US Citizenship General DiscussionHow do I find out if WPB, FL does Same Day Oath/Interview?

Thanks so much.  I appreciate the help.  That is what I told him to do, so let's hope it works out that way.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-05-06 01:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow do I find out if WPB, FL does Same Day Oath/Interview?

Hi everyone.  Just wanted to know how do I find out if West Palm Beach, FL does same day interview/oath ceremony?  Anyone been through it?  Thnks for any help ahead of time!  Best of luck to you all.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-05-03 21:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGoing to Apply for Citizenship June 7th in WPB, FL (Advice??)

Thanks.  I have been checking out the other threads and following the other peoples timelines and experiences.  I am not worried about his english, the civics I hope he will do good with, but when it comes to studying he does pretty good.  Thanks again for all your help!

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-05-06 01:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGoing to Apply for Citizenship June 7th in WPB, FL (Advice??)

Thanks so much.  It makes it a little less scary to know what is going on.  Do you know what the test is like?  I mean is it like a long test?  I am not worried about the english one, my husband speaks english extremely well, it surprises people who have been here for over 15-20 yrs.  Thanks again for your help.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-05-03 20:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGoing to Apply for Citizenship June 7th in WPB, FL (Advice??)

Hi everyone.  I am just curious what I should expect.  The USCIS hasn't updated their processing times.  They blew our mind with the fact that their website was saying they were way behind on Removal of Conditions, and that it was still like 3 months away from our date, and BOOM we got the letter and the green card in the mail a day apart.  Confusing.  So now its a month til my husband is able to apply for his citizenship based on the 3 yr requirement.  I just want to know what to expect, because we are supposed to be going to Pakistan for a wedding at the end of July/Beginning of August.  How long does it seem to be taking to get the Biometrics appt after the receipt of the N-400 by them?  Also, I am a little confused about the test.  When do you take it?  At the Interview?  or the Oath ceremony?  I really know absolutely nothing about this.  We have done all our paperwork ourselves up to this point, never used a lawyer, but I just want to get this last leg of the journey out of the way.. So, please any insight would be great.  Thanks everyone for all your help and any advice you can provide.  What kind of proof will they need, etc.  Also, just anyone who has had their interview or anything in West Palm Beach.. that would be really helpful to hear from you.  Thanks everyone.  Best wishes!  


TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-05-02 01:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS use Mailing Address or Permanent Address for Biometrics/Interview/Oath?

we have to go to a wedding. and my mother in law is sick, has been for a while.  We couldn't go when she first got sick because he didn't want to travel while his 10 yr green card was in process.  We just got it last month.  So we booked the trip, and we calculated when we would be able to apply for his citizenship.  I am not worried about it because we can always reschedule the interview if we need to, so its not an issue.  But I just wondered where they would be doing the appt.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-24 00:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS use Mailing Address or Permanent Address for Biometrics/Interview/Oath?

Yes, I understand the reason they sent it to me at the mailing address.  I put this address in NYC as the mailing address because I didn't want to have any questions as to why we live here but dont receive mail here.  But in the NOA that we received it says "Our records indicate your personal information is as follows:  Date of Birth - (DOB) and Address Where You Live - (Our address in FL is listed here)."  So it makes me wonder that if they have our permanent address listed as where we live, is that where we will be doing biometrics?  Because I mean, people use all different addresses for mail: work, school, P.O. Boxes... doesn't mean they live there.  Any idea?

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-22 22:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes USCIS use Mailing Address or Permanent Address for Biometrics/Interview/Oath?

