K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129f Processing Time
Thank you for the feedback everyone.
I was denied entry back into the US in late November, 2012, so the only way and fastest way we were told to get me across the border was a spouse visa. Yes we are married, we got married December 2012 a month after I was denied entry.
Maybe this information will help to clarify things.
Thanks again for the feedback, knowledge is power!!
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-02-02 19:21:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129f Processing Time
Hello, I am a new user on here....We are using a lawyer to go through this process but I still like to check up on the wait times and process for my own eyes.
We submitted our I-129 on January 9th, 2012 and we have not yet received our 1st notice of receipt....Is this normal? Our I-130 receipt came so fast, (6 days) and gave us so much hope :(
Can someone please advise of how long it usually takes to get the 1st notice, and then 2nd one???

Thank you :)
We are trying to keep positive.
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-02-02 15:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)People that still waiting for NVC case number
I just called the NVC tonight and we got our case number today and they are forwarding our package to our lawyer!! Great news tonight, I hope you all get this good news soon. It only took us 6 business days.
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-04-22 19:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)People that still waiting for NVC case number
I called the NVC on April 19th, my case got there April 12th, but no case number yet.....I have been advised to call everyday to inquire. I hope it doesn't take too long, I'm so over this whole process!
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-04-21 19:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F NOA2

I received my NOA1 for I-129F on March 05 2013 and as of todays date which is April 04 2013 I am still waiting for NOA2 I was wondering if anyone can tell me how long do I have to wait till I receive my NOA2?

K-3 visa type
local city Chicago

You are looking at at least 5-8 months......welcome to the most frustrating few months of your life.....
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-04-13 19:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPursuing both CR-1 and K3

You have moved VERY fast. Smile and be happy. :)

Also double check in your timeline. Your I-130 would not have been adjudicated at the Texas Service Center. If the numbers start with MSC, that would be the National Benefits Center.

Our lawyer told us that it was sent to Texas and from there to Jacksonville, Fl......not too sure what's up with that. Yes, we are so happy about how it's been going, I am following your timeline and what a crime it is on how long they took to approve your stuff. Looks like you are just ahead of us with the NVC stuff. I was talking with my lawyer today and they are waiting to get our case number and a package from the NVC, I hope if doesn't take too long, I just want to get home!
Talk to you soon!
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-04-09 18:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPursuing both CR-1 and K3
Right on, thanks for the information....we are just so happy about the approvals and trying to figure out what happens next and when I can expect to have an interview. I just want to go home so bad!!
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-04-08 19:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPursuing both CR-1 and K3
Hey, I think I will be in the same I-130 was approved on April 5th and then today I just got an email saying that my I-129f was just approved! I will keep you all posted to see if mine survives through the NVC. I'm like you, I just want to be with my Husband, I don't care how I get there!!
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-04-08 14:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

WOOOOHOOOOO Canada knocks it out of the park !!! Congrats Nic....sooooo happy for you and hubby...happy dance and happy 13 !!

Thank you! I'm hoping that the email tells us what we do now....

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-29 13:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

Fingers crossed kiddo !! so happy you checked in !!! let us know as soon as you call !!!!!!!

Yeesssssss!! Friday, September 13th!! I'm shaking! OMG I'm so superstitious too! 13 has now become my favorite number!!!!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-29 13:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

God Bless Canada !! My interview is September 25th 2013 @ 9:30 am......Nicole call hun cause your date should be booked too !!!! Dang I am one happy girl

Wow! Great news today! And thanks for the tip, I am going to call them now!! I'm so happy for you guys!!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-29 13:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

Oh no :(  I was really hoping for all you June case completes to get August interviews.  I'm sorry that you didn't.  Considering that people a week ahead of you got July interviews, what happened to Canada this month :(
Here's hoping some last minute slots open up for you guys :)

Awwww thanks...I have no idea what happened, I still can't wrap my mind around it. Something must be going on there that we don't know about eh?

