CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Gosh, I hope you're right Kizza...Getting a date before I leave might help with the stress!

I saw in your review that you were denied once when visiting? And I can see that it didn't affect your approval... That's relieving, I'm a little worried about next week, but now at least I can see that it'll be ok even if I get turned at customs...

God... The stress :wacko:

Breathe! Breathe!

You arent doing ANYTHING wrong to visit. Not a damn thing, its going to be perfectly fine.
They have no reason to deny you, you will have ties with you in case it comes to that, you will answer truthfully, and to the point when they ask questions, no rambling ;)
Let it slip to the back of your mind, focus on getting ready, packing and planning what you are going to do with your man when you get there.
Its going to be just fine Vero :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-18 12:15:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Oh, that'll just prep you for the notoriously bad roads of Quebec! Never seen worse than our roads!
You'll have a soar bum from clanching everytime you hit a bump on the roads here... :lol:

Woah! November!!! :o Wow, well, I hope you do some streching and warm-up before you see her!

Ive been stretching daily for the last week already ;)

There may be a minor earthquake measured on the 25th Im thinking, lol
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 10:33:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

SupportGeek and valerie78:
Yeah for you two! I believe the atmospheric temperature on the continent will increase dramatically on the 25th from all that action that will take place that day ;) haha!

Wow, since December! Gosh I would have gone INSANE if that had been me! Are you staying long? Enjoy!

When was the last time you guys saw each other, SupportGeek?

So I've been gathering documents to show ties to Canada and here's what I got:
- 2 months worth of pay stubs
- Letter from employer
- Return flight info
- My filing thingy with all the visa info

Should be good, right? I don't have bills or anything so they'll have to make do with that!

Anyone calling today? I'm still on strike. I'll call Friday just to see but I'm NOT freaking out about it anymore... (never thought I'd say that!)

And of course, I'll be joining our weekly cocktails, with Sangria this week I think...

I think what you have is enough, most of the time I only got asked to show my flight itinerary, even though I brought bills and stuff, I didnt have to show any of it. Actually once I was crossing the border to fly outta Buffalo, the guard asked to see my itinerary, I went to hand it over, and it was REALLY windy that day, it all almost flew outta my hands, and he started waving at me to pull it back in the car, going "Oh man! Dont worry about it, have a nice trip!" he never even got to look haha.

I havnt seen her since November :(
Im REALLY looking forward to seeing her...BELIEVE me!
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 10:21:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

What? A breast exam? The doctor I had took more time looking at my spine than anything else! At least it's done! Quite the relief, right?

Thanks SupportGeek, I had no idea that Sundays were more expensive, will keep that in mind next time! Well, I knew that flying on the weekend was more money, but didn't know that booking was too...

Have a good day ya'll! 9 days 'til I see my sweet cheeks again!

Happy to help :)

And yea, the prices themselves will fluctuate depending on the day of the week that you look them up, its interesting, but definitely Tues-Thurs are the best days to check the pricing!
You are seeing your fiancee on the 25th? Mine flies in to TO on the 25th so 9 days for me too :)

Have fun!
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 08:26:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Yep, I had to! We have a week booked at a beach in South Carolina with all the family, and were planning on doing it then. Well, that's not gonna happen now! We'll go to the beach anyways, but no wedding yet!
I'm sure I'm not the only one though...

By the way, craziest thing... I was checking flights two days ago, and they were around 830$... Went online today to book one, and they were down to 430$! How lucky can you get! HA!

Yup, 2 days ago would have been Sunday, a bad time to look for Tix, the very best times to look are Tues-Thurs, prices are lower. Of course that doesnt take sales into consideration either ;)

SupportGeekMale02010-06-15 19:26:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Thanks SupportGeek, I thought so, but as always, your reassurance is very welcome! By the way, I was looking at your timeline, did you receive your visa in the mail yet?
When are you POEing?

