Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum; May-August K1/K3 Filers
Okay, so I am wishing to share the pain with my fellow breathren. If you are in the Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Ossetia, et al (former soviet union). log in here and lets share the journey. I will not bore you with my time line since I have actually filed it in (unlike Mox wacko.gif ).

During breaks, Mox will be serving pie. Slim will be entertaining us with rifle shots of watermelons. Turbo will entertain us with tales of his time in Caribbean with wifey and Neon will give us his wisdom on dental care devil.gif

My news; I had one touch soon after filing and receiving my NOA1; I think it was just the day they moved my file cabinet from the front office to the dumpster.

I am returning to see my sweetheart October; hopefully we will have NOA2 by them. We plan to do a celebration for her family; wedding dress and all. It will not be official wedding (no vows) but it will be everything except the vows. Her family can not come to the actual wedding in USA (father is older, I do not have enough money to bring all the ambulatory ones to America for wedding, visas are hard to get for American wedding, etc.)

I am hoping for final approval in February 2010

Your stories?
johnjMaleRussia2009-07-21 21:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMail service
If you want to complain, do it higher up the line, in writing; but not as high as congress. I would document the problem with copies of the pieces of mail, dates the mail is delivered wrong, etc. Usually, a sub mailman fills in when you regular mailman is on vacation or has a day off. You need the dates to document who delivered the mail; you need to document it is not a one time problem and you need to show it is not just a simple mistake (transposed numbers on the mail-reason for the copies).
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-05 07:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAeroflot becomes Aeroflirt.......
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Aug 4 2009, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (justashooter @ Jul 31 2009, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
china eastern has the hottest stews in the world. air china is not far behind. they are all in the 48Kg club, all size 3-4 or less. they are all polite and friendly, and all young. they make american stews look like fat old wrinkled up prunes.

I think there are a few guys posting here that don't really understand what a size 14 is laughing.gif

headbonk.gif no0pb.gif no0pb.gif no0pb.gif no0pb.gif
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-04 08:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAeroflot becomes Aeroflirt.......
Holy Toledo Mox, lighten up. When the plane is in a nose-down dive from 40,000 feet and crashes in the side of a mountain; there is really little the cute attendant can do to help you.
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-01 08:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusfinally.....noa2 accepted
Good News but you still must hang around to consul the rest of us waiting.
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-07 14:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
deleted, double post

Edited by johnj, 09 August 2009 - 06:52 PM.

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-09 18:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Aug 9 2009, 06:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you insincerely ask how others might have handled a given situation, and then attack them for their answers, you have a different agenda and game you're playing. And I'm out.

Frankly, you seem just a little too casual and easy going and snide for a man with a very dark tragedy in his family history. If the same thing happened to my family, the last place I'd be putting it out in all it's dark details is on some anonymous visa forum. If it's all true, my regrets and sympathy. If you're just another guy making up stories and working the forum for kicks, you'll soon be on the receiving end of the wrath of the Russian forum. Their too smart.

For me, over and out.

Visavetern; I was fine with all the advice until the last week; where folks outside the regular Russian forum seem to want to attack. I do not believe I have made any negative comments to anyone posting an honest opinion without blaming me of my father's ill deads. Yes, I agree, my sarcastic way of dealing with this situation may not sit well with you; after a couple years I refused to live in hell and decided to live a life-my girls have also moved on and are now living a real life not marred daily by this disaster. Nevertheless, this was a part of their life and I thought my SO needed to know about it so she could deal with problems as they arose.

QUOTE (baron555 @ Aug 9 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you guys doing OK? I pray that this is so.

Yes, we are doing much better; thanks for your concern.

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-09 18:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
QUOTE (mox @ Aug 9 2009, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... starting to come out of the woodwork.

