K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

And what if they're really trying to ####### sheep? I mean, seriously, if we're going to start playing the what-if game, let's at least get more creative. I don't think if they were trying to sneak over a secret gay marriage they'd use polyamory as a defense. Out of frying pan, fire, cf.

You're right. Just a thought.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 23:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

You need to look up how "moral character" and "bona fide intent" apply. I'm still betting on troll, but, like, the standard for good moral character and bona fide intent doesn't seem to preclude this guy.

Remember, it's the USC with the boyfriend; the NZ guy is just marrying a woman who's sleeping with someone else. That might make him an idiot, and it doubtless will speak to his intent, but it doesn't make his moral character bad as far as the USCIS is concerned.

Have you considered that the beneficiary may be ignorant to the current "love" situation?

Distance among dishonest individuals, offer a clear avenue of eliminating pertinant facts.

ETA: Whatever, to each his/her own. Glad that I don't live this life!!!

:o What if.....boyfriend and fiance are gay lovers and girlfriend isnt girlfriend OR fiance.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

You need to look up how "moral character" and "bona fide intent" apply. I'm still betting on troll, but, like, the standard for good moral character and bona fide intent doesn't seem to preclude this guy.

Remember, it's the USC with the boyfriend; the NZ guy is just marrying a woman who's sleeping with someone else. That might make him an idiot, and it doubtless will speak to his intent, but it doesn't make his moral character bad as far as the USCIS is concerned.

The USCIS lists polygamy (or suspected in the OP's case) under Moral Character. I wonder what happens if the boyfriend sponsors alien...then they all break up (lol @ all)....does boyfriend still have to sponsor fiance (then spouse) ?? Or..if boyfriend sponsors fiance...shows required tax forms...girlfriend is on tax forms...ya' think this wil be an issue? Just a thought being that girlfriend wont be mentioning boyfriend. Or will she have to create a new lie?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

All of you who jump right on "this is so wrong" train need to get over yourselves. Wrong according to who? Your beliefs aren't shared by everyone. I'm pretty certain that we each do something or have done something in our lives that someone else believes is morally bankrupt. Unless you follow your particular faith to the letter and will soon be nominated for sainthood, you should be concerned with your own practices.

The OP has not done anything illegal. She may have a difficult time making a case with USCIS but none of us are going to be the ones to decide whether her petition is approved or not. She didn't ask for your judgments, she asked for practical advice. If you can't be helpful, why bother posting? Take your judgments to church.

You need your mouth washed out with soap. People with with no standards in life will never know whats wrong. Someone along the line added laws like "moral character" and "bona fide intent". Those are beliefs. They are also the law. Why dont you call your congressman, your lawyer, or the USCIS to explain it to you. She doesnt need practical advice...there's nothing practical about this situation...she needs a shrink.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

Read the rules before you let your little fingers loose on the keyboard. I could interject my Catholic beliefs on this matter but then I'd be here all day...HOWEVER...the USCIS added moral character as a requirement for a reason. The reason the OP cant find archives on the subject is because its not allowed. Let her find a lawyer...unless that lawyer is willing to lose his or her license she's out of luck. If there were no standards then CIMT wouldnt exist. The difference here is that the OP continues her lifestyle. It IS up to the USCIS to investigate on how a couple chooses to live their lives..why else are we pouring every ounce of evidence into these petitions we send in? Google immigration officer will ask whether the OP practices polygamy at the interview...should she leave the boyfriend out then? Oh...lie to an immigration officer? That goes against everything this board stands for.

As has been said before, polygamy is not the same as polyamory:

Please don't interject your Catholic beliefs on this matter as they are irrelevant. The purpose of K-1 is to be with the person you love. People in a polygamous relationship are not allowed to get K-1. No conflicts here, because OP does want to bring her loved one here, and she isn't in a polygamous relationship.

As you seem to be in a tiny minority with your opinion on this topic, this (topic) doesn't go against everything this board stands for.

"Oh...lie to an immigration officer? That goes against everything this board stands for."

