Africa: Sub-SaharanDOS travel alert re Nigeria
Forgive my saying so, but you need to ask your fiance more questions. There's more to this Kano story than you think you know. I could elaborate more on some eye-opening issues, but @ this point, l don't want to rain on your parade. You WILL not like my theory, which could in the end turn out to be the TRUTH!
anewdayNot TellingNigeria2014-01-12 09:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExcitement!
Not to rain on your parade, but, NOA1 indicates the onset of a very long journey! NOA2 is the kicker!
anewdayNot TellingNigeria2014-01-30 09:50:00
Yes. Congratulations.
anewdayNot TellingNigeria2014-01-30 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa (Nigeria)
Whatever your final decision, DO NOT go to Yola, or any part of the Northern Nigeria, for that matter! And this advise is coming from a Nigerian woman who should know.

Lagos is your best bet & trust me, it's a safe place to be. Best of luck!

anewdayNot TellingNigeria2014-03-10 17:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHOW DO WE UNBUNDLE?
I started the visa process for my wife & her 2 girls @ the same time, but USCIS managed to separate my wife's petition & sent it to Calif, while the girls were sent to Texas. Wife's process is now ahead of the girls. We have completed her Aos & IV payments and in less than 30 days, we hope to get case complete. While the AoS payment we made also covers the girls, we are still waiting to pay their IV bill after flling the D261 over a month ago.

NVC is talking about bundling the cases back together. This, of course would result in more delay for my wife. However, my wife & I have decided we want her to be the first to come over here, then the girls would later join us a few months after her arrival. So we would like to know the following:-

*Is it possible to unbundle these petitions so that my wife's Case Complete & visa interview can continue without being held back for the girls to meet up?
*If yes, how do we go about achieving this?


anewdayNot TellingNigeria2014-09-21 17:53:00