Asia: East and Pacifictranslatings Indonesian documents

If my fiances birth certificate has both English and Bahasa, do we need it translated. My vote is no, but I've quickly learned that my vote doesn't mean much to the process lol

BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2013-12-02 23:36:00
Asia: East and PacificJakarta Embassy Processing time

First off, yes, I am totally aware there is a chance he will be denied. I am all too aware of how that works. We will just hope that the interviewer's coffee was the right temperature, their trip to work was pleasant, and they are in a good mood.


Aside from that, the embassy stated it would take 2-3 biz days to process an approved visa. We interview of Feb the 4th (Tuesday) so it should, in theory be ready on the 7th (Friday). How realistic is this timeframe? For those who have gone through the approval process, has it taken longer than 3 days to be ready?

I don't have vacation time so the time off to fly over there is all unpaid leave. I had thought of buying return tickets for the 10th which gives them 4 business days. I need to make this trip as short and inexpensive as possible. Is 4 business days realistic or should I stay longer?

I know this is a very specific question on an embassy so hoping other Indonesian vjers can chime in here.



Edited by BCV&BEV, 08 January 2014 - 04:10 PM.

BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2014-01-08 16:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJoining my partner for his interview in Jakarta

We just received the email about getting the final paperwork together, medical check, etc & setting up the appointment.


As with many of you, this has been a long road. We don't want to take any chances so I will be flying over for the interview. 


Have any of you done this? Any pointers in preparing or scheduling?


We want to watch flight costs since we aren't exactly flush with cash after all this. Have any of you had difficulty in arranging flights and appointment times all at once?


I also mailed the paperwork to a friend in Jakarta so it would be waiting when he arrived (this was done before we decided I would fly over). I will just take originals with me at this point. It does say in the email to set up the appointment when the paperwork is ready. He plans to fly to Jakarta 1 week before the interview to do the medical check up, is this acceptable when trying to set an interview time?


Please give your input on the following plan:


He will fly in 1 week prior to the interview and do his medical check-up. I will fly in 1-2 days before the interview. After the interview he will fly home, pack, say good-bye, and fly back and we plan to fly together to the US 4 business days after the interview. They said it will take 3 business days to issue it upon approval.


I know its a tight schedule, but I don't have any vacation time at work so this is all unpaid time-off so we can't make a holiday of it.


Worst case scenario and he gets delayed or denied....will travelers insurance re-reimburse us for this situation?

Thanks for your input

BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2014-01-05 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA-2 Approved

I'm new here. Honestly I am am so shocked at how fast the approvals are going. It is almost hard to believe. My partner and I have been trying to get him here on some sort of visa for a year, but we finally could apply for a fiance visa now that the federal government recognizes our relationship.

All this news here is so encouraging. Really, almost impossible to believe. Our NOA1 is 9/25. We were thinking it would take as long as June. If the timeframe is similar to what I read here, he could be here before Christmas.

Congrats. I am so happy to hear that you are getting to be with who you love smile.png smile.png

BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2013-10-14 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI 129F Denial

Even getting into Mexico is tough. My partner and I tried to get him into Mexico and planned to marry there, but he was denied a tourist visa on the grounds that he wasn't rich (basically, based on what they expected as income).


From my research there aren't many places Indonesians are readily welcome without a visa or some sort of immigration process. I do believe he can fly into Cuba with no visa. While you can't travel directly to Cuba, maybe you could travel there via Mexico? Or, if he is willing to try, he could possibly enter Mexico through some means other than air. 


I moved to Mexico/San Diego with the plans to marry in Mexico. I cross the border weekly and only have my passport checked  10% of the time. From what I understand, most non-airport immigration is far less strict. Of course you would have to be able to provide for his living expenses in Mexico while you awaited the application process again.



BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2013-10-25 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!

We interviewed yesterday at 12:30. At first the guards weren't going to let me into the consulate as they were confused why I was there. I'm guessing we are the first same-sex couple to interview together at the Embassy in Jakarta. After the called the consulate office and got the approval, we entered together. I wasn't going to be kept outside, that is for sure. Luckily I also had the USCIS approval notice naming me the petitioner.


We were so nervous. Because the US only started recognizing our same-sex relationship last June we had previously tried a tourist and student visa before that time. I was a little nervous they might count those denials against us. After handing the initial paperwork and paying the fee, we waited. After 2 years of fighting for this moment to finally be ours I was a bundle of nerves. He stepped into the semi private, but not sound-proof, interview booth. I could hear most of it....and finally the approval!


My partner said the interviewers were very kind and he was surprised at how simple the questions were. We had practiced a whole list of questions. I'm glad we did.


We stopped briefly on our way out to hug. We were so excited. We knew once we left the embassy we wouldn't be able hug or kiss til we reached the hotel room. 


We get his visa on Friday and fly back together on Tuesday! 