Lying to an immigration officer does go against what this board stands for (or thats the impression I got when I joined) and I could care less if Im the minority on this subject. Its never stopped me from voicing my opinion before. Tell ya what...its not whether you're all for group love or if the OP doesnt intend on marrying the US boyfriend...its all about what the adjudicator decides. Polyamory by definition itself does not come up in any law...however if mentioned, the adjudicator would absolutely assume polygamy was the intention. If you dont see that you're really blind. The majority of politically correct posters on this thread think its a good idea to "not mention" the third wheel in this triangle. Ok. Let the "boyfriend" continue claiming her on his taxes, sponsor the beneficiary, and they can all live as one big happy family. Gimme a break.

Unless you're an AO you have no reason to make such an absolute statement. It is merely your opinion. And if I may be so blunt, it is more than obvious that you don't understand the culture of a polyamorous relationship and therefore don't know that for the majority of them, "marriage" is not a goal. I daresay if there was a way for this situation to be resolved (i.e. a non-marriage visa) that would be the preferred solution. Of course, that's just my guess.

I also haven't seen anyone suggest they outright lie to an AO. I haven't seen anyone come back and confirm that they are a dependent on the taxes. So your post here is full of suppositions based on your own perceptions and bias.

Give the rest of us a break and maybe leave the judgment at the door. Of course, that's just my opinion. *shrug* To be taken or left.

"I think you should leave your boyfriend out of this as much as possible, and have your parents co-sponsor. The USCIS doesn't need to know about your boyfriend, and to save yourself from questions of a bona fide relationship its best not to complicate it by mentioning him. Its not illegal, but there is a cultural bias against it. Don't make it anymore complicated than you need to."

"I agree. Use one of your parents, and don't bring your boyfriend into the equation at all."

so - OP listens to the ####### advice and:

"Everyones replies have been very helpful so far. I was thinking about leaving my bf out of it and then I wondered how much they would want to know about my household situation i.e. who I live with, how I pay for my housing if I dont work, etc. "

Now what? You're going to tell me that evading certain specific questions isnt exactly lying? Oh wait - here's the OP saying she's a dependant on her boyfriend's taxes:

"Either of my parents could qualify for this but I think my boyfriend would be the best choice as I am a dependent on his taxes and live soley with him."

I have more of a chance at being right about my absolute statement than you do at proving I'm wrong. It doesnt matter if the orgy members want to marry or will they prove there's no intent if they even get as far as an interview? Get a grip.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

The USCIS counts moral character, but I'm pretty sure that's only with regard to laws. Polyamory may be ill-advised, but it's not illegal. (And adultery is one of the "crimes" that doesn't indicate moral turpitude, either.) They're not here to ensure you have a nice marriage with a nice picket fence and get along well with your neighbors.

Thank goodness USCIS doesn't have to pass judgment on whether our relationships meet with the approval of the Catholic Church. On the other hand, it would probably mean less of a backlog at the consulate. DENIED, DENIED, DENIED. Probably includes anyone who met online or had sex. Plus side, quick processing. ;)

We've all mentioned the third wheel. The fact that you need to denounce I suppose makes you feel better, but if you can't tell the difference between polygamy and polyamory, might be best not to make the pronouncements on moral turpitude while wrapping yourself up in your wee flag of self-righteous, mmkay?

I only have ONE fiance...the difference between polygamy and polyamory is a piece of paper. Whats your point?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

Who gives a ####### about the "loophole permissibility” of this situation in the eyes of the USCIS?

Tell them about it, and it will become unacceptable in short order.

You mention the case facts, such as the boyfriend is the sponsor, and rejection will be imminent. All elements of this case infer deception, either way.

It is morally and socially unacceptable, simple as that. Anyone supporting this relationship is as fcuked up as the OP.

The OP asked for advice, here it is: Get a life! One mate per person is acceptable here.

Shove that in your PC private spot valera. Thanks William.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

Read the rules before you let your little fingers loose on the keyboard. I could interject my Catholic beliefs on this matter but then I'd be here all day...HOWEVER...the USCIS added moral character as a requirement for a reason. The reason the OP cant find archives on the subject is because its not allowed. Let her find a lawyer...unless that lawyer is willing to lose his or her license she's out of luck. If there were no standards then CIMT wouldnt exist. The difference here is that the OP continues her lifestyle. It IS up to the USCIS to investigate on how a couple chooses to live their lives..why else are we pouring every ounce of evidence into these petitions we send in? Google immigration officer will ask whether the OP practices polygamy at the interview...should she leave the boyfriend out then? Oh...lie to an immigration officer? That goes against everything this board stands for.

