IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
Hello from ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA everyone! (F) (F) (F)

I just want to join in on the great enthusiasm. I have been silently watching the posts from afar (in Russia) since May 6th. I am so lucky to be with my fiancee for this long. I want to send out a great thanks to everyone that posts on this site, because together we can actually understand some of what is happening with the USCIS. I am also a Nebraksa transfer... and after seeing that Gary was last touched on June 17th, that makes me feel better. And best of all, he too is a Nebraska transfer. I actually live in Nebraska, so hopefully mine will arrive today or tomorrow, unless they send it to my lawyer? Who knows where my RFE is going. But with the great news from Gary, we transferees can take some of the stress off and slip a little smile today and wish for the best.

I wish us all a speedy RFE and NOA2!!! :dance: :whistle: :)
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-06-29 17:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Interview Dates
Hey guys,

I can shed light on your uncertainty. NVC does not schedule the interviews at Moscow. The consulate does it themselves. I asked them about this.

It works like this...
1. Moscow receives papers...
2. Spends about 1-2 weeks pre-preparing (officially receiving) the case
3. Schedules the interview date

Think about it... if NVC scheduled the interviews, it would be more nicely dated, rather than sporadic. For example, your case finishes at the NVC on December 1st, and mine on December 8th. However, I get an earlier interview date than you... how does that work? It's because Moscow schedules the interview date after they finishing "pre-processing" your case.

I'm guessing that NVC simply knows the interview date after Moscow schedules it. Why? Because they have access to the same information via the embassy visa database system.

Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-12-16 02:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC has my petition

I had the same concerns of dates passing! I have been told not to worry!!! It seems now we just have ta kick back and "Try" to enjoy the ride to approval :D
Question; I go to and I see dates up to DEC 6, 2006. Please tell me where I can see dates through DEC 19th???

God knows we will all be there soon :thumbs:

Seems there is two places to find the interview dates... maybe they update them at the same time, but it appears they don't. Here is where I've been finding the interview dates, and they always seem to be updated about every 2 days or so.

-Alex :thumbs:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-10-21 03:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAttention to all with Moscow interview October 25 and later

The text states
"will require that all applications for non-immigrant visas be prepared using the Electronic Visa Application Form (EVAF). This requirement also applies to applicants for fianc?(e) visas.

Get it here

Good call John, I was extremely hurried when I read that post this morning and commented to quickly. Sorry about my misunderstanding on the matter.
And Austin, nice job on catching that, seems Moscow is not exactly consistent on what they're doing. Looks like we simply need to fill that stuff out and print out the forms, actually seems like a better of way of doing things, for future applicants.

And a question for John,
Could you tell me about your fiancee's Police Certificate? How long did it take them to make if for her? My finacee also lives in St. Petersburg... So it would really help to know how long that takes, and perhaps which place to contact, if you could ask your finacee?
This one is a big unknown for Julia and I, since I don't live there and she just doesn't know much when it comes to stuff like this.
Thanks in advance John...
:thumbs: :) -Alex

By the way, CONGRATULATIONS JOHN, that must feel great to have her approved. You must be a really happy guy right now, I know I would be. This process really sucks timewise.

Edited by Medical Moose, 09 October 2006 - 11:11 AM.

Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-10-09 11:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAttention to all with Moscow interview October 25 and later

I just got off the phone with the Embassy in Moscow. They will NOT accept old versions of the DS-156 form beginning October 25th! :o They are requiring the new, electronically-generated version from the Department of State web site.

See the full announcement here (Embassy web site). Here's an excerpt from the web page:

Attention! Beginning October 25, all non-immigrant visa applicants must submit a completed Electronic Visa Application Form. The Electronic Visa Application Form must be filled out online at After filling out the form online, applicants will be able to print a copy of their visa application form, which will include their data in a barcode format.

The Electronic Visa Application Form is not available in the Russian language. Answers to the questions on the application must be in English and must use English characters. The applicants are welcome to use the Russian language translation to guide them through the online English Electronic Visa Application Form.

My lawyer did not tell me about this change, and my wife has not received any new information from the Embassy regarding the change. I doubt the Embassy will send anything. My wife is totally upset and confused how the Embassy could change this and not tell the visa applicants. I agree. It's awful. :angry:

Oh, and there's a statement in their web page about the list of documents that says that the DS-156 is required in the Russian language. That is also no longer correct, according to the Embassy reprepresentative, effective with interviews beginning October 25!

