the originals and the copies of all the birth certificates, marriage license, divorce decrees, etc) He then asked if my husband had his medical yet. We said yes & told him he had it on May 30th. He disappeared for a minute and then came back with a pink courier slip for us to fill out. He told us to have a seat & wait to be called again.

As I sat there I realized that we had a problem. The other people waiting for Immigrant Visas had their x-rays that they had been given. We weren't given anything. Sure enough, after about 40 minutes we were called to window #13. The guy gave us back the originals we had given them and then asked my husband to raise his hand and swear that he was telling the truth. He took his fingerprints and asked us a couple of minor questions (What did my husband do for a living? Did I have a job lined up in the US? What was the source of my income on the I-134 since I was living in the UK and not working?) It seemed routine and he seemed satisfied with our answers. I offered the copies of the last 3 years worth of tax returns to him but he wasn't interested. He then asked when my husband had his medical. We told him again & showed him the copy of the vaccination certificate my husband was given. He disappeared for a few minutes and then came back to say they hadn't received his medical report. He said everything was fine except for that. He said they would keep my husband's passport and call the MD's office. If there was a problem they would call us & let us know. We left the window and paid the courier.

We then caught a cab and went to the Basil Street MD's office to find out what was going on. I should mention here that at the time of his appointment, the MD told my husband that because he had suffered a heart attack in April there was a chance that his Visa would be denied. My husband had been hospitalized and had stents placed to relieve the blockage. Since then he has had a clean bill of health from his cardiologist who said he just needs to continue on medication and his new healthy lifestyle. No further treatment is needed. Anyway, we told the MD at Basil st. that and he said he needed copies of the records. I had faxed two sets of records to him to back up our statement the week after the medical. Apparently, he had not seen the fax I sent and my husband's chart was sitting on a desk with a note that they were waiting for records from us. :angry: Anyway, when we went to the office the secretary said the MD had just looked at the chart and said he had everything he needed and everything was okay.

The next day was July 4th so the Embassy was closed. I figured they would probably look at the records on Wednesday the 5th and issue the Visa that day. Thursday came and went with no sign of the courier. Friday was the same. After a stressful weekend, Monday morning I emailed the Embassy. I got the standard automated response that they would answer in 3-4 days. Tuesday I had no response. I called the Embassy and explained that we had purchased nonrefundable tickets for the 18th and we needed my husband's passport. I was told to email again and use a reference # in the subject line. I did and had no response. Wednesday, I called again and was told to email with the reference # and to use the red exclamation mark to show it was urgent. Nothing. So, I called again and somebody gave me a fax# to try. I faxed, I called, I faxed again! Eventually I got through to someone who said our file was sitting there with a note on it saying they were waiting for the medical. I called the MD's office and they said they sent the report on July 4th.

Today we got an email from the Embassy that said they had received the medical, but due to my husband's pre-existing condition they would require proof of medical insurance before they would issue the Visa! :o They gave me a contact person to call which I did. He asked if I could put my husband on my insurance and I had to explain to him that since we both live in the UK neither one of us has US health insurance! I plan on getting him put on mine when I start working after we get back to the States. He said he'd have to check with someone else to see if that was okay. I told him we have travel insurance in the meantime. He called back later and said he had spoken to the head Consular agent and that they had decided to approve the Visa with the understanding that we get health insurance for my husband upon arrival in the US.

He said they were going to issue the Visa today but it takes 24 hours for them to get them back (from where??) Since we have such a short time before we travel, he said to call them tomorrow and if we want to pick up the passport on Monday instead of relying on the courier service he would make us an appointment to come to the Embassy and get it. So, we're going to London on Monday! I'm scared to celebrate too much until we actually have it in hand, but I think we may actually have a Visa!!! :dance:

Wow what an ordeal! Glad to hear you are getting the Visa though! Good luck & Congrats
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-19 08:36:00
United KingdomVaccination History

hi there,

Just wondered if you have to have a vaccination history from your doctor for your medical/interview ( I know I ave a while to go but just want to get everything I need sorted)
I called my doctors about it but they dont seem to know what I am needing?/Any ideas? ( bloody NHS)

You can get a "vaccination supplement form" from your doc-it will list all the shots you have had.

I will try to find the list of vaccinations you will need(keep in mind you will need them for adjustment of status-NOT for the k-1) but getting shots now will save you loads of money-they are expensive here in the US.

just realized you are applying for a k-3.................not sure if this info applies to you or not :blink:

someone else will help :blush:

I am applying for K3 and CR1 already married to my US hubby :) so think it applies to me. I will see what the docs says about the vacination supplement form.. I am guessing you have to pay for it!?

