Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Not to mention if the spouse doesn't speak dutch, it is also a hinderance. I can understand a teeny bit of dutch, but not anywhere near well enough to get a job or even go grocery shopping.


Oh definitely. that is also a HUGE factor. I feel as though I would have a much harder time in the Netherlands than Johnny would here in the United States; he already has the advantage of speaking the language almost perfectly whereas I hardly know any Dutch.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-05-12 18:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Heya guys,

Haven't talked in this topic for quite a while. Finally married and life keeping busy. I hope everyone is doing oke and is with their loved one...

I got a question maybe some of you can answer me... Is there any way for me to take my husband to Holland and live there instead of here? I'm fearing I made a big mistake moving to the US compared to what I had in Holland. I love my husband very much but this is taking so much out of me I don't know if I can deal with it any longer...

Thank you for any help.

Sorry to hear you are not liking it in the US.

I will tell you, Johnny and I researched [heavily mind you] me moving to the Netherlands instead of him moving here first before we ever considered the US as an option. It is extremely difficult to try and move there rather than here, hence our overall decision for him to move here instead of me moving there. If you are not financially stable enough, able to get into a University that will give you a student visa, or capable of finding a job in the Netherlands it can be quite difficult. I'm pretty sure the financial requirement for a married couple is for the Dutch spouse to earn 1678 euros a month which is roughly 20,000 euros a year and that spouse has to already have at least a years contract with a company. And the application alone will cost you around 800 euros. Those issues alone were more than enough reason for Johnny and I to switch our plans and for him to move here. We were more concerned not so much about where we would be living [as that isn't as important] but about being together. Good luck to you on whatever decision you end up making; hope I was able to give you a little insight on how the immigration process and requirements would go if you were to move back to the Netherlands.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-05-12 15:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

STRESSFUL is an UNDERSTATEMENT! I can't imagine what it would be like to go through a tough embassy!

:D Someone actually sent me the link the embassy sends for the packet 3 so I'm feeling a little bit better about that.

Now, my next AHHHHHHH moment (Because I ALWAYS have to have SOMETHING to worry about)

NVC said that my case was shipped on Wed. May 5th. I've been checking on the DHL site to attempt to track it like some others have written about on this site, but there's been nothing going to Amsterdam at all. I'm afraid it's gotten lost or something. AHH! It's horrible.

Do you think I should send an email over to the embassy over the weekend asking if they've received it? Or should I just calm down and trust things will go the way they are supposed to...

Oh I know! I'm so glad it was a relatively painless experience -aside from the waiting! The Amsterdam consulate is a walk in the park in comparison to some of the other places.
We're going through a bit of an "AHHHHH moment" right now as well with Johnny's AOS; we've heard nothing about his case since February 20 something when they touched it... and they only touched it once. [We called them the other day and they woman from USCIS said she would send out a request to see what's going on, but that that could take up to a month]We're a bit worried that somehow the Orlando office lost his biometrics stuff and never sent it on and that's why we haven't heard anything else from them.

As far as the shipping thing goes; I'd just wait it out. With them it's hard to tell when and if they got things, and odds are you won't find out about it until they finally decide to give you a little heads up. I remember us running into somewhat of a wait time for Johnny's interview due to them trying to get Johnny's police records from the United States [he lived here for seven years], so if anything I would at least wait it out another week or so. Relax, and try not to worry SO much; even though I know it's hard putting your life into the hands of people who really don't seem to have that firm of a grasp on what they are doing. :P

I found my case on Ok. I'm relaxed now until I come up with something new to panic about tomorrow.... I'm sorry people :) It seems I've scared most of you away! But thanks for the support :)

Oh well that's good!
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-05-07 18:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Thanks for your help! I think I'm just over worrying. At least I know my NVC file isn't in AP because they told me it was sent to the mail room on Wed. Now to just get it over to Amsterdam!!!!