As has been said before, polygamy is not the same as polyamory:

Please don't interject your Catholic beliefs on this matter as they are irrelevant. The purpose of K-1 is to be with the person you love. People in a polygamous relationship are not allowed to get K-1. No conflicts here, because OP does want to bring her loved one here, and she isn't in a polygamous relationship.

As you seem to be in a tiny minority with your opinion on this topic, this (topic) doesn't go against everything this board stands for.

"Oh...lie to an immigration officer? That goes against everything this board stands for."

Lying to an immigration officer does go against what this board stands for (or thats the impression I got when I joined) and I could care less if Im the minority on this subject. Its never stopped me from voicing my opinion before. Tell ya what...its not whether you're all for group love or if the OP doesnt intend on marrying the US boyfriend...its all about what the adjudicator decides. Polyamory by definition itself does not come up in any law...however if mentioned, the adjudicator would absolutely assume polygamy was the intention. If you dont see that you're really blind. The majority of politically correct posters on this thread think its a good idea to "not mention" the third wheel in this triangle. Ok. Let the "boyfriend" continue claiming her on his taxes, sponsor the beneficiary, and they can all live as one big happy family. Gimme a break.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas immigration officer will ask whether the OP practices polygamy at the interview...should she leave the boyfriend out then? Oh...lie to an immigration officer? That goes against everything this board stands for.

polyGAMY and polyAMORY are NOT the same thing

Nice. They've actually labeled it.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

And then there's that pesky Question #14 on Page 3 of Form I-485.................

DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

How is it immigration fraud?
The USC petitioneer needs to be able to marry, and she is able to marry... I agree red flags might be flying because of the cultural bias involved, but ultimately- unless this is the case of just wanting to obtain a green card for this guy and then never see him again- she loves this guy and she wishes to marry him....if both of them then choose to live with the third person how is that USCIS business....

The questions are:
- is it a bonafide relationship? (and yes, it can be despite the other guy)
- is the USC petitioner legally able to marry?
- is the beneficiary legally able to marry?

I mean, let's turn the situation around a bit: what if this girl was living with another woman and if their life encompased all the elements of a romantic relationship, BUT if they lived in a state that does not recognize the homosexual union as even possible.... and the girl wanted to petition her boyfriend to come and marry her, and they would live with the other girlfriend....
It's not up to the USCIS to investigate on how the couple chooses to live or who they choose to live with....
There are plenty of swingers in the US, if it happens that a swinger couple is one that is together through a marriage visa/ green card does that make them commiting immigration fraud.... does that change the fact that they love each other, wanted to marry each other, and were both legally able to marry each other......

That said, I would leave th US BF out of it as much as possible when it comes to the immigration process

Read the rules before you let your little fingers loose on the keyboard. I could interject my Catholic beliefs on this matter but then I'd be here all day...HOWEVER...the USCIS added moral character as a requirement for a reason. The reason the OP cant find archives on the subject is because its not allowed. Let her find a lawyer...unless that lawyer is willing to lose his or her license she's out of luck. If there were no standards then CIMT wouldnt exist. The difference here is that the OP continues her lifestyle. It IS up to the USCIS to investigate on how a couple chooses to live their lives..why else are we pouring every ounce of evidence into these petitions we send in? Google immigration officer will ask whether the OP practices polygamy at the interview...should she leave the boyfriend out then? Oh...lie to an immigration officer? That goes against everything this board stands for.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolyamory and K-1 visas

Hi, my name is Angelique and I have been in a polyamorous relationship for 2 years and counting. For those who don't know what that means...welll, you won't be able to help me with my question anyway, but it means I love more than one person. My first love has been with me for 8 years and we met in high school. My legal issue comes with my second love as he was born and raised in New Zealand where he currently still resides. I am planning to obtain a K-1 visa for him so he can immigrate to this country and we can marry so that he can live here legally with me and my boyfriend. As the U.S. petitioner I need to make 125% above the poverty line to sponsor him. I am a full time grad student so I need a joint sponsor. Either of my parents could qualify for this but I think my boyfriend would be the best choice as I am a dependent on his taxes and live soley with him. I suppose my question boils down to if anyone can tell me about similar stories they've heard. point me in a helpful direction or any other help anyone has. Thank you much.