Vaccination requirements:

  • mumps
  • measles
  • rubella
  • polio
  • tetanus and diptheria toxoids-18 and over
  • pertussis
  • influenzae type b (hib)
  • hepatitis B-age 19 and under
  • varicella pneumococcal
  • influenza-age 50 and above

What is pertussis?? never heard of it in my life!! lol .. man I will be like a wee pin cushion...hee he
thanks :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-19 09:55:00
United KingdomVaccination History
hi there,

Just wondered if you have to have a vaccination history from your doctor for your medical/interview ( I know I ave a while to go but just want to get everything I need sorted)
I called my doctors about it but they dont seem to know what I am needing?/Any ideas? ( bloody NHS)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-19 08:50:00
United KingdomHas anyone got a police report in less than 40 days?
well I applied for mine about 2 week ago and got a letter in a few dyas back from the police saying there were no records held of me.. i.e i have no police record ( good little lass :innocent: )
.. is that my police report??
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-19 08:24:00
United KingdomWhich AOS for London!

Hello all,
Just found out our K3 has now been sent from NVC to London Embassy.. I know my hubby ( who is petitioner) has to fill out an AOS for the interview ( well I thnk he does anyway) Just wondered which form it is so we can have things prepared in advance.. Getting mail to and from CA is taking its time at the mo!

Cheers very much!! :)

This is what we had to fill out:

G-325A (x2)

It seems as though alot of people have had problemss with the supporting documents (us included). He might want to try and get the certified copys from the IRS and see if that makes any difference.

Oh, and if you want to work and travel:

I-765 - employment authorization
I-131 - Advanced Parole

PS. you can find Irn bru here if you kow where to look.

Whay problems with what documents exactly!? And who fills out what.. I am guessing 1-864 is done by hubby... I already have a socail Security number from a previous J1 visa I was on in 2004 so not sure how that is going to work for me?
Any idea how long after the embassy get the K3 stuff they send u packet3?
Sorry for all the Q's!
thanks for the tip on Irn Bru.. my hubby found a store that sells Salad cream! :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-09-24 12:30:00
United KingdomWhich AOS for London!
Hello all,
Just found out our K3 has now been sent from NVC to London Embassy.. I know my hubby ( who is petitioner) has to fill out an AOS for the interview ( well I thnk he does anyway) Just wondered which form it is so we can have things prepared in advance.. Getting mail to and from CA is taking its time at the mo!

Cheers very much!! :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-09-24 11:20:00
United KingdomVaccination Record?
I was just at the doctors today to see about my vaccinations... they told me it will take a while they have to search through my very messy looking file for all my vaccination history! btw.. do we have to get the HepB vaccination.?? My nurse said it is very costly and it supossed to be done over a period of 6 months??
Which vaccinations DO we HAVE to have??

becca :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-09-27 14:14:00
United KingdomVaccination Confusion
I am as confused as you!! I have no idea which jabs I need to get if any at all. I got MMR, polio, dip, tetunus & menegitus ( dont think thats how you spell it) all at school!! But I have no Idea about the rest on the list I got from the NVC...
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-09-27 14:50:00
United KingdomYEY Packet 4 is here!
whats DOS and whats the number??


Im sooooooooooo excited :dance: :dance: :dance:
My husband called the DOS yesterday and we were told the date but i told him i wasnt willing to believe it untill i had it in writing.
Well the postman has just been and I have it :)
Anyone else on here have there interview on the 18th???? Its only 2 weeks away, I have a TON of thing's to do before i fly back to the US with my hubby which we are looking to do around the 25th!

For those of you who are still waiting, hang in there! Keep calling the DOS they have the most uptodate info as we were told there computers are updates every 24 hours. Your turn is coming ;)

beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-10 06:43:00
United KingdomWhat is DOS & whats the number??
thanks very much! Im guessing its not open yet I keep forgetting about that time diffference thing !! oops :P
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-10 07:26:00
United KingdomWhat is DOS & whats the number??
hello there i read on another thread that i can call the DOS to find out my interview date before they send out the letter!! What is the DOS and does someone have the number please!!


beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-10 06:48:00
United KingdomNobody to talk to!??
Thanksso much I am on hold now for a visa specialist ( 10 min wait)!! I hope its good news and they have an interview date for me!!

beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-10 09:23:00
United KingdomNobody to talk to!??
Hello I just tried calling the department of state on 001 202 663 1225 as I was told I could maybe find out my interview date from this number.. but I have tried several times and cant get through to an operator it just keeps giving automated information!!
Does anybody know where else to call to find out your interview date for London?? I have my medical next week and would love to know when my interview is.. it cant be too far off right???