I completely understand your worries though, it's all very stressful.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-05-07 09:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

USC'S OF DUTCH PEOPLE I NEED HELP! lol. My current crisis of confusion involves the I-134 form.

I'm using my dad as a co-sponsor and he makes over the 125% requirement.

I'm going to number my questions to make it easier...

1) What documents do I need to supply?......

2) Does he need to get that letter from the bank even though he makes over the amount?

3)Since he makes over the amount, is it necessary for him to fill out the savings, personal property, stocks and bonds and life insurance part?

4)Do I need to get a letter from the bank? Although I am unemployed at the moment, I do have savings. Should I bother putting that on the 134 or does it not matter because my father is co-sponsoring.

5) Do I need my prior tax info?

Any help would genuinely be appreciated. :) Thanks!

I know for sure that you and your father will need your prior tax information, not the W2 but the actual tax return. I would suggest getting the past three years of federal tax returns, and you will need yours because even if you don't meet the requirements; they still want to see it. My father also co-sponsored for me as I did not earn enough to be the soul source of support. We did not bother with things from the bank, if your father makes more than enough they do not need to be in your business and looking at all of your bank statements; the less they know, the better off you are.

I'm not sure if he filled in the personal property, stocks, savings, etc but I don't see why he would have to. Those things are just to back you up if you do not meet the requirement, they use them as a form of supplemental income and sometimes that doesn't even help. Now, we did have letters from both of our employers stating how many hours we work and for what amount per hour we work; it may be a good idea for you to add that as well.

As far as you being unemployed at the moment? Not sure if anything from the bank would help, but I suppose you could gather some evidence from the bank stating that you at least have some money to help with supporting your fiance. I would still definitely add your previous federal tax returns if you have any, they seem to look over that the most; the rest of that stuff is more or less supplemental to the actual tax returns.

Hope that kind of helps you. Maybe someone else can touch base on this as well; it's possible I missed something.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-05-05 18:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples?? I guess he will be doing that in Tx somewhere. Hope this doesn't delay his EAD too much. I think he is going to explode soon from not being able to work! LOL


Well, wherever he has it; I wouldn't wait too long before giving them your change in address. For some reason, it takes biometrics a long time to get the memo that someone has moved. Johnny's brother is also in the middle of the AOS, he moved and they never got his biometrics changed over; he ended up having to do a walk-in. [Note that he had his appointment date already set and then moved before the actual appointment]
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 14:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

YAY! John received his NOA1 for his, he received 2 at the same time. I think one is just a receipt of the check. I guess we wait for his biometrics appt now. This concerns me a bit though. We are moving to Texas pretty know how long it takes to get the appt? If we can do it here before we move...that would be great. Or else, I guess we will have to let the USCIC we are moving. Now, if we only had a date for THAT!


We sent our AOS in the 13th of January, and our biometrics appointment was set for the 16th of February.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 14:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Congrats on the EAD Liz! I'm sure Pat is very happy about that. Is his valid for just a year? Johnny's says his is only valid for one year.

Oh and remember when I said that his green card case was at the last step and that they were mailing it out? Apparently I put in the number for the EAD..... soooo his stupid green card is STILL only up for initial review; I was very upset when I realized this mistake. :angry: Who the heck knows when they will ever get around to giving him his green card.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-30 17:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

So...changing the I the only USC attempting to actually learn dutch??


I know some Dutch already from the Rosetta stone stuff, and I've been around Johnny and his family for three years so I've picked up a lot when it comes to understanding the language. Now as far as speaking it goes? I don't know #######. Haha

Johnny doesn't really seem interested in teaching me as he doesn't even really care for Dutch, and I've not bugged him about learning it because his entire family speaks English really well so it's not as if I need it to communicate with any of them. Eventually though I want to learn because it would be good for our children to know it someday, and I don't want them knowing it and me not!
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-22 17:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

I hope so, Lindsey! This is getting so frustrating!