No worries, cockroaches are good entertainment

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-09 16:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
QUOTE (askfruitcakelady @ Aug 7 2009, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So we are now suppose to tell you that her culture and thinking is wrong.?? and you did the right thing?? her thinking and culture is her thinking and culture. Youdid the right thing but a bit to late, Yougoing to have to live with it and the sins your father. Consider it when finding a mate again, put it out there fairly early. esp in foreign relationship, which have different thinking, values and etc ideas on things. Sometimes love doesnt conquer all, she doesnt know youenought to love you that deeply, that would come with time and yrs married.

My first thoughts after reading your reply was "What planet are you from"; after a day to reflect I now wonder "What solar system are you from"? Next time, before you provide your insight, take a few moments to read the entire post. If you had taken the few minutes necessary, you would clearly seen we worked out the problem; it was necessary to tell her so she could interact with my adult children and I had sought counsel before telling her. You state, "sometimes love doesnt conquer all", "she doesnt know youenought tolove you that deeply, that would come with time and yrs married" - Anyone that does not love me enough ("that deeply") would not be my future wife.
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-09 11:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Aug 1 2009, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think some caring lies or silence can be kinder than dumping the hard truth on someone. In this situation, the children and the new wife might be better served by living in the present and future, and not let the past pull them down or make them live in the ugly past.

What exactly is served by telling her about the abuse? As for the children, they will probably need help later on in their adult lives than right now. A clean, loving, happy start is better than immediately throwing everyone into this trauma.

I think it's a fact that most marriages break up when the wife tells the husband she was raped. It's just too hard to recover from. Ideally, we would all handle this like social workers but we are vulnerable weak people, not mental health professionals.

We are all more dishonest than we care to admit and often the dishonesty is to to protect others from our bad behaviors and messy lives. That is what is involved with cheating. Should we tell our new wives we cheated on our past wife? Shrinks will sometimes advise against telling the truth in such cases.

I have so many comments about your statements I do not even know where to start; most are better left in my head and not expressed on this forum.

The children are now adults; this situation was a part of their lives and will continue to be a part of their lives; they do not live in the past but the past is part of their lives.

My fiancee needed to know so she would understand why I am not close to my mother; would understand the problems my girls face in everyday life, etc.

Any Shrink that advised me to lie would not be my Shrink. I have never cheated on any wives or ex-girlfriends-if I had-I would tell her; I believe in honesty.

Edited by johnj, 04 August 2009 - 08:59 AM.

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-04 08:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
We have had a good discussion; we have a better understanding. She understands better why I felt I must tell her. Mostly, she was worried for parents and their impressions, they are very old country and this is not accepted in their culture.

Many of you were correct; long distance relationships are difficult; take lots of understanding and finesse (I am not good at finesse, I am like a steamroller or sledge hammer).

We have made great progress
johnjMaleRussia2009-07-29 13:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
Thanks everyone for your advice and support. I thought it was best to share this with her in the beginning also; it was the agency directors/friends that advised against it. The directors are also her very dear friends; they live in America (one is from former Soviet Union). They are very close with her and in daily contact with her; sometimes for hours a day.

I had requested Ewok (administration) remove this post yesterday as it caused a stir with her and her friends.

She seems to be a bit calmer but now I am hopping mad because of comments, insults, etc.
johnjMaleRussia2009-07-29 07:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
QUOTE (daboyz @ Jul 28 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like he already told her.

Yes, yesterday.

johnjMaleRussia2009-07-28 10:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
I do not want to go into all the gory details but here is a summary.

Natalya and I have filed a K1 visa. My father has a sorted past; I was advised not to tell Natalya about his past back in May. I told her yesterday and it appears our relationship has ended.

Ok, here is the summary: My father was arrested about 13 years ago for sexual abuse of my daughters. Between getting out of jail and trial, he committed suicide. As a forensic scientist, I was permitted to see the evidence; there was no doubt of guilt (photos, videos, etc).

I believe in honesty, complete honesty. I was told by her friends not to share this because it would not be accepted in the Russian community (my evil father, I, the son, must be evil). I thought carefully about it and decided in order to respect myself I needed to share this news with her. Anyway she would learn of it when she came to America as my daughters were 9 and 11 at the time of the sexual abuse (they have had extensive counseling).