Thanks for your kind reply today, I hope that we ALL get interviews in September!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-24 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

Just in case this hasn't been mentioned and anyone was wondering - when I called the NVC on Monday they informed me London interviews were complete for August.

I was told the same yesterday for Canada....I guess I will be giving up calling now until August. Boooo

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-24 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

I called the NVC around 11pm last night, spoke to a guy who was very straight forward with me. I told him that every day I have called there this week and usually twice a day every operator has told me something different. Ex, Aug is finished, Aug is still scheduling, Canada is finished....he told me that the operators have NO ACCESS to that type of information. He said that he has had no indication if they are finished scheduling or if it is still going.
I guess all we can do Canadians is keep calling next week like NikiR advised. I accept that they would leave Canada out of scheduling this month.

*can't accept....sorry

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-20 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
I called the NVC around 11pm last night, spoke to a guy who was very straight forward with me. I told him that every day I have called there this week and usually twice a day every operator has told me something different. Ex, Aug is finished, Aug is still scheduling, Canada is finished....he told me that the operators have NO ACCESS to that type of information. He said that he has had no indication if they are finished scheduling or if it is still going.
I guess all we can do Canadians is keep calling next week like NikiR advised. I accept that they would leave Canada out of scheduling this month.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-20 08:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

I am also surprised that nothing happened for montreal
I just called and as expected the answer was No for montreal.
I expected that since our completion date was july 10 but I had hoped the june ones would get done

It woukd be nice to know the reason

Hey, what did they tell you last nite? Did they say if they were done scheduling August interviews? That's what I was told yesterday afternoon....I am going to call one more time later today, then give up hope for August.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-19 07:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

Thank you! and i will hopefully we all get lucky!
I just tired of calling and getting nothing it breaks my heart everytime, i miss my husband so much i can't bare to wait another 2 months without seeing him :( 

I feel this same way Hun, I think that we got ripped off this month. I can not believe that we didn't get dates. It's been a bad week for me. I guess it looks like we are going to be without our husbands for a while longer. :(

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-18 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

I have not either.....I really don't like the sound of that though....I hope that we are still going to get an interview! I am going to call now.

Well, sadly the operator who was very nice told me that Canada is finished scheduling interviews for August.....ffff this sucks. I don't want to spend another 2 months away from my Husband :(

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-18 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

I have not received anything yet, my case complete was June 7th 2013

I have not either.....I really don't like the sound of that though....I hope that we are still going to get an interview! I am going to call now.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-18 12:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
Well I am so confused now! I just called the NVC and the very nice rep told me they are STILL scheduling for August. I had a serious breakdown this afternoon.....but now the hope is alive once more....

Trust they aren't done. Always remember you are talking to an operator that knows NADA, Nothing zip. Do not let them dictate to you.
We here on VJ may be a small percentage of the real world but I guarantee you you can gauge and see whats up.
We Still have DR, INDIA, Albania, Algeria. So hang on.
It seems by what i have heard and followed they don't release the whole list for the month for a country until all slots are filled.

DR usually always is last cuz they are so large. Tomorrow or friday you will be dancing and weeping. And i will be happy for you all.

Don't forget Canada! We are still waiting too. :) thanks for your constant support and positivity!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-17 21:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

that is sad.  It used to always take a few months to get a Montreal date, lately it's been the next month but hopefully you'll be one of the first to know in Aug.  Plus there is always the chance a spot will open up or a cancellation. 

Thank you for your support Hun. I hope that you are right. Thanks for all you do on here, it's appreciated.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-17 14:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
I just got off the phone and its through tears that I write this post. She told me that August scheduling is finished and I am to wait until the beginning of August for a September interview. I can't explain how devastated I feel right now. I'm back at rock bottom, this is almost worst then the night I was denied entry into the US back in November 2012 . I'm not sure how I will make it through the next few weeks.
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-17 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

You hang in there my fellow Canuck !! It will be OUR TURN this me I can feel it....we will get our dates then scramble to the finish line...breathe and believe....soon Nic you will be smiling and focusing on getting your tail to Montreal....