YAY....I bet you have that GC within the next week or so!! CONGRATS! :dance:

At least you haven't been waiting as long as Johnny and I yet.. His biometrics was the 16th of February, we had been waiting 8 weeks and they were still saying it was up for initial review. It seems to be a fickle process, it definitely doesn't mean you'll get it faster through CSC; I do believe it means no interview though so that's a plus. Hopefully Pat will have his soon enough!

Well if what it says on their website is correct, then yes it should be here within the next week or so. Apparently they have like 30 days to issue the green card after the issue date. [March 26th was when they said they would issue it even though we just found out about it yesterday] Needless to say, we are both really happy. I think they heard me complaining all the way from California and that's why they decided to change what it said on the website. :D [I was very upset yesterday after he got off the phone with USCIS that morning]

It amazes me how little the people know when you call USCIS, they thought we were still up for initial review as well. That just further proves to me that they probably just type your case number into the 'check my case status' box on the USCIS website.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-20 13:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Maybe you will hear something soon Liz. :thumbs:

Johnny and I checked our status this morning and it still said initial review... he called and they told him that there wasn't a 'time line' for family cases or something... and then, I checked our status again around 6pm and they had updated it! Apparently as of the 26th of March, his green card has been out for departure and should be here within 30 days of that date!

Oh and Johnny got his work authorization card about two weeks ago so we were FINALLY able to get him a social security number.

Edited by LindseyJohnnyK, 19 April 2010 - 08:39 PM.

LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-19 20:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Still nothing from USCIS, they are running out of time! This is their last week and then we call them to see what is up. Maybe when I get home, we'll have a Green Card waiting for Johnny in the mail. Fingers crossed? :unsure:
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-13 10:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Sorry LindseyJohnnyK, but I have to correct you on this one! It's NOT true that Dutch citizens can't have dual citizenship. You can look up the information on the site of the Dutch embassy in the USA:

Dutch citizens who voluntarily acquire another nationality

Under the amended Nationality Act of 1 April 2003, anyone who voluntarily acquires the nationality of another country will lose their Dutch nationality, except in the following cases:

if you were born in the country of your other nationality and are living there when you acquire the nationality of that country
if, before you turned 18, you lived in the country of your other nationality for an uninterrupted period of five years
if you are married to a person who possesses the nationality you wish to acquire

I completely agree that it is hard to move the the Netherlands if you're not a citizen (that is why we ended up here). I think for the Dutch citizen it's hard to get a life started there again (finding a job, house, etc)


I wasn't aware of the exception of marriage, else I wouldn't have stated that Dutch citizens cannot acquire duel citizenship.

I'm pretty sure Johnny doesn't wish to keep his Dutch citizenship, he hates it over there. I wouldn't mind if he kept it, it would be easier for us to travel, move there if we so wish, for our children to gain duel citizenship, etc. I do not foresee us ever moving to the Netherlands though, too expensive and we are both just too used to the "American" way of things. [He lived in the US for seven years, it's how I met him]
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-07 18:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
On another note, Johnny got his work permit.... but no green card. They officially have ONE week before their 6 weeks are up. By one week we should either receive the green card, or an interview date. If that week goes by and we don't hear anything, you better bet we'll be talking to USCIS; and they will not like what I have to say. :P
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-06 14:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
From what I know, the Netherlands does not allow duel citizenship. You either have to be a Dutch citizen, or a U.S. citizen; can't be both as they require you to pledge your allegiance to just them. Now, as a U.S. citizen, we are allowed duel citizenship if we so please.