Any help would be great Thanks!!
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-10 09:11:00
United KingdomDivorce
I hope you get it all sorted!! You just cant get the staff these days!! :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-12 17:08:00
United KingdomI'm not on the system!! :(
Thanks everyone its frustrating to come this far and have to wait more weeks!! You'd think I'd be used to waiting now tho huh!! :)
I hope I get my interview soon I am really missing my husband so much right now! it was our 1 year anniversary on the 1st and it was just horrible being apart for it!!
Thanks again!! And good luck to you all on your journeys too!
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-12 13:15:00
United KingdomI'm not on the system!! :(
I just called the DOS to see if there was an interview for me yet.. and the woman said that either the london embassy has not recieved my packet 3 documents or they have not put it on the systerm i yet... They got them on the 2ndOct I sent it recorded/next day delivery!! So just wondering how long before they input my stuff and give me an interview date! have my medical on the 16th so hope the interview isnt too long behind!

Thanks ( sorry for the moan)!

beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-11 16:41:00
United Kingdomhow to Pay for the medical?
Thanks!! I thikn I will just do that too!
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-14 11:24:00
United Kingdomhow to Pay for the medical?
I have medical on monday and was just wondering how you can pay for it?? Cheque, cash or switch card?? Whats best?

beccaNot TellingScotland2006-10-14 11:09:00
United Kingdomvisa bargain!
The immigration lady at the Embassy told me to sell it to someone to get my money back as they do not issue refunds.
there is no case number or anything on it.. its a basic receipt from the bank. One copy for you one for the embassy
I would never have thought about selling it if the lady at the Embassy hadn't said anything!
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-11-16 14:35:00
United Kingdomvisa bargain!
Hey people
If anyone has to pay the £63 for the London embassy and you wouldlike to save yourself some money please contact me!
I paid the £63 for my K3 but i got my CR1 instead and the embassy couldnt give me a refund so I have the reciept thing you take to the embassy.
I'll sell it to someone for £50. Just send me a message!
first one to reply gets it
Hope this is ok with people!! I was totally ripped off going to london andspent nearly £200 on train fares!! so I need to make some of it back for flight to the USA!!

I got my VISA! 11th Dec is the date i have picked!!
Good luck to you all!

becca xx
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-11-16 13:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Evidence- Hubby is volunteering just now!!

Hi becca and welcome to VJ

You can find the abbreviations/acronyms HERE At any time it can be accessed in the VJ FAQ tab at the top of the page. You will then find the link in the left column at the bottom.

If your husband does not earn 125% of the poverty guidelines which is the amount generally wanted by the consulates to show that the applicant wont become a public charge, then yes you will need a joint sponsor. Check with others going through the same consulate as to whether 100% or 125% is required. His parents can sponsor you by completing an I-134.

Whatever you can muster to show that you have an ongoing relationship and bonafide marriage.

All the best to you.

Thanks so much for your advice. I was having a stressful moment there and thought I wouldnt get it!! I'll get his parents to sponsor.. Also my sister has just become a citizen in the USA so she can sponsor me too!
Thanks again :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-06-15 04:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Evidence- Hubby is volunteering just now!!
hi there,

My hubby and I have applied for the K-3 visa. he is american i am from Scotland. I am worried about our evidence of support for the interview whenever I acctually hear about it.
Hubby is currently not working but volunteering for the Park service in Calafornia untill Aug. he will be working after that. We dont have a house/app in the USA and will prob be living at his parents till we get on our feet.
I am worried though that we wont have sufficient funds to support ourselves. in us gov eyes and that i get refused the K-3. I heard that you can get other friends or family to sign a form saying they will support you financially.. any idea what this is called and what we should do!!

Also i haev no idea what sort of thing the us gov wants for evidence of our relationship.. pics, emails, phone bills.. plane tickets, anything else??

Any help would be great as we are still new to all this visa stuff and not too sure what comes next!! or what all the abbrevations are lol!

becca x
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-06-15 03:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing dates udated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's really sad the date for K-3 hasn't changed , but in fact it's only what we should've expected - we heard of no one approved yet... With my NOA1 date of April 7, we didn't even recieve an RFE! I am totally counting on CR-1 progress now.

I know how you feel .. we had our I-130 apporved before the I-129 and we only got an RFE for the K3.. whats that all about?? bit confusing.. Worst part is my hubby is in Calafornia on volunteer work in the mountains.. all paperwor is sent to Wisconsin so we are waiting for it to get to California... but my mother in law sent it snail mail!! Should have told her to fed Ex it!! hope it gets there soon so we can poss move along quicker with K3.. but who knows what will happen

keep your chins up people! and :D

beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-12 04:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Appointment missed(?) Help!