We are trying so hard to be positive! Thanks for your encouragement this morning, and same to you! I know we will get good news this week, and this wknd we will finally be able to celebrate. Maybe we will be heading up to Montreal on the same day!!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-17 07:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

Hang in there people last month they took 2 weeks to finish. Don't let what others have make you stop believing you wont get it (Oh wait I needed that for me. Amen!!)
Just keep believing and having faith. You are almost done.

Thank you so much for the positivity, I really need it today! I hope you are right and that we can celebrate soon!
Thanks again, your a life saver!!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-17 07:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
Just called NVC still NOTHING! I have never felt this depressed in my life, my poor Husband is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. On a positive note she did say they are still putting together interviews for August....I know that it's coming but the wait is almost unbearable.
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-16 14:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
Just called the NVC, still NOTHING! The OP was really nice though, I even got a little giggle out of her! She said don't worry, they are still putting together August interviews....I'm going to call back tonight after 10pm when I'm done work. I feel a nervous breakdown coming on....:(
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-15 12:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
Just got off the phone with NVC....nothing yet....I got really excited when I saw all of the interview dates on here! Congratulations to everyone!! I'm praying Monday I will be celebrating via Skype with my Husband. Lol
Oh, and the operator told me they are waiting on Montreal to reach capacity whatever that means.....come on Canada!!
I used to love weekends, now I love Monday's.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-12 20:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
Hey every one, I just got off the phone with the NVC and still nothing.....I was advised however that they are working on getting the interview dates assigned but they have NOT sent out any dates yet for the month of August.
Take from if what you like, who knows if she was just b/s'n this point we are grasping onto anything!!
I just wanted to let you all know, as everyday I turn to this page for input.
Lets hope we get them by week's end.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-10 10:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews

NVC is in US so holiday has no bearing.
Okay let me try and answer so many peoples questions and clear confusion.
Every month at a set time (yes there is a set time usually first week of month each embassy sends over their available slots for our type of Visa for interviews. The NVC than starts looking at case complete and starts assigning.
What they mean by scheduling all month is there are at times slots that open due to cancellations. the embassy moving interviews around.
NVC will always say "we schedule all month". because for many embassy it is all month. long as there are open slots people get assigned immediately. Think Iceland no matter when you get case complete you will get an interview same day.
So in theory they are right they schedule all month just not for every embassy. There are some embassies that are very busy, i.e El Salvador, Vietnam, Cambodia. So the wait is a bit longer. But no one waits as long as Yemen. I sweet "I miss my baby. Waited since August and had there interview last month.
So hang in there call or just wait for email. We see now the scheduling has started. reported back. I love this time of month.

Thank you for the quick reply and clearing things up! I will call the NVC today day won't feel complete without waiting on hold for 20 minutes! Lol

How fast are they in sending the interview email? Is it like the CC email that came 1 week after I actually got CC? Just wondering....

Thanks again, I'm praying we all get some good news soon!!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-01 11:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2013 Interviews
Happy Monday everyone! Just a question, today is a holiday here in Canada, Canada you think there is any point in calling the NVC looking for an interview date? I'm thinking the Montreal Embassy will be closed, and therefore not sending dates today. Can anyone advise?? I'm praying for a date this week....
Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-07-01 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013
[quote name="Saylin" post="6258204" timestamp="1369840456"]

Congrats! kicking.gif
Sounds like it's a false checklist, based off them reviewing, and accepting, the DS-260. Call up again to confirm.
Thanks, I am really hoping it is a false one....I am going to call them again today and see what is going on. I'm thinking I will have to ask for a supervisor, the operator last night had no clue.
Are these a common occurrence?

