Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver for cannabis conviction
I'm sorry to hear about this :(
If you need help editing your reports, let me know. I sell my writing for extra income and I feel I could help you make your reports sound more professional. I know it's rough, but there are people willing to help you. Let me know if there's anything I can do in the way of writing or research.

Take care,

notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-19 11:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband and I haven't seen each other since our wedding..
Best of luck to you both. I'll be thinking about you and hoping for your success.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-09 11:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre we being punished for being Canadians?

Thanks to all who replied - each reply is valuable!! Best of luck to everyone!! :yes:

I bet that I can prove you wrong on that....

"Are we being punished for being Canadians?, I am loosing my mind!"

Why are you loosing your mind? Was it feeling confined? Did it want to go for a walk?

Ok....maybe I didn't prove you wrong. This post might have been valuable in demonstrating why losing isn't spelled loosing...

[See Disclaimer Image in Signature]

-_- That's you, ya snobby platypus. Use your proofreading powers for something useful...go pick up a copy of "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey. :hehe:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 15:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre we being punished for being Canadians?
1.5 hours with a border patrol officer is nothing. lol. ;)
never cried so much in my life.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 13:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre we being punished for being Canadians?
Well, he was never given an I-94. At our AOS interview I told the officer that on (a government website) it states that Canadians are often allowed into the US with just an ID for visits. This is all they asked my husband for, they didn't ask to see a passport, nothing like that. Therefore, he had no stamp in his visa, no I-94, nothing. He accepted this answer, but said if we had been from Mexico he could not have approved our application because we technically could not *prove* he came to the US legally. I said, well, don't you have all the info in your computer from when he was inspected at the border (POE)??? He said, No! It was scary. I'm not saying this is the way to go, I'm just saying it's what we did. Looking back....what an adventure it was! A very, very stressful adventure. ;)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 11:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre we being punished for being Canadians?

One (from any country) can not with INTENT goto the States and then just AOS, it is illegal. If by chance ur in the USA already, then decide to AOS, that is fine. Doin git the right way takes time, and you have just started the journey , one just has to be patient. Best of luck

I clearly understand the INTENT part, no doubt about it. That is why I am on this K3 journey. But how can someone just "happen" to be in the US? You either are on a student visa/TN to AOS other than that you may be visiting - but you can only stay for so long before you fall out of status. Can a person who is out of status file an AOS - just asking - go on easy - it's just a question... :lol:

Thanks for your reply though! ;-)

Yes. My husband came to the US from Canada on a visit (we were not married at this time, just in love) and we decided to marry. Due to crazy circumstances, he became out of status for like, 2 years and we didn't even know it (long story)...anyway....Yes, a person who is out of status can file AOS, we did it and the proof is in the green card stored in my husband's wallet. :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 11:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAre we being punished for being Canadians?
Why do so many people think Canada is a participant in the VWP??? Not being rude, just wondering why this is such a common mistake. Is it possible that people arrive and don't understand their status? Weirdness. Oh, wait...maybe when someone says "I came to the US as a visitor" people assume it means VWP. ???
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 11:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFOUR months since interview, NO VISA!
I'm sorry to hear that, it's heartbreaking, isn't it? Not to have a honeymoon. :(
Well, it'll get better. Stay strong.

Best of luck.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 14:54:00
Canada4 Chrissake what else. The H&R Block guy HAS NO CLUE
We just had our taxes done at H&R Block. The guy who did them was totally inappropriate. He kept telling us stories about how he used to live in Vegas and he was some kind of criminal and has a warrant out for his arrest, but he wants to join the army. He also regaled us with tales of his drycleaning expenses and how he has kids "everywhere." Pretty awesome. Ha.
Won't be surprised if we get a letter from the IRS saying the forms are messed up. Gah.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2006-04-03 11:24:00
CanadaJobs in Canada
I've looked on and but I can't find anything. I don't even narrow my results! Is there some secret place Canada hides their job advertisements?
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2006-04-25 16:19:00
CanadaExperiences at the POE
Ah, my husband got turned away for not having enough ties to Canada, too. Twice! This was pre-visa. It's all good once you have that visa. :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-08 16:47:00
CanadaFresh Eyes Requested!
I just want to say best of luck to you. Don't panic too awfully much. Sorry, I have no advice, just wanted to show my support.

notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-13 14:05:00
CanadaPOE Experience
Hooray for your wedding today! Hope it was lovely, I'm sure it was. :luv:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-15 16:11:00
CanadaInterview This Morning
Hooray! That sounds like a good experience. :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 14:07:00
CanadaThis makes me sick.