OK here is my question.  We have always used my parents' address in FL as our Permanent Address.  And with all our forms we had always used that and received all USCIS correspondence to it.  We have moved from FL to SC to LA to west coast of FL, to NYC... so now we are in NYC due to work, and we included that information on our N400 form.  We listed our Permanent Address first on the Address List in the N400 and included time TO PRESENT.  And listed our NYC address as our Mailing Address, since I figured Permanent Address trumps Mailing.  But guess I was wrong because we received the NOA for the N400 packet on Tuesday and it was sent here to NYC!  Good thing we were home, we are getting ready to leave out of the country for 20 days at the end of next month!  SO now we are confused.  We never changed our address, why did they mail the NOA here?  And since they did, does this mean that they will issue us a Biometrics Appt , Interview Appt, and Oath Appt up here in NYC? or will they use the field office/ASC in Florida near our Permanent Address the one we have always used?  Its so confusing.  And frustrating because we are worried they will send us correspondence regarding the interview here to the NYC address, and we have no family or room mates or anyone here to let us know if we get the mail  while we will be overseas.  We have considered have mail temporarily forwarded for the time we will be gone, but my husband is concerned that it will not get forwarded properly (We have had this problem with USPS not forwarding, and we get the mail at the wrong address).  So I just wanted to know what to expect.  Will we be given our appts in relation to the mailing address or permanent address?  Thanks for any help.

~Tara and Zaheer

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-22 00:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Thank you so much!!


Best Of Luck



TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-10-11 12:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

What a lovely picture of you and your family! Congrats to you and all the best for the future. smile.png

Thank you so much!  

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-10-07 14:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Congratulation  TaraAhmed786 


Thank you so much!  It was great.  1209196_617954398255248_1664450414_n.jpg

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-10-06 14:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Hi Everyone.. my husband had his oath ceremony on Oct 3rd at 1pm in Royal Palm Beach, FL.  He was one of 99 immigrants representing 34 different countries.  My parents, my daughter and myself all attended his ceremony and then my aunts and uncles and other family came over that evening to give him gifts and a surprise Congratulations Party.  So now my husband is officially an American!  Alhumdulillah!  Please update our case!  It was very smooth.  We got there an hour early, and they had us all wait in the room where they do Infopass and Interviews.  Then they told all guests to go into the ceremony room.  Then they started sending in the immigrants by number.  And my hubby was one of the first ones in.  It took about an hour for all immigrants to show up and be seated, and the room was packed.  Then, they had us all watch a video called Faces of America.. with all different images of immigrants who had naturalized.  Then, they had us sing the National Anthem.  Then they talked to us about what it meant to be an american.  They had all the immigrants stand up and introduce themselves and what country they were from.  Most were from Haiti or Cuba, some from Netherlands and France.  But as this was south florida, most people were from Latin America or the Caribbean.  So, after some time, they swore them in, and invited people to come up and take their pics.  We watched some more videos and sang Proud to Be an American before the Sheriff came up and led us in Pledge of Allegiance.  Then they informed all immigrants with children under 18 that their children were now considered Naturalized Citizens as well.  Then they said the last step was everyone needed to update their status with Social Security but to wait about 2 months as the Government Shutdown would hold it all up.  They invited all to register to vote.  Then we all took pics and left.  It was a nice ceremony.  I am so thankful!  Best of luck to you all!  I wish you all a speedy naturalization.  its been a long journey!

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-10-05 01:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Please update: my oath is scheduled for 10/3/2013.

Congrats Man.. so is ours

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-09-26 21:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

OK, so hubby had his interview in WPB on Sept 10.  We got there about an hour early and we were able to check in and get seated before the waiting room filled up.  They took his fingerprints and asked for his letter.  Then about 15 min after his appt time, he was called in and according to him the officer made polite chit chat with him (checking his english), asked him about his trip to Pakistan.  He swore him in before hand to affirm everything he says is true.  Then he asked him "You have 2 daughters, right?" and he said "yes, but my step daughter does not live with us, her father has custody of her" and then he said "oh, well, if she is not your dependent you didn't have to list her on your application, but its ok, I will cross her out".  So, I guess when you try to be specific, that happens.  It specifically says on the application "List all step children even if they do not reside with you".  So, anyhow.. then they asked him about arrests, or any convictions, or anything.. he said he didn't have any.  Then they asked him the 6 questions, such as Who is Governor of Florida?  and 5 others.. I don't remember what he said they asked him, but they were pretty simple he got them all right.  Then they asked him to read about Taxes, and write the answer "We pay taxes."  Then the officer told him he passed all and he will receive a letter in 2-3 weeks with his Oath date as the officer is unable to do the final approval and it must be passed on to a supervisor.  He gave him a letter stating "Congratulations!  You passed your citizenship interview..."  or something to that extent and then it said "You have met all eligibility for Naturalization and if final approval is given, you will be notified by mail of the time and place to appear for your Naturalization Oath Ceremony".  So, he was a bit bummed about that, he couldn't figure out why all his friends are getting same day or next day oaths... and he didn't.   So we did go to Disney World since the following day was my birthday.  We got home on Monday morning, and today (thursday) he got the letter about his oath so.. please update us as having oath date of Oct 3, 2013 at 1pm in West Palm Beach, FL.  Thanks everyone.. I am so glad this journey is finally almost over!

