US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion on I-134
I had a lawyer from my church go over our K1 and she told me I needed the last three years of tax info.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-04-05 00:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in this. For us after a few hours/days cooler calmer heads have prevailed. I know in our case it is mostly fear driven as the dream begins to become reality. Gina has no family or friends here, and she is not comfortable with her English. When you put this on top of the normal cold feet people get as the wedding date approaches. It shows me how strong she is to handle this all as well as how committed she is to me, and I understand when she needs to vent frustrations. Even though the words of breaking it off were spoken, we have always known our love for each other continues to grow every day.

Hope this helps, we are all here for you. Don't cancel as that will reset everything. Just let the process go through and see what time gives you.

Thank you Dan,
That helps a lot. It has been hard for we have been together for 3 years now and its finally coming to the end praise God. I can see the light just trying to encourage her is hard. Hanna has done so well. Just when that all of her friends are getting married and she is close to them makes it that much harder.

Thank you again.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-05-13 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

Carrie, I bet you hit it on the nail for a lot of us, "providing evidence to strangers about your relationship it makes you think 'oooh that's not convincing enough they won't accept that!' and i have to stop and realise i am in a bloody legitimate relationship" I have stated a similar comment many times of being tired of having to 'prove' our relationship, things which should be natural and fun turn out to 'oh...that would be good evidence for immigration'. And to think this will continue for as long a you deal with immigration! I am seriously considering naturalization so that I can live the rest of my life without proving my relationship! Any other people considering naturalization when the time comes?

Lise I have many of times and I am thanking about it now.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-05-13 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers

This could just be a case of nerves and stress. I wouldn't cancel your petition as it's about to be approved. Talk it through with her and as soon as you get your NOA2, she may be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope this is just stress and she'll apologize and be able to refocus her mind because this ride is almost over!

Thank you for your encouragement.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-05-12 23:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Guys my girl has just broke it off. She said that she can't do the waiting anylonger. How many of you have dealt with this and made it through it?
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-05-12 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember Filers
Just now reading all of this. we filed Nov and they received our package Dec 2. Still waiting. My congressman is going to submit some more info for us to prove our case and hopefully get our NOA2 very soon. Congrats to those who have gotten theirs.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-05-01 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!!!!
Congrats guys. I am so happy for you. Hanna and I are waiting for her interview next week.
Thanks for sharing the outstanding news.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2012-01-06 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsk1 interview visa
We were approved! It took us 10 months for our paperwork to be approved by uscis, then another 3 months for our interview. Today she was approved for our visa. Praise you Jesus! I prayed for the kindness of God to be upon the counsolor and Hanna told me that the lady was very nice and did not ask her any hard questions. I am so happy. The best 3 am call I have ever had.
All praises go to God our Father.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2012-01-12 04:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2010 K1 filers
we sent ours in Oct 29 received NOA 1 Nov 2. I spoke with two layers, and a congressman. Was told that our app was still being reviewed. It is hard waiting, but the end result is glamorous. Does anyone know anything about using 2 congressmen? I have already spoke with one and have been told to speak to the other cause they have the connections. I wish the best for everyone who is still waiting.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-05-01 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 Waiting . Suggestions
I am in the same boat as you are. We filed in November and received our NOA 1 on December 2. We have not heard anything as of yet either. I called today thinking that today the 2nd was the 5 months wondering why we have not heard anything as of yet, but was told that it has only been 4 months. Duh! My fiance wanted to correct me, but thought I knew better, but I didn't. The lawyer that helped us told me that no news is good news. I know it is hard to accept that, cause I want to know what is going on. Now my fiance is having a hard time to continue to wait. I want to scrap everything and go there to be honest.
Hang in there my friend.
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-04-04 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHard times in the waiting
Last year I visited Ethiopia again with intentions of asking this amazing woman to marry me. She of course said yes and upon my return I began the process. With me working full time and going to school full time it took me longer than expected to file. Finally in November I filed and we received our NOA 1 on December 2. We have not heard a thing from Immigration as of yet and today I thought that the 5 months had be past on April 2 and was told different. This has been hard on my beautiful lady all of this waiting. I did return in Febuary to spend my bday and vday with her. I thought it would help by sending in new info and pictures of us together and my bday party she had for me and I was told by immigration unless they ask for it don't send it.
I guess I am asking has anyone else dealt with the frustrations of this waiting with your fiance?