Yes, it actually took them almost the full 2 weeks after the interview to send it, I dont think May 24 and Memorial day holidays helped that any since the consular folks get both Canadian and US holidays off.
Im planning to POE June 30, my fiancee will be here on the 24th, we are going to finish cleaning and final packing of my place, load my stuff at Upack, dump whatever I cant take due to space requirements then if everything is clean, head out to drive to Santa Maria, CA. Im thinking on making my POE at Sarnia/BlueWater Bridge, no idea if its a good/bad place to POE or not yet though.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-13 01:17:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Mummm, that's weird because I've actually read quite the opposite from some people on here. Being turned around at the border as a 'visitor' supposedly has no outcome on 'immigrant visas'

Thanks for the input anyways

This is correct.
AP in Canada is extremely rare.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-12 19:55:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Good Morning!
So is there anyone that knows which department (DOS or NVC) could confirm to me that we are allowed to travel to the US while waiting for a K-1 visa? I want to know just in case I get drilled bad and then I can say: 'well a lady at ... told me I could!'

Thanks and have a good weekend everyone!

You can look here for some answers, the links at the bottom will help.

It really is up to the CBP officer if he allows you to cross in the end or not, if you have valid ties etc.

Unless asked, you dont even need to tell them you have a visa application in process, keep answers short, and honest, never give any more information than they ask for, giving your "lifes story" is one of the triggers to raise suspicion, and can result in you being sent back. Its how I did it while in process, and no problems at all.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-12 13:47:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

So do you guys know what airlines usually has the best fare for US travels?

I did the same as J&J, crossed to Buffalo, then flew out of there once I saw how much cheaper the fares were travelling domestic. Delta and Continental did seem cheaper than the others, Id get to fly from Buffalo, NY to San Jose, CA for $200-250 round trip. Follow J&Js advice for farehunting, also check the aggrigator sites, Ive been using but the others are ok too.

When crossing the border by land or air, bring ties to Canada, dont lie, but never ever give them more than they asked for when questioned.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-10 18:48:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I know the wait sucks, Ive been there too, but its likely you are causing yourself even more stress by building yourself up and calling every day. Its like watching a toaster or a pot of water boiling, your perception slows down and it seems to take forever!
Id suggest checking no more than 2x a week if I thought you would heed the advice, focus on other things for a bit, and it will all come together for you :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-08 11:37:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

I think I remember someone saying that back in Oct. 2009/ Nov. 2009 some people got as little as 2 weeks notice for their interview, so do not despair. It is only June 2. I have a feeling that the magic "June 4 fee increase" might have more to do with the lack of interview dates than anything else.

I agree with that, its probably a nice delay to be sure everyone that submitted after a certain date gets to pay more :(
SupportGeekMale02010-06-02 11:15:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Unfortunately no they were not open. I was in Montreal yesterday went to the consulate and they had a sign inside the door that said: "Closed for American and Canadian Holidays"... they had May 24th and May 31st listed in the sign, so they were definately not open.

Having BOTH holidays certainly slows down them sending my K1, its disappointing :(
SupportGeekMale02010-06-01 08:00:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
When I was there on the 20th my interviewer said they were closed for the Memorial day Monday. =/
SupportGeekMale02010-06-01 06:41:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe

Keep in mind that you CANNOT bring pet food with you when you cross.
You will have to buy pet food once you get on the other side.
This is what we were told when we called.

This is incorrect.

The only thing they are concerned with is if the food you bring has beef and beef byproducts in it, due to the whole overreaction over mad cow disease found in Alberta a few years back. After the Canadian investigators traced the sick cows back to Montana originally, the US conveniently ignored this fact. heh
Anyhow, I took my dogs across a couple times, the ONLY thing they cared about with the food was beef content, nothing else, if it had any, I would have had to ditch it. (was lamb and chicken yay)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-27 12:55:00
CanadaDriving a Rental Car into Canada

Canadian citizen, GC holder, Valid US DL. Domicile in US. Is it allowed to drive a U.S. rental car into Canada for a vacation?

