K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage After K-1 has been Filed
:help: I traveled to Morocco this summer and met my fiance. We could have (and wanted to) be married there, but were told it takes less time to file for the K-1 fiance visa, in comparrison to the K-3. So I filed the K-1 as soon as I got home. My fiance's friend told us that if we married in Morocco, it would take about a year and a half before my fiance could come to America with me. I was just wondering if this were true, and why. I am planning a trip in December/January back to Morocco to be with him and I was wondering if we actually got married what would happen to the K-1 status. Would we have to start all over, and then file the K-3 instead? And does it actually take longer, if we were married first in Morocco, rather than waiting for him to come to America on the K-1, if we did in fact do it that way. Thanks, any information is appreciated. Laura
Tarek and LauraFemaleMorocco2006-09-24 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot Accepted because not Properly Signed
Thanks everyone for the quick confirmation, I love this sight! I really feel dumb now but wont beat myself up too badly, I know everyone makes mistakes... I just wish I wasn't in such a hurry and read over the guides a little more carefully. :bonk: I will send the originals in tomorrow and I am sure everything will be fine. Thanks again, Laura
Tarek and LauraFemaleMorocco2006-09-10 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot Accepted because not Properly Signed
Help! Can anyone offer me advice on this topic. I sent my I129F form in last week and instead of getting a NOA1, I got a Rejection Notice stating that the "The application or petition cannot be accepted because it has not been properly signed." Has this happened to anybody else. I double checked and I am sure everything is signed..... page 3 on the I129F, all four copies of the G-325A on both mine and my fiances, the supplement for question 18, and both of our intent letters. They are so vague and dont state anything specifically. So I am not sure what they want exactly. I will call tomorrow but in the meantime I am a little frustrated.

The only thing I thought of and maybe someone out there will know the answer to this.... is that I sent all copies and maybe they need original signatures. Somewhere I read or heard to make copies of everything and send the copies not the originals, just in case the orginals were lost in the mail... so that is what I did. But now I am thinking maybe I misunderstood and maybe this is the problem... maybe I should have sent all the originals for forms I129F, G325A, and the letters... and maybe just copies of all the other documents... Can anyone shed some light for me? Thanks it would be greatly appreciated.

Tarek and LauraFemaleMorocco2006-09-10 17:21:00