It's these people that cause problems for us! I am a US Citizen, and my wife in Cambodia! She's struggling for survival there, and I can't do anything to get her out as quickly as possible!

I know what you mean. It's sad and it makes me angry. I wish there was something we could do about it. Any thoughts? Report to ICE?
I hope so much you will be reunited with your wife very, very soon. (F)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 09:35:00
CanadaThis makes me sick.
I know that on that Vancouver website there is a warning when you post that says something along the lines of, "Illegal activity will be reported to authorities, we will hand over your ISP to officials..." And it also said something about the RCMP coming into the website's office all the time because of suspected illegal activity. I hope they get in trouble, it makes me so mad. These sites, as someone pointed out, are all over the place. People looking to get into the US or Canada through fraud. I hope they all fail miserably. Every time I read about someone on this website (VJ) getting depressed or missing their SO, I want to slap those fraudelent people whose applications are taking up space and time. Sadly, this is the reality and at least the penalties for marriage fraud are pretty high. Not every criminal can be caught, but let's hope.
Kinzaza, I know you weren't saying anything bad about gay people. Not sure how someone could have misinterpreted what you said, but hey, it happens. We're all okay. :) I wonder what VJ would be like for 1 day without arguments. :lol: Seems like so many have "something to prove." Take care, all of you.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 09:25:00
CanadaThis makes me sick.

If you were legal for 15 years, why were you removed?

I was wondering the same thing. If you were here legally...why would 9/11 have anything at all to do with your immigration status and result in your removal? Call me ignorant, but I don't get it. :blush:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 15:53:00
CanadaThis makes me sick.
Check out this thread: http://www.discoverv...amp;whichpage=2
Some of these are jokes, but not all. Some of those people are serious, too! I hope they track their ISPs and get in trouble...but it won't happen. Have they committed a crime yet? Is posting an ad for what is basically an illegal visa a crime? I would think so, but don't know for sure. It makes me ill to think how many sham marriages take place for visas...and how many of them are taking up space at USCIS or Canadian many here at VJ are separated from their loved ones, waiting for their visas the legal way, with true love, and ugh! I can't even form a good sentence. It just makes me furious. Just had to vent to someone I thought would understand. Thanks.

notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-21 11:24:00
CanadaI guess I'm just getting bummed out ...
Sorry to hear that. I'll be hoping for you that it will be much sooner than June. I know how heartbreaking it can be to wait and wait and wonder what's going to happen to you.
Best of luck.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 09:04:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..
I am the USC in this relationship, and to be honest, I would much rather be in Canada. My husband moved here because I was still in school. Now he's in school here, so we're basically staying until he graduates. I wonder if I can handle going through the immigration process alllll over again, this time for my Canadian visa. My end goal is to have Canadian citizenship.

It isn't that I hate America or anything. I just identify with the Canadian culture and prefer it and it would please me to live there and raise our children there, when we have them. It's like those people who were born in a male body but always felt female. LOL! I was born American, but have always felt Canadian.

Is that wrong? It sounds funny. But it's true. I don't know how this happened to me! hehe
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-13 11:12:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..
Oh, the hilarity. Personally, I am American, my husband is the Canadian (lucky him) and I knew a good deal about Canada. We did learn Canadian geography where I come from. However, I will say that when I was a little girl I thought that Saskatchewan was where the Sasquatch came from. Funny that my husband is from SK! Haha.

And just to add to the funny stories about uninformed Americans: A month ago my husband and I went to file our taxes. The preparer asked my husband where he was from and he said "Canada." She got quiet and then after a while said, "I don't know anything about Canada. I'll admit it. I'm just a stupid American. I mean, I know what all the PROVIDENCES are called and everything, I just maybe don't know the cities or where they are."

I nearly died. I was kicking my husband under the table. When we got home we had a good laugh about that. Providences. Sheesh.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-08 16:45:00
CanadaHow Understanding is Your Family

When we first told everyone that we decided to pursue this K visa to have me move to the US. We got a lot of different reactions. Definatly got the whole will you be a USC once you are married still get that once and while. My family thought that I would never be allowed back in Canada. I think that was mostly paranoia. Mostly now its the whole why can't you work? What is taking so long..that sort of thing. My Brother is constantly asking me about that. Why I am not working...and since I am not working why don't I come home to visit. So I am constantly explaning the process to him.

