Caribbeanwife did not receive her green card
oh that sucks... I really hope you get it soon!! Goodlcuk!!! :)
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-10-15 10:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Approved But....
Congratulations!!!! Can't wait until I get the good news as well :( It's almost 2 months for me in AP
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-02 14:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please No AP!!!
I've tried the email, I've tried calling and nothing yet :( but thank you anyways and Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!! you finally get to be togetherr yayy!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-13 11:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please No AP!!!
YEs I call atleast every 2 weeks for info. and they only tell me that I am under AP and that I have to wait til it clears out but they won't tell me what went wrong.. this is soo frustrating :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-12 17:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please No AP!!!
COngratulations! You will finally be together!! So happy for you!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Hope my AP comes to an end soon. I am starting to lose faith. I miss my husband soo much. :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-12 15:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Length of AP
My husband in the Dominican and we have been in AP for 2 1/2 months.. This sucks not knowing the time frame.. We were first told 30 days then 60 and once the 60 days were up they were like NO call back in 30 days so once the 90 days are up we should have something resolved.. But that can change though because once the 90 days are here they can say another 30 days or 60 or 90!!!!! GGGRRRRR this makes me sooo mad and frustrated and depresses again another Christmas and New Years without my husband :(

Hang in there... Hopefully we will soon be reunited with our loved ones and will be together FOREVER (L)
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-19 13:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Santo Domingo AP TRACKER
Rosy A. - October 4, 2012 - AP(221G) - MARCH 7, 2013
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-12 11:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Update to AP

Yayyy!! Goodluck!!! Your AP will be over in no time..

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-29 10:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC can be so rude
OMG I 100% agree!!! The morning operators are sooo rude!!!

OMG the morning operators are the worst -_-;

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-09-04 11:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

Hey Eliarreola2012,


Thank you so much and I have you and everyone else going through this same nightmare in my prayers as well. I am so sorry you are going through this specially with your beautiful newborn. I can only imagine what you are going thru. We have been trying to get pregnant for about year and it has not happend and that makes me very sad but now I know that things happen for a reason and that God did not want me to go thru the pregnant and the birth of our child all alone. Because I am here all alone as well. My family lives far away and do not see them often.


If you need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. Take care and please keep me updated on your case and Goodluck!



Take care,

Rosy A,


RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-05-06 10:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

Keep the faith, everything will be fine. Just remember life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.It's about learning to dance in the rain. :star:

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-08 11:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

I really am sorry for you mama, is like this waiting game never us for us... Once we thing we done with the process some yet comes up.. Pero nada... God is BIG and almighty, all this will head soon just hold on strong... Can you offer to go to DR since you're lay off from work? Do you thing that will help you get by this time?

I've thought about it.. But I can't afford to leave. If I had money saved up oh trust me I would be there by now.. But I spend so much money everytime I go and I have been going every 3 months for the past year and a half. Just came back on Feb 19th I was there for 3 weeks.. So I wont be able to go anytime soon.
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-03 16:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

Woow sorry to hear that!! I know that must suck! I hope and pray that you congressman can actually help you in this matter. Keep you head up and continue to pray and leave in it God's hands he knows what is best for all of us!

Thank you.. and I hope so too.. I cannot wait until this nightmare is finally over..
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-03 11:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

Dios mio pero ke tanta vaina eh???? Mija sigue ke esto es bien dificil para ti...pero algun proposito tiene papa Dios con todo esto. Sigue pidiendo y manten la fe mi chula. No estas sola...tienes a todo VJ family.

Gracias.. and yes you are right... I just hope this nightmare is over with soon :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-03 11:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

I hope you hear some good news soon. Stay positive!

I'm trying... this is just getting harder and harder by the day
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-03 11:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

damn ! am so sorry i hope this gets resolved soon , this is crazy please do not loose your faith and keep your head strong to win this battle

Thanks.. Trying to do my best.. but it's just getting harder to stay strong and keep my faith when time goes by and every time I call they always give me the same answer.. :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-02 14:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!

