United KingdomIf you are filing a K-1 through the London embassy raise your hand!!

Nope, I'm scarily disorganized and filling out the incorrect forms, haha. Thanks, I-134 is a shorter form to fill out, thankfully. Is there a list somewhere of the forms that will arrive with packet 3? There was a link to the list in the wiki but it is a dead link.

Don't feel bad.. there is no way of knowing ahead of time that you fill out the I-134 instead (I assume they request it in the letter they send to the petitioner) except for reading about it on this site. It isn't included on the list of forms (packet 3) that the beneficiary needs to send in because they don't need to have it until they go to the interview. There is a mention of it here http://london.usemba..._documents.html where it lists what the beneficiary brings to the interview but it only says that the I-134 is an efficient way of giving the information to the Consulate, not that it is the preferred way for the K-1. The only place that I have ever found it explicitly say that they want the I-134 for the K-1 is here at the Department of State site http://travel.state....pes_2994.html#9 under the section "Proof of Financial Support and Affidavit of Support Forms"

Edited by meredith and zac, 04 February 2011 - 12:14 PM.

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-04 12:10:00
United KingdomIf you are filing a K-1 through the London embassy raise your hand!!

Cheers guys.. This london case number.. will rach have received that in the states? Also, I was told you had to wait till your packet 3 came before sending off for your police reports.. take it thats wrong.. Im going to do that through ACRO?

She would have probably gotten the case number when she called about the case (it is a number that starts with LND...) otherwise she can call back up and ask for it! and you don't have to wait for packet 3.. it actually takes a while for the police cert to come in so apply for that ASAP (yes, through ACRO) and when they receive your app, they will email you. my fiance discovered that if you call the number they give you in the email, they can tell you what day it should arrive, so you can schedule your medical accordingly! it really is about 10 days right on the money PS you can get a rush on it, though i think that costs twice as much but is only supposed to take 2 days

it is so frustrating that there are so many guides on here.. but there isn't really a detailed this is what you do when flow chart. including things like apply for police cert etc.. thank goodness for these forums!

Edited by meredith and zac, 03 February 2011 - 11:49 AM.

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 11:47:00
United KingdomIf you are filing a K-1 through the London embassy raise your hand!!

You need to take your Police Certifcate with you, plus your passport, passport photo (UK size is fine) vaccination record and the medical questionnaire that you download from the website....

Thanks for clarifying this! obviously i jumped the gun before i knew what i was talking about!!!

Edited by meredith and zac, 03 February 2011 - 11:36 AM.

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 11:34:00
United KingdomIf you are filing a K-1 through the London embassy raise your hand!!

hey guys

question for you.. my case got sent from NVC on 25th Jan.. My packet 3 hasn't arrived so should I call someone..? Also Ive noticed some of you have booked medicals before receiving packet 3.. Is that the case and how do you kow what to bring..? Sorry Im being a gimp here but this whole thing is becoming overwhelming!! Good luck to you all!!;0)

hey it's cool, we are all nervous nancy's about this stuff!! I bet you'll get your packet any day now... but you can verify that they have sent out your packet by calling 202-663-1225, the dept of state.. if you do let me know what day they sent it out so I can have a better idea of what day we'll receive ours!

about the medical, you can book it when you have your case # from NVC.. did you get your police certificate yet? We had to book medical later than we wanted because we are waiting on the police cert. My fiance asked when he called to make the appointment what he needed to bring and i am almost certain it is just the vaccination record and the police cert, but double check with them when you call. it sounded like they could have given him an appointment next day. the information on who to call/where to go is here: http://photos.state....ical_letter.pdf

glad to hear things are going so fast,and well done on getting so far. we just got our nao2 (well got the email). were just waiting for the 2 weeks to be up so we can call and see if its been sent on to people yet. but glad to hear some good news from someone in the same boat as us!

call the day you get the hard copy! that's when i called and they gave me the case #!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 11:24:00
United KingdomIf you are filing a K-1 through the London embassy raise your hand!!
sure!! add me on Facebook.. my URL is on our profile under "website"
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 11:17:00
United KingdomIf you are filing a K-1 through the London embassy raise your hand!!
So... I want to find all you London K-1ers out there! I have talked to a couple of you via Visa Journey and Facebook, but I want to see who else is out there! It makes a world of difference to find people who are going through the exact same thing as us.