Depends on the rental company, its best to call them.
At the border they may question you, but its not strictly against the rules.
I rented from enterprise in Seattle, and asked specifically if I could take it over the border, they said yes. Budget and Avis were a no.
SOME rental companies wont let you cross state lines, let alone the border. So check with them
SupportGeekMale02010-07-06 17:11:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

I don't understand why you need to prove ties to Canada. Aren't you Canadian citizen? If you are, crossing the border should be easy. I crossed the border many times (between BC and Washington) while this immigration process is pending. I even crossed together with my husband and we told the officer we have an immigration process pending and he still let me pass. As long as you don't have many luggages with you that makes them suspicious you won't come back, they should let you cross. Just tell them you go for a trip.

Because the rule of thumb for the CBP officers is that they MUST assume that someone that wants to cross is not going to return unless they can prove otherwise to that officers satisfaction, and there is no hard and fast rule as to what is enough proof from officer to officer.

Her citizenship doesnt matter one whit, and the fact that shes undergoing a process to get a visa SHOULD help settle their minds, but for some it doesnt, it makes them more suspicious that you may not return. So would having a husband in the US while your place of residence is not in the US, to most officers this sets off alarm bells that this person has a strong reason to stay in the US and NOT return.
Making sure she has ties to Canada, to show she has reasons to return beyond "I was born there" will help the decision that she can cross if she is questioned or if there are doubts.
Many of us have gone through to visit our loved ones with pretty well no questions asked, many of us have been questioned heavily...some of us have been pulled into secondary because we didnt convince the first officer of our intent, and a few of us have been turned back and not allowed to cross at all.
Its best to go prepared, especially when you are planning a nice holiday.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-14 19:52:00
Canadaive got a question for yall

OMG! where is the problem? i live with my mom. i dont see that as a problem! i have my share of responsabilities and all. the choice to live with my mom. is my mom and only my mom right. you dont like it. that dont mean its bad, wrong or whatever. my goodness. you all make such a big deal out of nothing. and 99% the denial of entry is out of no real reason just the poe felt he or she today wasnt gonna let someone in and he or she said ok here it goes and boom that ''person'' wasnt let it. and yeah i guess us canadians are too nice to you damn americans. my man is american and i love him and im doing all of this to be with him and living in the U.S. its cool with me. i have no problems with americans or the states. you all need to learn that we are a union we both live in the same continent jesus we are neighbours why such hate and discrimination? now im not saying canada cant be mean. it can believe me. but it has its reasons. U.S. no. it brought its grief upon itself. but still aint gonna stop me to be with my fiancee i have no problem. im cool. im not prejudice nor racist or close minded. thank you. :)

Where are you even getting that mtlgato is insulting you?
In an earlier post, you mentioned that you lived with your mom, and had some small issues with proving ties to Canada, possibly mtlgato simply misread this to be you would have a hard time proving any ties, I seriously doubt you were being judged by anyone, I know I certainly read it the same as mtlgato did and thought there was a chance you might have to go to a little more effort collecting ties.

Here is your Quote from your thread "About Visiting U.D suring Visa Process"

Hello everyone. My name is Diana im from Montreal. My Fiancee (my petitioner) is from Ohio. Im a new member here but so far learned a lot and I thank everyone advice, support! :) I read you can visit your Fiancee during the K-1 Fiancee process. Ok so who does that apply to? What does someone need with them? We have filed the I-129F form and recieved the confirmation number. Does is matter I dont have a normal job persay. No boss that can write a letter? and that I dont live alone but with my mother so im under her wing persay? I have proof of residency and ties even without those two. thanks.