I'm sorry for your wait, it really stinks being in AP. Why don't you contact your US senator's office instead of a congress person? When we were having trouble that was who we reached out to and they were more than helpful. If you google it you can find out who your senator is and you can call. It worked for us hopefully it will work for you as well

Actuallly I did contact my US Senators... Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein
Thanks.. I sent them all the info on Wednesday and called Friday to verify that they received the information and they did. :) Hopefully they can help me.
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-02 10:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGGG FML!!!! THIS IS BULL!!!
This is BULLSHIT!!! I called the Visa Specialist line this morning to see what's going on with my case. Once I completed 90 days on Administrative Process they told me to call back so that they could send a report to the Embassy and find out what's going on with the case and that I had to wait 4 to 6 weeks for a response. Well 6 weeks went by and nothing. So I called back after the 6 weeks on March 1st and was told that they had no response and that the agent would send another report and again I had to wait 4 to 6 weeks.

Well I called today it has been over 4 weeks apparently they did get a response on March 5th
saying that my case was put under Administrative Process AGAIN!!! That I have to wait another 3 months.. How the ###### is that possible when I already was on AP????? and I have been in this process for almost 6 months!!

I sent a letter to my congresswomen last week.. I really hope they can help me out.. God please give me patience... :crying:

And to top it off I got laidoff omgg...

OMg Dios mio ayudame.. dame paciencia ke ya no puedo mas.. ...
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-04-02 10:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved Visa - Santo Domingo

My Peoplesssss,

No new Updates...Here were are, still waiting....seriously, this AP BS is out of control, especially since everything had been turned in and seemed to be in order...ridiculous.

It's been 60 days and still waiting...*SIGH*...


Hey, unfortunately AP can take upto 90 days if not more :( My husband had his interview on Oct 4th 2012 which I was there with him. Everything went well atleast that's what we were told.. But for some unfortunate reason we were put in AP and it will be 5 months on March 9th since our case was open for investigation. I'm running out of patience :( This has been so stressful and frustrating for me but all I can do is wait and wait patiently...

So Goodluck!! Hope your case is resolved sooner than mine.
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-07 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI just got approved!!! ???
CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance: :dance:
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-08-29 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPPPPRRRRROOOOVED
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance:
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-09-27 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED, ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING
Hm... I did send him to the window once just to get some info. and he said that the lady was very nice and that she said oh your case is almost complete asked for his best number to reach him and said that they would call him once it was completed. But that was Dec 3rd :( and no call yet. I guess it doesn't hurt to send him again right? Specially since he doesn't live that far away only about 15min. Thank you and congratulations so happy for you! Can't wait til my nightmare is over!!!


RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-22 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED, ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING
Congratulations!!! my case has been in ADministrative Process since Oct 9th and nothing yet.. the worse part is that we have never been told why? :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-12-21 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa in hand!!!!
Congratulations!!! I can only imagen your joy.. Hopefully soon We will have my husband's visa in hand as well..

Edited by RosyAgramonte, 08 March 2013 - 01:55 PM.

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-08 13:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!
Thank you for the info!!

The agent is wrong. You need the case number on the DS3032. No need for the bar code.

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-08-02 14:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!
I just called the NVC and Molly the agent that answered the phone called that was very nice actually said that if I send the DS3032 form filled out without the bar code that I should have when I receive the email from them and pay my fees that they will just toss it because it is not complete. That I need to wait and it takes a week or 2 for me to get that email where it says I can go ahead and pay for the AOS and the other fee. Everytime I go to the website to pay there is no aument because it hasn't been fullin processed atleast that's what they tell me. :/ starting to stress out again!!

Ypu have NVC case number so don't waste time.You don't need to wait for any emails or anything from them just use this template http://www.visajourn...il_DS-3032_form Fill in the blank with your info and send it FROM YOUR HUSBAND'S EMAIL ADDRESS appointing YOU as his agent. This will be accepted in a couple of days and then you will be able to pay your IV fee.

