USCIS Service CentersVSC left over just got transferred to Texas!!

meeee toooo. thats the second time uscis made my heart stop today!!!!

 Exactly my feelings too!! I was having such a terrible day and the first e-mail just lightened me up. The day started to get heavy again, when I got the second one. 


It all happens in good time and when it should. dancin5hr.gif


In the interest of all of this change and high hopes, if this does go though within the next 4 weeks, my plans might have to change....does anyone have an approximate from the NOA2 date til the interview date? I am planning to be in Peru for the interview with my love but I have plans to fly back to the US on August 8th..I was planning to fly back in September or so for the interview..


It would be great to have the interview before I have to leave on August 8th. Any thoughts or should I possibly change these plans? 

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-06-21 21:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccination Questions

Thanks everyone for your help! :) My poor fiance is terrified of the shots but I'm doing my best to talk him through it :) 

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-06-22 22:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccination Questions

I have two questions about the vaccinations...

1) Does anyone know where I can find the list of required vaccinations in Spanish?


2) Does anyone know if it is acceptable to get the vaccinations in a local hospital?

I know that the medical exam has to be done by an approved doctor in Lima, but I was talking to a friend who went through the process in 2008 and she suggested that I have my fiance get his vaccinations at the local hospital here in our town to save some money rather than waiting for them to do it for him at the doctor who will probably charge us in $$ instead of Nuevo Soles. 


Thanks for your help and support!! dancin5hr.gif

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-06-21 23:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPrepping for interview...copies or originals?

Hey all!


So  I am getting ready to go for my interview and I want to make sure I Have everything as it needs to be. 


Do I need the certified copy of my birth certificate (with the seal) or can I take a photocopy?


Also, as my mother is my cosponsor for the I-134, do I need her birth certificate too?? We are just nervous about bringing originals to Peru as robberies aren't uncommon. 



Also, is there anywhere I can find a solid checklist of documents that I need because I have been piecing it all together from different forums and sites and it would be great if there was a master list put together somewhere. 



Thanks all!! 7 more days!! smile.png  

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-09-30 08:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOverwhelming sense of dread

Hi, my fiance and I have been in the K1 process for a year now.  He got his interview date today for october 7th.  He has already purchased a plane ticket for the 16th to come home.


After reading horror stories...I have this overwhelming sense of dread.  Im so nervous he will get denied.  I sent him all of the forms and tons of evidence.  I just worry that they will say no.   


How many of you have been denied?...any words of encouragement?....what else do i need to do?...


Hey there!! Just wanted to share because I am in the same boat!! Interview Oct 7th and return tickets purchased for the 16th!!! My fiance is very nervous because he was denied fora tourist visa twice, but I am not too worried because we have plenty of evidence to prove our relationship is legit. I am more worried about getting the visa in time for teh tickets. 


Anyways, always nice to relate. As for me Im just trying to make sure we are as prepared as possible, stay positive and not worry about too much if theres nothing else you can do.


Best wishes!! 

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-09-28 23:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time

You would want to get things ready stateside as much as possible. If your future spouse has never been here, it would be a period of adjustment, your job is to make that easier (and his job is to also start preparing). I used to tell my wife that I was expecting her to take at least a year to get adjusted, but it would take longer, that would be fine. If you guys are in Lima, about any city in the US, except the top 4-5 would feel like "small town"; he'll have to make friends, find a routine, etc.
Even 'simple' things as getting things done would be difficult at the beginning; for example, stateside you get on the phone and get things done, in Peru you actually run errands going to the offices and talking to people face to face.

Thank you for your advice :) I do know that it will be a difficult period for him and for me. I have been talking to him and my family about how he will be 100% dependent on me and us as he will not know anyone else and will still be learning to perfect his English.

We have also been trying to figure out the best place for us to live as he has only spent his life in his very small campo town in Peru. We have discussed him living in my small town in Maine with my family as it would be more similar to the small town life, but I'm afraid he might be very uncomfortable there as the only minority. We have also discussed living with my family in Chicago where there is more diversity and he might feel a little less of an outsider, but then we will have the adjustment for him to live in a big city....

Our plan at this point is to do a little of both to see where we will be most comfortable, but I know it is going to be a learn as you go process. Either way I feel that we are strong enough to overcome the difficulties and stresses. He has helped me during my two years of really difficult living as a Peace Corps Volunteer, and now it is my turn to give back and support him. As long as we are together, I feel that we will always have strength.
Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-03-24 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time

Welcome fellow "Perucho". :)

I work... a lot... I always joke that I have the luxury to work looooong hours because I have no life. I am like the other obsessives checking Igor's List regularly. I don't really check my case status that much though... I try rouse as much rabble as I can here on the forums, hoping that proactive July, August and September folks will make my future whining more effective :)

I skype every day with my fiancee. Luckily I get to go down the second half of April for a couple of weeks (our son is turning a year old and I want to be at his first birthday party).

