Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAjuda preenchi manualmente!
QUOTE (Guy&Val @ Dec 9 2007, 07:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oi pessoal,

Sempre estou de " olho" em voces!!!! Encontramos esse site meio que por acaso bem no inicio do nosso processo e o que tenho a dizer que tudo o que precisamos encontramos aqui.

Ate agora foi tudo bem apesar de todo o stress pela espera do NOA2,que parecia que nao chegava nunca acabou no ultimo dia 03/12. Ate que enfim!!!

Tudo esta andando bem rapido agora e ja temos o numero do nosso processo e ja enviei o packet 3 na ultima sexta(07/12) para o Consulado do Rio.

O problema foi que excitacao foi tanta na hora de preencher os formularios que nao prestei atencao aonde dizia que era pra datilografar ou printar e fiz tudo a mao.

Percebi o erro ontem e fiquei com duvida: sera que eles aceitarao ou me enviarao de volta?

Pensei em fazer tudo de novo hoje, printar e enviar outra vez amanha por sedex10 mas antes gostaria de saber a opiniao de voces. Ja aconteceu antes eles aceitarem ou nao formularios preenchidos a mao?

Obrigada desde ja e beijocas a todos!!

P.S. Sou de Vitoria e hoje amanheceu um lindo dia de sol, entao envio a todos voces muito bom dia com o calor, a energia e as boas vibracoes do astro Rei para aquecer seus coracoes!


Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-12-10 10:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAjuda preenchi manualmente!
Oi pessoal,

Sempre estou de " olho" em voces!!!! Encontramos esse site meio que por acaso bem no inicio do nosso processo e o que tenho a dizer que tudo o que precisamos encontramos aqui.

Ate agora foi tudo bem apesar de todo o stress pela espera do NOA2,que parecia que nao chegava nunca acabou no ultimo dia 03/12. Ate que enfim!!!

Tudo esta andando bem rapido agora e ja temos o numero do nosso processo e ja enviei o packet 3 na ultima sexta(07/12) para o Consulado do Rio.

O problema foi que excitacao foi tanta na hora de preencher os formularios que nao prestei atencao aonde dizia que era pra datilografar ou printar e fiz tudo a mao.

Percebi o erro ontem e fiquei com duvida: sera que eles aceitarao ou me enviarao de volta?

Pensei em fazer tudo de novo hoje, printar e enviar outra vez amanha por sedex10 mas antes gostaria de saber a opiniao de voces. Ja aconteceu antes eles aceitarem ou nao formularios preenchidos a mao?

Obrigada desde ja e beijocas a todos!!

P.S. Sou de Vitoria e hoje amanheceu um lindo dia de sol, entao envio a todos voces muito bom dia com o calor, a energia e as boas vibracoes do astro Rei para aquecer seus coracoes!


Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-12-09 08:10:00







Guy&ValMaleBrazil2008-01-05 07:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPrimeiro Emprego
QUOTE (LiszyandKenny @ Jun 23 2008, 07:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nao e facil, nao , Val... Boa sorte... e aperece la no nosso thread "Brasileiritchas"
E la que a gente troca ideia e talz

Ei meninas!

Bem nao respondi antes pq tava procurando trabalho!!!!E Vanessa respondendo tua pergunta nao, eu nao estou procurando emprego na minha area por que ate msm o meu ingles nao eh suficiente tecnico pra eu poder trabalhar advogando.
Bem antes de casarmos conversamos sim, a respeito de dinheiro e eh uma longa historia....mas pra ser bem rapida eu receberia uma parte da minha heranca deixada por meu avo logo apos meu casamento POREM houve uma discordancia por parte de um familiar que entrou com uma peticao reivindicando o msm pra minha prima e bla bla bla....entrou com processo e ate agora estamos esperando a resposta e ate la adivinha???? Nadica de reais...Meu marido sabia desse dinheiro antes do casamento e creio que ele ficou bem despreocupado em relacao a meu sustento e qdo ocorreu o problema ele ficou meio que perdido mas pra te ser bem sincera eu acho sim que ele tem que me bancar pelo ao menos ate eu conseguir alguma coisa bacana e comecar o meu sustento tb.
E olha vc pode falar o qto quiser!!!!
Eu adoro ouvir diferentes pontos de vista e opinioes entao nao se preocupe!!! Nao to nem brava,viu? kicking.gif E outra coisa, sou tua fa!!!!
E Liszy pode deixar que vou aparecer por la!!!!
Bjocas e obrigada mais uma vez
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2008-06-29 16:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPrimeiro Emprego
Liszy,Laura,Bora Bora,Ale

Obrigada mesmo pelas respostas e pela forca!! Eu fico pensando que as vezes eles( maridos) nao tem ideia por mais simples que seja o que eh voce deixar para tras toda uma vida organizada e profissional e familia para estar junto deles.

Bem eu era advogada no Brasil ( area de familia ),nao que tivesse rios de dinheiro mas vivia com as contas em dia e feliz.

