Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)can't stay can't leave
Did they take his passport?? If they took his passport, he should not be waiting so long for his AP to finish. I would have him go to the embassy in Abu Dhabi and he tell them what is going on.

My fiance, was on AP for 69 days but they gave him back his Visa because usually for Iranians its a 6 week - 6 months wait during AP. But we did ours in Turkey.

What country is your fiance from? Maybe someone who has had their interview done in Abu Dhabi will pitch in? AP is stressful enough as is. You do not need the extra drama.

Hang in there.

alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-26 11:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Called DOS..What they said Hurt! :(

Thanks so much!

This is the hardest test of patience I ever have had to go through....I am so trying to stay positive but the whole WHAT IF lingers in the back of my mind....Thanks for the encouragement!!

My dear! My goodness! of course they are going to say you are "temporary denied". AP is like a "you didn't get it now but wait a bit" kinda thing. They have to do a bazillion checks more and then its will be okay. Its VERY rare for them to deny someone AFTER the interview. They would have denied him right then and there. If they felt suspicious in ANY way, they would have brought up the issues right then.

I would not worry so much. You both are fine. :) Stay positive!

alibekahFemaleIran2011-08-27 10:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone from RCI here?
I cannot help you there but I do hope that everything with your fiance's family is going well. I hope that they are safe. Good luck to you both.
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-03 22:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally we got the visa!!!!!!

I am happy to say that finally we got the visa after both of our cases being sent back and 2 long years we finally are done with this part of the process.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance: :dance: !!!!!!!!!!!!

YAAYYYY!!! i know how you feel!!! We got ours too a couple of weeks ago!!!! Its like a party in your head!! and a BIG sense of RELIEF!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-02 12:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionunfortunate repost

Most embassies require those things at the interview and not for packet 3, so unless you checklist specifically asked for them to be returned with the ds-320 then I wouldn't worry about it. If it did ask for it then you could try calling the embassy and asking if it's going to be an issue.

For Iranian citizens doing their interview at Ankara, they require it ahead of time because they do a "pre-interview". That way on the actual interview day, they are not sifting through papers and wasting their time. They would have looked through everything and made notes. I was pleased at how they did my fiance's interview. I love organized people! :star:

OP, it should be fine, they may ask you to bring the originals with you. I know for the national ID, they really want the original translations. My fiance's own had expired and his city was not issuing new ones at the time of the Packet 3 (some stupidity about converting to new ones), so he had to send his old one with a big letter explaining. They told us for his interview to please bring it with the translations. So it was all good. :)

Good luck. I really do not think you will have issues. Just bring them and give it to them.
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-07 22:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionds-156 picture

ankara,they havent sent the list yet,you mean the one with the interview letter right?
ill bring enough books for everyone if they let me in

Actually it's part of packet 3 It will be the page titled "INTERVIEW". (I was looking over my emails re-reading all of this!). You didn't need to attach (you mean on the form itself?) the images to the sheet. Just supply it in a baggie like the same way you did for the initial K1 stuff (its late and I cannot remember the names of the form :wacko: ). If you forgot the pictures, just bring it with you. I remembered my finance brought extras and we gave them a newer translation and his new national ID as well as some updated proof of relationship stuff as well as the medical things and the bank receipt.

If you did not include the photos, you can bring it in. :)

And I wished I had brought a book. :)

I was at my fiance interview and it was recent. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer. Just PM me :)

alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-11 00:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionds-156 picture

yessir,so its nothing to get in trouble over?
i wish they would send me the letter of interview already so i wouldnt have to triple check everything i sent,its getting tiring

Which embassy are you at? Ankara would have sent a list. Just bring the photos with you. if its at Ankara, there will be a woman who will take your new stuff, you give her the photos along with the required things. Then she sends you into the waiting room...bring a book! B-)
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-10 23:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion10 days and no updates?
Sorry to hear! Hopefully they will get to it soon. :/
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-19 12:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support / minimum income

Hello All,
As i get to understand from some conversations here is that the annual income should be more than 125% of the poverty level for all the household!... is that concern the Adjusted gross income. or the annual income!
Please clarify us on this matter!

