K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers


November filer here. Fiance is from Sao Paulo Brazil.

She has a child from a previous marriage and we have one together who is 5 months old. Have been togeher for over 4 years and have a ton of proof in the application, but do you think that with the kids, we will be processed more slowly?

I wish I could answer that. You could post it in :K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures and probably get smarter answers. Good luck.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-20 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Would be better if one of the Forum managers delete all this thread, and we could start a new one, without mentionning anything bout the spreadsheet.

I really don't want any trouble for any of u guys ...

I second that.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-20 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

It does kind of prove the theory on Haiti, but disappointed that congressional intervention didn't elicit more of a response. Still, I guess 5 months it is, so I guess it's time to try and chill out for a bit.

On a slightly unrelated subject, can someone please explain why we are moving DOWN Igor's list instead of up? I know it doesn't really mean a damn thing, but it's still irritating me, lol...

Just an opinion but I believe Igor's list goes on averages. So if there is a filer on the 1st and a filer on the 31st who gets approved. The average would be 16. So if you have someone approved on Nov1 then December, January. The average is high. The more people with low Noa1 dates get approve the lower the average will get. So the date will continue to drop. That is of course unless more High noa1 dates get approved first.

I think it might be time to remove the spread sheet. There might be some legal ramifications That I don't think any of us want to deal with.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-20 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

man, you are still killing me ;)))))...when is gonan be the good news for us
it looks like nov2 and nov3 ..get stuck for real... all this things starts to get really annoying...
i thought that on the west, u take a number and u stand in line..but it looks like opposit..u have to fight for your place... :(
everyday i wake up, with a thought the night to come, 'cos i know another day has past without me being with the love of my love,
and that is just destroying me!!!
even i know all this, one day, will be behind us...still it hurts...

I think everyone here knows how you feel Leptir. Absolutely it hurts. I won't tell you to be patient, or some other cliche' saying, but you are among people who feel your pain. We are going through it together. So hang in there kitty. :P (lol lied about the cliche').
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-18 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

hi everyone! :) My hubby kept telling me that we would get approved by feb 22, 2010... And we got it today! I'm so happy... The visa process works and it just takes time and you have to be patient. Good luck everyone!!! :yes:

Hooray. Awesome. Congratulations. :D :D :D
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-18 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

It does seem to be getting much better, on my NOA1 date (5th November) there had been no movement for weeks then in the space of two days they went from 3 approvals to 12 plus 5 RFEs.

I appreciate the your positive attitude. You can certainly consider yourself one of the few lucky ones. The actual numbers are slightly more bleak.

Number of cases still in initial review out of cases received.

56 out of 79 Nov5
45 out of 51 Nov4
86 out of 117 Nov3
52 out of 119 Nov2
42 out of 91 Oct30
45 out of 75 Oct29
78 out of 114 Oct27
and so on.

I"m afraid there is a bad trend happening. Where the VSC completes 10-25 % of a day then moves on to next day, meanwhile previous days get neglected. VJ members represent about 10% of the actual received cases. I hope we all get that 10-25%. Wishful thinking maybe.

Edited by Jl_n_JL, 18 February 2010 - 03:34 PM.

Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-18 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Recent comment on USCIS blog:
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-18 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I dunno if I'm just lucky or if VSC are getting on with it, but my fiancee received the following email this morning:

> The last processing action taken on your case
> Receipt Number: EACxxxxxxxx73
> Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)
> Current Status: Approval notice sent.
> On February 17, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have
> approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).

My NOA1 date was November 5th and before I get verbally assaulted by some of the angrier members here, I can assure you there is nothing special about my case - no deployment, no asylum, no son of any deity - just a bog standard I129F petition for a normal Scottish boy and a normal American girl.

Hopefully this gives some of you hope - it's a great feeling to get the approval and get ready to move on to the next stage!

