Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Will I definitely need a I-601 waiver for my fiance's K1?
hello Salvada77, your fiance's case just exactly the same with my case. Please read on because now i'm back to the USA, happyly married to my American husband and is waiting for my Green Card to arrive in my mailbox because i already got my Working permit card!!! It was such a tough journey for us to get all the paperwork approved but hey, when you never give up and keep on praying along the way, then you will get there, i've been thru this, so i know exactly how it feels.
6 years ago i came to the States with Tourist visa, and yes as you can guess it, i OVERSTAYED my visa and stayed til almost 3 years. And of course for violating the law i have 10 years ban, but just like your fiance, when i was here 6 years ago, i never had problem with the law, i left the States because i wanted to, no deportation, no nothing, and that day when i left, i never even wanted to ever come back to the States again, because i think i had enough here and also when i left i hadnt known yet that i will have 10 years ban for my overstaying status til i found it out thru internet. Well it didnt bother me because as i said, i never wanted to come back anyway. But you never know what the future brings. I met this wonderful man who is my Husband now, we met in my country when he was travelling there, oh i'm an Indonesian. i was hoping he wasnt American hehe but he is. So to make the story short, he never gave up on me, he did whatever it takes to have all the paperwork done for me, we've been together for almost 4 years (he visit me every 6 months and call me every single day when we were away from each other) til eventually we have our wedding last January.

He filed for the K-1 petition on July 2007, it was approved on september 2007, he flew to my country on dec 2007 because he wanted to be there with me when i have my visa interview, so that was dec 2007 and sadly, it was DENIED! our heart was broken, i just never understand why they approved the petition when they know that it would eventually be denied when you went for the interview. We kinda knew that my visa will be denied but we just had this big hope when they approved the petition you know, specially when you filled out those forms with all the questions, they checked them all for sure, your background and everything, they finally approved it, so we thought there was hope without the Waiver, we thought they would give us the visa, but they DID NOT!.
So i filed the I-601 Waiver of ineligibilities, submitted them on February 2008, gathered all the informations and proofs that they might needed, statements from my husband's parents, his Extreme Hardship, and any other papers, just so much of them that i doubt if they will ever look at them one by one you know, but you just dont want to miss one paper, and PRAISE GOD, it was approved on august 2008, yes such a long wait, i was just so anxious waiting for it til the US embassy called and tell me the great news. So they issued my K-1 visa, and i arrived here in the States on February 2009 and we had our civil wedding in the same month here.

Look, it sounded so hard i know, the wait, the money you spend, the heartaching of being far away from the one you love, but if you guys were meant to be together..then you'll get there, it will come your way. Ask God to make it easier for you because HE WILL.

We did all the things WITHOUT the lawyer, my husband only went to the lawyer ONCE before he filed for my K-1 visa petition, just making sure and ask for some information, the Lawyer DID nothing, you'll just spending even more money if you still want to see a lawyer, you need to save them to pay for the Waiver fee, its not cheap at all, and you will even need more money to spend for adjusting the Status for your fiance once you can get him back here to the States. So yes, you will NEED the Waiver, but hey once again, miracle happens, who knows they will aprrove the visa on the interview day, very small chance though, i thought that will happen to us, but it didnt..

I'm sorry if my reply way too much, i'm kinda pouring out my heart here:) well i made a promise to myself that i will testify about this here once i got thru em all, about how God always there every step of the way, about how the US Embassy in my country helping me so much with this thing and about how grateful i am that eventually i can be together with the man who i love so much. oh talking about talking your heart out, when your fiance write a personal statement for his Waiver petition, tell him to tell everything, do not hide nothing, try not to leave out anything, everything that he did here in the states before, whether he worked or not, why he overstayed, be very specific. They WILL read it i'm sure as they did with mine. I wish i ever had a chance to thank a person who was in charge on approving my Waiver:)

Alrighty, i wish you guys the best lucks, God bless you..and i hope this also can help whoever has the same case.


summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-13 18:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver of inadmissibility and k1 visa
hi..i overstayed my previous visit more than 180 days, it was 6 years ago, so i have 10 years ban. But now i'm back in the States because my I-601 waiver was approved, it was Approved in Sept 2008. I waited 7 months for it to be approved.
hope this will help, when you do your Waiver, you will, of course, need to fill out that I-601 form, and this is important, your personal statement, BE VERY SPECIFIC with it, you dont want to leave something out. Tell them why you overstayed, what you were exactly doin when you were here, tell them the reason, being very honest because they WILL read it, and apologize. Its like pouring your heart out you know. You will need the Extreme hardship from your fiancee, she needs to give strong reasons why she could not leave the US. get her parents or family to write statements to if possible, it helps, alot!!
My husband's extreme hardship was not too long, it wasnt even one page, he just tell them that his parents still need him here, his father (my dad in law) has some health problem, so that was his reason. His father also wrote a statements and gathered all his medical history from his doctor. It was thick, i was doubting if they will ever see it all, but you dont wanna care about that, you just want to give em all the proofs that you can.
So..i think thats pretty much what you need. Dont stress too much okay? Please do this with prayers, it will lighten you, if God wanted it to be approved then it will...Good luck!!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-14 22:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HELP! Interview denied. Need a waiver
you're very welcome, i'm happy to share this with you, i hope it helps.
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-21 11:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HELP! Interview denied. Need a waiver
Oh one thing, you dont need a lawyer for this, me and my husband did it ourselves WITHOUT a lawyer. You will just spending even more money if you hired a lawyer and i dont think they will do anything with it. Save the money for the Waiver fee, it isnt cheap, ok?smile.gif
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-20 22:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HELP! Interview denied. Need a waiver
Hi again,

YOU need to file for the Waiver because You are the one who were overstayed. Its like your apology paper, thats what i called mine:)
And YOUR HUSBAND, all he needs to do is write or prove the EXTREME HARDSHIP, do not do it too wordy, get to the points, my husband's Extreme Hardship wasnt even one page. All he wrote in there was that his parents still need him in the states, his father got some health problem so that was his reason. When your husband write the reasons why, then he also MUST provide the proofs of the reasons. My father in law was also wrote a personal statement, and had all his medical history ready for me from his doctor. If possible, have your husband's parents or family member to write a personal statement too, they helped ALOT!!! And YOU need to write your personal statement, thats the important one, be VERY SPECIFIC, tell them why you were overstayed, what were you doing when you were here, were you working or not, be very HONEST okay? at the end of your statement, apologize and let them know that it was a terrible mistake you did and that you cannot live apart from your husband, its like pouring your heart out, they will understand. My statement was almost 6 pages.

Oh you DO NOT need to start all over again for the I-130 etc, after they approved your WAiver then they will issue your Visa.
Do not worry too much alright? it'll be fine, stress too much over this won't help at all, please keep this in your prayers though, because if God allows it to be approved then it WILL, ok?smile.gif

Go to They tell you everything in there. Click on will see list of the forms, find I-601 in the list, click on it and read through carefully until you understand completely.

Good luck sweetheart.
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-20 22:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HELP! Interview denied. Need a waiver
i just read about the Waivers again and apparently the I-212 is filed if you were deported from the US, were you? so yes, you need to file them both. All the instructions written in the forms though, go to, click on forms and find them all out, i'm sorry it sounds too difficult but you'll find the way, its gonna be okay...
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-16 17:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)HELP! Interview denied. Need a waiver
I'm sorry that you were denied. So the interview was in your country?

I was overstayed too, got 10 years ban. But i'm back to the States now because before we got married, we aplied for the I-601 after i got denied on my K-1 visa interview. The waiver was approved!! i'm not sure what they said in that white denial paper they gave you, but make sure before you file it... whether its only the 212 or the I-601...
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-16 17:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)desperate to talk to someone, scared to call suicide prevention line
Please remember, even if its really hard for you right now, your life is a lot more important than anything else, think of your loved ones. I'm really sorry that you have to go thru the pain you feel right now, but please... throw that "SUICIDE" thing away out of your head.....
I hope you will find someone close to you to talk about it, to make you feel little better.
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-21 23:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Curious who has waited the longest for waiver?
hello, i know the waiting part is the suckest one, excuse my word, specially when its already waaaay past the processing time. With my case, i filed for the I-601 on Feb 2008 and it got approved on Sept 2008, so it took 7 months for it to be finally approved! And during that time, you right, you will hear nothing unless you call em to find out and yes you right again, the answer is always the same, still no further information..So i read that you guys submitted the I-601 on July 2007 and til now still no decision from them? Im sorry you guys, i think yeah its a little not normal, but maybe it is what it is that you guys just need to wait longer because its always different in every country...hope you will hear the answer soon, just keep calling them because thats the only way. Wish you guys the best luck!

Edited by summersurf, 18 August 2009 - 10:57 PM.