What a wonderful beauracracy, eh?!

I hope this information reaches everyone in time to update their forms!

Where did you get this information?
You better call them and verify that information... you do know that the American consulate in Moscow considers the K1 Visa an immigrant visa, yes?
But if you're right about this, I'm glad you found out when you did... I'm just not sure. Call them and ask them, (assuming they misunderstood that you have a fiancee visa interview).
Also, how long did it take (how many days) for your fiancee to receive her police certificate? Just curious...
Thanks... :thumbs:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-10-09 06:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLost I134
devilette, kitkat1... :no: :no: :no:

Why would you say something like that? Yes, I'm pointing you out! If you've not good things to say, don't say them. :blink:
Is it difficult for you to reply with a normal and positive answer? If not, don't even speak. What's the point of putting people down for a legitimate question? Make yourself feel good, that you know everything?
Be nice! And don't be slamming me for saying this, you both had it coming. I've seen the same types of responses from you in the past. Take the scolding as childish, whatever, but grow up a little bit.
Your posts were totally unnecessary!


P.S. – I like you both; you usually have some good information. But you both know better than this. And don't tell me these replies were fun and not harmful. Look at the poster's reply.
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-11-30 15:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview showed up on the Moscow schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have Natasha check into renting an apartment for a week or however long you need. It will probably be cheaper and more relaxing than a hotel, assuming you are going to be with her.

Turns out Natalia hates Moscow and doesn't want to be there any more than she has to. I will not be there for the interview. Instead we are spending 2 1/2 weeks together in Munich, Salzburg, and Vienna. I've been looking into hotels such as Ukraina, but the reasonable(er) ones are already booked full - 60 days in advance! I am getting my arms around the fact that this interview is just going to cost about $1,000 + airfare (unless she can take a train). Airfare on Aeroflot is around $1,200. So it is. So it is.

Which city is she traveling from?
It's funny, seems all our fiancees hate Moscow...
I've rode the line from St. Petersburg to Moscow round-trip 2 different times. I can tell you, there's drunk creeps on the train. I don't mean to scare you, just don't let her go alone. Make sure her mother or some other family member or friend goes with her, if traveling on the train. Talking about the "sleeping" trains here, where you get on at about 10pm and sleep until your arrival in Moscow at like 6am. That's the St. Petersburg line though, don't know how the others work. But you all know how many drunken creepy dudes there are in Russia, sorry it's the truth. I lived there all summer, you can't walk the streets without seeing people drinking. :blink: Not all of those drunk guys are bad, but some are.

Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-12-16 03:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 from NSC
Keep on pushing those NSC applications!
Way to go! Good luck for the rest of the way!
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-04-20 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase transferred from Nebraska to California
Our case was also transferred to the CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER from Nebraska. Just wanted to join the club of transfers. And to let you know I received 5 e-mails (3 CRIS and 2 USCIS-CSSO). Good luck to everyone, including myself. :blush:


Edited by Medical Moose, 02 June 2006 - 04:27 AM.

Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-06-02 04:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 received, quick question...
Hello again,

This is great news... I was thinking there shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the quick replies! You all know how it is when you begin this process... there are many uneasy feelings and questions to be answered. Keep up the great work everyone!

:dance: (L) :dance:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-04-19 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 received, quick question...
Hey everybody,

It's great to be a part of this forum now. I know this process is long and can be stressful. It is wonderful that I have found this website for support. Thank you to all who have made this website what it is. There is very good information here.

Now to my question... My fiancee and I have received our NOA1 just a couple of days ago on Monday, April 17th, 2006. There are a couple questions in which I could use some guidance.

1. I am only 20 years old and Julia (my fiancee) is 19 years old. Does anyone out there know if this could be a potential problem? We are very serious about this whole process and I want to be taken seriously. And since I am a medical student, I have received continued support from my father to help with money issues, which leads me to my next question...
2. Can I have another person sign the support forms for me, since I don't make enough money as a student?

Thanks to anyone who would happen to know anything about my questions. Keep up the great work on this website everyone, you all make this whole process seem slightly more approachable than at first thought.

