Walikum salam
Yes, I remember you very well, but it is long time I didn't see you online. So how is going your life, how is ur husband and family members? Pay them my salam.
Thanks for your post.
BismillahirNot Telling06/28/2006 18:02
Is there any Bangladeshi here???
BismillahirNot Telling06/19/2006 20:23
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0

Yes, I contacted her already. The only issue I have was size of bar code.

Sister Shon (shonjaved) Inshallah CO will decide to issue your visa very soon without any problem. I am praying for the same. Inshallah your husband will have visa.
BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-01 03:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate
Yesterday My wife sent an email to Dhaka Embassy, she wanted to know what is the position of our marriage certificate verification, Dhaka Embassy replied her as follow :

Dear Ms. Ahmed
Thank you for contacting us. Please note that we have not completed our verification process yet. We are unable to provide you with specific information regarding the progress of the process at this stage nor can we provide you any specific time frame on the administrative process but we will contact you as soon as the process is complete. In the mean time we appreciate your patience and understanding on this matter. I hope this information is helpful.
Immigration Visa Unit
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy, Dhaka

BismillahirNot Telling02006-03-13 00:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate
It is long time I didn't post here. Actually very tried from longggggg waitttttt. Hope all brothers & sisters are fine here in the forum. Today is exactly 6 months I had my interview and still no news. Waiting for marriage certificate verification from Dhaka Embassy. It is now 6 months still they don?t have time to verify the marriage certificate, though it is only one hour matter. Our marriage register office and US Embassy in the same city and only 15 min drive.
Any way, I believe it is Allah?s choice and Inshallah he will make it easy?.
Please pray for us?..
Thanks to all

BismillahirNot Telling02006-03-12 00:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother UPDATE

I know this is off the subject, but doesn't NVC do all the security checks prior ro sending this type of petition to the consulates? That was my understandingand and if that is so, why then are more being done?

I think you need the help of your senator and congressman. Have you had them make an inquiry for you? It sounds just like Ellis was writing and telling us about. Ie...needless delay by CO's. This sounds just like it.

When paperwork is sent back to DHS, doesn't it go through NVC? Is this a petition return?

Just some questions I would have.

Thanks ?Chiquita? for ur post
I had my interview on 12th September 2005. My fingerprint check, security clearances, name check all done.
Embassy took my passport on 20th March 2006 suppose to issue visa, they didn?t tell that they returned our petition back to DHS, or NVC. They just told forwarded the case to DHS for approval and DHS must see the passport. (Please read my opening post for the short story)

BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-11 08:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother UPDATE
It is now 3 weeks embassy took my passport and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for approval. Embassy told DHS office must see the passport. Do you know what they want to see in my passport & it will take how long approximately to return back the passport from DHS. Ohhhh it is hard to wait any more. I had my first interview on 12th September 2005, that means before 7 months. Still waiting waiting waiting
BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-11 01:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother UPDATE
Thanks to all for reply and prayers. I pray for you all Inshallah Allah (swt) will reward you for your prayers.
They sent my passport to the DHS, don?t know how long it will take to return back, but meanwhile if I need to go outside of Saudi Arabia I can?t?..because of my passport. Saudi Arabia is not my native country, I just work here. So my passport is very important to me.
BismillahirNot Telling02006-03-29 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother UPDATE
My wife sent an email to Riyadh Embassy and very highly requested them not to wait any more for the marriage certificate verification, as it is already more than six months now. She offered if embassy wants we can submit them many evidences in favor of our true marriage and loving relationship. Embassy sent her a positive reply. They asked me to go Embassy with all our evidences and they will see if they can issue my visa without waiting for marriage verification. I went embassy on 20th March and submitted them all our evidences. The supervisor saw all our evidences and he commented that you have many evidences, then he took all our evidences and my passport. He gave me a slip and told they will review my case and will contact me. Today my wife sent another email to the embassy and they replied the following :

Dear Ms. Ahmed
My boss reviewed the case and she forwarded to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) office for approval and the DHS office must see the passport. I will inform your husband immediately after DHS approval.
IV Unit
US Embassy

My question, do you know it happened the same for anybody else. I think I didn?t see here in visa journey same thing the case forwarded to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
If there are same situations happened for anybody please share your experience.
BismillahirNot Telling02006-03-25 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaPort of Entry (POE)
I am hopping Inshallah end of May I will fly to USA.
Could you kindly let me know your experience or if you have any suggestions for easy POE, please share with me.
Thanks for your support
BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-25 08:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's count!
Talata arba'aien = 43 (Saudi)

Edited by Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim, 25 April 2006 - 11:50 PM.

BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-25 23:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers need
Many thanks to all of you for your prayers.
I am very grateful to all of you and I am praying also to the almighty Allah (swt) for all of you, Inshallah kindest Allah (swt) will reward you for your prayers for my wife.
Still my wife is in the hospital and now she is feeling little better, Inshallah when she will be home I will give another update.
Thanks again for your prayers
BismillahirNot Telling02006-05-02 23:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers need
As-salamualikum wa-rahmatulla wa-barakatu
Hope all you are fine here Inshallah
I am posting this letter for asking all of you to pray for my wife.
Yesterday midnight suddenly my wife started throwing up blood and then went to hospital about 6 am, Still she is in the hospital under the doctor?s investigations.
Please pray to almighty Allah (swt) for her soonest recovery.
Thanks to all for your prayers

BismillahirNot Telling02006-05-01 23:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaPort of Entry
Alhamdulillah it was very easy and nice
I went to the immigration officer and submitted him my passport and brown envelop, he saw them and asked me to come with him. He then took me to another room and asked me to have a seat and another officer will complete my immigration formalities. About half an hour later another immigration officer came and took all my papers in his hand then he opened the brown envelope and looked at all the papers. I am sure he is very new for the immigration things, so he was searching for some instructions from his files but he couldn’t find what he will do for my immigration. Then he just put an arrival stamp on my passport and asked me to give him my wife’s contact no. incase if he needs anything later on. I gave him my wife’s contact no. then he told me, ok all done now u can go and meet your wife.
As much as I knew from visa journey, the immigration officer is suppose to put another stamp on my passport as I came with a CR-1 visa. He just put the usual arrival stamp. So is there any one here that can tell me, what is the stamp the officer has put on your passport when you or your spouse came thru customs and Immigrations at the point of entry into the United States with the CR-1 visa?

BismillahirNot Telling02006-06-13 07:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother UPDATE
Bismillahir rahmaner rahim
As-salamualikum wa-rahmatullah wa-barakatu

It is after long time I am in the visa journey. I was visiting my home country with very busy schedule for last few days and I arrived here in USA yesterday.
Alhamdulillah…. everything was fine and now I am very happy man because I m with my loving honey wife after longgggggggg wait.
Hope everybody is fine here and inshallah I will be regular again in the site.
Thanks to all
BismillahirNot Telling02006-06-12 07:40:00
Middle East and North Africahelp asap
I will just suggest to keep at least 4 hours time for next flight, becasue some times it takes more than 2 hours to finish immigration things. But to avoid the risk for next flight it is better to keep 4 hours time in hand.
BismillahirNot Telling02006-06-18 10:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaGreen Card in Hand
Happy to hear Abdel got his Green Card.
I am waiting for my Green Card...........hope will get it soon......inshallah

Edited by Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim, 19 June 2006 - 08:09 PM.

BismillahirNot Telling02006-06-19 20:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaWrong Address

Brother BBR it states on the paperwork to contact them after 30 days if you had not gotten your card or heard from them. Did sister give the post office a change of address form on you? I would of thought once she changed addresses she did this as Jean mentioned. If she has not I would contact them immediately and give them an updated change on your name. Good luck.


P.S. Did you get your social security card yet?

Thanks sister Mary for ur post.
Today we went to the post office and provide them forwarding mailing address. But my doubt if by this time it came thru and returend back. Another point, the person of post office told us for the letters from the immigration department they don't forward to the forwarding address. They send beck the letter to the immigration department with the forwarding address. So it is upto immigration department whether they will send again the letter to the forwarding address. Sister, do u think we need to fill the "change of address" form and send to the DHS. Please give ur suggestion.
No, we didn't get my social security card? How we can get when there is problem with our mailing address. But by this time we went to the Social security office and applied for one and they told we will receive one in 2 weeks.
Thanks again sister mary for ur post.
BismillahirNot Telling02006-06-30 15:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaWrong Address
When I field the Form DS-230 Part I. In the section # 11 [section 11: Address in the United States where you want your Permanent Resident Card mailed…] I put my wife postal address (post box no.). I entered to the United States on 11 June, it is now 20 days I am in the US, but my wife changed her postal address before few months and I don’t know that, even she also forgot to change the address with the USICS. When I am waiting to receive my welcome letter, social security card and green card, it suppose to comes in 3 weeks but it taking long time then I doubt about the address and I found that the address I put in the form it is no more valid………….my wife talked to the USICS for changing the address they told that they can’t change anything until it becomes 30 days of my arrival. So what is the easy solution of our problem and how I can get my Green Card easily.
BismillahirNot Telling02006-06-30 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt is our Destiny......
Alhamdulillah rabbil alamin
I am very happy for both of you.
May Allah (swt) make it easy for his travel to USA and easy POE.
BismillahirNot Telling02006-07-02 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaJob

congratulations... how was your job interview? & selection? let us know if you want

I wish you best of luck


First I applied thru online, then they called me for skill test and I passed the skill test, then they called me for Interview and I faced for interview, they asked many question in the interview, as much as possible I answered their question. After few days they sent me an email and informed that I am the first selectoin, if I am interested then to contact them................thats it

Edited by Bismillahir, 27 September 2006 - 06:58 PM.

BismillahirNot Telling02006-09-27 19:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaJob
As-salamualikum wa-rahmatullah wa-barakatu
Happy Ramadan
Hope all brothers and sisters are fine. It is after long time I am posting here again. I would like to share a good news with all of you.....I have got a government job under the State of Florida, Department of Health. My position is Administrative Secretary. I entered in the USA on 11 June and I joint to my job on 25 August. Alhamdulillah...........almighty Allah (swt) blessed me.
I noticed still some brothers and sisters under AR. I am praying for them very specially and I also pray for them who are waiting for their interview. Inshallah you all will have VISA.
Allah Hafiz
BismillahirNot Telling02006-09-26 19:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
I just edited our Reunited on 11th June

Recent Reunifications:
jenprincess1 (Egypt/Kuwait, CR-1) Reunited OCT 18th!!!
morac (Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 23rd!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 28th!!!
Moe & Lisa (moe_lisa, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited NOV 3rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV 5th!!!
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV. 15th!!!
erika1228 (Lebanon, K-1) Reunited NOV 11th!!!
Rebecca & Abderrafie (rhouni, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 9th!!!
Alma & Omar (appletree35, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Jenn & Ouadia (jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Amal & Noor (amal, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited DEC 11th!!!
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Reunited DEC 29th!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 13th!!!
Hawhaw (hawhaw, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 20th!!!
Farah (Farah2005, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 22nd!!
Amera & Youssef (AmeraMouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 26th!!
Angel & Anmar (angelk96, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited FEB 9th!!!
Dawn & Hatem (dawnnhatem, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited MAR 2nd!!!
Paula & Karim (ohiobuck, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
ramlirobin (ramlirobin, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
Kelly and Sofyan (dollface, Jordan, DCF) In the US MAR 25th!!!
Mary and Atif (maryandatif, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 28th!!!
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Reunited MAR 31st!!!
Marissa and Amed (MHandMB, Algeria, K-1)Reunited April 21st!!!
Dorothy and Jamal (ella74ny, Morocco, K-1)Reunited April 22nd!!!
Jackie and Nabil (jackielovesnabil, Morocco, K-3) Reunited May 4th!!!
Massouna & Ali (LebaneseBride, Lebanon, CR-1) Reunited May 27th!!!
Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim (Bangladesh/Saudi Arabia, CR-1) Reunited June 11th!!!

Upcoming Reunifications:
Tracy & Tarik (tariktchach, Morocco, CR-1) June 16th

Recent Marriages:
Doreen & Abdou June 23, 2005
Carolyn & Simo July 9, 2005
Twila & Hicham July 22, 2005
Vicki & Youness August 20, 2005
Liz & Abdel December 16, 2005
Maryum & Rachid September 26, 2005
Rahma October 14, 2005
Rebecca & Abderrafie December 23, 2005
Prena & Aziz January 15th, 2006
Jenn & Ouadia January 20th, 2006
Sharon & Majid January 28th, 2006
Melody & Khaled February 14th, 2006
Sarah & Otman March 16, 2006
Amera & Youssef April 22nd, 2006
Dorothy & Jamal May 5th, 2006
Kathy & Saoudi May 15th, 2006

Upcoming Marriages:
Massouna & Ali June 17, 2006 (duchle)
Kathy & Saoudi July 15, 2006 (2nd wedding)