My husband's family usually asks about if we decided to have children what they will be. I like to say hopefully healthy small human beings who grow up to be well adjusted adults.. ;) .

Excellent answer. :thumbs:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-23 14:02:00
CanadaHow Understanding is Your Family

My family was understanding, but my co-workers didn't understand and kept asking me if I'd "failed" the visa interview since it was taking so long.

That didn't irk me as much as my friends thinking I was a lazy bum because I couldn't work for months after moving here. They constantly asked me, "So when are you finally going to work?" "Uhh... I still don't have my EAD or Green Card!" In the meantime, I did volunteer work and self-studied, but to them, those were as good as sitting on my butt all day long.

Im actually getting pleasure telling them I will be enjoying the sun this summer and getting lazy by the pool...I think I deserve that little vacation to come back to comon sense after not seeing the sun for 2 years due to standing too much in front of the computer to see my fiance... But of course ill make sure the house is clean and that hubby's got a nice dinner on the table :yes: We've been missing cooking too!

Awww, that's so sweet! What a nice wife you are!! I remember when J didn't have his EAD and he had to stay home and oh, the lovely food he would make! That was one of the only good parts. Have a lovely time in the sun. I could sure use some sun right now. It's been raining here for 2 days! :wacko:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-23 10:43:00
CanadaHow Understanding is Your Family

When my Canadian and I were first married, everyone in my family acted like we were nuts for going to the USCIS local office. "But he's Canadian, why would he need a visa, can't he just move down here and live and work?" I got so sick of hearing that.
After a while (it took him a long time to get his EAD and everything) the family started getting much more snippity about it. As though we were just stalling or something. My own brother even had the audacity to say to me, "Well, this is ridiculous, you need to get in that immigration office and tell them he needs his work authorization, immediately!" Ha! So it's that easy, is it???

Anyone else have people treat you like you're an idiot because they think Canadians don't need visas? :blink:

Can't say I've had people treat me like an idiot, but they do think the process is ridiculous and just a way to get money or something. I try to explain that I think it's just because there are people trying to get into the U.S. illegally through marriage (which is true sadly - and I think the people who do that are only hurting themselves!) And they understand we want to do things legally and in a way that would be pleasing to God. I've also had people think that I would become an American citizen upon marriage...even my fiancé thought that (and he thought he'd become a Canadian automatically too!) He thought we should just be able to get married and that would be that. And he's the American! lol. A lot of Americans themselves don't have a clue.

So true, so true. When my husband and I first went to our local USCIS office, I remember actually saying to him, "are you sure we need to be here?" Hahaha. At the very start, I, the USC had no clue. Truly no clue whatsoever how much paperwork, time spent apart, and money this was going to entail. But I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. :luv:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 10:53:00
CanadaHow Understanding is Your Family

I think the same disbelief happens with Americans as well as Canadians. No one in my family or circle of friends could believe the beauracracy and paperwork involved in moving here. There was a belief as well, that after marrying an American citizen, I would be, by virtue of marriage, an American myself. lol

By the same token, my fiance, the US citizen, has been telling people at his work about what we've gone through, in response to various questions about my arrival, and they are astounded themselves! They had no idea about the process. Many have been disgusted by the whole process, and it's been really nice to hear , since there is a strong belief, (from my part of the world here anyway!), that there should be a different process for Canadians.

I don't get any snide or nasty remarks, but people do sigh when I tell them I can't come back until I get a greencard, or if I apply for EAD. Usually the nasty comments are related to the "fees", and that it's all a conspiracy to get money. hehe

I don't know anyone, on either side of the border that thinks this is in any way, a fair, just, or smooth process.

Carla (F)

Haha, I know, right?! Many people were like, well doesn't he just automatically get a green card because he married a US citizen? They've watched too many movies... :lol:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 10:02:00
CanadaHow Understanding is Your Family
When my Canadian and I were first married, everyone in my family acted like we were nuts for going to the USCIS local office. "But he's Canadian, why would he need a visa, can't he just move down here and live and work?" I got so sick of hearing that.
After a while (it took him a long time to get his EAD and everything) the family started getting much more snippity about it. As though we were just stalling or something. My own brother even had the audacity to say to me, "Well, this is ridiculous, you need to get in that immigration office and tell them he needs his work authorization, immediately!" Ha! So it's that easy, is it???