Congratulations! We love to see November filers getting approved. :D
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-18 11:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
EAC1002250341 February 16, 2010 rfe
EAC1002250361 February 17, 2010 app
EAC1002250602 February 16, 2010 rfe
EAC1002251331 February 16, 2010 rfe
EAC1002450743 February 16, 2010 rfe
EAC1002550583 February 17, 2010 app
EAC1002551473 February 17, 2010 app
EAC1002551480 February 17, 2010 app
EAC1002551498 February 17, 2010 app
EAC1002551557 February 17, 2010 app
EAC1002551702 February 17, 2010 app
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Where did you get your figures of 7323 and 1800. I can't seem to find that. I seem to recall seeing a page with the data down-loadable as an excel file but can't find it now. Thanks

Never mind found it. Thanks.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I just found out how USCIS determines the processing times. It is really an ####-backward calculation that is absolutely meaningless. Basically the 5 months is their goal. They will not say anything less than that. But the way they calculate it is, they start by looking at the total pending cases. (7323 for VSC in Nov 09) Then they look at how many I-129Fs they receive per month and start subtracting the receipts from the pending cases until it equals 0. So basically as long as they are keeping their pending applications constant and their receipts constant, their processing times will always be 5 months. (VSC has been averaging about 1800 receipts per month. They had 7323 in NOV 09. So 7323/1800 = 4.07 months.)

It just surprised me that it had nothing to do with an actual average wait time.

Where did you get your figures of 7323 and 1800. I can't seem to find that. I seem to recall seeing a page with the data down-loadable as an excel file but can't find it now. Thanks
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

i bet at this point, some november filers might be afraid to fill in their noa2 dates on their timelines. i mean, the backlash of getting approved before someone else is harsh on this thread.

We love to see approvals on this thread. When I get mine, I'm going to shout it out and post it in all the threads. And say haha loser sucks to be you. LOL. (just kidding). But I will be happy. :D

There is a little thing called fairness. I think we all know how it feels when your waiting in line and someone cuts in front of you. It sucks. Thats all we here want, fairness. The average processing time for for August, September, October is 54 days. Now the average November filer is already doubled that time. Well waiting sucks but to see others getting theirs who filed after you, It doesn't make since and it isn't fair. That's not to much to ask for equal treatment. The VSC, "the
Government", NoBama, or who or whatever you want to call "It", "They", or what ever, is to blame. And it may not help to blame them but it does feel better sometimes to vent or to share with someone else how angry you feel. I can't speak for anyone else from Nov, but I'm not posting in the other months threads about how they offend me. So either joins us or leave us, just enough with the judging.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Wow no respect for the people working for the government either

remind me why you have even applied to emigrate to the USA?

Visacat you've come in to a 3 month old thread and taken some comments way to seriously. Naddy is a well liked member of this thread, and maybe your opinions and comments would be more appreciated in the January thread.

Oh and congratulations on your approval and good luck to you.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Posted yesterday on the USCIS blog.

Haiti and Immigration: Confronting the Rumors

Rumor #3 - USCIS will delay adjudication of any non-Haitian applications and petitions.
The facts: USCIS had taken steps to allocate all available resources to handle the influx of Haiti TPS/earthquake relief-related applications while continuing to process its pre-existing workload. There may be some delays due to the increased workload generated by the Haiti relief efforts, but USCIS is processing applications received from all applicants and petitioners.

Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I compare both of them each morning. :blush: I like how mine is moving up the the list (at the URL above) though. Always a nice sign....

Oh that is your time-line sorry. I didn't recognize the name.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 06:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Look on these two time-lines:

NOA1 : 2009-11-04 VSC

NOA1 : 2009-11-05 CSC

In Dec the VSC was a month ahead of the CSC. Now we have fallen a month behind.

I don't know about anyone else but it's very hard to "effing chill" with this kind of confusion. Also just an observation, isn't there a Dec filers thread. I'm just saying some might find more of a common ground there, if they were a Dec filer.

Edited by Jl_n_JL, 17 February 2010 - 06:19 AM.

Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-17 06:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I saw this on USCIS' website when I went to sign in today. I just thought I would post this as an FYI to everyone...