P.S. if you don't agree with my lifestyle please don't post it here as it's just not helpful
(sorry bad experiences)

I dont agree with your lifestyle and I'm going to post anyway. The USCIS takes the position that even a person who has practiced polygamy in the past is barred from establishing good moral character. That statement comes from the 4th edition of the Citizenship and Naturalization Guide and pretty much the thought process of mainstream America. Sort yourself out and please dont take up precious bonafide relationship space.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-26 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI hate VSC/NVC
We seriously need immigration reform.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-27 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnnoying Adobe "+" Marks

When I try to fill in any of the forms in Adobe, in areas where there is not enough space, I get these annoying"+" marks ... little black boxes with a "+" in it indicating not all data is showing. Problem is, in many instances, sufficient data is showing except for a micro-millimeter or something. An example are the year fields on the G-325A.

Anyone know how to toggle off these plus marks or better yet, how to enlarge the fields?

I realize I can just print the forms out and type in the information but would really prefer to have it down on a computer. Thanks for any advice.

Go to EDIT then PREFERENCES then FORMS (on left side in the Categories section) then UNTICK "SHOW TEXT FIELD OVERFLOW INDICATOR and that'll fix ya up. :)
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-22 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Package Layout

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how they laid our their I-129F petition.

What order did you put everything in?

Did you include an index at the front?

Did you use folders to organise everything?

How many copies did you make of the folder?

Where did each copy go and did it contain exactly the same stuff as each other?

I'm a perfectionist and I'm very very ####### over organisation and presentation. I'm going the US in May and that's when my guy and I are going to fill in all the paper work and start the petition. So everything has to be perfect. I apologise if this seems odd or annoys anyone, I can't help it and really want to know about other people's organisation of their I-129F petition package. If you have any photos or whatever, that'd make me a very happy girl :) If you write down an index as well of the order in which you had your I-129F in, I'd be so happy.

Also, with the I-129F petition package you send off.. Do you ever get it back? I'm going to make sure my guy has a copy of the petition package, I have a copy and that all the original he also has in another folder incase anything needs to be sent off. So that'll be 3 folders of the I-129F petition and 1 folder full of all original documentation that may be required.

Am I going about this all the right way? ^^;

I wasnt too happy when I learned that everything will be taken out of your folder and put into another on the right evidence on the left (something to that effect) but the service likes it their way. :( I didnt have an index but I used tabs. I heard it pisses them off if the tabs are on the side instead of the bottom. I really wanted to make sure I wouldnt get an RFE for something that was obviously there (as I've read) but wasnt seen due to my organizational skills. You will be fine...try not to focus on perfection and get 'er in the mail!
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-29 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen where your checks cashed???

Back in September it took 3 weeks for my checks to be cashed for the K-1. The NOA1 came inthe mail a few days before teh checks appeared in my account.

My check was cashed 5 days after receipt...Just got my NOA1 yesterday (no email) with a receipt date of the 19th.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-29 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestionable prior work experience?


In Thailand? Or in the Philippines? Yes. 'Exotic dancers', as you so kindly put it, or 'bar girls', as they are commonly called, are virtually all prostitues in Thailand and the Philippines. As are many hostesses and singers in the 'sing-a-song' cafes, massage parlor workers, and employees in numerous other entertainment venues. Not all of the women in all of these kinds of places will go out with customers regularly, but virtually all bar girls do and the vast majority of the others will at some point go with customers who they find interesting and appealing.

Consular officers know their post, they know what jobs and what types of businesses are rife with prostitution, and a woman suspected of being associated with such jobs and businesses will face a tough interview. They are not going to have their visa applications denied because of their job title or place of employment, but they are going to undergo increasingly gruelling questioning until they ultimately admit to having prostituted themselves at which point they will be denied.