SupportGeekMale02010-07-22 23:10:00
CanadaPacket 3, DS-160
They only asked me for the confirmation page, I still have the other pages that I did print off in my folder as they would not take them when offered.
SupportGeekMale02010-07-27 22:32:00
CanadaComin Back from Canada

Hey folks

Ive been tryin to help my sister with this immigration stuff, and we have been readin the forums tryin to find an answer but decided to post our question here

My sister (an American) is engaged to a Canadian guy. He has been in the states for the past 4 months living with her. They got engaged a few months ago. The last time he was back in Canada was only for a few weeks, and before that he was livin with her for about 6 months. (So over the past year he's only been in Canada about 2 weeks)

In September they're goin back to Canada to be at his cousin's wedding in Ontario. They're going to be in Canada about 2 weeks.

His flight doesn't have him goin back to Canada...just from US to there, and back into the US. Looks like from these forums that isn't a good sign to the border guards? Also, he ain't got no job in Canada or house or nothin...only tie to Canada he's got is a student ID from college that I think he's still enrolled in up there.

And another thing----- he is flyin in to a small airport, that help at all??? Last time (after bein here bout 6 months and goin to Canada) he flew into a small airport in Minnesota (canadians are only foreign planes there), and they didn't ask hardly any questions or nothin.

Well thanks for your time

Just wonderin' if you think he'll be coming back into the US without hassle, or might get some hassle, or what ya thinkin

Thanks much


Yea, I will have to agree to what the others have said, it certainly looks like an overstay of under 6 months. Which WILL impose a 2 year ban on entry to the US. I think overstays over 6 months are a 10 year ban, and before you ask, they count the time stayed in the US in a 12 month year, consecutive, there is no date that it resets and the Canadian gets another 6 months to stay.
Even then, the amount of time the Canadian CAN stay in the US is really up to the POE officer.
If they plan to get married before the ban is lifted, they can do one of a couple of things: he goes back to Canada, they file an I-129f petition for foreign fiancee and start that process, at some point in the process they will need to try getting a waiver to have the ban lifted early, Im not sure what all is involved in that another poster likely will have that information, I know its a pain in the butt, however will need to be taken care of unless they dont plan to marry within 2 years.
Another option is for them to get married NOW, and file for AOS, Once the AOS is complete and he has a greencard IIRC overstays are forgiven and there will be no ban, this comes with a HUGE caveat though, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should he leave the US before or during the AOS process, not until he has that greencard, if he does, the AOS is considered abandoned, and the ban will be enforced.
It is an extremely risky game he is playing right now if he and your sister are serious about their relationship and are considering marriage. Border officers have access to a fair bit of information, and if he drove across earlier, or flew, there is a record of it in their databases, so they will know that he is a risk to immigrate illegally (and is trying to do so right now in their eyes) With illegal immigrants becoming more and more of a hot button topic right now in the US, it is something the CBP officers are looking at a lot harder these days.
Im curious how he managed to get into the US for a duration of 6 months in the first place? I tried to go across for 2 months once and was hauled into secondary where I showed I DID have ties to Canada (not enough though) and despite a return ticket I was only granted a 4 week stay. Sounds like he has even LESS ties than I did, so I am assuming he likely gave them a different duration of stay when he crossed, If so, he could be looking at a penalty of misrepresentaton as well, and if Im not mistaken can incur a LIFETIME ban.
Im going to suggest the get married and file AOS route now, since the overstays can be forgiven and ban avoided, but the process isnt too quick and he will have to miss his cousin's wedding because he wont be able to leave, but thats the price he will have to pay for gaming the system like this.
SupportGeekMale02010-07-27 16:21:00
CanadaTetanus Clarification and Help Sought

Hi guys. I just got off the phone with the pubic health unit and it looks like I'm too old for them to have records which means blood titers. According to the nurse I spoke to, they do not do Tetanus titers in Ontario. I also know I had a tetanus shot in June 2009 which I will be able to prove. So...