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-29 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

This actually sounds a little different from what we got. Ours just said:
______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________
The National Visa Center received your DS-260 form. We are waiting for the traveling applicants
supporting civil documents to be submitted to the NVC. Your online Immigrant Visa Application will be
reviewed upon receipt of your supporting documentation.
There was no mention of specific supporting documentation or financial evidence. You might want to try calling back and push for more answers or to speak with a supervisor, just to be sure, but the fact that you got an email is a good sign. 
It took us a week from receiving that email to case complete, so you're nearly there!

Ohhh, ok. No, the email we got specifically said that it is a check list. I have read on here that a lot of people still get them even though they sent in their stuff. Our lawyer is working on it now, getting to the bottom of it. I will probably call the NVC myself and ask for some answers.
Thanks again for the info! I sure hope a case complete is around the corner!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-29 09:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

Unless it requests very specific things (like a certain document), it is most likely a false checklist. I did EP and got a false checklist for the civil documents after my husband filled out the DS-260 online, even though we had emailed them in the day before. As long as you get the response email from NVC accepting your emailed documents you should be fine.

Ok, thanks, that is what I thought. It requested everything, it listed all of the civil docs and asked for financial evidence. We did get a reply a few days after we emailed everything saying that they got them all and to please wait upto 20 days for them to be reviewed.....I'm sure we are in the same boat as you. How long after you got the check list did you get a case complete?

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-29 09:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013
Morning everyone, last night I was sent a Check List from the NVC. It is requesting all Civil Docs and AOS. We are set up for EP and have already sent everything they are asking for in last week. Could this be a false check list? My Husband called the NVC last night right after getting this list and the operator didn't sound too confident....and said he can't see what we email the NVC. Just wondering if anyone has advice about how to verify if this is bogus or not.
Thanks everyone!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-29 08:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

Well, first off, you need to get an actual interview date assigned first. Then, the case has to be sent abroad to Montreal. Once you've confirmed with DOS that the consulate has your case, then you can see if you can get an earlier date. You can do this of two ways with Montreal:
1. Contact them through the form that was linked earlier. But, this might be a hit or miss as Montreal isn't exactly very efficient at replying to those inquiries correctly.
2. Re-schedule through the CSC site. Through this method, you can choose EXACTLY what day you wish to interview (compared to method 1 where they may assign you another "bad" day to interview). Only downside with this method (and with the above) is that there may not be a "good" day to be interviewed, so keep that in mind.
Usually just 1-2 weeks. I'm thinking your AOS should be reviewed this week, and likely your IV next week. Keep calling once a day, you should be hearing something different (than them not starting the review) soon.
Woohoo, congrats on EP acceptance! kicking.gif
Have you called NVC yet to check the status on your case?
Well, that was short notice! blink.png Good luck though!!
Back in my day (2 years ago), it took 16 days for my optin acceptance -_-

I just got off the phone with the NVC and she now shows us a registered for EP! Finally! But she said that she does not yet see the package our lawyer emailed this morning, she said it will only show on her screen when they are reviewing it....I asked her how long that will take and she gave me the standard 20 days. I will call every day from now on! Thanks again for the help!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-20 15:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

It can take a while for the acceptance email for OPTIN.  Mine took 8 days.  Seemed like forever.  Now it seems like forever ago. 

Wow, that's a long time! I guess I should be happy then. The sad thing is, our lawyer screwed up big time with the request for EP. We should of had our stuff sent in almost 2 weeks ago....I am really hoping we get thru this next step quickly!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-20 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

Thanks for the links, I read the wiki Link. I will for sure call the NVC Monday and speak to a Supervisor....I'm starting to doubt our lawyer now too. Everything up to this point has been amazing and fast. Now we have seem to hit a road block.
Thanks again for the information, I hope we get this straightened out on Monday.

