K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice on sending letter to USCIS

Whew - that's a lot of casefile travelling and review. IMO, you've missed any timetick to be helpful, unless there are specific instructions after filing the appeal.

Thanks Darnell, that is what I suspected. Maybe we will get lucky during the appeal, otherwise I guess it's time to file all over again.
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2011-06-24 19:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice on sending letter to USCIS

You feel the question was jaded and all I asked was do you have any other evidence than what has already been supplied to the embassy. The letter you wish to write would have been something you should have supplied at the second interview, the embassy is looking for concert evidence. That's what you'll should be trying to put together, that's what I have listed in my question. This is a 5 year relationship and you'll don't have some of the things that the embassy would be looking for.

I guess I was commenting on the tone.
There was no second interview to supply it at. Even during the second and most recent application the officer who sent her the denial letter referenced the interview from the first application. She has stacks of evidence, however like I mention this evidence is limited to the type that people who are separated by distance (plane tickets, pictures together from trips, letters, packages sent for birthdays & holidays, evidence that they speak every single day, letters from family)
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2011-06-24 18:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice on sending letter to USCIS

so, he interviewed for a K-3 visa, got a 221G refusal, the casefile is being sent back to USCIS for further review and possible re-affirmation.

IF the USCIS decides that the Petitioner needs to supply more information about the bonafides of the relationship, allowing the petioner to REBUT what the IV unit decided,

then - that's the timetick to 'send in yer letter'.

The USCitizen will know more about this, she'll receive a letter about 'what's next' and 'what they want'.

Where's the casefile today?
the following only works if the visa interview was for a K-3
IMO, if the I-130 is still active at NVC (and it should be, call to confirm it) then the IR-1 visa can be kickstarted into play by following up/through with the NVC processing for a Spousal Visa (IR-1) and THEN submit all bonafides (from the I-130 instructions) WITH THE DS-230 into NVC.

The last she was told was that she was turned down and she had 30 or 60 (not sure which) days to reply, she did and then they replied back that in the end she was turned down. The final letter from them said she could file an appeal (for yet another fee) which she did. This was several months ago, nothing since. No directions since they basically left it at "we said no, but you can appeal if you think we're wrong." This is the second time she filed for him.

I probably missed the time period that I could have helped her in any way. We just felt it was best since I also had an immigrant husband and she already had letters from others. I just keep feeling like it is so wrong and that people make mistakes (in this case the officer who said no) but that these people aren't god and there should be some way of righting it. I feel a little guilty every time we have a family dinner and my husband is there but her's is not.
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2011-06-24 18:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice on sending letter to USCIS

A letter to say what, have you'll as a family made trips to Egypt to celebrate this loving couple togetherness, do you have evidence to show this. Your mother should have lots of evidence if she has been married to her husband for 5 years. She should have evidence that they are living as a couple, i.e banking, taxes, insurance, not just phone chat..... that is only 2nd evidence.

He is from Morocco and has never been to the US, so they have not lived together. She takes trips there as often as possible but not being rich and having health issues that require regular medical care she cannot stay there all the time. Yes, she did have lots of evidence but it was only the kind that prove two people love each other from far away (and this is because he was not granted a VISA so....what exactly is she supposed to do about that??)She has also offered to send other evidence but has not heard back. She did send more than just web chat records, I just didn't feel like listing them all here.
We are not a rich family, so I cant travel there as I also have a husband from another country that we save our funds to visit. She cant stay there permanently either, because of both limited funds and health issues that require regular specialized medical care. So, no I have not traveled with them. I have spoken to him on phone and web came, he calls me his step daughter, we all share news back and forth and plans for the future and he has even intervened to be a peace maker in family feuds from across the world. In short he plays an active role in our family, which is one of the ways in which I know that they are a geniune and deserving couple, the reason that I would like to speak up for them.
Funny....I find myself here defending her and myself again when all I did was ask for help. What a jaded world.
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2011-06-24 17:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice on sending letter to USCIS

USCIS approved the petition, why would you send a letter to USCIS explaining the validity of the marriage to USCIS when they were not the ones to deny the visa?

To answer your question, unlikely that anyone will read the letter, even at the consulate because the consulate has already made their decision (unless you are taking about the petition being sent back to USCIS for review...are you?)

If his english isn't good, how do they communicate?