Anyone else have people treat you like you're an idiot because they think Canadians don't need visas? :blink:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 09:32:00
CanadaMoving to Canada down the road...
We are considering moving to Canada in 2010, after J graduates from university.

Hope it all works out for you :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-23 14:45:00
CanadaRoad to Avonlea

Hi Nortrepetiteashley,

Hmmm...that's a good idea, to find a copy of RtA somewhere. They have a copy of all of the Anne movies (I admit I didn't like Anne 3 though, as the first two Anne movies were better, still I think it's best to read the Anne books, and yes, read all 8 of them!) here at the local library, but I'll have to find RtA somewhere else. By the way, what's special about season two of RtA? Or is that the only season that they have on tape/DVD? that the season when the Jasper and Olivia got married, or when the cannery burned down, or something else? Did you ever see that "Happy Christmas Mrs.King Movie" too? Yes, the "pioneer period" of life is definitley interesting. Living in the rural countryside here in the USA, I am reminded of that often. makes me tempted to build a log cabin or a cottage in the big field area in my backyard (just kidding, though there are old houses and barns around the area). Hmm...never knew about the Pioneer house and Regency house series. Will check into that and other pioneer life tv shows and movies too. Good luck in your pioneer life tv shows/movie searching too.

Ant (A Pioneering Ant?...)

You should pick up a season or two of RtA on ebay! Priceless. :)
Also, if you're interested in that time period, as I am, summers here in the US public television broadcasts a show where they take regular people and send them to live in another "time." There was Pioneer House, I think it was called, and Regency House, and one where they were in the wild west and had to take care of cows or something. Really good stuff. In fact, I think I'll go over to the public broadcasting website to see if there's a new one coming out this summer! Yay!

Sorry, I meant "a season or two" not season 2. LOL! But yes, Season 2 is pretty awesome! :lol:
Yes, I have Happy Christmas Miss King on DVD. I love to watch that at Christmastime. Last year I actually watched it 3 times in 3 days!
You have inspired me to go back and read those Anne books. I didn't like the 3rd movie, either. It was sad to see her all grown up and all that war thanks.
Take care,

notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-23 10:46:00
CanadaRoad to Avonlea

Hi Notrepetiteashley,

Good luck on your immigration journey. Yes, I do like that "Road to Avonlea" show. Olivia and Jasper, now those were interesting characters, indeed! I also like the "Anne of Green Gables" books (and yes, believe it or not, I'm in the midst of reading the "Anne of Green Gables" series books all over again) and movies (though the movie is kind of inaccurate in comparison to the book). Anne, that's a really interesting character, too! Remember Anne's "red carrot hair"? Gotta love Prince Edward Island (Anne of Green Gables Land, I call it) and the author L.M. Montgomery!

Other Canadian shows that I like besides "Road to Avonlea" are "Royal Canadian Air Farce" and "Mr. Dressup" (yes, I'm a kid at heart). Lol...I can't get CBC or Canadian tv here where I am living at (unless I drive to my Mother-In-Law's house and watch CBC there).

In the meantime, I've been getting my "Old fashioned/Pioneer Life" fix by watching "Little House on the Prarie". Still, it's not the same as old Canadian "Road to Avonlea/Anne of Green Gables" life on Prince Edward Island!


Anyone else love it as much as me? I adore that show. :)

You should pick up a season or two of RtA on ebay! Priceless. :)
Also, if you're interested in that time period, as I am, summers here in the US public television broadcasts a show where they take regular people and send them to live in another "time." There was Pioneer House, I think it was called, and Regency House, and one where they were in the wild west and had to take care of cows or something. Really good stuff. In fact, I think I'll go over to the public broadcasting website to see if there's a new one coming out this summer! Yay!
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-22 09:00:00
CanadaRoad to Avonlea
Awww! I grew up with Canadian tv shows, I love them. I have the first 2 seasons of Road to Avonlea on DVD. THey're kind-of expensive, but so worth it. I actually have these weird feelings about the theme song and I can't even discuss it without getting teary-eyed. LOL! I'm a nerd.