Also, I know from experience that it is extremely difficult to move to the Netherlands if you are not a citizen... Before we started this visa process, Johnny and I were going to just have me move to the Netherlands; needless to say that did not work out. If you thought getting here was hard, try getting into the Netherlands when you A)are not a member of the EU, or B)a member of any other country; it's twice, if not three times, as hard.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-04-06 14:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Hey peeps! Here another Dutch/American couple. I am usually not very active on here but right now we are in the process of getting my conditions removed so we'll be online more often.
Didn't read back more than one page in this topic but I am planning on keeping up from here on. As for bread making... Yeah... I tried too and as a matter of fact last week was the very first time I finally made a bread that I enjoyed eating. Don't ask me what I did different because I never write down what ingredients/ how much I use. :)
LindseyJohnnyK- Where in Florida do you live? We live in Panama City. Tomorrow we'll be on a roadtrip in the direction of Tampa. And 10 to 16 april We'll be in Orlando to visit Disney.
Oh maybe a little more about us: We met in 2006 while I was living in Belgium and my husband was stationed in Germany. We were married on feb 21st '08 and on march 2nd '09 I gave birth to our wonderfull son Ryker. We also have a dog (Boxer) named Xena.

Welcome to the thread! We are located on the east coast of Florida in a little town called Titusville. Not too far from Orlando, just thirty minutes give or take.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-28 11:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

don't have much time, just want to let you know Lindsey, you cant bake bread here the same way as in the Netherlands, we found out the hard way.
Flour is processed differently.
We have a bread maker and are adjusting US receipts to our taste.
Just adding all kinds of seeds to make it more grainy.

off to do other stuff now, be back later!

Oh yeah, we knew that. A lot of things factor into making bread; even the weather, so we are aware that it will never taste the same as it does over there. We're trying to get it as close as possible though! haha The crust on the tiger bread is a bit flaky and strange though, but I believe that has to do with the humidity here in Florida.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-23 15:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Congratulations on your sons GC Peet! I'm sure you are very relieved. Now if only Johnny could get his.. haha

Blu- I've noticed that too with people here in the US, we're an ignorant lot of people it would seem. We have a Dutch girl that works in a local cafe here and a table asked her if she were Danish, even though I knew right away that she was Dutch.

I absolutely hate frikendellen and am so glad they do not sell them here! Haha Johnny and his family used to eat them as a snack all the time in the Netherlands; I've tried them once or twice and they make me want to gag... Oh and Johnny told me what they were made out of; cow udder if you were wondering, that didn't help with my dislike for them. We've found several Dutch recipes online for vlaai and tiger bread, Johnny is trying to master the bread and already has mastered the vlaai. =]
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-22 18:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Haha good, an excuse to smack them a few more times than normal. A few for Liz and a few for Peet. :D

Peet- I hope you don't run into any trouble with your sons case, though I can't see why you would; I'm sure they've sorted things out by now if you have completed the RFE
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-19 09:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Yep...I got an email saying they'd transferred it to CSC...then a few days later I got the letter in the mail about the transfer. Then another 3-4 days later I got the email I put in the post above.

So frustrating.. I hope they just forgot to send us a notification and that we will hear something very soon. I'm getting a little stir crazy... the same thing basically happened for our K1 as well; it took much longer than it was supposed to to get Johnny over here, everyone before and after our date had gotten their visas long before he got his. :unsure:

I don't know if I'm just in a mood or if it's because I truly am tired of USCIS and all lack of communication on their part, but I feel like slapping someone in their office, anyone will do. Haha
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-18 21:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Yep and after that I even got a third e-mail stating the same.
Hope you hear something soon.

In the meantime, I received my green card today, so it is off to get a SSN tomorrow and once that is in, getting permission to start driving lessons I guess :wacko:

Pfft all that woman told Johnny was that if we don't get an interview date or the green card within 60 days of the biometrics appointment, which was the 11th of February, that we should call back to see what is going on. I really hate them sometimes.... well scratch that, MOST of the time.

Congrats on getting your green card though! I'm sure Johnny is jealous, I know I am. Haha I don't know how driving lessons are where you live, but here in our little town, all you have to do is take the written test and then "drive" in their back parking lot.. Lamest excuse for a driving test ever. It's why so many people cannot drive in the US.. or at least here in Florida.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-18 19:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Ok....seriously...USCIS customer service needs to get their heads out of their...well, you know!