I recall on VJer a few years back who angrily posted about his fiancee being denied her visa in Bangkok. According to the poster, the consular officer suspected her of being a prostitute because she lived in a neighborhood that was a popular place for bar girls to live. The VJer reported that his fiancee was bullied to the point that she admitted to having gone with men a few times and her visa was promptly denied. The VJer insists that his fiancee was innocent, but many a western man has been completely fooled by a comely Thai girl so it may well be that it was the consular officer who actually got to the truth of the matter.


Tell the truth. How would you answer the following sample questions?

1. I see you were in Thailand for over a year. What were you doing there for so long?

2. How did you support yourself while you were there?

If I were the CO, I would certainly ask those questions and pay close attention to the manner in which they were answered. If there was a claim of unemployment during that time, I would be extremely suspicious and examine that time period in greater depth. I would ask many questions about that time and look for any inconsistencies in the answers.

You don't have to worry about being caught in a lie if you tell the truth.

If she was an exotic dancer would that be considered a CIMT? Just out of curiosity. Im wondering if the embassy would view this occupation in the same light.

DA BOMBFemale02007-03-29 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestionable prior work experience?

If she was an exotic dancer would that be considered a CIMT? Just out of curiosity. Im wondering if the embassy would view this occupation in the same light.

One of the problems here is that the entire notion of 'moral turpitude' is so loosely defined that much depends on how the issues is viewed by the individual, rather than by the specifics involved in a case. As such, the line between what is and isn't likely to be considered in those terms varies from location to location, and as a result it's far less likely that such would be judged to have crossed that line in (for example) Thailand, where sex work is a far more prolific and unremarkable industry, than, (for example) in the UK.

It's not the job itself that counts of course, so much as what the job involves - and to some extent the degree to which the person undertook that work voluntarily or by coercion or necessity. Consular officials have considerable discretion in how they view the matter, and do so on a case-by-case basis. That's why it works far better to be honest and explain the circumstances, because that way the context makes it possible for the adjudicator to approve the application despite the job history.

Incidentally, a serious problem would also occur if the work was not openly declared but became apparent during the interview, because not only would the adjudicator have the question of moral turpitude to consider, plus the possibility of judging the omission to have been a deliberate attempt to obscure a material fact, but even assuming a decision to let the application go forward, there would be the question of whether the petition indicated the petitioner knew of this work. If not, then the probability would be that the consular officer would then refer the case back to the USCIS for review since the employment history would be expected to impact the petitioner's choice to continue or not.

Good point and wouldnt that just suck?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-29 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestionable prior work experience?

Tell the truth. How would you answer the following sample questions?

1. I see you were in Thailand for over a year. What were you doing there for so long?

2. How did you support yourself while you were there?

If I were the CO, I would certainly ask those questions and pay close attention to the manner in which they were answered. If there was a claim of unemployment during that time, I would be extremely suspicious and examine that time period in greater depth. I would ask many questions about that time and look for any inconsistencies in the answers.

You don't have to worry about being caught in a lie if you tell the truth.

If she was an exotic dancer would that be considered a CIMT? Just out of curiosity. Im wondering if the embassy would view this occupation in the same light.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-29 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP Enrty Denial can clear customs in Dublin Ireland but you have to clear customs again in the US? lol Why put yourself through twice the hell? Or do they stamp yer passport and you flash it going throug the US customs?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-30 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEntry into the united states

Anyone else that came to the US have any problems with a one way ticket? Im getting the feeling my fiancee might get some grief if she doesnt have a return ticket, but she is not planning to go back. We will get married and she will live here.


Dev, sometimes I think you should work for the automated USCIS phone line. People post because they want to talk to a real person!! dont need a two way ticket if your woman has her K1 in hand. Some get a round trip because its cheaper.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-30 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmailing address=work address?

The top address block is what will be used as a mailing address, it does not have to be the place of residence. It is an address you wish to be noted in the system as the mailing address.

From USCIS General Tips on Assembling Applications for Mailing

The address block on the forms is the data field captured for all of our mailings. Consistent with the limitations on the number of characters per line (a maximum of 32) and the total numbers of lines (4) in that field, whatever is in the block will become the mailing address used by the system. The data in these fields is entered exactly as indicated on the forms. Please include internal routing symbols in the address block, especially for large organizations. It is better to abbreviate the name of the organization and have space for the routing codes than to fully spell out the name and have notices sit in the organization's mailroom.

