IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan you marry on VWP
Oops, just realized I can reply to all the advice given above in one foul swoop. :)
Thank you for all the posts. I am hopeful we can finally tie the knot and move forward. I appreciate the well wishes.
bsd058 - you have great information for us on his return trips. I will pass them on.

So grateful!!
VA loves her BritFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 16:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan you marry on VWP

Yes you can marry on his next visit then file for a spousal visa in the future when he is ready to move to the US, no problem there at all. As long as he maintains his ties to the UK while you are married, he should be able to travel back and forth with little to no problems. I wouldn't be too concerned about what you ask your courthouse, they're not going to try and get you in trouble. Just give the court a call and find out what's required in your county for a marriage license, it varies.

Good Luck!

Thank you a great deal. It eases my mind. Nothing more fearful than them blocking him from visiting. Long distance love stories are hard enough as it is.
VA loves her BritFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan you marry on VWP
I live in Virginia and have been in a relationship with my fiance, from the UK, for 3 years now. We would like to get married, but the cost for both Fiance and Spousal visa's is so much (on top of the airfares we have spent on visits). Someone suggested getting married on his Visa and then applying for the Spousal directly. However, he does not have a visitor's visa, he's on the VWP.

Our thoughts are: on his next visit, we marry during his stay; he would return to England, as planned (we are not trying to pull any tricks); then, at a later date, apply for a Spousal visa to get him here permanently.

We are not rushing his living here right now because he does have children there in England, but we do plan on having children together as well. My preference is that we be married before getting pregnant. So, I want to marry first, and then he would come over after I get pregnant, or when he has things sorted on the other side of the ocean (whichever is first).

Can we marry on the VWP and if so, what would I need to bring when I apply for the Marriage License?

Can we then go directly to applying for the Spousal Visa after that and not get too much fuss from the government?

Will us being married on this upcoming trip interfere with his following visits if he does not plan on staying AND if we have not filed for the Spousal visa yet?

Thanks in advance for words of advice. I worry about asking the courthouse questions as I can ruin our visits all together if I raise too many suspicions.
VA loves her BritFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 14:41:00