1. Does anybody know a place to get a Tetanus titer in London, ON or Toronto, ON?

2. You should not get a tetanus if you have had one in the past 5 years. Dr. Seiden's web site says you must have had one in the last 4 weeks or something like that. I have also checked the CDA and other links posted here. I can't find any information on whether I will need one or not and what are the consequences of having one.

3. I have also read that you cannot take Aspirin within 6 weeks of the varicella vaccine. I take a daily low dose due to my heart condition. Does anybody know anything about this?

4. And a bonus question ( :) ) that Dr. Seiden's office has not answered for me. Does anybody know if they require extra vaccinations for people with heart disease?

Big thanks for any help any of you can provide.

1. - Just see your family doctor, they will give you a sheet to go to the lab and have the titres done. When I went to see mine, I explained what I was doing and I took a print out of all of the vaccinations I needed to have checked out, and was tested for all, including Tetanus/Diphtheria, this was the only one I needed to have updated.

2. - I would ask your doctor about this, if you can provide proof of the previous Tetanus shot as well, that is enough for Seidens.

3. - No Idea, again I would defer that question to your doctor, not a nurse.

4. - To see what immunizations you need click HERE (assuming you are 18-64 yrs old) these are what Immigration requires, also that you have no contagious diseases of course, but I don't believe heart disease falls under that category.
SupportGeekMale02010-07-28 12:09:00
CanadaImporting Car from Canada to USA
I imported my 2004 Dodge Neon with no issues, supplied my letter of compliance and VIN, they filled in the forms and computer work, ez
SupportGeekMale02010-07-28 10:07:00
CanadaForm 3299 for POE
I asked my mom when I was filling forms and making an inventory list, she worked as a customs broker for Canada for like 35 years so has a fairly good idea on import/export rules etc, she told me just listing "Clothing" or "Bathroom Items" is good enough, you dont have to list everything individually.
Which is what I did for both the things I shipped and the list for my car, no problems with it at all, they didnt even ask for a car list, and I dont even think they looked, just sent me right to secondary when I got there and asked to activate my K1
SupportGeekMale02010-08-04 11:08:00
CanadaPOEing soon...

You'll be fine. I brought a bunch of loose leaf tea with me (didn't even mention it, and they didn't look), and well, we all know loose leaf tea can sometimes look like... uh... something else. :unsure:

I brought a tin of Matcha tea that I had barely touched, and it was fine too, although mine doesnt look anything like the wacky tabaccy, green nose candy perhaps if anything :P
SupportGeekMale02010-07-29 11:44:00
CanadaIn need of advice
In your shoes I would activate the Visa on a visit, and return to get the medical condition looked after, unless it is something chronic, in that case, your husband should be looking seriously at his medical insurance and if it can cover you and your needs.
At least activating it wont mean you have to write off all that time and money and still look at your options.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-03 17:35:00
CanadaPOE Tomorrow!

Well, tomorrow is the big day! I've packed everything and realized we had a LOT more than I thought, but it's okay, because I have pretty detailed lists of what's in the boxes, along with serial numbers if I could find them. I'm just curious as to who I give the list to - the guy at the booth or the guy we talk to inside? EEEK. Kinda nervous but strangely relaxed at the same time!

There is about a 99.9% chance you wont be asked for a list, and if offered, they may refuse to look at it.
I waited for them to ask, no one did. I think they might look at the vehicle contents quickly while you are in secondary as they tell you to leave it unlocked, if they have questions at that point, you will get asked.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-10 02:31:00
CanadaI was denied...
Gratz Vero! :)
SupportGeekMale02010-08-10 02:34:00
CanadaWhen can I start worrying?

So J&J and I had our interview on the same day, and she got a hit on her enveloppe while checking the Canada Post website... I haven`t got anything yet... When is it 'normal' to start worrying about Montreal having lost, forgotten, used as fire starter my enveloppe with my visa?

And can DOS inform you of anything? Like when it was shipped and such?