It's great to hear from other Peruvians couples! :)

How nice that you will be able to be there for your sons birthday!
I would love to hear how things advance for you

I plan on trying to work a lot when I do get back to the US in August, as well as visit with some friends and family that I haven't seen in two years. Thanks for the advice and good luck!!
Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-03-22 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time
Thanks for all of your replies everyone! It's nice to have a support system like this during this nail biting process. I am lucky enough to still be in Peru with my sweetheart, but only for about 5 more months. We will hopefully only have 2 or 3 months apart. It seems that the VSC has lowered their processing times to 5 months....Do you think we can trust those figures? :unsure:

I am currently serving in the Peace Corps and will be COSing soon so I know that I will have a lot to do getting my own life together as well as preparing for him. It is a very exciting time in our lives and I am just trying to balance the enjoying the last few months of my PC service, preparing for my life, preparing for his big life change, getting things in order financially and on top of all of that, preparing for the wedding. I love multi-tasking and planning ahead, but this is definitely the most extreme case I've ever lived. :huh:
Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-03-22 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to Pass the Time
Hey Everyone!

I am fairly new to this forum. I recently submitted my I-129F with my Peruvian Fiancé and received my NOA1 in Feb 21, 2013 and from what I have read, will not be expecting anything else from the VSC for about 6 months. I was wondering if there are any veterans out there who might have suggestions or ideas on how they best passed their time while playing the waiting game :whistle:

I have been trying to read up on the forums about all of the RFEs and stories from other applicants to stay informed, but in a way this also makes me nervous and I feel as though I may be stressing myself out over details that I cannot control. :blink:

I am a big planner and would love to just plan out everything that Wilmer and I will do when we get back to the States together, but I am almost afraid to be planing too much assuming that he will be back home with me for the holidays, as I already had a disappointment hoping we would be back in August for my family reunion. I don't want to build myself up for disappointment.

I guess basically, I think it would be nice to hear back from someone who has been through the process and what did they do to try not to drive themselves crazy.

Is there anything important that we should do with our case while we are waiting for a possible RFE/ NOA2?
What are other suggestions that you might have done to pass the time without building up the expectations for specific dates and events.

Thanks for your thoughts :yes:

Sabrina and Wilmer
Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-03-21 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdate with the Case-Transfer?---Not sure what it means

Thank you for the info! I was getting really excited and then confused, and not sure what to think so I figured I would consult here. Im just excited to see the date change and hear that things are advancing! goofy.gif



Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-06-21 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUpdate with the Case-Transfer?---Not sure what it means

I received this message just today (2 minutes after I had just checked it) as the first time it has changed since February, but it is very vague and I don't really know what this means. Transferred to a different USCIS office or a different area within the Vermont office? Or does this mean it's been transferred to the consulate in Lima?


I know that I should just wait for what might come in the mail but as I'm sure you all know, waiting is difficult, and the case update is very hard to ignore. 


On June 21, 2013, we transferred this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) to another office for processing because they now have jurisdiction over the case. We sent you a notice of this transfer. Please follow any instructions on this notice. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you.


Any ideas from someone who has seen this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!! rose.gif

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-06-21 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsProof that the watched pot never boils...APPROVED



The letter from NVC confirming they've received it will be sent to your  address in the US... a quicker way to get your LMA number though is to start calling NVC for confirmation. Once they give you the LMA number you can track it at the link that the poster above gave. The status will change to "In Transit" once it's been sent to Lima and "Ready" once the embassy scans it into their system.


Here's where it gets tricky... I was told by many couples that the packet sent from the embassy (with the interview letter and instructions) took forever to arrive to their fiance's address in Peru and that they didn't have much advance notice/time to schedule the medical. I think it depends a lot on where he lives and weather mail is reliable. My fiance lives in Ate in Lima and it got to his house about 2 weeks after our status changed to "Ready" and the interview was set for about a month later. The embassy also gave us the option though to pick it up in person when I expressed concern about the reliability of Serpost in delivering the packet in a timely manner... which is an option worth exploring if youre concerned about it getting to him. 


Let me know if you have any questions! My fiance had his medical exam yesterday and I'm flying down Aug 3rd for the interview on the 6th!


Thats so great! I'm very excited for you and your fiancé and your interview :) 


My Finance and I live in Palpa, Ica so I think the Serpost might take a little while but I'm gonna go and talk to the woman who runs it to make sure she delivers it as soon as it gets there. 


Thank you so much for your information! Let me know how it all goes for you and good luck with your interview!! dancin5hr.gif

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-07-16 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsProof that the watched pot never boils...APPROVED

Yay! Muchas gracias!! :) 


Looks like I'm going to be traveling back to Peru for the interview a lot faster than I had originally anticipated but anything that we can do to be together again as soon as possible! 



Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-07-14 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsProof that the watched pot never boils...APPROVED

After being transferred I have been checking my status at least twice a day. I went away for 3 days this weekend and came back to find out that we were approved on Friday!! :) So many things to celebrate right now! We are so excited!!


I do have a question though for those who have been there....Will the NVC Packet be sent to my fiance in Peru or to my address in the US? I am still in Peru with him until the beginning of August...I wasn't expecting to be approved so quickly! 


I wish for the best of luck to everyone else in the same place!! It will happen! :) 

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-07-14 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsConfused...Is it possible for the case to skip the NVC?