Have you ever seen Edgemont? They just started showing it here in Iowa. It's a lot like Degrassi, but newer. I love that stuff. Totally nuts. :lol:

p.s. my Canadian husband thinks I'm a weirdo for being so obsessed with these shows! Haha! When I visited him in Regina (SK) I spent 2 hours in the hotel room watching Road to Avonlea episodes. They used to play them on the Disney channel down here, but that was in the 1990s. I was so excited to see them on tv I jumped up and down. :blush:
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-16 14:48:00
CanadaRoad to Avonlea
Anyone else love it as much as me? I adore that show. :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-16 14:10:00
CanadaTies to Canada
One time my husband got denied entry to the US because he only had $5 US cash on him and they said he wouldn't be able to "support himself" on his visit. LOL! He didn't bring any bank info either. All he had was a return ticket and $5! Haha. Of course, he had his debit card, which is how we use our money, we hardly ever carry cash! But they still turned him away. ugh.

I would also suggest having his grandfather write a letter and have it notarised stating that he lives in the house under his name. :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-09 11:14:00
CanadaThey mailed my visa yesterday at 16h38
Hooray! Best wishes for you and your family. :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-04-05 11:32:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....
Fries and gravy flavour! OMG. I want those. I wonder how I can get some. best bet is probably just when I go to Canada this summer. I can't wait. Yay! Thanks for the link. :)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-08 20:52:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....

Oh and I think the chips that taste like chicken are I think BBQ Chicken flavor...

The chicken chips (lol) that I like are Roasted Chicken flavour. Just remembered that. BBQ sounds good too, though. There are also these mini brownies at Quick Trips in Sask. that I adore.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-06 15:50:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....
I have been married to a Canadian for nearly 4 years now and I have visited Canada twice and just literally *yesterday* I found out about the horrifying concept known as "bagged milk." Personally, I hate milk, so I am bias already, but still.....ugh. I shudder to think.

What my Canadian husband misses is: Beer with more alcohol content (he also swears Molson tastes way different down here), Coffe Crisp (which we recently found at World Market), poutine (sp? which makes my friends and family snicker).

What I miss: Canadian Tire money (cos it's so cool, not that I eat it or anything), Maple leaves on the McDonald's signs, Tropical Splash 7-Up (it's been almost 4 years and still no sign of it in the US), and oh, these chips, I don't know who makes them, but they are chicken flavoured! Yum. Ahh, the sweet memories of Canada. I miss it.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2007-03-05 17:38:00
CanadaGoing to Canada in July
Thank you all for responding.

Neither of us have criminal records at all and have never done anything illegal, but he did overstay a visit technically due to faulty info from the USCIS 800#!! This overstay did not come up at all in our AOS interview, but I was just so worried it would come up at the airport coming back into the USA because last time he entered the US he came as a visitor and now he has a green card! But...that's the way it goes sometime, I suppose and I guess others have done this, also.

Again, thanks to all for your responses. I will go and not worry about it. If anything crazy happens, I'll let you know. :-)
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2008-05-20 14:18:00
CanadaGoing to Canada in July
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 20 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yup, I'm with Len. good.gif Nothing to worry about. Have a great trip!

Thanks very much!

I knew I was being waaay paranoid. I mean, they did give him a green card after all. smile.gif

Thanks, guys.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2008-05-20 11:11:00
CanadaGoing to Canada in July
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ May 20 2008, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you have nothing to worry about. He is a permanent resident now, and can travel with his Canadian passport and his GC.

Enjoy the Great White North sister!!!!! (and bring me back an Icepresso from Second Cup now, will yah?????)

Thank you.
I would love to bring you back an icepresso. haha! I am looking forward to eating at Edo Japan. I know it's a small thing, but I just love their beef sukiyaki and I can't get it here!!!

Thanks again.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2008-05-20 10:49:00
CanadaGoing to Canada in July
So this is probably the dumbest question in the world, but I'm posting it anyway.

My husband (Canadian, but US perm. resident) got his 10-year Green Card in 2006 and now has his Canadian Passport, which was lost for a while. I am a USC with a US passport. Anyway...we are flying to Canada this July for 8 days and for some reason I'm nervous about it (I'm a nervous person).

Once you have your Green Card, you can travel outside the US for 8 days and get back in, right? Even if once like 5 years ago you overstayed?

I know I am probably being way too psycho about this, but I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me if we are fine or if I need to worry.

Lastly, do I need to bring proof of my ties to the US to get into Canada, even if my husband is a US permanent resident?

Thanks very much in advance.
notrepetiteashleyFemaleCanada2008-05-20 10:36:00