So i will no longer be looking at other peoples cases and therefore will not be able to update the spreadsheet anymore.

I cant find that part about unauthorized use. Could you post the link?
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-16 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
November filers have been plagued with Holidays. Tomorrow is another :(. While the rest of the country (US) goes to work, our loyal government servants will be off tomorrow sipping coffee and scratching themselves. President's day. :wacko: Another day down the toilet.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-14 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

November VJers from Vermont are the best bunch anyone could put together even if there was another "Big Bang." I am very happy and proud to be a member of this selected bunch because the way we try to calm our anxiety is sureal. We don't even know each other in person, yet we feel so close with one another and we fee so ecstatic if one of us get NOA2. The bond we share due to this NOA2 drought is much stronger than the DNA molecule that binds sibings. California VJers have nothing on us, we are a perfect virtual family and it won't be too long before we all have our big NOA2 party at Big Mama's House.... I love ya all!!!! and Happy Valentine's Day (L) (F) (L)


Very sweet.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-14 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I want to thank you for your comments, something is helping. I was approved today. I am so happy after the long wait to make it this far. I hope they have got it in the right gear for everyone else. My NOA1 was NOV. 2, so my NOA2 is listed on the official website as FEB. 12

I got a text message and a email message saying I was approved.

I will update my profile later tonight,
good luck everyone, now I have to study about the next process the papers will go through in Colombia.


Good News. Congratulations. :D
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-12 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I do feel a bit sorry for my 'pet' case with a NOA1 of Oct 27th who still have heard nothing...

I know Oct27th has some how been skipped over.

I also checked Nov2 and there was about 7 or so cases approved/rfe for 2-12-2010.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-12 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Oct30's day to shine.
EAC1002150379 February 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150385 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150457 feb 11, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150476 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150501 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150516 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150524 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150569 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150580 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150582 feb 10, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150599 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150609 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150613 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150621 Feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150627 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150665 feb 10, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150669 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150670 feb 10, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150679 Feb 11, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150682 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150685 feb 11, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150751 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150756 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150763 feb 9, 2010 approved

Sorry that may already be old news.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-12 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Oct30's day to shine.
EAC1002150379 February 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150385 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150457 feb 11, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150476 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150501 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150516 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150524 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150569 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150580 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150582 feb 10, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150599 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150609 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150613 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150621 Feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150627 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150665 feb 10, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150669 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150670 feb 10, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150679 Feb 11, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150682 feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1002150685 feb 11, 2010 rfe
EAC1002150751 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150756 feb 10, 2010 approved
EAC1002150763 feb 9, 2010 approved
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-12 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Ok, so I cant stay away. I went back to when Naddy invited me to contribute on "the spread sheet". That day was Jan29.

I decided to find how many case had been processed (noa2,rfe,denial) since that date. Here are the results.

12/21/09 13
12/15/09 14
12/07/09 8
12/01/09 5
11/30/09 5
11/20/09 4
11/19/09 3
11/18/09 4
11/17/09 4
11/13/09 5
11/12/09 2
11/10/09 12
11/09/09 12
11/06/09 4
11/03/09 3
11/04/09 1
11/03/09 7
11/02/09 41
10/30/09 37
10/29/09 7
10/28/09 19
10/27/09 6
10/26/09 41
10/23/09 22
10/22/09 12

sum: 291 divided by number of days since Jan 29: 13 = about 22 per day. Not bad unless you consider there are an average of about 108 case accepted per day.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-11 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
I agree on the bored/crazy comments. I've had so many range of emotions from false joy, anger, depression, and fear, that I'm almost numb to it.

