Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificate from Belize?
Hello all,

I am currently in the very interesting process of trying to bring my parents over. The interesting part comes because my father is a career diplomat (retired) and therefore has lived in Mexico (our home country), Brazil, Belize, Philippines, U.S.

We apparently need to get police certificates from all of those places :blink:

So what my dad did was ask all his friends at the Mexican embassies to do the legwork for him (nice luxury), and the last certificate to come in was the one from Belize, they took forevah! ... and when it got here ... they had only sent one for my dad, none for my mom.

So while he calls them and asks them to do it all over again, I was wondering if anyone has had to do this for Belize and if maybe there is a faster way, I'd hate to delay the process for another 5-6 weeks!

Thanks in advance for your help! :)
melissa_KBLFemaleMexico2010-08-02 08:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMudarse en carro? / Moving by car?
Hola a todos!!

Les escribo para preguntarles si alguien ha cruzado en carro de México a EEUU, con "la casa a cuestas", o sea, con muebles en el carro/camioneta, NO por compañía de mudanzas?

Mis papás se vienen a vivir para acá y no van a contratar mudanza, se quieren traer muebles ellos mismos, no sé si vayan a tener problemas en la frontera?

Alguien con esta experiencia que me pueda aconsejar??

Gracias de antemano!


Hello all!!

I am writing to ask for some help. Has anyone crossed the border from Mexico to the US in a car, with a furniture and belongings in the car/truck, NOT in a moving company truck?

My parents are moving here and they're not using a moving company, they just want to pile all their furniture into the car and bring it over. Do you think they will have problems crossing the border?

Has anyone lived through this and could give me some advice??

Thanks in advance!
melissa_KBLFemaleMexico2011-08-25 13:02:00