Recent AOS Approvals:
Dana & Khalid (dkbakkass, Morocco, K-3) Approved OCT 26th!!!
Jacque & Mohammed (jmagayreh, Jordan, K-3) Approved NOV 3rd!!!
Sara & Adnan (sara535, Morocco, K-1) Approved DEC 1st!!!
Doreen & Abdou (myfellah, Morocco, K-1) Approved JAN 26th!!!
Vicki & Youness (karotte, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 15th!!!
Ke_east_coast (Ke_east_coast, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 22nd!!!!
Twila & Hicham (tnh9479, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 8th!!!!
Carolyn & Simo (carolyn, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 15th!!!!
Maryum & Rachid (anxious, Morocco, K-1) Aproved May 23rd!!!
Rahma (rahma, Egypt, K-1) Approved May 23rd!!!

Upcoming AOS interviews:
Elizabeth & Hisham (elizabeth&hisham, Morocco, K-1) Interview cancelled. No new date set. :(
Laura & Abdel (lal_brandow, Canada, K-1) Interview May 18th (waiting on security checks)
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Interview June 28th
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Interview July 25th

AOS Transferred to CSC (probably no interview for green card):
Jenn & Ouadia (jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 8th, biometrics done 3/15, received interim EAD 5/18

Waiting on AOS:
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 11th, biometrics done 5/2
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 27th, biometrics done 3/23, received interim EAD 6/8
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Filed MAR 23rd
Amera & Youssef (Ameramouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Filed JUN 5th
Kathy & Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Filed JUN 10th
BismillahirNot Telling02006-06-15 00:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin
As-salamualikum wa-rahmatullah wa-barakatu to ALL
Last few days I couldn?t visit the visa journey site due to visiting two holy places Macca and Madina.
I would like to pay thanks from the bottom of my heart all of you for paying me congratulations and your well wishing for me. I have seen the following dearest sisters and brothers sent me congratulations thru my post in the visa journey. I am praying for all of you and Inshallah you will be rewarded from Allah (swt).

I have some question, Inshallah I will post them in new topic in the same forum.
Allah hafiz
Fe amanellah
BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-25 01:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin
As-salamualikum wa-rahmatullah wa-barakatu
Firstly - I would like to pay all my thanks to almighty Allah (swt), who is the only giver and taker and he made it possible for me. I got my VISA Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin.
Secondly - I would like to thanks from the bottom of my heart to all of them here in the visa journey who kept me in their prayers, who gave me valuable suggestion & support several times in several issues, who showed their sympathy during the hard time I was in the AR, who replied me in my post of Visa Journey and also thanks to all of the participants in this nice site VISA JOURNEY.
I must need to pay thanks to the authority of VISA JOURNEY, who build this website. There is no doubt that the site is veryyyyyyy helpful for both of us visa Applicants and Petitioners. This website seems the world very best immigration lawyer/attorney. In this connection I just feel to mention one very nice topic from my wife. At the beginning of our visa process I asked my wife whether we need to appoint any immigration lawyer, she answered me that we have the most powerful lawyer in the world, the supper power and our lawyer is our creator almighty Allah (swt), we don?t need to appoint any more lawyer. Her that nice comment made me very pleased and all the time it was in my mind.
Thirdly ? I must need to mention one thing, which I am feeling every moment for them who are still under AR for the long time. My heart breaking for them. I can realize their pain, because I was in AR 7 months. I will never stop prayer for them until they will be in the arms of their beloved. I can?t remember all the names who are under AR, but as much as I remember following sisters/brother still under AR. Please note that all you are in my prayers and the name I can?t remember they are also in my prayers.

morocco4ever / Shonjaved / mianishqsrose / crazyinEgypt / Omid
karen2705 / jackielovesnabil / Aymerlu / djbali / chiquita / Fatimah / Fatima / bornot2b / kiya / lostinlove228 /mawelvan / flygirlalbny / moroccogirlny / ella74ny??and others who I can?t remember names

I will not stop prayer for all of you.
Inshallah I will keep in touch.
Allah Hafiz
Fe amnellah

BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-16 23:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
As-salamualikum wa-rahmatullah wa-barakatu
Sister Kiya
You must add me in the list. I m completely agree with u
Jezakallah Khair

BismillahirNot Telling02006-03-01 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApril Fools Day
Yes, Riyadh Embassy work from Saturday to Wednesday.
I involve with Riyadh Embassy.
SCY-you were from Riyadh too?
BismillahirNot Telling02006-04-01 03:29:00