IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGrr- help please! B2? K3? How to enter most legally?



Sell the house and start in the US. Husband will be the one working in the US and the assumption is the only breadwinner. You can come for long visits on the Waiver but can not work in US while the paperwork is being processed and DO NOT overstay on any visit. You will still need a valid Canada place for you to stay while on that side not visiting but that can just be a room rental somewhere (if no family is around to call home base) so expenses should be very low. I agree with the above that the only formal path for you is the CR1 visa.


You are very lucky to be able to use the waiver program to visit while things are being processed. Do your research on the wavier and be sure you don't abuse it or misrepresent yourself during any boarder crossing.


P.S. you in no way have to give your husband all the money from the house. You can buy and/or rent property in the US while not having status. You make it seem like all or nothing which certainly is not the case. Even if a rental was only in his name, you could make the payments monthly ether directly or through transferring him the funds. Also why couldn't he just rent a room on the US side while working until you get over and you guys decide what to do for living arrangements for your new life together.


And if he takes the car and you have sold the house, maybe you can rent a room close to your current job and not loose that also.


OP - Thank you, and some of the other usefull replies.

Overlooking all the hypertensions of some of the replies, I did say I wanted to just drive across together, explain the intent, and move on with life.

The waiver that SCIS told me about, and filing from the US while visiting (other than the I-130 process from inside Canada) IS a legal entry, and since that is the intent...I do appreciate the information without the judgement.


I was looking for alternatives from experienced immigrants, that would allow us the fastest route where I could work as quickly as possible....certainly not for a method to sneak through a crack to cross a border thats as open to me as a kitchen door.


Perhaps in my exasberation of the time crunch I am in, I didnt portray that well enough, but your reply stuck out as helpful, understanding and kind.

Thank you.


I just don't want my husbands next two years to be as hard as mine have been here so seeking a responsible path the expedite our both working seemed best before the journey.



MulienaNot Telling02013-07-20 04:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGrr- help please! B2? K3? How to enter most legally?

To enter as a tourist with intentions of changing status is visa fraud.  Since you are already worried about this suggests you know it is wrong.


File the I130 for the spousal visa.


good luck


Wow- I thought this was a place of support and information.

I also outlined that in order to proceed we would have to sell my house.

Maybe I should have explained better, how I was/am seeking usefull information - since clearly as you pointed out, as I did, that I obviously see the moral dilema that I face, as well as the potential future harm of it in order to remain afloat and sheltered in the interim...until usefull information is shared from someone with empathy, who read the dilemas and confines of our situation, that will provide any other known suggestions that we could investigate further.


Just to be clear - when I sell my house to get him home to build a life for us and afford the necessary processes - by giving him every dollar from the sale to pass all the requisite needs and sustain himslef while he finds a job and files taxes to prove his ability to sponsor me and awaits the paperwork of it all I become homeless, and lose my job since he will have my transportation to get there.

MulienaNot Telling02013-07-18 17:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGrr- help please! B2? K3? How to enter most legally?

Hi, Im most frustrated and confused.


After marrying an American visitor in Canada a year ago, we tried to have him immigrate to Canada. I am Canadian.

But it seems like Canada is anti- American, intent on starving happy couples out of their minds with this lengthy process by forcing only one to work for durations of 2-5 years before they complete the immigration, or even a work visa!


After a year here, we are broke, and I am tired, and he wants us to move to the USA where it does appear easier to immigrate. We want to do this legally so I too can work asap.


Trouble is, we have to sell my home now to move and start the Immigration process again with the USA.

Here appear to b e our options:


1. I can send him home to the USA  with the money to start us a life there, but I am homeless waiting months alone if we apply from the USA.

2. If we apply from Canada, we are here for months awaiting approval, which muddies my mortgage buyout time frame (renewal), adds penalties of thousands of dollars, and keeps us here where I just can't support him, and may lose the house waiting on the visa process.

3. We enter the USA seperately, I as a visitor, and remain and begin the process of "Change of Status Package."


I discovered the 2B visa, which satisfies USCIS with regard to legal entry, however the consulate says i dont need this, that I get it through the Waiver procrame between the USA and Canada, as soon as I enter.


Trouble day, I will have to face an immigration officer, and explain why I felt I had to enter under false pretenses, however legally (technically), seperate from my husband, where we immediately began the "Change of Status" Packet/Immigration process.


If I lose this house, our only means, we could potentially never be together, him homeless in the USA, and me here.


Its our last shot, but scarey to think I might get deported for fraudulently entering under false pretenses, which they would know by us entering seperately then meeting up right away.


Idealy, we would like to drive together, explain to border patrol, and be allowed to carry on to our life together- but I seriously doubt that, and will have place to return if denied entry at the border.


Suggestions welcome please...please!




MulienaNot Telling02013-07-18 17:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGrr- help please! B2? K3? How to enter most legally?

Hi, Im most frustrated and confused.


After marrying an American visitor in Canada a year ago, we tried to have him immigrate to Canada. I am Canadian.

But it seems like Canada is anti- American, intent on starving happy couples out of their minds with this lengthy process by forcing only one to work for durations of 2-5 years before they complete the immigration, or even a work visa!


After a year here, we are broke, and I am tired, and he wants us to move to the USA where it does appear easier to immigrate. We want to do this legally so I too can work asap.


Trouble is, we have to sell my home now to move and start the Immigration process again with the USA.

Here appear to b e our options:


1. I can send him home to the USA  with the money to start us a life there, but I am homeless waiting months alone if we apply from the USA.

2. If we apply from Canada, we are here for months awaiting approval, which muddies my mortgage buyout time frame (renewal), adds penalties of thousands of dollars, and keeps us here where I just can't support him, and may lose the house waiting on the visa process.

3. We enter the USA seperately, I as a visitor, and remain and begin the process of "Change of Status Package."


I discovered the 2B visa, which satisfies USCIS with regard to legal entry, however the consulate says i dont need this, that I get it through the Waiver procrame between the USA and Canada, as soon as I enter.


Trouble day, I will have to face an immigration officer, and explain why I felt I had to enter under false pretenses, however legally (technically), seperate from my husband, where we immediately began the "Change of Status" Packet/Immigration process.


If I lose this house, our only means, we could potentially never be together, him homeless in the USA, and me here.


Its our last shot, but scarey to think I might get deported for fraudulently entering under false pretenses, which they would know by us entering seperately then meeting up right away.


Idealy, we would like to drive together, explain to border patrol, and be allowed to carry on to our life together- but I seriously doubt that, and will have place to return if denied entry at the border.


Suggestions welcome please...please!




MulienaNot Telling02013-07-18 17:03:00