Ano passado em meio ao processo do k1 meu pai teve um derrame cerebral hemorragico( ele tb era advogado) e foram 2 meses de hospital e os 2 meses mais tensos da minha vida. Ele ficou no CTI por 1 mes e so podiamos visita-lo 2 vezes ao dia e a situacao era grave e nao sabiamos se iriamos encontra-lo com vida da proxima visita entao praticamente" morei" na porta do CTI todo o tempo e ainda preenchendo e aguardando papeis e mais papeis pro visto.

Naqueles dias eu so queria que meu pai vivesse e com a graca de Deus ele sobreviveu,com sequelas mas esta bem. Tem todos os cuidados necessarios e eu continuei cuidando dele ate o dia da minha viagem pra ca.

Talvez vcs nao entendam o pq estou contando tudo isso mas que eh eu penso muito na minha situacao aqui e apesar de amar meu marido e de querer iniciar uma familia com ele, as atitudes e comentarios que ele faz me deixam triste.

Ele eh meu futuro mas tenho uma familia que amo e sinto mta falta principalmente do meu TESOURO( EH ASSIM QUE CHAMO MEU PAI).

Sei tb que cada uma de nos aqui tem uma historia de alegrias e tristezas,fatos engracados e outros nem tanto mas de qualquer forma somos as brasileiritchas vivendo nos EUA e aprendendo a viver cada dia como se fosse o unico.

Ah,comecei a enviar meu RESUME ainda a pouco!!!!! good.gif Bjos a todas e fiquem com Deus
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2008-06-23 16:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPrimeiro Emprego
Oi meninas

Queria saber de vcs apos recebem o EAC ou GC depois de quanto tempo conseguiram trabalho? Na verdade recebi meu GC essa semana mas eu so estou aqui ha 5 meses e meu marido comecou uma pressao psicologica desde entao dizendo que tenho que trabalhar, arranjar um emprego porque a situacao nao esta boa e bla bla bla bla bla.

Moramos em Pensacola Fl e eu ainda nao estou totalmente familiarizada com o lugar,nao tenho amigos e eu sei que conseguir emprego tb nao ta tao facil mas o que realmente ta me deixando frustrada eh que todo dia ele faz alguma brincadeirinha do tipo: agora tem GC pode trabalhar rsrsrsrs eu sei....mas se ele nao tinha dinheiro suficiente pra me sustentar,por que casou entao?

Acabei extendendo minha pergunta e acabei mto irritada com ele hj!!!!!!!

Bjos a todas

Desculpa a choramingacao blush.gif
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2008-06-21 15:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
QUOTE (Luis&Laura @ Dec 28 2007, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Eu nao estou gastando nada, Nessa, essa viagem é minha mãe e meu pai que iam bancar, e é pra eu ir com eles, o Luis nem iria. É porque minha mãe tem um bilhão de milhagem sobrando, e eu ia pro Brasil encontrar com eles, daí minha mãe teve essa idéia de irmos pra Paris, porque ela quer viajar, não gosta dos EUA, e não quer ir só com meu pai porque ele sempre quer fazer o que ela não quer, essas coisas. Luis e eu continuamos apertados e vendo como vamos pros EUA.


Ja morei em Londres e adorei !!!! Se precisar de dicas sobre metro,comer legal e barato,qualquer coisa eh so perguntar.De uma olhada no que eh um site da comunidade brasileira la e tem um monte de informacoes de hoteis,passeios e tem tambem hoteis em outros lugares inclusive Paris.

Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-12-28 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
QUOTE (Nicole_Michel2007 @ Dec 3 2007, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Guy&Val @ Dec 3 2007, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Dec 3 2007, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, now that we are finished protecting the identity of the very tardy Zainab headbonk.gif , here is a summary of today's activity so far:

Bassi & Zainab. Sent 6-18. NOA1 6-22. Approved 12-02
Jessica & Frank (franksonb). Sent 7-25. NOA1 8-14. Approved 12-02
GE & EG (Eunimar). Sent 6-01. NOA1 6-21. Approved 12-03
Mayeth & Jeff (JeffMayeth). Sent 7-25. NOA1 8-01. Approved 12-03

A great start to the week!

And 2 of them were sent on 7/25. The same day as mine! blink.gif

Well you can add another one to this list!!

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC0723352792

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On December 3, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

See timeline below for dates. Cangrats to everybodies approvals and I hope all the rest of you can hurry up and get approved!!!!


Did you have any touches before the approval? I can't help but notice the recent approvals NOA1's are right around my NOA1 date and starting to get nervous to check the website.

Congrats to all the recent approvals... I pray that those who are still waiting from previous months hear something soon!

No nothing until today!!!!
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-12-03 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Dec 3 2007, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, now that we are finished protecting the identity of the very tardy Zainab headbonk.gif , here is a summary of today's activity so far:

Bassi & Zainab. Sent 6-18. NOA1 6-22. Approved 12-02
Jessica & Frank (franksonb). Sent 7-25. NOA1 8-14. Approved 12-02
GE & EG (Eunimar). Sent 6-01. NOA1 6-21. Approved 12-03
Mayeth & Jeff (JeffMayeth). Sent 7-25. NOA1 8-01. Approved 12-03

A great start to the week!