Also, call NVC again and provide you and your husband's emails.

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-08-02 12:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!
Thank you so much Stephanie lastnight I was so stressed and freaking out. I feel more releaved after reading your comment. I wanted to send the DS3032 but a gentleman from NVC told me I have to wait until I got an email from them which he said it might takes days upto a week or so. Once I get that email I guess I can also pay. I printed out the DS3032 form and on top it asks for a bar code that needs to be placed and I dont have that. Im assuming and hoping that will be in the email I receive from them? Another friend also refered me to that website and I actuaklly just printed it out right now and I'm going to take a look at it. You have no idea well I'm sure you do since you went through the same process about how much I appreciate all your advice. THANK YOU THANK YOU!! anymore helpful advice is very welcomed!

You're doing well. Don't panic. If you have the case number feel free to send the DS-3032 to NVC. Do you have invoice id number? If so, you can pay your fees. P

Please refer to this guide.

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-08-02 09:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!
Thank you so much for the response.. So I just called the NVC and they told me that I still have to wait because the case was barely submitted yesterday and that they will send me an email with the DS 3032 form and other information. He said I needed to wait for the email to proceed. That I can get familiar with all the information for the other packages that I'm gonna need but can't submit anything yet until I get a response :( argggg why does this have to be so complicated! :(

Yes, by all means you need to help yourself to get through this part quickly. File the DS-3032 via e-mail today, via your finace's e-mail using the templates provided on this site. Check the payment portal site and pay the AOS fee as soon as it becomes available to you.

You should also have the I-864 and DS-230 packages ready to go, so work on those if you don't have them ready to go already. Use the templates for cover letters for those packages to get a list of the items needed to send in with them. Also, check with the consulate in the DR to see if they require anything special not already on the list.

Hopefully you have most of this ready to go, because you'll need it all in about a week or so to avoid stalling the process. Good luck!

RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-08-01 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!
Help I need help!! I've been doing the whole process on my own so far. I got married to a Dominican and I am trying to bring him to the US with me. I filed the I-130 all by myself and I may say that I was very proud of my package it was very detailed with information which I sent on March 20th. On June 26th case was approved and was sent to the NVC. Ive been calling them for a while and finally yesterday they provided me the NVC Case #, Beneficiary ID # and an Invoice # but the lady told me that I had to wait til it was fully processed to wait some days and go back on the website where it says the fees for the Affidavit of Support and some other Application fee.But What do I do now?? I'm so lost and I think I was doing soo good. Do I wait til I am able to pay those fees and go from there? Can I do other things prior just to not waist time and speed up the process? I was told by a friend that he thinks but is not sure that I can start with the DS 3032 form. Is that true? If so where can I file it? Please Please I would really appreciate all the advice and help I can get. Thank you so much!
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2012-08-01 21:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestranscribe marriage Certificate
I have used this company many times for Immigration paperwork ( or and although it is guaranteed within 24hrs all the documents that they have completed for me have been done within 4 to 7 hours. Highly recommend it. $29 a page which was the least expensive I found as well.
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-01-03 11:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

Ok. Why is everybody going to AP? And did they give you a reason?

They didn't give me a reason.. They just placed us on AP and that's that :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-13 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

I hope it gets sorted for you soon! Hang in there sweetie :)

Thanks, I hope so too :)
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-12 17:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

Awww, your story breaks my heart. This is just so wrong and the timing is way off. Your doing good by trying to wait and remain calm but shoot sometimes that gets frustrating. You sit back and ask why is this happening to me, what did I do to deserve this. If you feel like venting by all means go right ahead. You have every right to. I pray you get a decision very very very soon. Jesus is with you. :)

Thanks exactly how I feel :( Sometimes I just blame myself for all this that is happening :( Thank you so much for your prayers and for everyone else's. I hope God listens to them and brings my hubby here soon.

I know things happen for a reason I really do believe that and that when it is time for him to come he will.. I just hope that time comes soon because I don't think I can take this much longer :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-12 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(


Cojelo suave tiguera...yo se que no es facil y muy frustrante la situacion, pero bueno te deseo suerte y espero en Dios k salga toda bien y rapido.