Words can't describe how happy we are to be past this rough part of our journey together.

BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2014-02-05 00:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi134 Situation, Please Advise


BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2013-11-10 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi134 Situation, Please Advise

Yes. First in person meeting was May 2012 followed up by a second visit there in November 2012

Have you met?


BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2013-11-04 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi134 Situation, Please Advise

Readers digest of our background:


My partner and I have been trying to find a way for him to come to the US for over a year. He isn't "out" to anyone but a few friends because being gay isn't socially safe or acceptable in his hometown. Because we had no Federal immigration rights as a gay couple we first tried to do a tourist visa. Denied due to lack of funds (Indonesia is not a wealthy country and even good jobs in his hometown don't supply enough income). That September 2012. We then filed for a student visa in March of '13. Denied. The only reason they gave him was that he wasn't a "typical student profile."


I do wonder if his previous denial and my trip to Jakarta last November in which I delivered a 200+ signature petition asking the Ambassador to intervene in our case and find a solution may have flagged him for denial on the student visa. We had our packet and money all in place.


After his student visa denial we decided I would move to Tijuana, Mexico and from there we would get him into Mexico and then marry there and wait for the Supreme Court to rule on Federal recognition of gay couples in marriage. We weren't sure how the ruling would go and what hoops we might have to jump through so Tijuana sounded plausible as I could work in San Diego and I would be in place in case I had to live in a marriage equality state to file for a K1.


I moved here is July and we applied for his tourist visa to Mexico in August, but he was denied entrance to Mexico citing financial requirements for Indonesians (their income requirements were astronimical for Indos). We were both surprised as well as all those I have talked to down here. By that time it was clear we could file for a K1 under the new recognition of same-sex marriages. We filed early September, but because I hadn't written "none" in the last name section (he does not have one, so I left it blank) they sent the packet back. NOA1 shows September 26th.


The nice news is that Jakarta issued their first same-sex K1 October 10th to another gay couple and it was only 85 days from NOA1. Indonesia seems to be a fast embassy so we hope to be OK'd to interview end of November or December. The downside is, as many of you have probably have experienced, the cost of the process and supporting loved ones can be high. After selling off almost everything and moving to Mexico funds are tight for us. We are looking forward now at the other paperwork. The i134 has me the most worried. I had a co-sponsor, but he decided against it.

I have two sons in Utah (that we are both anxious to get back to) so my family size is 4, from what I have read, that puts the 125% above poverty line at $29,437. My base pay is $29,043. I do work in California and do work 12 hour shifts so I do earn 4 hours of overtime pay each day I work (in CA any hour worked in a day over 8 hours is paid at 1.5 times). So with the overtime, I am above the poverty line, but just barely. I have little to nothing to list as assets and have no family support after coming out so my co-sponsor options are very limited.

If I am not able to get a co-sponsor, what do you VJers think? Will they still approve him based on my i134 being just above the poverty line? I do have a fellow Indonesian friend in Utah that has already offered my partner a job when he arrives. Will that help to mention in the interview?

I do get concerned asking for a co-sponsor as my partner does have some health problems. It isn't anything he will have to disclose in the medical check or embassy. He will have medical coverage when he gets here anyway, but I would hate to think of something unpredictably happening and needing hospitalizations or expenses beyond our means and the Feds going after our co-sponsor. I find it unlikely, but always a chance.

What do you think? Am I over worried? Should we slow things down and search for a co-sponsor to sign secondary i134 before he interviews?

Stress has really hit me again today. While he isn't in immediate harms way, everyday there is a risk that his family or neighbors will find out that he is gay and engaged to an American man. We have no idea what he might suffer if that was discovered. After 16 months of worrying I am just so ready for this to be done. The i134 is my biggest worry right now.

Any experience or opinions are appreciated.

BCV&BEVMaleIndonesia2013-11-04 20:21:00
US Citizenship General Discussionn-600?

1, I-90 does not renew a visa - it renews a green card.

2, why do you need to renew a green card if you are getting a citizenship certificate via N-600? it means your a citizen and do not use or need a green card?

well see this is what happend, my greencard expired and instead of renewing it i applied for citizenship, but when i went to do my civics test they told me i was under age when my father became a citizen 12 years ago and that i needed to file an n-600. but my wife and kids are in mexico and i want to go see them but i cant. that was why i was asking. i guess ille just have to wait the 5 months it takes for the n-600 to be processed before i can see them again.
tinotktNot TellingMexico2013-02-16 11:26:00
US Citizenship General Discussionn-600?
hi, i am currently waiting on my n-600 to be processed, and need to go out of the country but my green card is expired. does anyone know what i can do?
i was told that i can file the i-90 form and renew my visa, and just get a six month extension. but im not sure if i can file for the two forms at the same time. thank you and i hope someone can help me on this.
tinotktNot TellingMexico2013-02-14 23:34:00