Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)(6)(c)(1) 212(a) visa pending

Moving to waivers forum in the hopes that good replies will be available there.

This does seem odd if he didn't ever overstay nor refused entry. On my last trip over under the visa waiver I was also told that I should spend more time outside the US next time if I wanted to re enter on the VWP. I also stayed for 3 months.

I had no issues what so ever with my visa, so I don't know what to say about it. Sorry you are going through this, hopefully it will all be fine after they look into it a little.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-15 14:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAshamed and concerned about medical condition
My best friend is a doctor and he has just informed me that HPV is classed as an Sexually transmitted infecttion and not a sexually transmitted disease and as long as you are receiving treatment for it then it will not be an issue for your visa. Now whether it will become an issue for your AOS is another thing that he can't comment on because he knows very little about what a US Civil Surgeon will be looking for. But I really wouldn't worry too much about it for your K1 visa. Apparently 50% of people with HPV never even know they have it.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-14 18:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1 visa, co-sponsorhip refused
This will be my final post on this thread because I have to admit I am sort of getting a little lost with it, but this is just a simple option that will require a simple possible or not answer.

If your Mother and Brother both earn above the 125% poverty level required (as stated in your original post) and your mother is capable of looking after your son due to her many years experience in the correct fields of nursing (as stated in your Navy option post) could your mother not help you out by taking a week off from work to look after your son to allow you the time to travel to your fiance to marry him. And maybe between the two of them they could muster enough money for a loan to pay for your flight over? Again, I don't know what the possibilities are, I am just putting myself in your position and thinking about the options I would look into.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-17 00:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1 visa, co-sponsorhip refused
All relationship and personal advice aside. You had two options to get your fiance into the US. A K1 visa which has failed, so the only other option is to get married and file a CR-1. There are many, many reasons that you have given why you can't do that, but the long and the very short of it is: You HAVE to do that. Unfortunately there is no other way, so between you, your fiancee and your family you need to come up with a plan to MAKE it happen or accept that you and your fiance will never be together. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is a matter of needs must. Again I wish you good luck.

Sorry if I have missed this further up the thread, but is your fiance not working in his home country? Is he not able to fund a trip for you to fly over to him to get married and then fund the CR-1 visa fees himself? I know it still leaves the child care issue, but you need to start finding CAN DO answers to each problem rather than CAN'T DO.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-16 23:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1 visa, co-sponsorhip refused
This is a horrible position you are in, but I think the consulates concerns were the same as the issues you just listed. You have so much going on and you don't have a dollar to spare with all the medical bills etc. So how would it effect you to have another person not earning in the household? I know that having your fiance there would mean more child care so you could then maybe go and look for a job, but they are just looking at actual facts and not real life. They would want to know how you would be able to afford a wedding? And then afford an AOS? Healthcare? And what if he couldn't get a job for another 6 months? etc. Don't get me wrong, I am fully on your side, but these are a couple of things your CO would have been thinking.

Can your family not take some vacation time from work to take care of the kids and maybe lend you some money to fly and get married? With two nurses who earn way more than the 125% poverty level it sounds like you have a good set up for some child care help and a small loan maybe? I am just throwing ideas out there to maybe shine a fresh light on things, so please don't think I am being very simple about this. This may not be an option to you.

Hope a solution presents itself soon. Good luck.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-16 17:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo i need to take my NOA2 to the Interview with me?
You won't need it, but just for peace of mind get it photo copied and add it to your paperwork. They didn't ask for anything like that for me, all they want is the forms and your appointment letter. Good Luck!!
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-14 19:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI NEED ASSISTANCE 2

Thank you. i will look indo it. im a born UK resident. so im only going to need one for the UK.

Your police certificate will be easy to obtain then. Go to http://www.acpo.poli...ertificates.asp print out the application form and send it to them with your fee (I think it is about 35 quid)

Regarding your medical, when you receive your packet 3 from the embassy they will give you the web link with all the details of where you go for your medical. There are two surgeries (I think they are the same company though as there is only one phone number) one is just off Mayfair and the other (where I went) is a block behind Debenhams on Oxford Street.

