IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportson my 8th week for culture sample

Your daughter's medical will expire 6mos. from its release at SLEC and before that date she must already leave the country bec. if not, then she needs to do the medical again. Since you undergo with the sputum test, I think you are not yet done with your medicals, no results yet...right? Hopefully, your sputum culture will be negative so you can continue with whatever is not done at SLEC and then eventually go to the interview. Just be positive. Goodluck!!


(we literally live in SLEC for 3+mos last summer!!! my kids had their DOT from Feb 27-May 6!!! we were once among the masked people!!! smile.png

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-10 08:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportson my 8th week for culture sample

medical lasts 6 months...

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-09 09:12:00
PhilippinesF2A Interview Documents
Thanks Hank..
I'm just worried that the document I requested from HK police won't be filed together with my case during my interview next month. It has been sent to them early Feb. that's why I'm so confused why they didn't say anything about it on their reply.

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-18 18:36:00
PhilippinesF2A Interview Documents
Pls. Help.
How to track packages at the US embassy Manila? I emailed them asking confirmation if the package which I requested and was sent directly to the USEM was now on their file under my case. After almost 3wks, I got their reply but it says nothing about what I'm asking them!! Instead, the email said " we have not received the USCIS approved visa petition on your behalf, but we understand that the DOS NVC had scheduled you for a visa interview on April ******. We expect to receive the case file in time for the appointment" makes me worried!

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-18 16:40:00
Philippinesmedical done!!!
Fees for adults is P10,035.00. Yes I also encountered the pop up for yolanda victim when I made my online pre registration and since I am not a yolanda victim I cancelled the pop up page...maybe they have a special page to be filled up for those cases. The reception/cashier also didn't ask anything about being a victim or anything about the discount when I payed.

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-21 01:03:00
Philippinesmedical done!!!
Thank you Hank.
joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-21 00:55:00
Philippinesmedical done!!!
I just had my medical at SLEC march 18-19 and I'm so thankful that I went out with the results on the 2nd day!!!!
Wheeew! I worried too much! But now I'm so much relieved! Waiting for the date of my interview.

The reason I became worried that I might not get the result on the 2nd day was the fact that I took care of my kids who attended DOT at SLEC last summer! The doctors/nurses will ask "do you have family history of TB? Did you have any contact with persons with TB? Took care of them? All I answered "NO mam"!

Here's my slec experience:
Arrived at SLEC around 10:30 am. (I planned on going there early but I was soo tired of the long bus trip from the province). I showed my documents to the guard on duty and proceeded to USA reception groundflr where the lady there took my online registration form, right index fingerprint, visa photo and had my photo taken from her computer cam for the PDS/slec file. She instructed me to go to 5th floor to pay. From the cashier, I went down to 4th flr for the blood extraction and urine collection then went down (3rdflr) for the chest X-ray. Then to 2ndflr for the Immunization interview. While waiting, a staff (been talking to these people alot last summer!!!)from the Pulmonary Section passed by and recognized me!!! Oh it is...the one I'm soo worried at! We exchange short hellos and I heard him say "that's the mom of our two patients before...that's really fast she's going now" I silently prayed the doctor at the immunization room didn't hear that!! Immunization interview went well then I went up to 5th flr for the vital signs, visual test, height and weight and was ask to come back 1:30 pm. All those procedures were done before 12:30! So, base from my experience going to SLEC late in the morning saves a lot of waiting time!
I had lunch with my companion and then went back to 5th flr at 1:30 for my physical exam. After 15minutes I was called to go to room #8... i was given #8..lucky #8! Waiting there was the coldest 20mins of my life!! There were 4 of us waiting for our turn and we all felt really cold!! Of course, who wouldn't be? we are sitting in front of the big AC!! Plus we are waiting for our turn to go completely naked inside the PE room. :-)
The doctor was really nice and pretty! Nervousness gone! And I'm done in more than 5mins!! ;-)
After that I went back to USA reception and was asked to come back 2pm the follwing day!
(Prayed a lot for a good result....hoping everything will be ok!)
2nd day, I showed the information guard my receipt and yesss!! He stamped it with "2nd flr immunization" soo thankful! I got there 12:50nn and my receipt says 2pm so I expected to wait longer this time. My name was called for immunization at 1:45. Shots were really painful! Really! I got MMR and Tdap! After that I went down the releasing and waited for my immunization record and CD!! I was out and all done at 3:23pm!
Soo happy!
Glory to God in the highest high!
Now, its time for me to prepare for the interview!!

I hope everyone will have a good result at SLEC. I feel for those who has delays on their medicals...I've been there (with my kids case) and its not easy. Yet, everything will be OK just be patient.

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-19 21:01:00
PhilippinesPolice Clearances NBI AND Barangay Clearances??

You are the first I have read of getting a local police clearance.

I have lived in different city (here in the Philippines) and put it in my ds260 but nvc only asked me for the HK Police clearance.

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2014-03-25 05:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHong Kong police clearance?

oppss...sorry. Im F2A however I'm also wondering if I can get  that request letter for HK CNCC earlier. I heard of cases being delayed because HK clearance didn't arrive before the scheduled interview... :-(

joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2013-11-19 00:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHong Kong police clearance?

hello guys... when will NVC send packet 3? I also need the letter to request for HK CNCC.


joulesyanzFemalePhilippines2013-11-19 00:29:00