They are giving you incorrect information, I have copied the email we got telling us they rec'd it below:


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: MSCXXXXX


Current Status: This case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred.

The I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283

It also gives a phone #.... that the number Johnny called? If not, might want to try it.

Mmhmm that is the number he called. It's the standard number they give you for pretty much anything. I've called it several times during our K1 application as well.

Now was this e-mail sent after you got a letter stating they were sending it off to CSC?
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-18 17:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Well now I'm confused because I have differing information. According to USCIS, which Johnny talked to today, they do NOT send out a letter or email stating that CSC, or whatever office, has received your case after it gets to that office to be processed... That being said......... why did both you and Peet apparently get a letter and or e-mail stating that CSC received your case?

All of that said, talking to USCIS got us absolutely nowhere because they really do not know anymore than we do.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-18 15:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples?? may want to try giving USCIS a call... our case was transferred last week on Wednesday and I just got an email telling us that CSC had received it and it was pending at their office now. :unsure:

I've been hesitant to call them because odds are they know just as much as we do. All they ever do is look up your case number online which gives them the same information that is available to us. I will call them today though and see what is up with our case.

It really seems to be at random how or when they start working on a case. I have seen several people now who got the notice that their green card is ordered without any email updates or getting their EAD's.
And others keep getting flooded with mails, like me, I think I have had 4 mails now that my card is on its way :huh:

Am really happy with the city of Groningen since yesterday, they sent out my sons birth certificate right away. Got it yesterday and today it is going express to the USCIS. They will have it tomorrow.
It is really clear now that they are holding back his green card for which the application was transferred to California because there was a mistake in the papers for his AP which are in MO :wacko:

Maybe you are right, but it still seems odd that CSC wouldn't even tell us they got our case.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-18 06:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

How long has it been, Lindsey?

I want to say at least three weeks since they told us they were sending it on to CSC, possibly even longer. We got our notice stating it was being sent on to CSC almost right after Peet got hers.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-16 16:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Banging my head against the wall here... Still nothing at all from CSC; not even a word about them getting our application! It's really annoying and is starting to worry me. Knowing how stupid USCIS can be, they've probably lost our application in the mail somewhere. :unsure:

Peet, sorry to hear about your RFE; looks like an easy fix though! Good to hear that at least your green card has been ordered.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-15 18:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Yeah I thought it was weird too. Maybe they are just slow at getting out that sort of information? Who knows...

Have you heard anything else yet on yours? I know you just sent yours off, but I'm guessing you should be getting your biometrics appointment any day now.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-03-01 15:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
We haven't received any new news on our AOS since they sent it on to CSC, not even anything about them getting the papers there. By now you would think we would have heard something. I think it's been well over a week since we got the letter stating they had sent it on to California.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-02-28 08:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Congratulations Blu!

And Peet, thanks for the heads up. We haven't gotten anything from the CSC yet stating they have received our papers but hopefully we will get something within the next couple of days. I've also noted other getting interview dates for March and they also filed around the same time we did; I'm hoping this does in fact mean that Johnny will just get his green card in the mail and we won't have to bother with an interview. I'm not WORRIED about one if we do get one; it's just more or less a hassle and they haven't been nice at all here in the Orlando area where our interview would take place if we had one.

Welcome Jeannine! I hope your visa process goes smoothly and quickly. Seems like lately they've been very quick so you may even have your visa in a shorter time frame than most of us here.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-02-23 17:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Johnny got a letter from USCIS today saying they have transferred our case to the CSC; maybe we won't have to go through an interview. Fingers crossed? haha
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-02-19 18:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

I know your not required to do another medical as long as it's been less than a year since your overseas exam but we decided to go ahead and go because a TON of people who filed their AOS between Nov-Jan got RFE's because they didn't file the I-693 and had only sent the Vaccination form from the overseas medical. To me it was worth the money to go to the civil surgeon and have this done so that we don't have to worry about an RFE.