:) Its the annual GROSS income, not the adjusted income :) this will help if you need it. http://liheap.ncat.o...11/popstate.htm

Good luck!!!! :D
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-21 13:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFatima Approved!!
Congrats on her successful interview!!! Have tons of fun planning the move!! My fiance and I are doing the same!! :dance:

Have a safe and happy flight to Oregon! :star:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-21 00:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa aproved
Congrats!!!!!!! :D :dance:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-24 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSent to USEM!
woot woot!! Good luck at the interview when you get the date!! :dance:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-24 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!
AWWWWWWW!!!! :luv: Congratulations!!! What an amazing Valentine's Day gift as your twins and then to get the NOA2!!! Congrats again! Good luck on the rest of your process! Celebrate with those babies!! Make a video for your man with the twins! :D

This gave me a big ol' smile!!
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-23 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHell after NOA2

i will count myself as one of those ladies who got upset on valentines day because of not getting any surprise from our loveones which we expected they would do,i am just upset but i dont fight,and i still talk to him as nothings happen.then later after couple days i got a flower delivery which is really surprising me.
those happening has open a lot on my mind and how he loved me somuch as I did.

after i got the flowers on my hand,i realize its not that important to receive flowers on valentines i know how great to receive something like this from our loveones,specially that they are making an effort to send it to other side of the country,but what really matter is the love and care.those gifts were nothing,compare to the love and care they can give us in evry minute till whole life.

Mr florida should not react a lot about not getting anything on valentines and saying he will took off the visa for her,its really hurt to hear that,infact he knows that his woman did a delivery but the florist got wrong with the info. guess it has the reason why this happen. hope evrthing will be ok and we will be hearing Mr florida about what happen.

I agree the most with this poster. OP! Fellow Floridian! My dear, my man is from Iran. Do you have ANY idea how LONG it takes to send things there and it may NEVER arrive!!! His birthday present last year NEVER made it to him. And I spent months getting it. I was in tears on the phone because I did not want him to think I never sent him anything. I even sent him a copy of the customs form. He was sad, yes, but never blamed me for it because what could we do?? There is no guarantee that anything can arrive without it opened and/or destroyed. We learned that we could not blame each other for it.

Valentine's Day is truly most important in America. A relative who lives in Switzerland, tells me that its not a big deal there either. You cannot blame her for not taking it as serious as you. That's not fair. :(

We have fights, duh. We get anxious and over think things and guess who freaked out and had seconds thoughts after the! But i remembered why I love him. You live worlds apart, seeing each other as much as possible which means long distance traveling, jet lag galore and pissy attitudes from exhaustion. All of that feeds into the anxiety. We made a deal to talk out our fears. We have to, its the only way we get through anything.

You know what gift means the most to me? Seeing the sparkle and the smile in his green eyes when he looks at me. It makes all this s**t and petty drama meaningless. There is love in those eyes and I realize that he is sacrificing everything to come here to be with me when our economy is #######! That, my friend, means more than the flowers, the jewelry, the books...wait i love the books a lot too!! :lol:

Hang in there and lay on the beach a while, the weather is great now. Think. There was another poster that said that if you want her back, its going to have to be through the family. I have a couple of Indian friends and family is like concrete.

Find peace. Follow your heart.
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-26 00:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe make it , We've got it!!! NOA2
CONGRATS!!!!!! Good luck! :star:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-27 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 finally!
B-) :dance: :dancing:

Congrats!!!!! and good luck on that future interview!!
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-28 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYou Love Sad Story Too Much
:blush: I did not see this one either! My dear! On my home page, this site shows me like the top 5 and the 5 most recent posts. Anything than that (IF i check everyday), I will not catch unless its in the Iran portal. LOL So sorry!!!

But yes, my fiance is a thousands times more important than some international booty call. (goodness, as if I had THAT kind of money for a booty call!!! :jest: ) Its hard in this life to find the one person you just "click" with on so many levels. All this drama and long anxiety-ridden process is worth every blood, sweat and tears. I think i told someone in a PM, I finally, FINALLY, found the right guy. NOTHING on this planet will keep him away from me. Not USCIS, not the Embassy, not our governments, nothing!

