USCIS Service CentersK1 Processing Time
If I'm not mistaken, US is issuing around 9 000 000 visas a year. Ours is just one of many and, unfortunately, lower prioritized than other ones. I wish this process was fully electronic with as minimal human factor as possible, but we are not there yet. Also, officers in the Service Centers play Angry Birds all day long :innocent:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-07 12:59:00
USCIS Service CentersIs Csc even open?.....

We have been waiting for nearly 6 months now and not a whisper of NOA2. :( I wish they would start processing some K1's!

In the Immigration Timelines sections I see that CSC is currently processing Oct 4 filers. How reliable this info is?
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-04 12:17:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Closed for 2 days


I think you misquoted and mixed my words with some crusaders blabber :bonk:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-27 09:09:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Closed for 2 days

:wow: :ot:

Issues with what others believe???

I do not want for HIS god to be in control of MY stuff! :bonk: :ot2:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-26 18:37:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Closed for 2 days

Shouldn't everyone be free to post their thoughts/beliefs on the forum? I'm not religious but I believe everyone has a right to post their beliefs for comfort.

I think CSC need a kick up the back side to be honest. I feel so sorry for those at CSC. And to think how annoyed I was in January that I got VSC.

You don't have to post your beliefs for comfort. You have to have them, that's it. :ot2:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-26 09:58:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Closed for 2 days

:( This is so sad. But I know God is in control.

This is good you believe in deity and I respect your beliefs. Please respect mine as well and keep them to yourself. Because as far as I think, god is not in control anywhere in this Galaxy. And at CSC people are in control and they have just created a "plumbing mess". And by this I mean tons of sh*t just clogged the system and it DOES NOT FLOW. Maybe they should employ millions of illegal immigrants to clean the "plumbing mess" and also help them to process applications faster? :bonk: :devil: :alien:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-26 09:47:00
USCIS Service CentersThey fixed their toilets!!!!
Posted Image
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-28 09:53:00
USCIS Service CentersIdea to draw attention to our plight
It could be possible to record videos of couples, say, during Skype communication saying one strong line: Tired of waiting, for example, or any other one. As soon as we get around 15-20 couples we can produce a video and try to distribute it all over internet in hopes it goes viral. Of course we need to apply some hollywood techniques to the cause, and make an accent on extreme hardship of the situation, showing the line of actual miles of distance between couples, and showing last time they saw each other. Add some good sound track to this and you got an emotional response.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-29 10:06:00
USCIS Service CentersToday on Barak Obama FB page. Let's Storm it!

We are awesome at living apart. We have been doing that for 2.5 years. How much more practice do we need??

I prefer there is no practice of this kind and you are overdoing it already.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-04 15:52:00
USCIS Service CentersToday on Barak Obama FB page. Let's Storm it!

But what do I know? I am apparently supposed to be spending my time getting to know my fiancee.

It's more like getting to know how to live apart from each other. Getting to know period ends when her status changes from gf to fiancee.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-04 15:46:00
USCIS Service CentersToday on Barak Obama FB page. Let's Storm it!

Yes, I left a comment as well :angry: CR1/IR1 visas are also affected by all this BS :devil: However, there are thousands of comments, so I doubt anyone will really read them... At least it felt good to rant...

And lots of those are actually not in support. If we keep our comments emotional and explanatory maybe someone will notice. PR person or whatever. It will not hurt to voice our opinion :blush:

Link to the post

Edited by arcticrobot, 04 April 2013 - 01:40 PM.

arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-04 13:38:00
USCIS Service CentersToday on Barak Obama FB page. Let's Storm it!
Here is a screenshot of today's post on Barak Obama FB page:
Posted Image

And my comment there:

Eugene ArcticRobot Mazur I will absolutely hate liking this post. Just because this quick fix of our immigration system pushes way back K1 Alien Fiance petitioners and the wait time is just incredible. 8 months + for petition to just go through USCIS California Service Center? Are you kidding me? YOU ARE KEEPING FAMILIES FROM FORMING AND LOVED ONES APART! These DACA people are together, and we are separated, and there are thousands of us. Outrageous. You are preventing legal family based immigration from happening!

I think we should all chime in!

Edit: this is Service Center related hence in this part of the forum. We need to form a force to push every possible lever and be heard.

Edited by arcticrobot, 04 April 2013 - 01:34 PM.

arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-04 13:27:00
USCIS Service CentersHow many supporters are here?

Of course. It's easter. The poor guy needs to rest...

He got tired fixing the plumbing. Seriously though, he asks us to forward messages to Susan Arroyo. He would show some courtesy by providing her e-mail address maybe?
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-29 09:50:00
USCIS Service CentersHow many supporters are here?
I am out of the office until April 2nd. Please forward any time sensitive messages to Susan Arroyo.


Don Neufeld
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-29 09:11:00
USCIS Service CentersHow many supporters are here?
will you be so kind to start updating your original post with guidance, addresses and steps needed to address the issue on all levels and bring some attention to the matter? We could also create public google document forms with all the wording already pre-filled for all the officials we need to contact. I disagree we need to write individual original letters. We need mass letter shut-out and that can be achieved only if everything is prepared for people. Government officials will not read individual stories, but they will notice massive reaction.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-28 12:06:00
USCIS Service CentersHow many supporters are here?
I already created and submitted WhiteHouse petition and it gathered a whopping 109 signatures in just one month)
I have posted it on this forum as well as on some reddit subreddits and facebook)
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-28 10:11:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC some sign of life

where did you get this info? honestly i find it hard to believe that they transferred I-129f's to TSC

There was no indication in USCIS official statement that I-129F's are being transferred.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-10 12:49:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC file damage is true

I suspect from a fire supression system.