I created my own spread sheet. Its kind of a death clock if you will. So far cases 100 days old are being processed(with any consistency) and slowly the number of days is growing

Todays date: 2/11/2010
Those at 100 days: 11/3/2009
When I filed: 11/13/2009
Number of days so far: 88
100 days: 2/21/2010 Not yet late

I wish I had the courage to simply not look and stay away until 2/21/2010. Perhaps I'll try. I've got alerts to notify me on my cell phone if I have a change, and I know it works, because I just was forced to change my password at uscis because its been so long :( and I received text because I received email from UScis due to the password change. So I have no reason to continually look. Hmm, I guess I'm weak.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-11 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Oct 27th
Of the 87 in initial review
EAC1001851034 Feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1001851477 Feb 11, 2010 approved
EAC1001851571 Feb 11, 2010 approved
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-11 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
A few more:

EAC1002050524 February 9, 2010 RFE
EAC1002150673 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1002150709 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1002150763 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1002150634 February 8, 2010 approved
EAC1002150672 February 9, 2010 approved
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-09 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Ok you want to talk about unbalanced.

There not my spreadsheets but I was curious, so I went through Oct27 and I was depressed to find that of the 87 I checked 87 remained unchanged.

Then when I checked Oct28 of the 17 I checked 9 had changed.

EAC1001950658 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1001950680 February 8, 2010 rfe
EAC1001950700 February 8, 2010 rfe
EAC1001950728 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1001950744 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1001950811 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1001950903 February 9, 2010 approved
EAC1001951244 February 8, 2010 rfe
EAC1001951251 February 9, 2010 approved
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-09 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

VSC is moving along for the K1 visas. YAYAYA I just got NOA2 right now. NOA1 to NOA2= 3 mths, 7 days.

Congratulations! :D
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-09 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Ok from the cases available on the spreadsheets. Here are the number of cases processed (meaning:approved,rfe,denied) per day. I was hoping to find a pattern or something, but I don't see one. I am not excited by the numbers being processed. Of course this only covers a range of about 10/22 - 12/21.

11/17/2009 Tues 1
12/01/2009 Tues 2
12/07/2009 Mon 1
12/11/2009 Fri 1
12/17/2009 Thur 2
12/18/2009 Fri 2
12/23/2009 Wed 5
12/24/2009 Thur 2
12/28/2009 Mon 12
12/29/2009 Tues 2
12/30/2009 Wed 2
12/31/2009 Thur 1
01/02/2010 Sat 2 <-think somebody entered wrong date.
01/04/2010 Mon 2
01/05/2010 Tues 6
01/06/2010 Wed 1
01/07/2010 Thur 9
01/08/2010 Fri 40
01/11/2010 Mon 6
01/12/2010 Tues 2
01/13/2010 Wed 3
01/14/2010 Thur 18
01/15/2010 Fri 19
01/19/2010 Tues 22
01/20/2010 Wed 38
01/21/2010 Thur 16
01/22/2010 Fri 26
01/25/2010 Mon 15
01/26/2010 Tues 25
01/27/2010 Wed 22
01/28/2010 Thur 25
01/29/2010 Fri 22
02/01/2010 Mon 19
02/02/2010 Tues 45
02/04/2010 Thur 18
02/05/2010 Fri 32
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-07 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

hi guy's.. one question.
me and my fiancee (after receving k1 visa), want to stay in europe for few months before going back in usa, and get are wedding done.
so the question is... how long we can prolong wth time, before entering the usa soil...i know k1 visa is for 6 months, and we need to get married, in 90 days!
so if we receive our visa, in let say end of march ;) , would be ok, if i enter usa soil, let say end of august.. and than do our wedding in oct :)
thanks in advance :)

You will probably find more answers if you post your question in:

K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-07 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

You can look at their trend graph on their website.
During AUG, SEPT, and OCT last year they averaged approving about 240 cases a day. They completed 4892 cases in AUG, 5202 cases in SEPT, and 4657 cases in OCT. In NOV their approvals dropped down to 2155 cases. Which is about 105 cases a day. On Feb 15 they will post their DEC statistics. Over the entire year last year they averaged approving between 100-120 cases a day.

Wow 240 a day, I wish they could get back to that. Heck 105 is still hopeful. Might see a noa2 before first day of spring.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-06 04:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

oh, I wanted to check that date. oh well.