I look forward to starting my life with him. This is the BEST feeling in the world. Now that I got the "dream" man, i just need the "dream" job and I am set!! B-)
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-02 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsINTERVIEW TODAY..AND APPROVED!!!
Its the BEST feeling ever!!! Good luck on the move to the states!!! CONGRATS!!!!! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-28 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOW we are getting someplace
We're praying for you and good luck!!!! :thumbs:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-03 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa2 approved
CONGRATS!!! Happy Dance!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-08 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!!!!! NOA 2
:dance: :dance: CONGRATS!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-08 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2!!
Congrats!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-09 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHello everyone
Welcome and good luck on your journey!! This is an awesome site for answers to anything because more than likely, there is somebody that has "been there, done that"! This is a great supportive community. :thumbs:

Remember to update your time line so we can watch your progress and keep us updated! :star:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-09 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally the email is here, thank God
Yaaayyy!!! :dancing: Good luck on the rest of your journey!!!
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-10 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approved Today
Congrats! :star:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-17 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYippee Skippy!!!!
Congrats!!! :D :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-19 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportssince i am being forced to wait longer...

I am trying to keep busy. Rearranged my home, officially started planning our 2012 wedding, built our wedding website...any other suggestions?? Lol

Lets see...

I perfected my quilting, learned how to crochet, learned belly dancing, exercised to get rid of the anxiety, got back into painting, started Tai Chi and done extra volunteering work.

:lol: I was CRAZY anxious this whole process!!

BTW: Belly dancing is fun. I suggest that! and you will loose some weight too and your man will ENJOY watching you practice or you can tease him about it!! :D
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-21 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!
Congrats on your NOA2!! And good luck at the interview when you get your date! :dance:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-07 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA Fast Track!
congrats!!! :D
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-09 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe Myth, the Legend, the NOA2
Congrats!! and I hope your beloved is safe in Japan!
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-17 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 Approved Need Your Help

NOA2 Approved ..So excited.
Please I've been looking at all your time lines.
How do you find that information out.
I log into my case status and can't find it.
Like when packet is at NVC , embassy etc..

Which embassy did you put on your form to have your/their interview at? I called NVC everyday until they told me when they were sending it to Ankara, then I pestered them and they sent us an email when they got it :) LOL

BTW, congrats on your NOA2!!
alibekahFemaleIran2011-04-25 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSerious Stress...
my goodness. Me and my beloved: 8.5 hour difference, at LEAST $2000 to go and see him (and vice versa because he would meet me elsewhere), AP while waiting for visa....but you know what, you get through it, somehow. My fiance and I would wake up at all hours of the day just for the 5 minuets of chat time. His ONLY day off is Friday and I went through hi hell to have that day off or at least work half day JUST to be able to spend more than 30 minutes with him. we have spent countless $$$$ on ph cards and packages in the mail.

but you get through it. I have hobbies, i exercise and even tutor on the side just to help make the day go by faster. You have to stay busy.

We couldn't plan anything for the wedding (I would look but could not reserve) until he got his Visa. Now I am like crazy mad woman getting everything together. LOL :D Luckily i bought certain things ahead of time (like do-it-yourself invitations). and we are having a simple, tiny get together for ours! But do not plan. You never know what will happen. I did not expect him to be in AP for over 2 months (even though that is still rather short).

The waiting game has ONLY begun! Hang in there.
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-03 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL GLORY TO GOD

After some hard months of long distance relationship-I recieved an email and text, my I129F has been APPROVED, by God's grace and mercy. I am filled with joy and gratitude. Now I need to start putting together all the forms for the actual visa. PRAISE GOD!!!!

awwww, congrats!!!!! :D Good luck to you!!!
alibekahFemaleIran2011-06-30 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaPetitioner/beneficiary's in Iran
It entirely depends on where your interview will be. Ankara and AbuDhabi have different requests. On the i-i29F, you HAD to fill in where you wanted your interview. B-):)
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-10 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello

I always found the best way to kill fire ants was kerosene. Just soak it on em real good it kills the whole nest.

Howdy luv and and_sam, appreciate the advise. I have checked the dating sits and have not decided which ones to use yet. A lot of them are free which is really good although I am not worried about the money so much. I promise to be careful tho.