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-08-18 22:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Did anyone wait less then 9months for the I601 waiver interview
I waited 7 months for my I601 to be approved, and never had an interview for it. It surely different in every country though, some people have to wait longer i'm sure. My process wasn't pleasant, thats for sure :) But i'm just so blessed that it was eventually approved.
Best luck for your husbabd's process!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-03-12 00:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)NEED HELP. STILL WAITING ON I 601 WAIVER
Hi, welcome to Visajourney.

Well, seems like all you have to do now is waiting for the waiver to be approved. Mine was taking 7 months (yeah that was forever).
The US Embassy called me once it was approved. They do it both ways though, calling and emailing for the approval notice.

Hope yours won't take as long as mine, good luck :)
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2012-05-11 18:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How do I prove Extreme Hardship?
oh i need to add one more thing, we DID NOT hire a lawyer, save the money to pay for the Waiver fee. You can do it without a lawyer.
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-13 22:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How do I prove Extreme Hardship?
hello you guys, whoever is applying for waiver.. or wondering how their EXTREME HARDSHIP should be written...i'm gonna tell you here because i've been thru it, my I-601 waiver was approved on SEPT 2008. Before i filed for it, i was just so worried about the Extreme Hardship, but my fiance, then, now is my husband, keep telling me that its gonna be okay because he was the one who is gonna write that Extreme Hardship. So he wrote it, and guess what, it was only half of the page, i asked him to rewrite it but he said i dont need to write it long, i just need to get straight to the points. i was just still doubtful, but guess again, the WAIVER was approved!!!! Well all he said in there was about his parents, explaining that they still needed him in the States, i think what helped the most was the other Statements from his parents, so get the parents or family member to write statements too, it doesnt have to be long and wordy..and actually its not as complicated as i thought...the key is...ask God to make it easier for you because HE WILL, if God wanted your Waiver to be approved then it will, alright?smile.gif Good luck guys..its gonna be okay, dont get stressed out too much:)
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-13 22:17:00
United KingdomKnitting Crew!
Absolutely summer! :) I tried to start a needlecraft thread in OT but it died. Please share pics of some of your stuff -- love to see your bathing suits! I see patterns for those and think, well, if I lost 15 pounds...Posted Image

Thanks for not makin me a stranger Maven :luv:
Alrighty, here are some of my projects, i dont have the blanky photo though, i'll take some later. When i started to crochet the swim suit, i was like, oh my, am i really gonna be able to make this? seemed soooo complicated, the stitches, you have to counted them and this and that, ough! but i did it!! yay!! the 1st one that i made was the white one, i screwed it a little with the size so i had to redid the bottom, the second one was the green one, my favorite, i wore it at the lake when we went to boating with our friends, i got them wet, but i didnt swim, came home and threw em in the washing machine (i shoulda handwashed them but again, too lazy haha, and guess what, they came out from the machine juusssst fine!!! nothin yea, its cool :yes: ).


OMG!! Swimming suits?? If I could do that I could.... conceal exactly the parts I would want to conceal - and in colors that suit me. :dance: :dance: I never thought of crocheting to be for anything else besides scarves and baby blankets.

Yea swimming suit gurl!!! I kno right? what we thought we could do with crochet was only Scarves and blankies, and hat in addition;) but actually we could explore moree, depend on us though, are we patient enough to sit and learn and do it? or like me, being hit by laziness so many times :D


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are the pictures too small? i resized them cause i thought would be hard to upload them here, but actually was pretty easy!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-06-18 12:23:00
United KingdomKnitting Crew!
hiya gurls!! well first off, am i allowed to join in and say anythin here since i'm not from the UK? :whistle:
Oh even if im not allowed i'll just go ahead :D

I LOVE to crochet!! so we have a thing in common then, right right?

Ummm let see what i've made... a blanky, scarfs, and 2 pair bathing suits (they're not really safe to be worn for swimming since the yarn will be stretched when its wet, but they're perfect for sun bathing), i still need to learn alot since i only know basic crochet.

My cuz introduced me to this girly thing first (you know some people think knitting, crocheting and sewing are gramma's hobbies, lame isnt it??? i dont care anyway), and then learned from youtube and my mom in law gave me this very fancy crocheting book, i learned to make bathing suit from that book. I havent done any crocheting lately, just been lazy i guess.

I'm also into sewing, i havent sewn nothin yet, but i've been fixing my dresses, shirts, jeans.. when i say fixing, means altering, you know ;)

Alrighty... so see you girls around??

Edited by summersurf, 17 June 2010 - 07:54 PM.