Here is my questions; should I have shared this with my future wife?

Request we keep this post in Russian Forum but others are welcome to comment

Edited by john and natalya, 28 July 2009 - 10:31 AM.

johnjMaleRussia2009-07-28 10:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
QUOTE (AKguy @ Aug 14 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
love is blind

Love may be blind but I am not blind. I like my wife to look good, even when she is pissed at me

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-14 13:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
QUOTE (slim @ Aug 14 2009, 03:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (groovlstk @ Aug 13 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- but it's a flimsy justification for marrying a complete stranger.

Not if she's smokin-hot! good.gif

DA, DA, DA!!

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-14 11:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
QUOTE (Thomas-n-Elena @ Jul 11 2009, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (john and natalya @ Jul 11 2009, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, if we are speaking of the same person, that was Nick & Nat; he generated a bit of flack because many had problems with fact he was in fifties and she was 19. During my last check, they are together and "happily" married

I dont see what the problem is, I hope when I am in my fifties my wife will be nineteen. She said she feels younger all the time and since we are 13 hrs behind her hometown she gets younger.

Wait something doesnt sound right

You dont suppose my wife is not telling me the truth? Do you?

I don't have a problem with it either, but it sure was a topic of much conversation

johnjMaleRussia2009-07-11 06:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 10 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you guys remember way back when there was a dude with another site - he had personal pictures, stories, etc. - that was on here quite a bit and he basically shut it down because someone was trolling all the time? Anyway, he basically said, "Hey troll, no matter which username you post on, you have the same IP address so I know it's you. Get a life."

I don't think he shut it down because of the troll, but he definitely lost interest and it became more of a posters vs. trolls blog than a fun site.

Yes, if we are speaking of the same person, that was Nick & Nat; he generated a bit of flack because many had problems with fact he was in fifties and she was 19. During my last check, they are together and "happily" married

johnjMaleRussia2009-07-10 23:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
QUOTE (baron555 @ Jun 27 2009, 04:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You guys ought to be on the forum; you'll fit right in!

I followed that forum for months about four years ago, made a few friends from that forum but I will not return. IMO, nothing now but a bunch of gripping, back-stabbing, misinformation, etc.
johnjMaleRussia2009-06-27 17:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
May I interject a bit of sanity. Assume we all are of sound mine and law abiding (as we read the law); We all plan to marry our SO! I do not think any of us would argue: once you SO arrives and you prepare for the wedding; if he/she turns out to be a completely different person that you expected (douchbag, b!tch, violent, etc), you legally have 90 days to ship the "mail order" SO home. The SO also has that time to determine if I was a complete fake and leave me in my dust on her way back to her homeland, at my expense. I think the 90 days is there as a sort of compromise; I believe the government would prefer you married at the Passport Control Desk of the POE but they recognize some have reasons for a formal church wedding, wedding with family to arrange, etc.

Edited by john and natalya, 26 June 2009 - 01:16 PM.

johnjMaleRussia2009-06-26 13:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
QUOTE (Rob_Lesya @ Jun 26 2009, 07:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope that most of us would agree that these are the types of guys whe DEFINITELY need to be kept away from this process at ALL costs!

Good points, agreed.

I have been on other forums a couple years ago that sort of kept scorecards; I thought it was cruel and discusting that anyone would lead someone on simply for the sake of self-satisfaction.

johnjMaleRussia2009-06-26 07:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusquestions about love and commitment relative to K1 process
1. Is it customary, right or proper in this day and age (leaving aside cultures with arranged marriages) to become engaged if one or both parties are not truly in love yet? That is, it seems to be a perfect match, the physically you really connect, etc. but you have not really had the usual time together honestly for love to develop?

Everyone is different; for me it is easy to fall in love. I consider marriage a contract and commitment to each other and to develop love together for a lasting life together. Of course, the psychologists and other on VJ will say it is not love but only infatuation.

2. Does anyone have an experience with this sort of situation and did it turn out favorably once you did get the time together?