If you ARE in the same boat AND you are due to receive your NOA2 soon, I am happy to tell you that it seems right now, the embassy is moving pretty quickly through things!! I called the NVC today to see when our case had been sent out (they were closed yesterday due to inclement weather) and found out that it had left NVC on Friday last week. I then called DOS and talked to a very nice woman who said she had "some good news for me" :) Packet 3 was sent out TODAY!!! I am floored. I did not expect that fast of a turn-around. It sounds like we will be receiving our Packet 3 less than 2 weeks after I got the hard NOA2 in the mail. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this means they will work quickly to log our paperwork once they get it and that we will have our holy grail, the interview date, quickly as well!!!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 09:41:00
United KingdomAnyone else have issues receiving packet 3?
Yeah, ours came very late too!! Sent on Feb 3, received Feb 11!! I think he said it did have a stamp though, which was dated the 9th.. so i guess it just sat at the embassy for a week before they actually sent it out!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-12 18:35:00
United KingdomAnyone else have issues receiving packet 3?

yes, you need a police certificate. by the way, we briefly thought that we may not get it in time for the medical (like the day of or the day after) and my fiance called the medical office, who told them that they would accept a scanned copy of the certificate by email if you did not have it in hand the day of. but, they will not send your results to the embassy until they have it. since it takes 4 days to get the medical results, you have a little but of a buffer there. so, keep that in mind if you havent applied for the certificate yet. also, you can put a rush on it by paying extra (keep in mind it really does take every but of the 10 days the form says it does)

the medical office will accept a photocopy (or scanned version by email) but the embassy will need the original

oh! and we ended up getting it in time! and one more thing... when you send in the app for the police cert they will email you a confirmation that has a phone number. you can call that number to find out what day it should arrive
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-10 12:38:00
United KingdomAnyone else have issues receiving packet 3?

Wow! Good to know im not the only one having this problem.. also, when you booked your medical did they ask you to bring police reports as yet again Ive seen a contradictory comment on that one..?

yes, you need a police certificate. by the way, we briefly thought that we may not get it in time for the medical (like the day of or the day after) and my fiance called the medical office, who told them that they would accept a scanned copy of the certificate by email if you did not have it in hand the day of. but, they will not send your results to the embassy until they have it. since it takes 4 days to get the medical results, you have a little but of a buffer there. so, keep that in mind if you havent applied for the certificate yet. also, you can put a rush on it by paying extra (keep in mind it really does take every but of the 10 days the form says it does)

the medical office will accept a photocopy (or scanned version by email) but the embassy will need the original
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-10 12:35:00
United KingdomAnyone else have issues receiving packet 3?
ok, soo my notion that it all depends on who you get at the DOS was confirmed when I just called again and got perfectly good information that agreed with the original info that I had... the last person i talked to was presumably looking at the same screen of information (he read off the same dates) but he just didn't know how to interpret what he was seeing.

word to the wise.. if you think you are getting bogus info, just try again later and ask someone else.
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-09 16:55:00
United KingdomAnyone else have issues receiving packet 3?

After over 2 weeks of waiting I called again today ref the whereabouts of packet3. The operator said they could see it had arrived in London. I asked if I could have it please. She said there is no mention on your case of it being sent right now and that the details she had didnt match up with those in London. I asked if she could elaborate on that. She said she didn't know why. I asked if there was a problem. She said it could just be held up at the mo but I needed to send an e-mail to london(didnt inspire confidence). E-mail receipt came back saying I would be answered within 7 days. #######.. are we just unlucky or what? Anyone know anything else else I can try?

ok after a bad experience with DOS today, i am thinking that there are some people there that just are not going to be very helpful.. i think maybe some of them understand the process better than others and what you get from them is as good as how well they are able to interpret the information they can see. the first time i called, the woman i talked to told me that our case had been received in london and that a packet was sent on feb 3. since we haven't gotten it yet, i tried to call today to check in and the dude i talked to told me that he didn't see that the packet had been sent.. he told me that our case had been sent to the embassy on the 28, but then he told me the 3rd, and he said that he didnt know why my case had been sent to the embassy because according to him, it doesnt get sent there until after the medical and everything! he said that the NVC deals with it until the very end (well i have already been told very sternly by the NVC that london deals with it from here on out) being an avid vjer, so it was obvious to me that he did not know what he was talking about!! i think what he knew was related to other visa cases but not fiance visa cases AND btw he told me that i could check my case status on the embassy website, and then he was like let me see what information they ask for.... and then after playing around with it he said oh i guess they dont do that anymore. what little faith i had in him was gone at that point! SOooooo... long story short, i think i may try to call back later and talk to someone else because it really seems to matter who you talk to!!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-09 12:45:00
United KingdomPlaystation 3... games region free... sooo is everything region free?

Does your fiance play call of duty black ops? It's a great game on the PS3.

Yes he does! He loves that game! As a matter of fact, that is the game that is going to be his main connection with his mates back home.. hence the reason this whole PS3 thing is such a big issue!!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-06 11:33:00
United KingdomPlaystation 3... games region free... sooo is everything region free?

Check out the below threads


Wow thanks for that!! Very enlightening...

If you ask me, this is all waaaaay more trouble than it's worth. I am telling him to sell the darn thing and just buy a new one over here!!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-06 11:30:00
United KingdomPlaystation 3... games region free... sooo is everything region free?
My fiance is dying to know the answer to this question... and so I thought I'd see if anyone out there has had experience with this.