Morrocco is a VERY difficult consulate with lots of fraud so I am not surprised that they denied him if they think they cannot communicate, I've seen denials for smaller things

good luck

"If his english isn't good, how do they communicate? "
Wow, you sound a little like whoever it was who turned them down. Yes, they communicate through some combination of french and English (he does speak some, just not great) and some of his language that he is teaching her. The talk on web cam daily so very little typing and they manage to get what they need across. He has been in English classes for the past several years and has since become quite good.
Yes, I am a little out of the game not dogged down in the minutia daily that immigration requires anymore, so I am mistaken about who to send a letter to. I do not honestly know who to send a letter to if anyone, that WAS the question. All I know is that this is a mistake and surely it must help to have as many people as possible to vouch for the validity of the marriage. To describe the heart ache someones decision has caused. Surely, the repetitive efforts on her part and the backing of all who know her personally has to show some level of genuineness?
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2011-06-24 17:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice on sending letter to USCIS
Hello, everyone. It's been a while since I have been on Visa Journey as it's been several years since my husband successfully immigrated here from Egypt. But once again I find myself in need of your collective knowledge....
Now, my mother has applied for a visa for her Moroccan husband twice and been refused twice on the grounds that USCIS does not believe it to be a legit marriage. They couldn't be more wrong, my mother and her husband love each other very much. It is my understanding that my stepfather's English was not very good during the one interview he had during the first petition. This lead to the refusal citing that my mother and him could not possibly be in love as she doesn't speak his language at all, and his English is mediocre. During the second petition he was never given an interview at all and the refusal on this one was based off the first interview from the previous case and that the evidence my mother submitted was all sentimental rather than historical. This seems ridiculous to me on several levels. First off, at the price for each of these petitions they should be given an interview and not just read over the last guys notes! Secondly, most of what my mom sent was pictures, cards, and other things that she thought would prove a relationship based off what most people myself included have sent. It really seems to me as if she was penalized by what the first interviewer decided and any excuse was used from then out to refuse her. She filed an appeal noting that if more historical evidence (proof of the many trips she has taken to see him, daily online chats for 5 years, etc.) was what was needed she could provide it. She has not heard back and from all that we have read, it is not likely that she will.
My questions is, is it worth sending a letter on her behalf? And to whom? I did not send a letter with any of her applications as we thought that it may give a wrong impression since I also immigrated my husband. Kinda looks like we have a family operation going here, which is of course wrong! Sheer fluke. Can I send a letter pleading her case and my knowledge of them as a loving, heart-broken couple? Will anyone at USCIS even read a letter without an application and a thousand dollars attached??? I would really love to be able to help her in some way.
Any experience or thoughts?
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2011-06-21 14:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCairo embassy- anyone have any experience with them?

Hello Princess,

I am not sure of your embassy but I can give you some insight into the AR and AP. Here is a brief summary and AP/AR is the same for any type of visa.

"Administrative Review" refers to a Consular Official placing the case "on hold" because the Visa Petitioner or Beneficiary FAILED TO PASS the security name check or background check, or because the Consulate or State Department or Homeland Security NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE some issue or matter in the case more closely. Cases placed into Administrative Review can ADD WEEKS OR EVEN MONTHS to processing time and final decision on visa issuance, typically in most cases AT LEAST 4 to 8 weeks additional time. Under current regulation, there is no right of appeal within State Department or Homeland Security for administrative review status. It is suggested that visa petitioners and beneficiaries keep track of the status of their case as best as possible, and secure, if possible, the reason or reasons their case has been placed into administrative review, which at least helps to relieve some anxiety during the waiting time.

Can be a field investigation to your home or job, they go and make sure marriages or relationships are valid and that the documents submitted are proper and to rule out fraud.

You can have AR and then AP as well during your processing and in either case a congressman or senator CANNOT help to expedite the cases. AP is also a black abyss without any details given. I know my husband was in it for almost 5 months and we could not find out any details other than saying we are in Administrative Processing.

Good luck.

Thanks for such a great answer Mary, not only do I understand now but I have a new thing to dread!!! AR/AP!!!!!! Wow, 5 months how awful I guess my complaints are not so dire yet. Am I right in assuming that only some cases get the joy of an AR/AP?

...and yes Rahma I will for sure post in the other forum when and if I do need to post again regarding this region....again I repeat MY BAD.
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-05-19 16:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCairo embassy- anyone have any experience with them?

Hi Princess! Our interview took about 3 months after the packet was sent. His interview was February 14th and we are still waiting for the AR/AP to get finished. Best of luck!

Hi, Aymerlu! OMG. 3 months for the interview and so much waiting since... Ugh. Stupid question but whats the AR/AP? is this something K1 specific as opposed to K3? Sorry to sound so stupid I swear I've read the guides! Maybe the sound of my biological clock ticking is distracting me.... :blink: Thanks!!!
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-05-19 12:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCairo embassy- anyone have any experience with them?