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-06-17 19:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)my brother's case is at NVC, but he has changed his address, what should I do?
Since his address has changed then i believe you should file the form AR-11 (Alien's Change of Address).
Actually you could do it in 2 different ways, 1st, send it thru mail and 2nd, do it online.
You know where to find the form right? yes, go to and click on Forms.
Look under "More Informations" on the right hand side and click either on Change of Address or Electronic Change of Address, you may want to look at both to see which way you will want to use.

Hope it wont be too late for you to file this form since they require to submit this Change of address form within 10 days after completing the change of address. But it should be fine...please just do it as soon as you could, alright?
Read all the instruction carefully...
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-10-26 20:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I start?
Hi..yeah, are you guys planning to move to the US? if so, then you will need to start to file the I-130. Click on FORUMS and all you need to know is there.
Oh and i was just wondering why she's been denied for the tourist visa up to 3 times, was there any specific reason why they denied her?
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-21 23:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa
usually it takes 14 days workday for the visa to be delivered, i dont think she needs to be stressed, yet:) but if she wants, she could give the embassy call to find out, i'd definitely do that.
Oh congratulation that her visa was approved, yaay!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-09-02 01:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved
Been there Posted Image
So im totally happy for you, congratulations!!!Posted Image

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-06-04 11:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy foreign fiance overstayed in the US

No, he hasn't gone to his interview yet, we just got our NOA2. Now if I may ask how do we go about getting the waiver done if they ask for one? When, where and who provides you with the waiver? Who do we submit to? and how soon does it have to get done?

I dont think you should be worried about the waiver, his overstaying was 17 years ago which is way over the ban already. You guys had the approval means they already approved the visa, they might ask him tough question about the overstay thing, but as long as he answers honestly, it should be fine.
But if they ever want him to file the waiver (which i believe wont happen), they will explain it all to him at the embassy. Alright? dont worry too much now ;)
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-07-16 15:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy foreign fiance overstayed in the US
Hello, well looks like your fiance's got the similar case with mine. I overstayed my previous visit in 2000-2003, so it was about 6 years ago when we were applying for K-1 visa.
My K-1 was denied and we needed to filed for the waiver, but i see your fiance's is approved, which is a good sign, i hope, because his overstaying was already longer than 10 years ago. I think his ban is already expired. At his K-1 (I-129F) interview, did they ask him anything about his overstaying?

Edited by summersurf, 16 July 2010 - 01:49 PM.

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-07-16 13:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAttorney/Paralegal - How Does It work/Your Experience

i dont think you need to hire a lawyer to start to file for your visa petition, its pretty easy and hiring a lawyer would be just spending even buncher of money. I dont know what your situation is, i mean you want to hire a lawyer to do your petition because you are very busy and think will have no time?
You dont have any problem with the immigration, do you? then you should be fine doing it yourself. i was overstayed and banned for 10 years, me and my husband didnt even hire an attorney to file for all the paperworks that we needed, we did it ourselves and everything went so well although the waiting part was the most annoying one.
Only for a consultation with a lawyer for an hour will cost you about 200 bucks, save the money for the forms fee, you'll be amazed that you actually can do it by yourself. Good luck!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-08-28 10:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy interview is tomorrow!
Swingin by to wish you the best for interview tomorrow, you go girl :dance:
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2011-06-26 21:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhere to call to ask for biometrics appointment
hi.., this is the number that i think you should call, its the USCIS National Customer Service and i call it anytime i have questions to ask, make sure you have your NOA letter in handy because they will ask for some information out of it.

Its the machine talking, but pick the number that says "if you need to order a form press..." i'm not sure what number it was, but thats the only number i always pick to direct me to a human.... good luck...everything is gonna be fine, ok:) hope this helps..
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-14 18:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCard received
yippeeee, Congratulation!!!!
Just dont forget to give thanks:)
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-06-14 19:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion10 years green card in hand!

i think you can read all the information at the back of the paper they sent it along with your Green Card, but as a permanent resident, we can be outside of the US up to a year without have to filing for the I-131 form, but if you intend to stay longer than a year then you will HAVE TO file for the form I-131 for the re-entry to the US.

Congratulation for your 10 years GC and hope your surgery will go well.

Edited by summersurf, 12 September 2009 - 05:01 PM.

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-09-12 16:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTwo different receipt numbers
Yup, you should call again to really make sure. I usually pick the option to Order a form and then pick the one if you dont know what form you need to order and it will connect you directly to a real person to talk to, it always work for me and hopefully will work for you as well. Alright?smile.gif
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-09-18 15:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuickie Q's

That's good to hear. I was worry about waiting for the re-entry permit to arrive and what not.
So my wife just needs to bring her GC (2 year condition) and her passport? Does she needs to bring any other documents?