And 2 of them were sent on 7/25. The same day as mine! blink.gif

Well you can add another one to this list!!

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC0723352792

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On December 3, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

See timeline below for dates. Cangrats to everybodies approvals and I hope all the rest of you can hurry up and get approved!!!!
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-12-03 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
Can someone please clarify something for me. I was under the impression that the service centers used the date they recieved the petitions in the mail as the date they go by when processing the applications. Is this not right? The reason I asked is because when I was looking at the "edit timeline" feature it says to put the date that they sent your NOA1 out as the date to put in your timeline. So if someone could please explain this to me I would appreciate it.

Also to the people that make the lists you might want to change my information on them since I was inputting the wrong info.



Edited by Guy&Val, 30 November 2007 - 01:26 PM.

Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-11-30 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
QUOTE(AnewKINDofFEELIN @ Nov 26 2007, 03:48 PM) It's a shame that lawyers are given rights and access that we are not,

Has anyone ever heard of this? If I am reading it right it means that lawyers can call and get a supervisor or at least someone who knows what they are doing on the phone just about any time they want.
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-11-26 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
QUOTE (John & Alla @ Nov 6 2007, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
another point, I think some of the fast approvals were because these folks came back with spotless criminal records, no previous marriages, etc and might have been easier to approve than some of us with divorces, previous K1 applications, previous criminal records-no matter how minor, etc

Well I for one hope this is the case because I fall into this group. Even though I don't think this is really the case.

Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-11-06 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
QUOTE (StillThePrettiest @ Nov 6 2007, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes, I'd agree with that; all reports say Texas hasn't been adjudicating K petitions for more than a year...

Thats wierd because I could have sworn from what I researched that I was supposed to send my application to TSC up until August. Now granted that was before I found this site and also I am not the one who physically sent it off (it was my lawyer).
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-11-06 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from VSC for your I-129F?
I have a question and lets see if someone has an idea. On my NOA 1 it says that my application is at VSC but I live in Florida and I sent it to TSC. Well my question is that I just checked on the timelines here on this site and there are some people that have been getting NOA 2's from TSC. Is that from the people just not changing where their process is taking place or is TSC still adjudicating applications?
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-11-06 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUK Police Report for Brazilian citizen
First of all we just found this site and we wish we would have found it earlier. Luckily I am borderline OCD when it comes to checking things out before I do them and we filed our K1 with pretty much all of the knowledge that we have found here. It would have been easier coming here where all of the information is all in one place though.

Now for the question that we have.

She was living in London when we met and so she needs a police report from there for her interview. The problem is she is now back in Brazil and needs to get that paperwork. I have noticed quite a few people from the UK and was wondering how is the best way for her to get this report. We have just filed the initial K1 paperwork at the end of July so we are in the very beginning stages of this process but I want her to get all of her paperwork together now so as soon as she recieves word all she has to do is drop it in the post. Thanks for all that reply and also just to say GREAT SITE!!
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-08-21 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBrailiera needing a police cert from UK
QUOTE (Kelley71 @ Nov 12 2007, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys,

I am in the waiting process after NOA1, but I am going to need a Police cert from the UK because she lived there a year. Where can my Brazilian fiance in Brazil get her police cert from Great Britain? I tried calling the Embassy in Brazil, they do not talk to the gernenal public or so the answering machine said.

Thanks in advance,


Try this


We had to do the same thing. It took a little longer but I think that it was just because the post offices went on strike while we were waiting on it. Welcome to the wait!!!!!

Edited by Guy&Val, 12 November 2007 - 07:57 PM.

Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-11-12 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreason for denial!!!!!
QUOTE (AnewKINDofFEELIN @ Nov 26 2007, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's a shame that lawyers are given rights and access that we are not,

Can someone please explain this? Does this mean that they can call and get to a supervisor anytime they want?


Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-11-26 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill this be a problem?
Thanks Everyone!!!!!!!!!!! good.gif
Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-12-13 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill this be a problem?

Before we were engaged she (brazilian) was going to try to come to the states on a tourist visa. As a matter of fact I was going to ask her to marry me when she was here but I wanted her to actually see some of the country before I did to make sure thats what she wanted to do. Well when she applied for the tourist visa she listed me as a friend and put down my address as one of the places she was going to be. Well little did I know that brazil was one of the places that is really hard to get a tourist visa unless you own half of the country, or so it seems. Anyway she was denied because of lack of ties to brazil. My question is when she goes for the interview for a K1 visa (at the same consulate that she applied for the tourist visa) does anyone think that it will be brought up at the interview? We have been honest on all of the paperwork and said that she was denied a tourist visa before. So will the CO think that we commited visa fraud by not telling them I was her boyfriend at the time she applied for the tourist visa? I told her that the best thing to do if asked about it would be to tell the truth that we were dating but not yet engaged and to tell them that I was going to ask her to marry me when she came here.

sorry if this post kinda rambles but im in a hurry so any help or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.


Guy&ValMaleBrazil2007-12-13 11:48:00