Can the USCIS correspondance be forwarded?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-29 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApostille for Certificates

Hi. I am a UK resident. Can anyone tell me if I have to have my Birth, Marriage and Divorce certificates Apostille 'd for the I-129F please.

Its not required. Only the I-134 Aff. Of Support needs to be notarized by the US Petitioner.
DA BOMBFemale02007-04-02 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?

The point is now that we have applied for a K-1 what can we do now for her to be able to visit me in the US without fear of her being turned away?

Don't be afraid?
Everyone has told you what we can. It is up to the border agent to admit her or not admit her. If she has sufficient proof of her ties to home (why she will return to Mexico instead of staying in the US) her odds go up significantly. Volumes have been written on this in the past; please use the search instead of asking everyone to repost successful US entries.

None of that matters too much, since the only entry that counts is HERS. Totatlly individual.

I dont think its a bother for her to ask a question that's been asked in the past. You may choose not to post but its not very nice to send people away to search for a simple answer.

How to make a successful tourist visit with a petition pending is not a simple question. The answers are lengthy and complicated.

Im interested in how complicated it can possibly be - show up at the guard Tourist Visa - Grab a beer and a taxi
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?

I think there is some misunderstanding with some of the financee ALEADY HAS a Tourist visa for the US which she got 4+ years ago. So the question I have is NOT can she APPLY for a tourist visa, but because she ALREADY has one, CAN SHE VISIT ME with her current TOURIST visa while we wait for hopeful approval for the K-1?

Yes she most definately can.

I wouldn't go quite that far. She may or may not be admitted. I think your question is whether your K1 filing will nullify her existing and currently valid visitor visa. It doesn't. I'm not familiar with visitor visas issued in Mexico but I would question just how long the visa is valid from date of issue. 4+ years is a long time for a visa to be valid. If the visa is still valid, I wouldn't be afraid to have her fly into a US Port of Entry, present her passport and indicate she is coming to visit friends or as a tourist. She should not indicate she has a US Citizen fiance.

If you don't mind, what ARE the terms of her existing visa? For instance what is its period of validity? Is it single or multiple entry? Does it indicate the length of each stay?

If her tourist visa is valid whats the problem? An FM-T also known as a Tourist Card has limitations. If its an actual B2 tourist visa then it is normally good for 10 years. It appears valid and YES she can travel to the US while the K1 is being processed. There will alsways exist a fear even for K1 visa holders as it depends on the jerk at the POE but more than likely she will have no problems.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?

Thanks for the responses

Has anybody had their fianace(e) visit using their TOURIST VISA they already have while the K-1 application is being PROCESSED (not approved) and EXPLICITLY say to the immigration officer at the POE "I am going to visit my fiance(e)"?

Reading other threads, there is no clear-cut layout of exactly WHAT documentation immigration wants to see proving that the visit is just that...a visit. Furthermore, what it really seems like is WHO you get for an official at the POE.

The point is now that we have applied for a K-1 what can we do now for her to be able to visit me in the US without fear of her being turned away?

I'd love to hear experiences from others regarding visits TO the USA and what immigration said when you arrived. Any specific examples from Mexico would be especially helpful!


Most of the fear comes with using the visa waiver program...people are denied then have to apply for a tourist visa. You ARE allowed to visit on a tourist visa WHILE a K1 petition is processing. If she is questioned and mentions FIANCE have her be prepared to show documents proving she doesnt intend to stay. Probably the same documents she showed to attain her tourist visa.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?

The point is now that we have applied for a K-1 what can we do now for her to be able to visit me in the US without fear of her being turned away?

Don't be afraid?
Everyone has told you what we can. It is up to the border agent to admit her or not admit her. If she has sufficient proof of her ties to home (why she will return to Mexico instead of staying in the US) her odds go up significantly. Volumes have been written on this in the past; please use the search instead of asking everyone to repost successful US entries.

None of that matters too much, since the only entry that counts is HERS. Totatlly individual.