Hi Princess !

Come on down to the Middle East/North Africa forum (you'll find it in the "Regional Forums" section here on this site)... we have quite a few people who are processing/have processed through Cairo. They can provide you with a wealth of information, advice and support !



Thanks for the tip guys, I have however seen the Middle East/North Africa forum (its not exactly hidden) I was just trying to avoid searching page after page of chat and mostly I was hoping to get some personal experience by asking directly. I thought someone might give me more detail if asked for it rather than just a summary. My bad.
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-05-19 10:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCairo embassy- anyone have any experience with them?
Hi, everyone. My husband and I sent off our 3 packet to the Cairo embassy 4 1/2 weeks ago and were told after email inquiries that they are very busy, have not looked at our packet and are booked for interviews until atleast August :o ......Has anyone actually had the interview with the Cairo embassy or recieved their Visa there? I'm just wondering what kind of interview it was and how are they time wise...How many weeks after the interview was the ok given?? I miss my husband so much so any experiences with the cairo embassy you can share are welcome!!

princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-05-17 12:28:00
Middle East and North Africa1st Interview coming up, in Egypt! Please Help!

My fiance's interview was the end of March. We are still waiting. I spoke with a woman at the Department of State last week and she told me that it is quite common for the security checks to take 6 months to complete. It appears we may (fingers crossed) be at the end of this finally.

I wish you all the best, but I know there are a few others here who have had the same timeline with Cairo. They are thorough and slow.

I think your best bet to spare your sanity is to not set your sights on a specific time you expect him to be here. Just let things play out. I know that's easier said then done.

Very Easier sad than done. :crying:

The Department of State said our security checks were done already, on the 5th of October to be specific....she made it sound like from that point on it was just a matter of the consulate officer reviewing everything and making the final decision? Surely reviewing information that has already been gathered and reviewed atleast once already wont take another 3 months? :blink:
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 21:24:00
Middle East and North Africa1st Interview coming up, in Egypt! Please Help!
Ok...since little off the subject (we had our interview in July already) but since this is a thread for people going through the Egyptian Embassy I thought I would throw it out there.....We were approved in March for our I129, Interviewed in July and put into the AP process for which we were cleared on Oct 5. We are only now waiting on the embassy to do the final review and (hopefully!) send us the question is, the Department of State said that the AP Clearance is only good until the VISA is issued or someone with my husbands name does something to cause a red flag to come up dumping our case right back into the whole 3 month long AP process yet again.
Has this happpened to any of you?? I think I will officially lose my mind if this does, i swore I wouldnt spend another holiday without my husband.
Does anyone have any ideas on how long the Cairo office typically takes after the clearance is given to send the visa???

princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 19:02:00
Middle East and North Africaairline from us to cairo

I'm glad you made this thread Doodlebug, I had been thinking of making one myself.
I haven't booked my ticket yet. I'm actually leaving about 11 days or so after you I guess.
Can I ask how much you paid for your ticket and what days of the week you're travelling on etc? I'm trying to figure out the cheapest ticket.


WOW this thread is a blast from the past. :lol:

The tickets cost a total of $1,295 via hotwire. I'm taking British Air and leaving December 25 at 8:30pm and finally arriving in Cairo on December 26 at 11:05 pm. Leaving Cairo on Friday Jan 5 at 8:45am :crying: and arriving back in Boston on Friday Jan 5 at 6:40pm.

I think I could have gone cheaper with another airline but I really trust British Air to get me there safely. This will be my first trip out of the US so I"m petrified.

Hi Doodlebug! Try Expedia....I got great deals both times to Cairo (I even flew my mom with me the second time!) I found tickets to Cairo from Denver from $850-$1300 (some much more but those were the 2 best prices the 2 times I went) and I have been watching there prices lately to and have seen some go as low as $699!!! (as long as you are flying in the near future withou it being completely last minute and a midweek flight)
I was very scared too...going to Cairo was my first time on a plane- 19 hours! It was great, I love traveling now! Your going to have a great time dont worry! :D

I've been looking for a month now for a cheap flight in either June or July and so far the very cheapest is AirItalia, which I hesitate to take since I've read some pretty bad reviews, for $1,300. I guess summer is a bad time to go. Either that or the price maybe will go down as it gets nearer.