I can't find any info in the FAQs or Guides about this, so I'm hoping someone here knows something about it. My wife is from Thailand, she has been here since late October on a K-3 Visa. Today we just received a letter stating that we missed our scheduled appointent in May, but this is the first we have heard of it. We never received notification of this appointment and this is the first we have heard of it. Now my wife is in danger of losing her right to work and possibly being deported. The letter I got has no phone number, only an address. I suppose I can write them and try to find a phone number to tell them that this is not my fault....But if anyone knows how to begin fixing this, or can even point me in the right direction, please let me know. I think I need to file some sort of "appeal" form(even though the letter says the decision cannot be repealed, only "reopened") and then file the same Adjustment of Status forms again. And hope I get contacted this time. What a mess. The text of the letter is reproduced below. I'm worried, any help is most appreciated.

Decision on Application For Status as Permanent Resident


On December 28, 2005, you filed an Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, Form I-485, under Section 245 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. You were scheduled to appear for an interview regarding permanent residency on May 5, 2006. You failed to appear for your scheduled appointment and/or failed to submit justification of your absences prior to the interview. A search of Service records reflects no report of a change of address.

* CFR 103.2(B)(13), as amended, states in pertinent part:

... If a person requested to appear for an interview does no appear, the Service does not receive his or her request for rescheduling by the date of the interview, or the applicant or petitioner has not withdrawn the application or petition, the application or petition shall be considered abandoned and, accordingly, shall be denied.

8 CFR 103.2(B)(15), as amended, states in pertinent part:

A denial due to abandonment may not be appealed, but an applicant or petitioner may file a motion to reopen under 8 CFR 103.5. Withdrawal or denial due to abandonment does not preclude the filing of a new application or petition with a new fee.

Since you failed to appear for either interview, the application for adjustment of status is denied.

Any rights or privileges, including the right to reside and work in the United States, which you derived from the filing of the application, are terminated.

Failure to file a new Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status prior to the expiration of your K-3 non-immigrant visa will result in the initiation of removal proceedings.

hi there,
I am really sorry for your troubles.. I am not expert but maybe you could call one of the service centers and speak to someone or even go down to a service centre and try to speak to someone there and explain your situation. If you didnt recieve any notification of the interview then in my opinion it is their fault not yours..
I hope everything works out! good luck :thumbs:
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-14 04:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNON Benefit Center

I really dont think its the right thing to be calling USCIS staff names, and making generalised assumptions about their work behaviours.

This forum is monitored by lawyers, DHS, and USCIS from time to time according to several reports from other members here, who have had interviews where the IO has mentioned this site,...Just be careful.

I know this process can be frustrating :yes:


I really dont think its the right thing to be calling USCIS staff names, and making generalised assumptions about their work behaviours.

This forum is monitored by lawyers, DHS, and USCIS from time to time according to several reports from other members here, who have had interviews where the IO has mentioned this site,...Just be careful.

I know this process can be frustrating :yes:


Yeah,, I really don't care.. How long are we going to put up with this #######... You want to wait forever???

We are all in the same boat here.. why not try to be supportive and positive instead of bringing a negative vibe to the forum! A little patience can go a long way!! Good things come to those who wait! :yes:
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-17 08:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAppointment Monday
Congratulations!! have a good trip and good luck in the future!! :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 14:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE received!
I just this very min got an email from USCIS saying they have the RFE!!! ( I feel a bit sheepish now from my moment of maddness today)

SO now I shall try to relax and just wait :) I hope more people get a notice too!!
Good luck everyone & sorry for my earlier post! :blush:
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 14:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-Visa Support Counsel
Welcome to VJ!! And welcome to the whole new world of K3 visas!! :)
Dont be shy if you have any questions at all just ask and there will be at least 1 or 2 people who wil have the answer!!
Good luck :thumbs:
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 15:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!
Thanks metinspain!
Ilove VJ I'm not sure what i would do with out it now.. it helps so much and everyone is so nice on here always saying good luck and someone out there always knoww the asnwer! I hope when i have been through it all I can help people too!! Maybe I will deal with stress better when I with Jeff again!! :)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 13:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!

He's a guy!!

He'll support you in other ways...!

Where are you from in Scotland?