Be VERY careful. There are PLENTY of foreign women who will be happy to get a Visa and to use you as their sugar daddy. I hope you find what you are looking for. Get to REALLY know the gal. If you're looking for a foreign live in house maid, you can find those here!! LOL (just joking) but if you are really looking for someone solid, go to places that share your same interests. I had all the bum boyfriends until one day i made a list of all my priorities, i started speaking to people with like interests and if you do that, you will meet the right person.

And yes, foreign ladies are prettier (the men are too! :D) but also remember, there are cultural differences you have to take into consideration. There is a lot more to a persona than a pretty face. Its the personality you have to live with everyday. Do the research, get to know and to understand her foods, look for a grocery store that sells her stuff (I did for my guy), get to know her spirituality and be there for her.

This is not just, "oh come here and we live happily ever after", if you ever been abroad and had the cultural shock, you would understand. But imagine that for her every single day, alone and away from her family. Its up to you to give her the foundation to being happy here.

Big responsibility my friend. Make sure you know that this is what you want. I have never regretted one second of this process because I've met the right person. :)
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-01 13:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello

and omgosh! The ant beds in the yards are ridiculous! I put fireant poison out and the next day half are dead and the other half moved like 12 inches away from their first huge mound... like they dont think I'll find them again. So then yesterday I put more poison out and half are dead and the rest moved a few inches away and made awhole nother mound! Omgosh! Ants are a piece of work too!

They are relentless little tards. I make it my mission to get rid of them around the garden! its not fun putting your hand in the dirt and getting bit, especially when I am allergic to their bites! LOL

Well having the german sheppard who is inside and outside (in the back yard) shes been digging holes in the back yard. We have a whole right side up against the house that maybe could be used to garden something? But Im going to have to check how much time it gets full sun. We just noticed yesterday that our neighbors have pear trees and he got excited for fruit and veges all over again. He saw seed packets at moms house the other night and thought they were for us! We have the perfect space for planting but having a dog that runs around the yard now might create a problem for a backyard garden :(

I know a neighbor who fences her garden in the yard and they have an crazy active (yet a sweetie) massive lab. Work really well for them.
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-28 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello
but i have to ask because I am curious, any particular reason you want a foreign gal? You seem to be seeking one. I personally did not expect to meet mine from a foreign country. I wasn't even looking for a relationship!
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-28 22:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello
I also met mine online. I was chatting in a forum putting in my 2 sense in because a lady in my city was having a meltdown and a few of us were trying to help her see reason. My man enjoyed my responses and agreed with me even though some of the other people did not. :star: From there we sent emails daily. We found out that we had a lot on common from education to a love for history, similar morals and values and we both love to travel. 5 months later, a relative (who lives abroad) treated me to a bday gift of a mini-vacation to Turkey and I boldly asked him to come and be my translator. LOL. Honestly, I am thrilled we met in person. He was everything I thought he was and more.

My advice, if you want to meet gals online. Go to forums with people who have common interests. This is not an easy process and it weeds out the immature and the "not ready" ones. And its pricey. Know what you are getting into. Traveling to meet her will not be cheap, no matter where you go. Its a lot of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical dedication. But worth it if you meet that "one in a million".

Good luck to you
alibekahFemaleIran2011-02-28 22:41:00
Middle East and North Africahow long did it take
They sent us an email about a week after they received our packet 3 (I followed it on the UPS website) with his interview date. So rather quickly. BUT for some blessed reason, everything has gone rather quickly for us. They had given us an interview date much sooner than we had expected.

I REALLY hope that you get one quickly. Things should speed up now that everything is being dealt outside of USCIS (at the embassy). Just to let you know AP is a little longer than normal.

Good luck!! Keep us posted!! :thumbs:
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-10 13:21:00
Middle East and North Africahome sick before even leaving?

your signature says you got your ...never mind,it got a bit misleading.when they put you in AP it already means you are approved,they wouldnt waste their time APing the reject petitions or the ones they are sending back

:lol: I know what you mean. AP is STRANGE. You are technically approved BUT there is still that 2% chance that you can still be denied! My fiance told me of a guy that was rejected during AP. But it is VERY rare. BUT I have heard that ladies go through AP quicker than the guys because military is not something that is mandatory.
alibekahFemaleIran2011-03-12 21:39:00