I need to check when her GC expires, but I know it's not anywhere 3 months from now.

Thanks Posted Image

Yup, just her Green Card and her Passport, no other documents needed. Oh and if her Conditional GC will be expired about 3 months from now, please be sure she file the ROC right after she came back from Hongkong (thats what i would do Posted Image )
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-03-29 10:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuickie Q's
Hi, she needs to file the Removing of Condition (ROC) within 90 days before the expiration date of her Conditional Green Card. And nope, she doesn't need to apply for re-entry permit, all she needs just the GC and her passport (and the plane ticket for sure Posted Image ) When her Conditional GC will be expired?

Very sorry about the death in her family. Wish your wife a safe flight!

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-03-29 00:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDeath of USC spouse...I'm lost
I'm not sure about the answers you need but you'll definitely get helps in no time from the experienced ones. I just wanted to let you know that our condolences are for you. We'll be backing you up in prayers thru this difficult times..

J&C Posted Image

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-03-27 11:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPARTY ON!!!!

I still cannot believe it! No RFE. No Interview. That goes against everything I read here over the last years. God was with me!!!

Posted ImageYAAY!! so happy for you, C-O-N-g-R-a-T-U-L-a-T-i-O-n-S!!! Oh yeah, God WAS with you and HE Will always be with you, you're blessed...!!

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-04-24 20:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReview and comment on evidence list

OH we have pics. Disneyworld, Bali, Bahrain, all kinds of places. Is it normal to include pictures though? The I130, I129F, I485 sailed through with no pics.

Hello you guys, when i read this i was like, hey.. Bali? thats where my family lives Posted Image didnt you love it there? oh yeah Posted Image Sorry not really answering your questions here hehe.

Best luck!

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-04-29 02:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionInterview experiences

You may well be approved without an interview, but if you are called to an interview then all you need do is be honest about that 8 month gap. Not all marriages are beds of roses and separations do occur. The important thing is that the two of you have worked through your problems and resumed the marriage, probably stronger now than it was before. Bring the evidence that you have and plan on dealing with the question about the temporary separation. I honestly don't see it as being a big deal, though. Good luck to you Posted Image

AGree! Posted Image
It'll be fine, good luck :)

The fact that you two decided to give your marriage a shot again after your problems is a PLUS in your case. If you're called for an interview just tell the truth. The IO will see how commited you are because you had a choice to file for divorce and file ROC alone but you decided to give your marriage a chance. I don't see why any one will deny you for that. Good luck.

AGree, aGain! Posted Image Posted Image

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-05-02 02:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiling i-751

Hi everybody

I am filing I-751 today since it is 3 am. I see a lot of people are getting text and email updates how do I set this up. i can not find any info on this in the search engine.


Posted Image Well, if you tried to set up that Email updates thing here on VJ, you won't be able to...go to, thats where you need to sign up for your email updates.
Once you on USCIS Home Page, look on the left hand side under AFTER I FILE and click on Sign up for case updates...
Hope this helps and best luck on your ROC journey!

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-05-04 03:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHighlighting our names in the documents?
Hi, yea that would be a good idea, i would definitely do that too Posted Image best luck!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-05-09 19:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionInterview experience

it was a real cool experience and the whole interview didnt last longer than 15mins, the officers in norfolk office are great not like the old morans in vermont!!

Posted ImageIndeed that was a REAL COOL experience Posted Image
oh what a happy news!!! Congratulation you guys!!!

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-05-20 20:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAPPROVED!!
Thats totally an awesome news!! Congratulation, hopefully ours we'll go as smooth as yours next year :yes:
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-07-16 13:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAPPROVED !
yaaa..hooo..congratulation you guys!! :dance:
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2010-08-03 10:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMother in law accidentaly put my nickname in affidavit
Betul tul, i don't put it on other name used field. I put my maiden name on there though.
Alrighty chickie, jangan mikir kebanyakan yeeee..we already have too much too stressed about hahahahaha :yes:

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2011-06-08 22:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMother in law accidentaly put my nickname in affidavit
Aloha cewe Hawaii :D ,
I wouldn't be THAT worried, i would explain it in the cover letter. This case exactly like mine, my mom in law calls me by my middle name so when she wrote the Affidavit she wrote my middle name instead of my first name. My explanation in the cover letter was : "You may notice in the Affidavit refers to me with a name : (my middle name), as my mother in law calls me by my middle name".
A little note in the cover letter will do big, so don't worry, okay?

Good luck yaaaa....

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2011-06-08 22:07:00