Good morning! I received an email from the NVC @ 8am this morning that they have accepted our EP request! And I then sent in our scanned documents package via email once again! All of this was done before 9am this morning. I then called my Lawyer and had some words with her....she still won't take ownership for her mistake and blamed it on the NVC. She claims they sent the acceptance to her request, however I was quick to tell her that MY request was at the bottom of the email!!! Now looking back we should of done this on our own and saved a lot of $$$$ but hindsight is 20/20. We were just so emotional when I was denied entry which started this whole nightmare, and didn't think we could take this on alone.
Now we are praying that we don't get a check list and get a case complete soon!

Thank you so much for your help this weekend, without you we would still be trying to figure out what's going on. I am going to call the NVC tomorrow to see what they are showing after sending everything in this morning.
Thanks again!!

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-20 09:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

Yes, 'OPTIN' should have been the first thing in the subject line. Then the case number after that. I'm not sure if just requesting to be in the EP program in the body of the email will suffice. Here are the official instructions that you should have been following: http://travel.state..../visa_5163.html
You may want to consider sending another request following the above instructions. It typically only takes a few days to receive an acceptance email. I'm just not sure if you should or not as your lawyer mentioned they have your documents and are reviewing them. If that's true, then you don't need to send another email, but if they're lying, then you really need to get back on the correct track. You should probably call NVC first thing Monday and request to speak with a supervisor. Explain your situation and see if you've been properly enrolled into EP and if so, whether or not they have your documents (and are reviewing them).
Have you read the wiki I wrote on EP and online forms? It's linked in my signature below. I go over the NVC process for Canadians in relation to the optional EP and required online forms. You may want to give it a read and make sure you're doing everything right. Your lawyer doesn't sound very competent if they don't even know how to optin properly...

Thanks for the links, I read the wiki Link. I will for sure call the NVC Monday and speak to a Supervisor....I'm starting to doubt our lawyer now too. Everything up to this point has been amazing and fast. Now we have seem to hit a road block.
Thanks again for the information, I hope we get this straightened out on Monday.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-18 11:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

The opt-in email goes to NVCElectronic, not NVCInquiry. And before sending in documents, you should wait to receive the acceptance email for being enrolled in the EP program before sending documents as there's a chance they won't be received.
Take what the lawyer says (that they have your documents and are reviewing) with a grain of salt. I've seen countless cases on here where lawyers have lied. Keep calling NVC once a day next week to see if there's any news. Remember, the operators will probably not see the documents as being received until after the review has started.

Ok, thanks! Well I sent in a EP request last week to the nvcelectronic I should be getting a reply from that soon I would think. I put our case # as the subject, and our info and well as request in the body of the email. Should I of mentioned OPTIN in the subject as well?

Also, how long approx will it take to get the acceptance reply??

Thanks for your help, we are so discouraged right now.

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-18 11:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2013

Can someone please let me know if this has happened to you....
Once our payments showed Paid, I called the NVC to see what I do next. The Operator told me to send and email to nvcelectronic to set up electronics filing, so I did! Then our lawyer sent in our AOS and IV packages, (scanned docs). I called the NVC 3 days later and they said nothing is showing as received, not even my email to set up electronic filing! So I sent another request as suggested by the Operator! Then our lawyer sent another email with our docs....I called back last night and still nothing! Ok, now I'm mad! The Operator last night said that I should of sent my request to file electronically to this is the 1st time I've been told about this email I sent the 3rd request last night. Then the Operator told me to wait a few days and have the lawyer send the scanned docs once again!
While all of this is going on, our lawyer called the NVC (is it true lawyers have their own number they can call)?? Our lawyer told us that she spoke to someone and they advised they have our docs and are currently reviewing out case...
I'm not too sure what to think or who to believe here!! I'm just praying that they are in fact looking at our case.
Can anyone advise if they have heard of this or been through it? Seems like we are being send in circles here.
Thanks in advance!!

Also, we have already done our DS-3032 and I have completed online the DS-230 fyi

Nicole JohnsFemaleCanada2013-05-18 11:33:00