From Arbroath!! Prob why i am going a bit insane today!! This town will do that to you.. lol was born in Dundee though all my dads family are from there!

thanks again for your post
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 13:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!
I'm sorry if I have upset anyone here.I was having a pretty bad day today and lot has been going on. I'm also sorry for lowering the tone and not giving a good vibe. As i said i dont normally go off on one!! I was just having a particularly bad day today..
I love my husband with all my heart.. and I have told him excatly how I feel about all this too its not like i just slag him off behind his back. But sometimes you get frustrated with your partner and angry and its hard to understand why or what to do about it!! I just needed to vent other wise I was going to shout at someone on the phone at work and lose my job over it too..
I personally struggle with controlling my stress levels and do freak out easliy.. its something I am trying to rectify.. But I always know when I have been OTT and apologise to Jeff!
We have already dont the whole visa thing for Jeff to come to the UK ( but decided we liked USA better ) and in that case again I did most of the research and things.. I was just looking for him to take more of an interest and help me also.. is that so much to ask for??? :(
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 13:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!

I actually feel pretty sorry for your husband and I can understand his reluctance to do anything to speed up this process. Lighten up or be divorced within a year. Jeesh. Snail mail will only cost you about two days so I don't see it as a big deal. Mail goes coast to coast pretty fast here. No way it will take a week.


how exactly do you inderstand hi reluctance?? You dont even know me.. thats not a very nice thing to say! And if you must know it does take over a week for us as the form is sent to his address in Wisconsin but he is out in california right now working so 3-5 days twice = a week!
Its important to me to get it done ASAP so we can be together ASAP... not sure where you are coming from at all...

Thanks to you all for your kind words.. I normally dont go off on one like that but I just feel so sad right now. I guess us woman have are own ideas of how things should go! I'm not worried that the USPS will lose the letter or anything.. its just the whole time factor thing.. and he had broken a promist he made. thats what upset me the most.
Anyway, I feel abit better about it all.. I will tell him to just mail out the second RFE too just in case thanks for the advice!!
Take care and hope everyone else has a speedy process too!!
Thanks again. and sorry for the big bad vent! :blush:
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 11:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!
Well my husband who is the USC received the RFE about a week ago and mailed it back to them by normal take your bloody mail!! I was so mad at him for this doesnt he understand thats another week we are going to apart?? I feel like I am not his priority .. there are so many USc on here that are doing everything in their power to get other halves with them in the USa ASAP!! My husband hasnt even bothered to look at the NVC flow chart I sent him and is just relying on me to tell him what to do. He also said on the phone last night that its expensive to mail priority/overnight.. that makes me feel like I am not important enough for him to fork out a mear $15.. ok so he is not working but volunteering for the blinking park service ( which I was not ahppy about in the first place) and now hes complaining we dont have alot of money... HELLO You bloody decided you wanted to volunteer not me!! Its his fault not mine.
I just feel totally let down by him.. all I want him to do is get the forms back the quickest possible way.. is that too much to ask??
Also he said he has got another copy of the same RFE.. has this happned to anyone else? Evidently the USCIS have not as yet recieved the RFE he sent out on friday!!
Thanks for letting me vent some of my anger.. sorry!! :crying: :ranting:

PS my work too away my internet today so I am forced to use the public library on my dinner hour! I should have stayed in bed today!
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-07-20 07:20:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 approval in mail
Congratulations!! Its great to hear that things are moving along now!! hope everyone gets approval soon inc me :)
Good luck with the rest of your journey! :dance:
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-08-06 17:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129(f) Approval! (Expedite)
Good luck with the rest of your journey and prayers for you and your family!!
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-08-11 07:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats going on??

Becca K-3 approved few days ago and i was checking my i-130 and i could not open the USCIS site and it was giving me the same image :yes:

Oh good I'm glad its not just me then!! :) Maybe my K3 is approved then but I dont know about it yet!! that would be fab.. Congrats to you!!! :D :thumbs:
Thanks for making me feel better B)
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-08-13 08:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhats going on??
Hello there, :help:
I just logged into my account on USCIS to see if my K3 had been touched or anything and my cases are there in my porfolio but when I clicked on it to see what it said again I got this message!!

Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the service center where you submitted your application. :o

I dont understand!! Has the system at the USCIS crashed or something!! Of course my receipet number is correct its been on there for 4 months!!
Has anyone else had this at all?? Hope they havent lost my case!!!!!! :(

Thanks Becca
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-08-13 08:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 approved.. should we carry on with it?
thanks to all replies!
I think we will carry onwith K3 and see what happens. I hope I get my interview for just before christmas that would be awsome!! If not I know it wont be much longer now till hubby and I are together again!! Sunny California I cant wait !! hee hee :)
Good to luck to everyone else too!! hope things are going well!

Becca x
beccaNot TellingScotland2006-09-09 11:31:00