I dont think its a bother for her to ask a question that's been asked in the past. You may choose not to post but its not very nice to send people away to search for a simple answer.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?

I think there is some misunderstanding with some of the financee ALEADY HAS a Tourist visa for the US which she got 4+ years ago. So the question I have is NOT can she APPLY for a tourist visa, but because she ALREADY has one, CAN SHE VISIT ME with her current TOURIST visa while we wait for hopeful approval for the K-1?

Yes she most definately can.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan Fiance Visit On Tourist Visa While Waiting For K-1?

applying tourist visa while having the K-1 visa will give u a little chance to be approve.

You have no proof that there is little chance of approval as it depends on the circumstances and the embassy. If the beneficiary can prove ties to the country in which he wont abandon then there's no reason a visa wont be issued for travel.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-21 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrison Record

I am wanting to marry a Brazilian girl who sadly has been working in the illicit trade there but has more than proven to me her devotion and committment to find a better life for herself. Let me just say that I havent' sent her a dime, nor will I except to fund this process and of course her travel to the US. The question I have regards my own indescretions from 20 years ago, I have 2 felony convictions for drug posession, will that hinder my chances of marrying someone from a foreign country? I served prison time in 1988 and completed all programs mandated by the judge. In fact, I went onto become a counselor for many years and today have 19 years clean. Suffice it to say that I went on to build a good life for myself and have been on the same job for 8 years earning in excess of 100K. Not your typical ex-con story by any means, I worked very hard to get where I am and don't want to mislead through this process just to be rejected at the end. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. How does the INS view the US citizen with a criminal record that is 20 years old? Thanks

Your criminal history doesnt matter....what does matter is your fiance's record. My thoughts to you - first of all dont go into details on this board about the illicit trade - you can already see from the responses that these people want you lay it all out to "help" answer your question. Its not a bad idea to get a criminal record in advance to see what you'll be dealing with on her end however even if clean, the nature of her employment will be questioned throughout the visa process so be prepared for that. Good luck. Oh and congrats on your 19 years of reform.

This edit added to make note that we're not allowed to type A*D*V*I*C*E - the word actually auto edits to the word "thoughts"...that just goes to show the kind of responses on here should never be taken seriously.

Edited by MRS BILLY BONG, 16 April 2007 - 08:42 AM.

DA BOMBFemale02007-04-16 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue.....

She must have found a bigger #### . sorry bro . Go to vietnam, alot of lovely ladies there who will love you sincerely .

BEHAVE YOURSELF that was Just plain rude!!! Posted Image

I am truly sorry that you are going through this Andrew, it must be really tough. I hope that time will heal your heart and that you find someone that won't hurt you in this way again. Hang in there and Stay strong (F)

I loved this emoticon! Posted Image Great!

How do you add them to your emotion list?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-08 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue.....

Friend, I am sorry to hear that..I have known my boyfriend for 9 years..but starting from last September we had a lot of fights regarding the k1 process. We have been better since this year. But tonight just found out our application was denied even before we have any chances of getting NOA2. Life is not perfect .. I understand the twisting feelings..

I hope you be strong and move on. Best wishes!

I dont often catch the posts where a petition was denied to early on in the RFE perhaps but not a denial. Isnt there anything you can do?
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-08 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue.....

She must have found a bigger #### . sorry bro . Go to vietnam, alot of lovely ladies there who will love you sincerely .

Nice Thai - thats probably JUST the thing he needed to hear. GAWD :huh:

Funny thing...usually when someone says something like that, the same thing ends up happening to them! :whistle:

Or happens to them all the time. ;)

Sorry, my American friend used my laptop while I have the VJ window open . He also kept saying like my fiancee is banging some1 in Nam e.t.c ...

Oh surrrrre....blame it on the American LOL. Tell your friend he's a dork.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-08 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue.....

She must have found a bigger #### . sorry bro . Go to vietnam, alot of lovely ladies there who will love you sincerely .

Nice Thai - thats probably JUST the thing he needed to hear. GAWD :huh:

Funny thing...usually when someone says something like that, the same thing ends up happening to them! :whistle:

Or happens to them all the time. ;)
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-08 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue.....