Thank you

Edited by fishernyalew, 05 April 2011 - 12:18 AM.

fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-04-05 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOn hold
My fiance and I were engaged last year July 2010, We filed in December 2 2010. I called May 5 2011 to have our application expedited and we received the notice that our application has been put on hold due to background checks. This was in May now it is October and they still have us on hold. Should I go ahead and get a lawyer or will I just be waisting my money by now? Also when I sent in our application they sent me my first NOA and on it they had her country of orgin as of unknown. So I called and they said they had fixed that, but they didn't. So I am just wondering what the next step is. My fiance is getting uneasy and is requesting I get a lawyer right now. So any advice?
Thank you

Attached Files

fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2011-10-12 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo NOA2, it's been 5 months... who do I call?

Hi guys,

So I still haven't heard anything from the USCIS regarding my K1 fiancé visa.

My NOA1 was received August 9th, it is now January 3rd and I still haven't heard a word.

I hear I am able to contact after 5 months to check the processing of this application?

It was sent to the Texas Service Centre and forwarded to the California Service Centre after the NOA1

Please help... I'm going crazy!?!?!

:( :help:

I feel your pain and it is so hard. It took us 10 months to get approved and her interview is next week. Hang in there. If you have not heard anything is a good thing. Contact your congressman before you do anything else. Make an appointment to go and see them. Also our application sat in background checks for about 6 months before we got approved. They are taking longer now, but you are half way there. I heard those words so many times myself at 5 months. Keep each other encouraged. Stay strong. I will be praying for you.
Chris and Hanna
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2012-01-04 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 134
My fiance will have her interview in Ethiopia on the 12th. I talked with my congressman today who deals with a lot of immigration cases. With our I 129f I sent them my last three years of tax returns along with the W2's. The congressman told me today that if they have not asked for the I134 then don't take it to the interview with her, but we will have to bring the I864 with us when we go to memphis. Should I go ahead and fill it out and have our co sponsor fill one out too or just not worry about it?
Thanks in advance
Chris and Hanna
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2012-01-06 01:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi29f finace visa its been 3 months!! help!!
I agree with everyone else. Relax and encourage one another. Yes and make sure you send phone bills each mouth to your fiance, have them print off emails, yahoo messenger chats, facebook chats each week to take to the interview. That way when it comes time for the interview you are not scrambling to get all of the info.
My fiancee and I waited 10 months before we had heard anything from USCIS. Now we are getting ready for her interview tomorrow.
God bless you guys and allow this time to strengthen you.
Chris and Hanna

I filed the i29f fiance visa and sent it in on october 7 and recieved a letter and an email back that it was recieved and it is in initial review. It is now january 10 a little more than 3 months since then and I havent recieved anything else and It is still at initial rievew on the uscis website. Im starting to get a little worried. Is there something I should have done that I havent or was there something I was suppose to recieve in this period of time. I really dont want to mess this up my fiance is really all I have in this world and we truely need eachother and need to be with eachother. I need a little help or guidence. What should I do. Should I call them? If so which office would I call or service center. Im completely lost here. Please help me. Thank you for your time.

fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2012-01-11 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorking in the states
So now My wife and I had gotten married last Friday and I was wondering can she at least start working or do we have to wait until her AOS goes through?
fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2012-03-20 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
I do agree. I finally had gotten a lawyer who by the grace of God has helped me free of charge. She looked over our application and seen that the I-129F and the G-325A's were not the newer ones. Even though we had gotten our applications at the embassy in Addis Ababa. So yes get all of your docs off of the uscis web site.

Now that's some good advice! :thumbs:

fishernyalewMaleEthiopia2010-11-27 10:13:00