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-09-19 16:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Wish us luck everyone.  We leave at 6am Monday morning to head to FL for hubby's interview.  I know he will do great In Sha Allah (God-Willing).  I am praying that since his interview is at 8am they will offer him to do oath the same day.  My friend's husband just had his interview in New Orleans Aug 13, at 1pm, and they offered him to come back the next day to take his oath.  So, please keep us in your prayers as it would be a hassle to go back to NYC and then return to FL if they schedule it a week or more later, but we will be spending the whole week in FL, so looking forward to good news.  Best wishes to you all and praying for your citizenship interviews and oaths to get completed quickly!

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-09-07 21:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Hi everyone.  Just got back from Pakistan.  We have been scheduled for hubby's interview on Sept 10, 2013 at 8am.  Please send positive vibes and prayers that since its early morning we may be able to get Oath Ceremony the same day.  West Palm Beach sees so many immigrants daily, they do ceremonies several times a week.  Please update the time line.  Thanks everyone and best wishes to all!

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-08-25 17:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Yes, we received our notice for "In-Line" for Interview yesterday, and then today we received a notice saying that We have been scheduled for an interview and we will receive another notice with the time and place.  So, hoping that we get that soon.  We have 10 days left in Pakistan and then we head back to USA.  I think he will get interview after Sept 7, his 3 yr anniversary.  Please update our info.  Praying for you all.  Best wishes.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-08-08 15:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Awesome Congrats!

Received my interview Letter today !!


Interview is scheduled for 8/15 at 8:45am




TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-07-19 18:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

OK, thanks everyone.  They haven't updated our case status since June 18, so just wanted to make sure.  Thanks everyone again.  Best Wishes.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-07-18 17:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

With the notification of "in-line" if you get one, will it show up on the "check your case status" option on the USCIS website?  My husband works so much, and never checks his email, so I wouldn't know if he receives one, and I doubt he even knows if he receives one.  So I can check his case status online for him, but can't access his iPhone email to check for it for him.  I was just wondering since it seems like alot of people haven't gotten the interview or inline yet.  SO, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-07-18 15:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Aah.. I get what you are saying now.  You mean Post Office won't forward mail from USCIS.  Hmm.. thanks for pointing that out.  Ok, I guess I will have to cancel the forwarding and just have my landlord check the mail for us.  Thanks for the heads up.  Glad someone pointed it out, you and Nimaan.  Thank you again everyone.  



You won't get a letter for in line, that is a status update that occurs online. Also, I'm not 100% sure but I thought USCIS does not forward mail, and that doing so can prolong the process. I've read that it is better to hold your mail at the post office instead. But, hopefully it all works out for you. Have a safe trip!


TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-07-14 22:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

We didn't contact USCIS to forward the mail.  We contacted the post office to forward any mail sent to our address to my parents' house. 




You won't get a letter for in line, that is a status update that occurs online. Also, I'm not 100% sure but I thought USCIS does not forward mail, and that doing so can prolong the process. I've read that it is better to hold your mail at the post office instead. But, hopefully it all works out for you. Have a safe trip!