Hey everyone!


I have some questions about the process. I have been following and mapping the case process from Peru where I was with my fiancé, and recently got home ad actually saw all of the documents that we have received from the USCIS and am a little confused. 


Our K-1 Visa application (I-129F) was approved by the USCIS TSC on July 12th. 

I have called the NVC center twice, most recently yesterday, August 12th and they said that they still have not received it. She also asked me if the document that we received said that it had been transferred to the NVC, and as I was traveling, I was not sure.


I just got home and read the paper that we received from the TSC. It is the I-797, Notice of Action from July 12th saying that:

"The above petition has been approved, and forwarded to the listed consulate. Please contact the consulate with any questions about visa issuance"


Now, when they say "consulate" I assume that it is the embassy in that correct?? (there was not any mention of a specific consulate on the document even though it says "listed consulate") 


Also, if that is the case, it seems that it did not go to the NVC at all. Is that even possible or should I still be waiting for a case number from them?? 



Any news or answers would be very helpful. Thank you so much! 


Best Wishes to all,


Edited by Sabrina y Wilmer, 13 August 2013 - 09:21 PM.

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-08-13 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCo-Sponser Timeline

Thank you so much Stevie for all of your help and information! smile.png

It was a great help!! 

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-09-13 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCo-Sponser Timeline
Ok thank you for the clarification. So I have a follow up question... If my mother is the co sponser for for the 134 does she have to do the other document after the Aos or can I do that on my own?
Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-09-12 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCo-Sponser Timeline

Hey all, 


I am preparing for my interview next month and I have my mother as a co-sponser for me on the 134 because I was in the Peace Corps last year and do not meet the requirements. My mom and I have read over the details of the form, but she was wondering if there is a time-frame for the affidavit. Does it become void after he becomes a citizen, or is there a time frame for it??


Any info would be helpful!! Thanks!




Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-09-12 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting for packet 3 !

Hey EdwigeH, 


I am in a similar case. The NVC received my case around August 21st and then I received the letter that they had sent it to the consulate.  I was worried (and still kind of am) about the postal system for my fiance in Peru because the town that he lives in has a tiny "post office" in the living room of a local woman's house and I had problems receiving things there when I used to live with him. 


In light of that, I e-mailed the embassy expressing my concerns and asking if they had received the case yet (using the case number from the NVC). I received an e-mail back in which they told me the interview date that they had on file for my finace, and also stated that if the packet does not reach him, he can pick up a hard copy at the offices in Lima. 


I'm not sure if other consulates would be able to handle it in the same way, but it is worth a shot. I am glad that I did that because our interview is on Oct. 7th and even though he still has not received the packet, I was able to buy tickets and schedule my trip to be there with him for the interview. 



I hope that helps, and I hope that you hear back soon! :) 

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-09-16 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial worries for K1
Hey all! I have just begun the process for the K1 visa with my Peruvian fiancé. I am currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Peru and plan to Close my Service in August of 2013. The hope is that we can get the process completed so that he can return home with me in August. We filed out I-129F 2 weeks ago and are still waiting for our NOA1.

What I am concerned about is the next part of the process which includes the financial requirements. I have made only about $4,000 last year through my PC pay which I have read can be a problem. I also have been teaching English online and making about $150 a week because I only work about 15 hours. I want to include with the financial part that when I get back to the US, i plan to continue that job where I will have the opportunity to work up to 50 hours a week, as well as my other job offers that I have as a cook in restaurants and hotels where i have worked in the past.

I am wondering about the cosponsor process and how to go about that. Is there an extra form that I need to file for this, or do I just need to bring in an extra 134 from my parents?
I also am wondering if anyone has information about the process from the Peruvian Embassy and if they accept cosponsors, as i have read that some are pickier than other.

Wilmer and I are very hopeful with this process but we have already had a lot of frustrations when dealing with the embassy and Visa process as we were denied twice from getting a tourist Visa for him to visit my family for last Thanksgiving. I really want to make sure that I have all my bases covered so that things will go as smoothly as possible.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Sabrina And Wilmer

Edited by Sabrinab88, 15 February 2013 - 11:08 AM.

Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-02-15 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo Tax Return for 2012 =Problem?

I have a question regarding the affidavit support form. I am a Peace Corps Volunteer and during 2012 did not meet the minimum qualifications to have to file a tax I didn't. I am filing with a co-sponser for the financial support, and she did file a tax we have that. 


Will it be ok if I only have my Peace Corps W2 and not a tax return? Do they ask for those forms in the interview or is that something I have to mail in with the 134? 



Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-06-20 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa interview: Payment

Hey all!!


So my fiance and I have our interview in Lima in two weeks. I have a quick question about the payment as my research has resulted in conflicting information. 


So, is this something I have to pay ahead of time? If so, where and how?? 

I have paid for the visa fee when we tried for the tourist visa last year and the process was that you have to pay and then make the appointment, but if we already have an appointment, How does that work?? 


Also, which is the correct fee to pay because I have seen some people say that K visas don't need to pay a certain fee. 


Thanks for your help and clarification!!


Sabrina y WilmerMalePeru2013-09-23 20:31:00