I was more impatient than worried, they didnt put mine in the mail until 1 day shy of the full 2 weeks after the interview for me.
Montreal is slow, remember that, slow and inconsistant at EVERYTHING. People that had their interviews the day before me, had their envelopes in the mail that evening.
Get mad after 2 weeks, you were approved, they arent going to change their minds or something.

SupportGeekMale02010-08-12 14:56:00
CanadaNews coverage re: immigration bothering you too?

They talk about them having rights...what rights do they have if they are not us citizens?

Basic human rights, thats about it IMO, and if they are criminals in the USA, or their own countries, they should have THOSE rights forfeited as well.

I could go on and on...but its too early in the morning for ranting.! Has President Obama even produced an birth certificate yet? Is he in the US legally? hmmmm

Are you effing serious?
Do you have zero concept of the background checks a presidential candidate has to go through or something? Obviously birthplace being one of the most important checks, since its about the ONLY political position where you MUST be a naturally born USC in order to hold it.
The department of records in Hawaii has actually had to start denying public requests for copies of proof of his birthplace/cetificate, because they are being flooded by the other idiot "birthers" who question where he was born, all because they disagree with the fact he was legally elected. Its extremist nuttery.

Illegals, Id like to say that they dont affect me, but really, they do, the visa process is long, needlessly expensive, and fraught with errors and problems because of them primarily.
I strongly feel that if they want to be in the US, they too should have to go through the legal process and immigrate, to me, its no better than cutting in line because you dont want to wait your turn.
If the authorities were to ask me during a traffic stop or whatever for proof that Im here legally, I have no problems at all with proving it, my rights arent being infringed, its a red herring to complain that it is.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-15 12:57:00
CanadaWhat exactly do I need to make sure they do at POE?

Very good point HeatDeath. I hadn't thought of the corrections and all on the 1-94, as I went through Vancouver airport, and the guy there actually had me fill out my own! (which I didn't like doing as I don't have that great of penmanship) :P

FYI: mine wasn't "stapled" to my passport. I just kept it in there so I knew where it was. I think they staple it to assure that it doesn't get lost, as you do need it for AOS, EAD and AP applications.

I think the reason its stapled to the passport is because one of the directions they have to follow is one of the stamps for it needs to be half on the I-94 and half on the passport where the I-94 is affixed to the Passport. I had like 3 officers reviewing the instructions while I was being processed :P
(I really should actually post my POE review, even though its 6 weeks later, I suck :unsure:
SupportGeekMale02010-08-15 13:31:00
CanadaWhat exactly do I need to make sure they do at POE?

Are you flying, or driving? If flying, the cost of the I-94 is included in the price of your airline fare. If your driving across the boarder, then you will have to pay for it, $6 I believe.

I crossed by land and imported my car, I was not asked for one red cent, so I think this is wrong, or possibly only implemented at some crossings to recoup administrative costs perhaps.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-15 13:27:00
CanadaApply for SSN right away or wait after married?

Reminder that you have to wait roughly a minimum of 2 weeks (or a little less/more) for your border paperwork to be processed into the system so the SSN folks can find you.

Don't go too early either

^^ This

Actually I went into the SS office after 3 weeks and they still couldnt find me, I was going to leave and come back but the lady told me shes seen this happen enough and knows how to "Skip a few steps" to get it completed.
So I left the application with her, and 2.5 weeks later I had my SSN
SupportGeekMale02010-08-19 17:41:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Finally, my fiance' called to say he was in the U.S.A. Hope Supportgeek and Kizza didn't have as much wait time (guess it depends when you guys went through).