Edited by TaraAhmed786, 14 July 2013 - 10:17 PM.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-07-14 22:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Hi everyone.  We did hubby's fingerprints on Wednesday the 10th.  We also did not receive a letter about in-line for interview.  Also the website still says that they sent us the Bio notice, and thats all.  We have 9 days before we leave for Pakistan, so I hope we get it before then.  If not, we have arranged for forwarding of our mail, so worst case scenario my parents will get it.  Just wanted to keep you all posted.  Good luck to you all.  Take care.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-07-13 23:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Sorry I have not been posting, I forgot to tell you all we got the letter for the biometrics.  and it WILL be in West Palm Beach.  (Royal Palm Beach, actually, but its still technically West Palm).  The date is 7/10/13 .  So, that answers that question!  Now, if only the interview won't be scheduled til AFTER we get back from Pakistan, as we leave on the 23rd and return Aug 20.. but we are all for moving the flight up depending on Interview date.  So... thanks to all who tried to help and looking forward to keeping up with all of you!

It seems that you went through the removal of conditions the same time we did.  My husband got his 10 yr green card in March of this yr also!  Welcome to the thread.  Good luck with your N400 application.  In Sha Allah!


Thanks, now to dig out the past which I've happily buried. Just 6 more months of this immigration stuff.... Thanks again.


TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-28 03:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Thanks everyone for the input.  I appreciate all the help.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-22 22:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Ok, here is another question.. I am sorry, we are just really weirded out by the fact that the mail came to our NYC address.  OK, the NOA we received shows us "Address Where You Live" and is listed as our Permanent Address, not our mailing address and my husbands Date of Birth.  It lists our Payment info.  It has the notice date, the case type, the application number, the received date, priority date, his A Number, and then it says in the body of the letter:

The above application has been received by our office and is in progress.  Our records indicate your personal information is as follows:

Date Of Birth - (hubby's bday)

Address Where You Live: (Our florida permanent address, not mailing address where we received the letter)


Please verify your personal information listed above and immediately notify our office at the address or phone number listed below if there are any changes.  

Upon receipt of all required Record Checks, you will be scheduled to appear for an interview at your local USCIS field office. 





  And that is the whole letter.  Why does it not mention the fingerprints?  Why does it say after all record checks you will be scheduled to appear for an interview?  Is that normal?  Did you guys all get this same letter?  The only reason, on top of the aforementioned concerns, that I ask is because last year when we removed his conditions from his green card, we never received the Biometrics appt.  We kept calling and they kept saying to wait the certain amount of days and finally we had to request them duplicate the letter and send it.  By the time it arrived, we had already received a letter stating that we had missed our first biometrics appt and that if we cannot make the appt that we need to call and reschedule and if we continue missing appts it will cause delay or denial of our application.  Then, we received the "duplicate" letter (as it said on the form that we had requested the duplicate).  So I just get nervous with USCIS as one hand doesn't always seem to know what the other is doing.  If anyone can offer any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.  Sorry for being so nervous.  Just want to get this all over and done with.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-22 03:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

OK, I have a question, because it is a little different this time than the last time.  When we sent the papers for his ROC last yr, we were at our Permanent address in FL.  Since then, we had gotten a job in NYC, so we have been here since 2 weeks after he did his biometrics for ROC.  So all our correspondence has always gone to our permanent address.  So I was expecting that our NOA letter for N400 would go to our FL address. Since we have always used this address with USCIS correspondence and filings.  We never contacted them to change our address and even in the N400 list of Addresses we have held since he came to USA, we included on there that our FL address is our Permanent address and that NYC address is our current address due to work.  We listed it as our current mailing address, but made a point to point out that our Permanent address has been our address since the beginning.  So my question is, why did they send us the NOA to our Mailing Address in NYC?  I understand it is "our mailing address", and it sounds like a dumb question, but since we never changed our address with USCIS and were never contacted regarding a change of address, did they just do it automatically?  It doesn't matter if they did, because this is the last step in the Immigration process, but this brings up my next concern....... where will his biometrics/interview/oath be held?  Will they do it here in NYC?  since that is our Mailing address?  or will they keep it in West Palm Beach where our Permanent Address is?  We have always maintained our Florida address as our permanent address and done all his interviews and biometrics down there, even though we have moved from SC, to LA, to the other side of FL, to NYC..... (the economy is hard on everyone, gotta find work where you can get it).  Any ideas?  Thanks for all your help everyone.  Take care and best of luck.