Yeah...Summer is much more expensive. There was a $500 difference from when I went in September than when I went in December. If you Have the nerves of steele there are usually great prices 2 weeks out (but not less than that they usually go up dramatically for less than 2) I've been keeping track since both my trips and since I started obsessing Day and Night about when we get our visa and I get to fly my husband here.
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 18:39:00
Middle East and North Africaairline from us to cairo

I'm glad you made this thread Doodlebug, I had been thinking of making one myself.
I haven't booked my ticket yet. I'm actually leaving about 11 days or so after you I guess.
Can I ask how much you paid for your ticket and what days of the week you're travelling on etc? I'm trying to figure out the cheapest ticket.


WOW this thread is a blast from the past. :lol:

The tickets cost a total of $1,295 via hotwire. I'm taking British Air and leaving December 25 at 8:30pm and finally arriving in Cairo on December 26 at 11:05 pm. Leaving Cairo on Friday Jan 5 at 8:45am :crying: and arriving back in Boston on Friday Jan 5 at 6:40pm.

I think I could have gone cheaper with another airline but I really trust British Air to get me there safely. This will be my first trip out of the US so I"m petrified.

Hi Doodlebug! Try Expedia....I got great deals both times to Cairo (I even flew my mom with me the second time!) I found tickets to Cairo from Denver from $850-$1300 (some much more but those were the 2 best prices the 2 times I went) and I have been watching there prices lately to and have seen some go as low as $699!!! (as long as you are flying in the near future withou it being completely last minute and a midweek flight)
I was very scared too...going to Cairo was my first time on a plane- 19 hours! It was great, I love traveling now! Your going to have a great time dont worry! :D
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 13:33:00
Middle East and North Africaairline from us to cairo

Ok peeps, nothing to do with visa's but I'm about to book my trip from the US (Boston) to Cairo. The shortest duratios are with either Alitalia or Air France, both with layovers of a min of 1 1/2 hour to a max of 3 hours.

Which would you experienced folk choose? :wacko:

I flew into Cairo twice (*sigh* why cant I be there now?? :crying: ) and used Northwest, KLM and Lufthansa. All three were good, but...Lufthansa has very generous drinks, above and beyond the normal :D ! I was lucky in that they had the best prices available and I had no complaints about the service.
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-11-06 16:31:00
Middle East and North Africaa question about Egypt DCF
Oh....youve got to go to one of the Dinner boats on the nile in Cairo ...half is Chilis (no awesome blossom!) and half is Johny Carinos! and the best can sit on the patio and look at the nile! Its beautiful! We went there twice. :D
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-11-07 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice IR-1 vs. K3
Thanks so much for your reply...I didnt realize until you did that I could do both process's at the same time I thought I had to pick one or the other. I think I will give both a try and if it doesnt take that much longer it would be worth bringing him here under conditional permanent resident status. Do you know if he can use all the same stuff (doctor eval, police reports, etc.) for the IR-1 interview as the K-3 should he have to?

Hi. I could use some advice my husband received his packet from the I-129 process a couple weeks ago and is in the process of getting together all that it asks for to get his Visa interview. In the meantime our I-130 has been approved (yeah!) I understand from reading the IR-1/CR-1 guide that we could abandon the K-3 process and do the IR-1/CR-1 option so he may enter as a permanent resident....however, my wise friend who has previously done the immigration process says that we cannot do this as we have only been married since September. Is this the case? If we can do the IR-1/CR-1 process instead saving us the hassle of the adjustment of status process later on will this take longer to get him here because of switching from the K3 to the IR-1/CR-1? Just wanted to be sure before I take any steps as they embassy in Egypt can be very difficult! Thanks!

My husbands Cr1 went quicker and we eventually abandoned the K3. It seems like that is rare though. Your friend is wrong, once he gets the Cr1 he can enter as a "conditional permanent resident". Expect it to take some time at NVC though. You can also just send in the I129f and see how it goes, if you dont mind the additional fee. I think that is what alot of people do. Eventually you will be able to weight your options (if it is more important to get him here quicker or get him here with the ability to work sooner).
Best wishes.

princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-04-06 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice IR-1 vs. K3
Hi. I could use some advice my husband received his packet from the I-129 process a couple weeks ago and is in the process of getting together all that it asks for to get his Visa interview. In the meantime our I-130 has been approved (yeah!) I understand from reading the IR-1/CR-1 guide that we could abandon the K-3 process and do the IR-1/CR-1 option so he may enter as a permanent resident....however, my wise friend who has previously done the immigration process says that we cannot do this as we have only been married since September. Is this the case? If we can do the IR-1/CR-1 process instead saving us the hassle of the adjustment of status process later on will this take longer to get him here because of switching from the K3 to the IR-1/CR-1? Just wanted to be sure before I take any steps as they embassy in Egypt can be very difficult! Thanks!
princesslooneytoonsFemaleEgypt2006-04-06 09:42:00