I have two previous filings of K1 that never made it through the process; neither ever went to the interview. Number 2 canceled on me to marry another man. I canceled number 1 myself before the interview process after my fifth visit.

3. Does anyone have experience with feeling more in love with your Russian fiancee than you think they feel in return? I think there is asymmetry like this in relationships frequently, but usually people coming to more equal footing before the engagement happens. But, if you wait to collect enough time together on Russia vacations to work this process through, one or both parties may not be able to wait that long and the relationship can die.

Yes, true for my second canceled K-1 visa-I was more in love than she, guess that is why she canceled and married another man. wacko.gif

4. In this sort of situation, doesn't the 90-day visa take on a "trial period" quality? I know that this is not the intent of the K1 visa, and it could put undue pressure on the time together in the U.S.

My trial period is this visa process. I will not ask her to move to USA unless she is sure and I am sure. Once the visa is granted, I consider us married and totally committed. We will do the official marriage according to her timetable.

5. Has anyone deferred one or more steps of the marriage planning process until the 90-day period (formally proposing? giving a ring? announcing to parents? discussing time and place of wedding?)? If so, what is it like to be in limbo or to have a quasi-fiancee for a year?


6. If you are in this limbo status where he/she (ok, mostly she's in this group I think) may be waiting for more time together to decide for sure about love and commitment, do you let everyone know about the "engagement"? Do you introduce her as your fiancee?

I am open about our relationship and our intent to marry. I have told those than need to know and a few others that just need to give me a hard time, again.

johnjMaleRussia2009-06-24 10:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
Welcome to America and your new life with your "soon to be" husband
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-18 14:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
QUOTE (AKguy @ Aug 14 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
biggrin.gif 100%!

Then it is accepted, take gross weight, multiply by 2.5 with attitude

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-14 12:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
QUOTE (AKguy @ Aug 14 2009, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you add for attitude she's about 6' and pushing 2 fiddy.

That statement is redundant, she is Russian, right?

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-14 12:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
QUOTE (mox @ Aug 14 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, I need to hit a couple of the internet dating sites and grab a hot babe for my sig. AK and Brad are having way too much fun.

Mox, do you have a naked pictures of your sweetheart, I can send you some for your sig devil.gif

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-14 11:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
QUOTE (BluesTraveler @ Aug 4 2009, 03:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mox @ Aug 4 2009, 05:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dammit, wish slim was here to back me up on this. But I'll say again: POE is no big deal unless you truly have something to hide. Very VERY few people are even delayed at POE.

They took away my coconuts, I mean luggage.

Good thing your wife was not with you; as I remember, the Pitcairners wear coconuts as bras. I gotta admit, a coconut bra is kinda sexy, especially when she is bigger than the coconut devil.gif

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-04 14:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
QUOTE (m&k @ Aug 4 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We had a pleasant experience at JFK. The officer was extremely nice and I chatted with him. He told me a little about the job he does, some stuff that "you'd be suprised" happens, and we joked around while he looked for documents inside the envelope. Great first impression: ) Then he directed us to a room. Some officers were sitting behind a desk, occasionally they looked at us, and after about 3 minutes they called her name, gave her her passport and away we went. Easy, pleasant (although the room was a little intimidating). Customs just collected our cards and we passed through. Yeah, don't bring any fresh food, I've seen people have problems with that on other flights.

M&K, congrads on your visa and enjoy your time together!

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-04 09:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
QUOTE (itzallgood @ Aug 4 2009, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johnj @ Aug 4 2009, 04:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
At JFK POE, they will direct citizens and green card holders to one line and others to a different line. He needs to be in correct line or will be subject to longer wait. It is also possible he will be subject to the "butt sniff" as they occasionally bring the dogs to search for contraband; don't bring any food-that is contraband and the dog will find it-he will be delayed

Good points, ol' boy! Plus, if he holds the prized brown envelope in view when getting in line,and not just keeping it inside his bag, there is a chance an official will see it and invite him to move up, or direct him to the correct line. Wow, so no Big Macs kept in the carry on, or Fido will think it is snack time. No eating on duty for the Butt Sniff Patrol! laughing.gif

Indeed, it is very common for Russians to carry on their own food items or save part of their served food from the plane.