Oh yes, forgot.. I noticed on some of the postings like MAY 2013 and some other places that they are saying they are receiving their Biometrics Appt letters 2 days or so after the NOA letter.  We got our NOA on Tuesday, and now its Saturday, and we have not received Bio letter yet.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-21 23:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Hi everyone.  Just wanted you to know we received NOA with Priority Date of 06/10/13.  Please update, thanks so much. 


TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-19 23:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers


Did you send a personal cheque? If so, you can check your online banking and see if it was cashed. Our bank actually shows a pic of the entire cheque (front and back) once it's cleared. Also, some people walk in for an early biometrics, as I will on Tuesday, even though I'm scheduled for biometrics on July 1st. I just filed about 17 days ago. I think you'll have your biometrics appointment scheduled before the end of July, though. 

No, we usually send Money Orders.  So I can go through the issuing authority, I guess.  I assume that since Bessaangel sent her packet the same day, that they must have cashed ours by now too, but I will check it on Tuesday when we go out.  Thanks so much for all your help!

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-16 15:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Glad you cleared that out, that's certainly doable.. good luck.


You have to call up or go to the check/cashier check/money order issuer, request the status of the check/cashier check/money order as they are the only ones who have a record of the transaction. (Some require you to pay a fee to check, this is specially true for USPS money order). 

Thanks so much..  i appreciate it.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-16 01:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

  Haha.. sorry I think i didn't explain it properly.  We don't want the whole process to be done by that time, just the fingerprints.  If we can get the biometrics done before the end of July, that is all we need.  haha.. sorry, I didn't mean to seem OVERLY hopeful.  haha.

Added TaraAhmed786..


TaraAhmed786, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but realistically speaking the shortest amount I have seen is atleast 3+/- months from start to end. With god in mind, anything is possible and I hope you get to that family wedding.


Best of luck.

-- N-400: JUNE 2013 APPLICATIONS --
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName..........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|Priority.|Bio......|In Line..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
AMANDAJW..........|05/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Boston, MA
UGLIDUKLIN........|06/03/13.|06/11/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New Orleans, LA
BRSKO.............|06/04/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York City, NY
BESAANGEL.........|06/07/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Philadelphia, PA
TARAAHMED786......|06/07/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|West Palm Beach,FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox

UserName..........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|Priority.|Bio......|In Line..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
HAPPILYCONTENT....|05/30/13.|06/06/13.|06/05/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles, CA

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)

UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|Priority.|Bio......|In Line..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
EXAMPLE.............|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|City, ST


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Oh yeah, just a question, how do you know if the check was cashed?

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-16 00:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Package sent yesterday 6-7

Good luck to you.. we sent ours same day.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-13 01:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 June 2013 Filers

Hello... Just wanted to go ahead and post here.  Not really sure how to do the format like that, but we sent out packet out on his eligible date so we mailed it JUNE 7th, 2013... to LEWISVILLE, TX.  They received the packet on JUNE 10, 2013.  Our field office is West Palm Beach, FL.  Thank you so much, hope to be added to the time line.  Good luck to all, we are cutting ours really close as we booked tickets to fly to Pakistan for a family member's wedding July 23, 2013... so, really praying, by the May 2013 thread that we will be able to do Biometrics in time.  Still waiting for our 3 yr old's passport to arrive also.  Please pray for us, everyone.  Best regards and best wishes to all!  

~Tara, Zaheer, and Stevie Ahmed.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-13 01:44:00
US Citizenship General Discussionwaiting 2 months no oath ceremony

I don't know how the Judicial Process regarding oaths go, but WPB is one of the ASCs that do Oaths very often, maybe every day or more... there are lots and lots of immigrants.  Every time we have ever gone in there they are doing Oaths.

TaraAhmed786FemalePakistan2013-06-22 00:24:00