:thumbs: ***Let the waiting being...*** :dance:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-04-19 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForeign Document???
What's the document that they're asking for?
Did she include all necessary copies of foreign documents such as birth certificates, divorce decrees, with English translations and a signiture of the translator?
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-09-25 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost 3 Weeks, NVC says it could take 90 Days???

My case was entered into the system just yesterday. Yours should be done in few days. Since NVC deals with all immigration visa, they give this standard reply that it may take 3 months. I also got that reply last week. But K1 are done faster. By the way, some cases of Sept 18 NOA2 have arrived at NVC. I am sure you will hear soon.

Now about those quickly received cases, look where they're coming from... cough, cough, Vermont! :secret:

Just goes to show how crappy CSC is compared to VSC, it's pathetic. :ranting: :protest: :ranting:

And I'm so happy to be out of California now. I've never even been there and I almost hate it because of this slow processing business. When I hear California, I only think about how slow CSC processed my case. (I know Cali has a lot to offer, and I may end up there someday, but damn that service center). :cry:

But no matter how long it takes, I'll be doing the dance when my girl finally gets here. :dancing: :dance: :jest:

So until then, let's sit back and try to relax... after all, we're in the NOA2 club... where things happen a lot faster now a days. :pop:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-10-03 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost 3 Weeks, NVC says it could take 90 Days???

OK, Now I'm getting concerned. We just received our NOA2 Sept 20. but a 3 month wait to arrive at NVC!!!! The NOA2 Notice had a Valid from date 09/20/06 to 01/19/2007 The 3 months would CUT 3/4 of the validity time! I thought I was done with CSC ignorance :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Dude, you'll be alright. I had an original NOA1 of April 17, 2006... so be happy to be approved in the little time you did, especially from California. (I'm trying to make you feel better.)

Now about that validity, don't worry about it, my case took 3.5 weeks to arrive at NVC. Call everyday in the evening, so you'll know if it was accepted that day. And you can even call twice a week, and after they get it, they'll finally acknowledge you. At that point just ask when they received it and they'll tell you.
And honestly, I'm certain they would extend your validity in Moscow, or at best schedule an interview date before it expired, so you're guaranteed before January 19, 2007 (feels like January 19, 2011).

Also, for you to have reasonable expectations... as of today, Moscow is scheduled up to December 4, 2006 for interviews. So based on the timelines here, it's looking like an interview date of December 10-15 for me... and your NOA2 date is behind mine by 15 days, so I'm guessing after Christmas and New Years for you (I know you don't want to hear that). They don't operate on American & Russian holidays.

Here's hoping we both get our girls here before Christmas. :unsure: :wacko: :thumbs:

Edited by Medical Moose, 03 October 2006 - 07:52 PM.

Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-10-03 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!!!!!! on 210th day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW, we’re still waiting on March filers to be approved! It seems like the extinction of the dinosaurs when we talk about the March filers, it was so long ago. All I can say is CONGRATULATIONS and I must say you're more deserving of this than anyone I have seen for a long time. So I certainly and full-heartedly wish you good luck the rest of the way. I also sent you a PM with some more information on Moscow and the interview for future reference. This process just sucks and that's all there is to it; unfair, stressful, aggravating, and so many more fun adjectives.

But anyhow, I raise my glass to you and wish you a speedy interview date! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-10-26 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures230 days and finally approved!

You deserve this more than so many others getting their approvals. We need a filer rally to finish up those March and April filers. Good luck the rest of the way. I wish you a speedy interview and approval. :thumbs:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2006-10-26 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for opinions
Congratulations... you're approved! You just have to wait a bit more. Moscow is doing this to a lot of us. And knowing that, I made sure my fiancee (now wife), had mounds of emails, msn converstations, etc. And then she goes and forgets her original birth certificate, which I put in her black zipper folder to be taken to the embassy. GRRRR! :blink:

Long story short, we thought we'd never get the damn visa. Interview on November 30, visa received on December 21, entered US via Delta (Moscow to JFK) flight on next day. :o :yes:

Send them all sorts of #######. Even if you think it's useless. They don't care if it's sexual or whatever, at least they'll know you and yours are serious. I think we even made fun of USCIS and the embassy in our conversations. :lol: But why would they care? I had every email printed, and a mile long of msn conversations. Do whatever you have to do.

As most here always say, it's better to have too much, rather than not enough.

Good luck,

-Alex :thumbs:
Medical MooseMaleRussia2007-01-31 12:31:00