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-04 07:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting ready to cross the border
At JFK POE, they will direct citizens and green card holders to one line and others to a different line. He needs to be in correct line or will be subject to longer wait. It is also possible he will be subject to the "butt sniff" as they occasionally bring the dogs to search for contraband; don't bring any food-that is contraband and the dog will find it-he will be delayed

Edited by johnj, 04 August 2009 - 06:34 AM.

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-04 06:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice Certificate question
QUOTE (Rob_Lesya @ Aug 17 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Go with the sheet from the Embassy.
No matter what validity the actual certificate may state, the Embassy will accept the certificate as valid for 12 months from the date of issuance.

How long is the police certificates valid in Russia? I had heard 6 months

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-17 12:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
QUOTE (johnj @ Aug 21 2009, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had two giant jars in Siberia, I could have traded spoonfuls for sexual favors headbonk.gif

Hey folks, that's a joke.

johnjMaleRussia2009-08-21 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
I had two giant jars in Siberia, I could have traded spoonfuls for sexual favors headbonk.gif
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-21 15:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
You know, I have made a comment on this subforum a couple times; I should start an import business in Russia for Peanut Butter. Sure, some have seen it in stores in Moscow and other major outlets but I am telling you, the Russian I have met "eat this stuff up".
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-21 10:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
Anyone see the true story movie named "Castaway", based on the book by Lucy Irvine. Story of man and woman that went to Tuin Island (alone); almost the entire film she is naked. http://ecx.images-am...L500_AA240_.jpg
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-04 07:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
QUOTE (mox @ Jul 30 2009, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Jul 30 2009, 12:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In rugby they talk about a man weighing so many "stones."

That's a British weight. As in, "He weighs in at 9 stone." 1 stone=14 lbs. 2 of my kids were born in the UK and their birth certificates have their weight in a fraction of a stone.

Wow, I only weigh 11 3/4 stones; I feel so light now.
johnjMaleRussia2009-07-30 12:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
QUOTE (Thomas-n-Elena @ Jul 6 2009, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (john and natalya @ Jul 6 2009, 07:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Thomas-n-Elena @ Jul 4 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also is it just me or do you outfits match the decor in the background .... You two are waaaaaaayyyy to coordinated for me. But great pic your wife looks happy and you look like your about to have a hernia. hehehe

I agree, Thomas-n-Elena are way to coordinated in their avatar pic for me also devil.gif

Slim is having a hernia moment, she is not hugging his neck but strangling his neck. blush.gif

My wife and I like to take walks together and it was a bit cold out and we had just gotten new leather coats.

I didnt realize that slims wife was choking him, now the rest of the pictures on his face book page make more sense. laughing.gif

Did you also notice in Slim's Facebook photos, she is wearing boxing shorts. What is happening in this family; Slim, are you safe livin with her headbonk.gif headbonk.gif

johnjMaleRussia2009-07-06 09:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe foods they made you try.....and you liked!
QUOTE (Thomas-n-Elena @ Jul 4 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also is it just me or do you outfits match the decor in the background .... You two are waaaaaaayyyy to coordinated for me. But great pic your wife looks happy and you look like your about to have a hernia. hehehe

I agree, Thomas-n-Elena are way to coordinated in their avatar pic for me also devil.gif

Slim is having a hernia moment, she is not hugging his neck but strangling his neck. blush.gif

johnjMaleRussia2009-07-06 06:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat a surprise!
Excellent news Rob, good luck in rest of your journey. I hope we receive ours in the 100 day timeframe
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-28 06:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe movies you wanted to share
QUOTE (mox @ Aug 25 2009, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right about the point where they pulled The Dude's head out of his toilet, screamed "where's the money Lebowski?" and he says "it's down there somewhere, let me take another look."

Man, I gotta rent this, I love that line
johnjMaleRussia2009-08-25 11:59:00