You also need a FULL birth certificate with both of your parents names on, the short certificate will not be accepted at your interview. You probably already have it, but it has caught some people out so I am just going to mention it just in case :)
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-04 18:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSpecifics on Medical Exam Process
I was at my London medical last week and the girl that was there at the same time as me had a female doctor's assisstant present through the initial health check. There is a female doctor there too, so it seems that no matter what they make sure that a female is present when you are having your check. The check is only external also, so it really is just a very quick check to make sure you are what you say you are and a visible check for STDs. The doctor will probably not even make physical contact for that check. It is mainly visual. It's really nothing to get too worked up about, they are very professional and very very efficient. They do everything they can to make you feel comfortable. The receptionist is really helpful so I would suggest just giving her a call to ask any questions that you have.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-13 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDevasating News
This must be amazingly difficult for you to take in as you just want to be with the person you have fallen in love with. Now you have been presented with all of this.
It was mentioned in an earlier post and I would also recommend that if money permits, you get on a plane and go see him. That way you can sit and have a proper conversation with your fiance and the woman he has had the child with.
If you find for sure that it is all a scam you can then start to move on with your life, I can't imagine that it will be easy for you to break off a relationship by email or phone and get over someone you love. Atleast by seeing him you will get chance to say goodbye and hopefully get closure if that is the decision you make.
If he is lying then I think he will protest about you going to see him, now that would be a huge sign that all is not right as I would want my girl by my side if I was going through something like that. Just be careful and I wish you all the best.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-09 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED FOR K-1 I-129F VISA
Congratulations!!!! Just a few more steps and you will have that visa in hand. Try and get a jump on everything by getting your paperwork organized early. That way you can get your packet 3 sent back quick and reduce the time of geting your interview. Make sure you have your Full birth certificate and police certificate, if not then get them ordered ASAP. Best of Luck with the rest of your journey smile.gif
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-11 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 with a Caveat
You do BOTH need to be able to legally marry at the time of application so definately wait until she is 16. It is not worth getting a failed visa application on your file just because she is under age as it just causes you more work in the future (and this process is work enough at the simplest of times)

My advice:
Wait until she is 16
Make sure you give loads of evidence of an ongoing relationship (Photos of you both with both families, phone records, emails etc)

This can be a stressful process and you are likely to get it tougher because of your fiancee's age, so make sure she is ready for what is ahead. She may be mature but it is unlikely she has had this kind of stress before. So make sure she is 100% happy to go ahead and that she is prepared for what lays ahead.
It might be worth getting some legal help with your application, that way you have someone to check everything and do the chasing for you if there are any problems. Most of the time I would suggest not worrying about legal help, but under these circumstances I think it would help you both.

While you are waiting for your fiancee to turn 16 start getting your proof of ongoing relationship together. Make sure you have both visited each other and spent time with each other's family (Take photos)

Good Luck

To get a better overview of your situation I have a couple of questions and it may help others to give you any advice on here.

How long have you been together?
How long have you been engaged?
How many times have you met each other in person?
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-09 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE help, suggestions.
Personally I would say that one trip over and a fresh application still won't be enough to get a final yes at an interview. It might be worth leaving it a year and trying to get in maybe 3 trips (even if one is a short trip) Build a case for yourself, take loads of pics and show these people that you are in love by doing everything you can to spend even a short amount of time with her. I know it is a bit easier for me to go from UK to US than it is for you, but if I got a long weekend off work then I was on a plane over to see my girl and in my interview today even the interviewing officer commented on how I didn't seem to want to be away from her. lol.

I know it's tough to think of a year apart, but better to be a year with a yes at the end than never getting a yes because of too much haste. Just my opinion. Good luck with it.
CherilynandDamionMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 14:03:00