Still cleaning my place before leaving :)
If I dont get through tonight, I will be tomorrow morning for sure, we are gonna be real late with it
SupportGeekMale02010-06-30 18:07:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I seriously have to laugh! My fiance' booked 10 feet on the ABF "terminal-to-terminal" moving service. Today he and 6 of his buddies packed up the truck. He had gone in on Friday to figure out which trailer was his and make sure they had it unlocked so he could load today when his friends could help. He said they "tetrised" everything into place from floor to ceiling and it only took between 5 and 6 feet. Wohoo! That will mean $41 less times 4 from the original quote. I knew my fiance's little apartment would take up 10 feet but he thought it would. I can't wait for Wednesday!

My move is so far its $198 per extra foot, I have NO idea how much room its going to take =/
SupportGeekMale02010-06-28 10:35:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Three more weeks until my wedding and 10 more days until my fiance' will POE! He has almost all his things packed up, except his TV and stereo equipment. I am so excited that our dreams are so close to coming true!

Im planning my POE on the 30th too :P
I dont think Im close to packed, sucks doin it yourself!
SupportGeekMale02010-06-20 21:40:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Hi everyone....

I had a few questions and hoped someone could give me some insight.

1st, not sure what all the codes are that people are using.....what are all the packages?

We sent our 129-F in, on Dec.7th they received it.

In May, we received notice that our visa was approved.

June 2nd, we receive a letter saying that our stuff was sent to Montreal and we should wait. It also said that I (the one moving to the States), would be receiving a packet with instructions.

As of today, we still have not received anything....when I called the Montreal consulate, it said there's a wait of 5-7 that really how long it will take to receive my interview???

Can anyone explain what my next steps will be??? Thank you....this is taking so long and it is so confusing!

Hi! Welcome to VJ!

To help with the confusion, there are some guides here, just click on the K-1 links, particularly the timeline :)
Also a Link to the FAQ's
Read through them and they will help a lot.

Which codes were you wondering about?
Packages are usually letters that gets sent to the petitioner or the sponsored applicant from the various government agencies involved.
If Im getting my terminology right, it sounds like you have the packet 2 already, which is the notification that its been transferred from NVC to the Montreal consulate. I think Packet 1 was notification that Homeland security is done with it and sent to NVC.
So you are coming up to the packet 3, which goes to the foreign fiancee, it will detail a bunch of forms to download, fill out and send in right away, as well as other things they will need for their interview in Montreal, this will NOT contain an interview date at this time.
After Montreal receives the documents sent in from the packet 3, and reviews them, they will then schedule an interview, and send a packet 4, which will again go to the foreign fiancee, it will detail the date of the interview, as well as things that they will need to bring with them for the interview day.
Start to finish right now, a K-1 is taking around 8-9 months through Montreal, If you look at my timeline, it was about 6-7 weeks from when we got the NOA2 (Packet 2), till I received a packet 3, then my interview date was set a little over 3.5 months from when I sent back the forms from the packet 3. I gathered the rest of the things I needed in the meantime, and scheduled my medical exam all before getting my packet 4. It helped keep me busy some.
Its a long wait, but don't lose faith, you are doing it the right way. Do whatever you can to take the edge off, keep busy, talk lots on the phone, on skype or visit if you can.
Its worth the wait to be with the ones we love :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-14 11:55:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I know they said up to 2 weeks for delivery, but it seemed recently they were getting them in the mail in a couple days. Till me, 7 days later, and still no hits on the tracking number, how disappointing :(
Although it does seem they put them in the mail sometime on Fridays for some odd reason.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-27 21:11:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
We havnt pinned down the POE yet, I want July 1 she wants July 7 lol, first week of July though for sure, Wedding planned Aug 28 :)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-25 08:56:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

But I dont think it would be right. Not everybody is on VJ or stalking the DOS website. It isnt even on the Montreal consulate website.

I was thinking this too, there is no notice of a fee increase on the consular websites, and they always post the increases beforehand.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-24 19:20:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

I believe corcor, KevBev09, and Supportgeek all went to their interviews alone.

Yup Yup, I already replied to your PM AandB :)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-24 19:15:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Wish I wasn't going by myself :(
SupportGeekMale02010-05-19 11:41:00