K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Hi everyone, first time poster (I think?). I've been around for awhile, but thought I'd join in the fun. Milena and I are waiting as patiently as we can.

I don't have our relationship timeline up yet, but we've been together 4 years. It's been an endless struggle with patience. I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A NOA2 would certainly brighten that light!

Best of luck to all of you.

Oh, quick question - I saw another petition for a Brazilian in here - if Milena is from Sao Paulo, does she still have to go to Rio for her interview?

Thanks in advance.

Ken and MilenaMaleBrazil2009-04-03 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed for possible 2nd attempt?

The above is all correct. There is no contradiction between the good advice you were given here and the Consular unit's response. You now have complete clarity. What I would add is that if you don't have a very good reason for not using the visa, it is not going to be reissued.

Please correct me if I've misunderstood but my read between the lines indicates there is not an acceptable reason for not using the visa in your case. It appears you and your fiance(e) are having relationship issues that are preventing her from getting on the plane. If this is the case, I suggest you solve them before the visa expires or plan on petitioning again.

Thank you everyone, and you have read between the lines correctly...unfortunately.
Ken and MilenaMaleBrazil2010-01-26 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed for possible 2nd attempt?
Baron, please read my last post right above yours, and give me your thoughts. Thank you.
Ken and MilenaMaleBrazil2010-01-25 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed for possible 2nd attempt?
Well, it turns out that the advice you all gave (and with two lawyers concurring) APPARENTLY isn't completely true. Let me post two emails between myself and the Brazilian Consulate in Rio de Janeiro.

To Whom it May Concern:

My fiance and I would like to inquire as to the best method of requesting a Visa extension. Would you recommend that Milena set up an appointment with you in Rio De Janeiro, or that she mail you a formal letter of request?

If you would prefer an appointment, who should she call to set that up?

If you would prefer a letter, to whom should the letter be referred to within your department?

Thank you, as always, for your prompt and helpful replies.

Dear Sir or Madam:

There is neither an automatic renewal nor an extension for expired immigrant visas. After the expiration of the visa validity, it is necessary that the applicant send us the passport with the non used visa; the sealed envelope that goes along with the passport and a detailed letter explaining why the visa was not used within its validity as well as corroborative evidences. The officer will review the case. If the presented reasons are not accepted for a reissuance of the visa, it will be necessary a new petition filed in the beneficiary’s behalf. If the officer decides that a re-issuance is possible, a new fee and a new interview will be necessary.


Immigrant Visa Unit

United States Consulate General

Rio de Janeiro - RJ -Brazil

To Whom it May Concern,

Your information was useful, however, my inquiry was not regarding an extension for an expired immigrant visa. It was referring to a currently active one. Her visa is valid until mid-April.

Dear Sir or Madam:

There is no extension at all. You can risk and wait until it expires and then follow the instructions provided in our previous e-mail.


Immigrant Visa Unit

United States Consulate General

Rio de Janeiro - RJ -Brazil
Ken and MilenaMaleBrazil2010-01-25 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed for possible 2nd attempt?
Thanks to all of you for the good advice. I really appreciate it. Happy New Years!
Ken and MilenaMaleBrazil2009-12-28 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed for possible 2nd attempt?
Let me add this, too.

Thirdly, if re-applying is a viable option, is there any chance the process could be faster this time around?
Ken and MilenaMaleBrazil2009-12-28 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed for possible 2nd attempt?
I'm going to keep the details of a long, complicated story to a complete minimum. But, your advice in this matter is GREATLY appreciated!

The bottom line is that my fiance may not be able to enter the country before the 6 month deadline from when she was granted the visa at her interview.

I guess I have several questions.

First, is there ever a chance to extend that 6 month deadline?

Second, if not, is there a danger that if we re-applied, the USCIS could deny us a second VISA? The reasoning being that, if they thought we weren't "serious enough" to go forward with it the first time, maybe they would think we aren't serious about it at all?

I'm very scared that if she doesn't enter the country in time, that I may never get the government's blessing on our relationship.

Any and all advice is welcome, but please, don't just give me opinions. Hopefully you can give me some type of information that you can back-up by previous experiences of others, at the minimum.

Others may have experienced this and posted, but I didn't know how to search for it. Those thread links would be extremely appreciated as well.

Thank you for your time in reading this post, and for anything you may be able to add to the discussion.

Have a great New Year's everyone, and God bless.


Ken and MilenaMaleBrazil2009-12-27 23:45:00