I was thinking about posting the letter up to get everyones opinion on it, but I doubt if anyone really wants to see my misery.

I tried to talk to her yesterday but she siad she needs time to think and asked me to leave it until saturday.

This has confused me even more. If she has made up her mind then what does she need to think about?

This really is more than my heart can take, I have not slept, eaten or been able to work since this happened

I would not wish this on my worst enemy, everything I had has gone in the blink of an eye.

I just don't know which way to turn

I'll tell ya what works - STOP HANGING ON MYRNA'S EVERY WORD! If she broke up with you dont make yourself available for her. (Us women absolutely HATE to be ignored.) Trust me - this works. She'll phone you saying she was confused, bumped her head, was abducted by aliens, that her "clone" wrote that email....You need to give her the cold shoulder. Dont ask her why...dont even give her the luxury of "thinking it over" time...just disappear for a couple weeks and she'll come around. She's being wishy washy and us VJers have seen this time and again. I personally believe its from having too much time alone to think. The wait itself is a ball buster...."what if he's not The One and Im wasting my time?" You need to pull yourself away from her for her to realize what she's losing. Ok there's my Dr. Phil advice for the day. This is too sappy for me to continue.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-08 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue.....

She must have found a bigger #### . sorry bro . Go to vietnam, alot of lovely ladies there who will love you sincerely .

Nice Thai - thats probably JUST the thing he needed to hear. GAWD :huh:
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-08 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of the Blue.....

OMG, I am soooooooooooo sorry about that :(
I have no idea what to tell you!
That is just sad and I hope you will get over it soon, even though I know it's easier said than done.
I know how I would freak out, if my fiance would tell me something like would kill me!

I am truely sorry!!!!


Snap! Although I'd kill him before it killed me! Geez...whats up with the email/Yahoo breakups? I too had a split up during a K1 - 6 days before the interview. One day when the USCIS tallies up the cancellation rate and it out numbers the actual petitions that make it to interview, they will do away with the "fiance" visa altogether. Sorry about your situation former Myrna need a shot of scottish whisky and friend. Step away from the computer and clear your head.
DA BOMBFemale02007-03-08 07:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormer K1 fiancées that didn’t marry my groom and left US.

BillyBong - she told us about the marriage AFTER she went back and asked her fiance to clarify - meaning she JUST LEARNED of his prior marriage and it wasn't discussed before she started researching the effects of his prior K1 visa attempt.

Being that she's probably freaked right off the site we'll never know if she actually knew of his prior marriage as she refered to both as fiances. Based on the posts alone I stand corrected.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-26 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormer K1 fiancées that didn’t marry my groom and left US.

ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please. Has anybody looked at the OP's name?


broke down

Coleoptera, a bettle with two sets of wings making up 350,000 species

666, sign of the beast

i do believe we have all been had. or she in a bug guru

"I never disagreed with the fiance that I called a Rat. The only people I am disagreeing with are the ones that think he is on the level. I regret the usage of the word Rat as it does seem to be name calling. I do not however disagree with my perceptions of the USC. If your going to call me out please at least be correct in you acusations."

Now you're going to personally attack the OP. Nice. Real nice. Let me be REAL correct in my accusation - YOU (being the name caller) HAVE NO PLACE INSULTING OTHERS ON THIS BOARD. You regret calling her fiance a rat so instead pick apart her nick and go straight to the source to insult HER. This, my friends, is the reason I was so fired up.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-26 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormer K1 fiancées that didn’t marry my groom and left US.

Forum; a public meeting place for open discussion
Former K1 fiancées that didn't marry my groom and left US., Should the officers know about them?

see the bold? Thats the op's title. That says 2 or more K1's. Plus the marriage to the other that may not be divorced. I really do not feel unjustified in my comments.

As well please notice what a forum is. If the definition of a discussion is limited to only the begining topic of conversation how would we as a society have ever progressed? Would we still be developing the first idea that our conscious minds ever came up with because we were required to stay on subject?

Ok August...guess you're free to call everyone you disagree with a rat. Have at it! After all its a FORUM and we wouldnt want to stop progress of the human species.
DA BOMBFemale02007-02-26 12:12:00