I'll update oct 28-30 and nov 5-9 on sunday, to make sure that the server is up to date.
I'll update all the other dates that haven't been updated yet since jan 30

I donno if we should start working on december, to see if they are working on all dates like they are doing with the dec 15 (48% touched)

I don't want to think about them processing Dec. I want to try to start working back. So can get an Idea of how many cases they process in a day. Because from the data in the group of spread sheets. It seems the VSC accepts around 100-120 I-129f cases a day. If they are working on cases submitted around 100 days ago (excluding the lucky aholes in dec. ), its important to know about how many they can process in a day. Lets say they can process a 100 cases a day. (doubtful). Then lets look at where they seem to have peaked at, OCT26 which is about 80% complete. Now starting with Oct27 which I rechecked today and no changes were made and there is still about a 100 cases to process. If the VSC can process 100 cases a day and each day averages about a 100 cases. It will be another 18 days before they reach my day Nov13. However if they are processing 10, 20, 50 cases a day. I feel very sad.

( :( I forgot they don't work weekends, that makes it even longer)
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-05 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

No activity whatsoever today for Oct 29 filers.

I started checking Oct23 it's the Friday before Oct26 which didn't have any changes today.I've found 3 for 2-5-2010 so far and i'm still checking. I wanted to see if I could find about how many cases the VSC were averageing a day. Because my current assumption of them processing maybe one day full of cases a month is to depressing.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-05 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Wouldn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy if we, who filed in later half of November, slide in front of you and take the brunt of the worries of November filers getting neglected away? :whistle:

We filed about the same time. I wouldn't mind that scenario, but I'd prefer a more balanced approach.

This is on USCIS website: How To Calculate My Cycle Time.

Why USCIS Calculates Cycle Times

USCIS calculates processing times for every office and for every form in order to determine whether or not an office has a backlog in any given form.

When the processing time for a form exceeds the processing time target, a backlog necessarily exists for that form type.

Therefore, processing times provide USCIS management with an indicator of how quickly cases are being processed. In situations where the calculated processing time indicates that a backlog exists, USCIS management is able to identify this problem and apply resources to eliminate the backlog.

I hope they aren't letting our cases back up so it appears they have a back log, so they can hire more people, and increase their budgets.

Or I hope soon they realize they are falling behind and hire more people. I just don't want to wait 5 months + for it. :(
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-05 08:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I kind of think that persons NOA1 date might be a typo...

I thought the same thing.

For those of you checking cases and updating spreadsheets. I discovered another thing that might simplify checking.

If your so inclined to do the work. You can create hyperlinks from your spread sheet of cases.

For example if in slot B3 you have EAC1001750173, you can add the following formula


Then when you click on slot B3 you'll see a little box with an arrow in it to the side of the slot. Click that and it will launch a webpage of that cases and it's status.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-04 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

That puts Oct26 at about 74% complete.

48 days to process what they have of that one day.

Ok if it took Oct26 48 (start to finish) days to reach 74 percent, then it could be feasible that it would take another 36 days to get Oct27th (which is about 24%) to the same percentage. They could be processing one day in little over a month. At that rate it would be about 216 days until they complete Nov1. Haha i'm going bonkers.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-03 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

The average processing time for that day is 84 days. (processing of course means approvals and rfe)

84 days would be Friday for me.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-03 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Ok more processed cases for Oct26

13 total
4 Approvals (I checked last night and these were still in Initial review, but today they show approved 2-2-2010
9 RFE (these all 2-3-2010)

That puts Oct26 at about 74% complete.

48 days to process what they have of that one day.

52 days to process the first case.
100 days to process the last.

The average processing time for that day is 84 days. (processing of course means approvals and rfe)
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-03 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Saying this... does anyone have the most recent database of results. I want to summarize it in my letter that I plan on mailing out tomorrow.

Only one I'm aware of is the one Naddy has out there.
Jl_n_JLMalePhilippines2010-02-02 21:01:00