That means, one half of our petitions was destroyed by fire and another by water. Ahhahaha! :rofl: :bonk: :dance: :oops: :protest:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-04 13:16:00
USCIS Service CentersWorkload from CSC to TSC
:ot2: CSC :ot2:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-09 08:09:00
USCIS Service CentersArc


I have six goats, six steers, 4 ducks, half a dozen chickens and a dog. Would any of these do? :rofl:

Can you marry me, please?
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-15 13:18:00
USCIS Service CentersVideo is complete! - Start Sharing!!!
Please add the text to the description. Below all of the informational and data analysis links. Thank you! I will try to make a video reply to this. Post it on FB "Long Distance Relationship", on Reddit and wherever else we could think of.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-11 08:42:00
USCIS Service Centerswhat is going on with CSC
No matter what is going with CSC but they are approving petitions at the higher rate than usual. For most of us, especially post-December filers, it's an excellent sign. For black hole people it is outrageous. Overall - they are working hard on I-129F's and this is good.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-16 07:39:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Moving forward or backward?

At this rate, they might finish off December within a week or two. I wonder which month will be randomly selected next

February 2013? :innocent:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-16 10:36:00
USCIS Service CentersWaiting - how do you manage your fiancee's expectations?

My fiancee is Russian too and of course waiting is quite familiar to her as well. But is a little difficult to explain to her how it took only a week to get her Schengen visa for our upcoming holiday but the American visa will likely take 8-10 months. Makes us look worse than Russia in the bureaucracy department which is quite a trick! Overall I think the waiting itself is ok with her but she's stressing out understandably about her son and school. As long as they are here by August I have no worries but if it pushes into September or October then there will be some issues (which we will deal with when the time comes of course).

Shengen is non-immigrant visa and K1 is almost immigrant(with intent to immigrate). It is quite easy to get American tourist visa as long as you have strong ties with mothership, I mean Mother Russia. :dance:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-17 15:40:00
USCIS Service CentersWaiting - how do you manage your fiancee's expectations?
We always talk. We always there for each other. We set milestones and work towards our goals. In the meantime we are trying to get tourist visa so she can come and be with me until our i-129f is approved.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-17 09:08:00
USCIS Service Centers2nd Quick Response from Ombudsman
The most important question is: was there dinking water involved in flooding or sewage water? If latter I think they don't want to process files covered in feces! :bonk: :rofl:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-16 14:59:00
USCIS Service CentersSad day today
Seriously, this is unnecessary and becoming ridiculous.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-23 09:45:00
USCIS Service CentersSlow day

And give you gray hair :rofl:

or take your hair away! :bonk:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-24 15:44:00
USCIS Service CentersSlow day
Lets start panicking, ??????) :dance:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-24 07:48:00
USCIS Service CentersIn the light of CSC bashing...

Congratulations! I am also from Russia and heading to MI, still waiting for NOA2 from CSC since April. Good luck at the further steps!


Thanks! Michigan is a beautiful state. I just wish we had mountains here) Good luck you too guys. 

arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-06-03 09:12:00
USCIS Service CentersIn the light of CSC bashing...

wow must be nice!!!! 10 months here and still waiting!!!!


And you got your baby born while waiting. What a twist...

arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-06-03 09:09:00
USCIS Service CentersIn the light of CSC bashing...

I actually want to thank them for the fast approval and wish that 3.5 month approval time becomes their new standard. 

arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-06-03 08:11:00
USCIS Service CentersDecember filers

What can I do about it? Probably not much. But you never know what lies ahead, and who you will meet, in the future. Karma sometimes needs a helping hand from time to time.

Remember Marvin Heemeyer and his Komatsu D355A?
Posted Image

What have I done? Now I'm being watched by FBI! :bonk:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-15 12:52:00
USCIS Service CentersA Guide to Writing Your Elected Representative(s) About the I-129F Slowdown at the CSC
pin this please!
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-28 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmy life
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-27 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBlack Hole Filers Intensive therapy group
Guys do not be Black Hole, it is an implosion of matter. Go SuperNova, create new Solar Systems and Nebulas! Burn all the stagnation with termonuclear fire! :devil:
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-04-16 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYayy NOA 2 Approved give him the glory!!!!

Amount of preaching in this forum is unbearable. And then those people will raise brainwashed kids, without giving them even a chance of free choice. 

arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-09-18 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G-1145 question
Thank you! Whole sheet it is. Guess, this is going to be the first page on the package. Should I ACCO-fasten it as the rest of the package, or clip it together with personal check to the cover letter?
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-02-08 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G-1145 question
Hi guys.
Simple question that I can't find answer to.
Do I clip the whole sheet with all the info or just the thin bottom part, the form itself?

Thank you.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-02-08 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill tourist visa be denied if consular new about K1 process?

It's probably easier to travel while fiance visa petition is pendind if you had your tourist visa issued before you applied for K1.

Since this is not what is happening right now I can't speculate on that.
arcticrobotMaleRussia2013-03-20 20:05:00