Johnny and I also noted that people had been getting quite a few RFE's due to the whole I-693 thing, but it states on USCIS that as a K1 filer you do not need to fill it out. That being said, we added that little section; highlighted, and are hoping they don't give us an RFE when it clearly isn't needed for us to go to the civil surgeon.

Apparently it doesn't really matter what you do though or how careful you are; I mean Johnny and I got an RFE for something as stupid as not putting in the birth certificate for the co-sponsor when it NEVER mentioned us having to do so in the instructions.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-02-11 17:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Umm.. We never went to our civil surgeon because if you are a K-1, K-2, K-3 or K-4 visa holder the I-693 instructions state that you are not required to have another medical examination as long as your Form I-485 is filed within one year of your overseas medical examination. The I-485 is the form the doctor gave you with all of your vaccinations on it, the vaccination checklist.

Of course, if you were like Peet and her son needed another shot, the visit to the civil surgeon is required because he did not have all of his shots up to date.

Edited by LindseyJohnnyK, 10 February 2010 - 03:54 PM.

LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-02-10 15:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Johnny and I received a request for initial evidence in the mail today.... Apparently a US social, and a US tax return were not enough supporting evidence to show that our co-sponsor and myself are indeed American citizens.... I really hate USCIS sometimes. Anyway, we have to send them copies of our birth certificates tomorrow since that is the only thing out of the list of ten different items that we could possibly give them; as the rest pertain more to those living and working in the US while not being American citizens or to those who have recently became US citizens.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-02-01 20:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Is there anyway you can call the office in Houston and ask if you can do a walk-in? :unsure:

Lindsey - That's great! Is Orlando very far for you guys?

The office we have to go to is maybe 30 minutes away or so.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-01-27 18:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Johnny got his biometrics appointment in the mail today. It's in Orlando and set for Tuesday the 16th of February.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-01-26 19:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Congrats Peet!

Were they able to make your appointment somewhere close to where you live? I'm wondering how far Johnny will have to go for his, probably into Orlando or something, so at least forty minutes away.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-01-25 20:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Weird that they wanted a SSN; here being married to me was enough for the school. Johnny was able to enroll and get Florida tuition instead of having to pay full price.

I got a text from USCIS last week saying that they got our case so I should be getting something in the mail soon.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-01-16 20:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

You better just call the school you like to attend and the DVM office. I ran in a lot of problems to get enrolled and to get my drivers licence. But I'm sure if you find someone who is understanding they will make it work. I have seen other posts of people who got enrolled before they got all their paperwork done. I just are in the wrong town with million of international students who try to get enrolled or a drivers liscence. By the way, you know that you are allowed to drive on a foreign liscence for 6 months.... (LOL, I actually drove here on my Dutch liscence for 14 months without any problems)

Good to see some more people considering to move to Texas, welcome!


Depends on the place I suppose. Like I said, Johnny enrolled for school and got his license before sending in his AOS and before he had a Social Security Number.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-01-15 16:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Peet, I'm pretty sure most schools do not require a SSN when applying for classes; Johnny does not have one and he is already in school. They also did not ask for one when he got his drivers license. Most places will understand if you explain your situation to them and will just ask for you to update them on your case status as well as your social security number when you finally get one.

I say your best bet would be to go down to your local social security office or call the local office and talk to someone; they are sure to know more about it than I do. I truly do not believe one is needed to go to school or drive though; just to work. Johnny can get a SSN now, but cannot work with it until he gets his EAD from the Adjustment of Status; though right now we are having a bit of trouble getting him a card as they sent our case off to homeland security due to them denying it for some unknown reason, they are looking it over for further review before he is able to get one.

Hope that kind of helps you.
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-01-14 17:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Wow, for the tenth time? That's a lot of greatness for one person Liz. :) Congrats though
LindseyJohnnyKFemaleNetherlands2010-01-13 17:32:00