Los suegros mios estan en AP hace ya dos meses y nada. My wife petitioned for them and everything went well (up to), her mom was told at the clinic that they were going to send her medical results to the embassy prior to the interview, and guess what, they did not; her visa was approved, but had to go back, pick up the medical results herself and turned them in the very next day. 'til this date (a little over two months now), still waiting, to add to my wife's agony, her father's case is in AP as well as both cases were processed together. Crazy and frustrating.

Cannot understand the deal behind this and why it takes so long for them to do whatever it is that they do during the so call "Administrative Processing", especially if/when the cases were/are approved.

Hang in there, I wished I could offer more help, but just be a little extra patience as this is what seems to be the only option we have. I'll try to update as I can as I myself have a post on the same issue.

Best of Luck.


Thank you soo much Kel..

I'm really sorry that your suegros are in all this Bullshit as well I totally feel your wife's agony. And you're right all we can be is stay strong be patient and hang in there..

Best of luck to you and I will keep your suegros in my prayers and hopefully your wife and parents will be reunited very soon as well as my husband and I :)

Rosy A.

Hang in there, good luck.

Trying, doing my best and thanks :)
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-12 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

You have to know that they embassy gets money from congress votes and senator votes.
You need to understand a lite bit of politcs to understand why some embassys do notwant a strong congressman on their butts.
So it will not get him out of AP but it will make the CO complete the process quicker when it is at the embassy level because they do not want to get funds denied due to angry congressmen.

And asking for a congressional inquiry NEVER hurts your case

Do it!!

Thank you for the advice I think I might just give it a try.. What the heck.. got nothing to lose right?

So stressful!! Thinking of you and sending prayers that you'll hear good news SOON!! :star:

Yesss very stressful and thank you so much for your prayers :)
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-12 09:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

I have a friend who was under Administrative Processing..but it only took 60 days. Her fiance keeps on having a follow-up call..i think it would be better for you to do the same. Who knows it might help..:)

Thanks but trust me I can every week to find out on any updates and all they say is you are still under AP and have to wait once this is cleared out we will contact you or your husband. But thanks anyways :)
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-12 09:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

sweetie, hang in there. After your husband's case has been in AP for 6 months you can contact your senator and their office can inquire on his behalf. The senator cannot get him out of AP, but as my senator's office told me, at east the embassy will know that someone is following your case. Good luck.

Okay I will keep all that in mind, Thank you for all the info..
Trying to stay positive and hopefully soon we will get that email or call that we have been waiting for over 5 months..
Thanks :)
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-11 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

5 times over a year 2 years????? Again if I were you I would of already been in touch with my senator. I have seen my wife 5 times in 4 months and am leaving again in 3 weeks. We are actually meeting in another country this time. This will be the first time she will be in an airplane. I am trying to visit as many times as I can to leave no doubt in the counselor official mind that this is a bonafide relationship.

5 times in a 15months. I cant go too often thats why when I go I try to stay as long as possible. If I could afford it and I could take the time off from work I would go more often but I just can't :(
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-11 18:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

Who told you that? You are being deprived of a family member!! You have done everything that the USCIS has requested. Why would you not call your senator!!?? How many times have you visited him in person?

1 or 2 ppl commented saying that all I can do is wait and they cannot do anything.. and they might be wrong I honestly don't know. But I will take all the help and advice I can get.. I have gone to see him 5 times.
1st time 13 days
2nd time 31 days
3rd time 7 days
4th time 11 days
5th time 20 days

I just got back on Feb 20th so because of work I won;t be able to go anytime soon :(

What can I do?? Help!! :/
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-11 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!! SOOO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTRATED :(

I would think him already being your husband that there is something you can do. Call your senator. I would start there.

I was told that there is nothing they can do. That I just have to wait and wait.
RosyAgramonteFemaleDominican Republic2013-03-11 17:53:00