So, he has a PS3 that he wants to bring over so that we can use Blu-ray player, netflix, hulu, AND use to play online with his mates from back home.

We know that games are region free, so that is a good sign. But, he is blocked in the UK for netflix and hulu. Will he be able to connect in the US with a PS3 bought in the UK? And will there be any problems connecting it online or whatever to play with other people? And is it possible to use a power cord made for a US PS3 on a PS3 from the UK?

If anyone has experience with this, we would be very grateful to hear about it!! There is all kinds of conflicting information on the web about it, so we want to hear from someone who has tried this!! If there are any other nerds out there :)
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-01 22:43:00
United KingdomReceived Packet 3 but have more q's sorry!!

Yes. It's a google doc because I can edit that easier. Ally&Rach said it opened fine and I did a little more typo correcting.

Nich-Nick's UK K1 help

This is extremely helpful!! Thanks!!!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-14 22:30:00
United KingdomIncome requirements, i-134f just making sure!
So, now that we're in the home stretch... I just want to make sure that I make enough money without needing a co-sponsor. I make about $37,000 a year before taxes and it will be just me and him (no children). When I google the poverty line, it says that for a household of 2, the poverty rate is $14,710. So 125% of that is $18,387.50. So I'm good? And you have to make that before taxes, right? I'm just worried, of course! I'm afraid that I am not looking in the right places for information and am going to screw us over just when we are so close!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-25 12:12:00
United Kingdomgetting the interview date
We paid before they scheduled the interview... I think it's a new policy. You will have to call the embassy and pay over the phone
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-28 12:17:00
United Kingdomcan you choose any POE?
This may be a stupid question, but we just want to make sure... when you get your visa, do you have to come through a specific port of entry? Or can you just get a plane ticket to any US city?
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-28 20:12:00
United KingdomIt is taking forever.....just a vent
This is discouraging! I just got word from DOS that our packet 3 was logged today (we had them sign for it, so we know they got it on Tues last week). I knew it would take a while for it to be logged... but I thought once that happened the interview would be set relatively quickly! His medical was on Feb 11th and they received the results on the 16th. I hope it doesn't take too long to have an interview set!

Do the people in the US embassy in London celebrate American holidays? Or just English ones? Like, would they be closed on Pres day even though they are in England?
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-24 13:13:00
United KingdomPort of Entry
So, if he is not taking a direct flight, how much time would you say is needed for the layover? The info is kind of all over the place on the reviews... we would rather be safe than sorry, but also want to make sure that he isn't stuck sitting at the airport for 4 hours because we thought it might take more than two hours but it only took 20 min!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-02 13:02:00
United KingdomInterview Date...

I'm getting a bit fed up now, I obviously picked the wrong line at the supermarket, so to speak. Seems like everyone on here who sent packet 3 on or around the same time as me got their interview dates already, quite a few are next week. All DOS say is the interview date is "pending" Pending what?! That's all the rather unfriendly woman said. I guess it was 4:45 and she was desperate to get home :(

Ok, so... have you had your medical at least 5 days ago? Have you sent in your packet 3 at least 3 weeks ago? Have you paid your visa fee?

If the answer to all three questions is yes, then your interview should be set any day now, and the DOS can give you this information:
The date the embassy received your medical results, and the date the embassy logged your packet 3. I am assuming that they have both of those pieces of information if they are using the verbage that your interview date is "pending." I head words regarding our interview ("your appointment date has not been sent yet") once all of that information was in the computer.

Call the DOS and ask specifically, "when did the embassy log packet 3?" and "when did the embassy receive my medical results?"

Our interview date was set roughly 4 days after our packet 3 was logged (they had previously received the medical results). I have heard that if packet 3 was logged before your medical results were received, it could delay the time it takes for your interview to be set, but I don't know for sure if that is true or not.

Edited by meredith and zac, 09 March 2011 - 11:00 PM.

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-09 22:59:00
United KingdomDriving in the USA
On this topic... is there anything on VisaJourney about the process to get a US driver's license? I imagine it varies by state, and I am having a hard time finding information on this for my state (Missouri). Does anyone have experience with this? We pretty much just want to know if my fiance would need to just take the "rules of the road" paper test, or would he actually have to take the physical driving test as well? And also, what type of documentation they need to get a license here.
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-17 10:33:00
United KingdomPre-Pay for K-1 Visa in London?

I don't think you're allowed into the Embassy unless you have an appointment and proof of pre-payment. I couldn't even get into the London Embassy as a USC without an appointment. Sorry, one of you will have to call the Extortion Line.

Thanks for the info!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-12 11:40:00
United KingdomPre-Pay for K-1 Visa in London?
we're curious if anyone has tried paying the visa fee at the embassy instead of over the phone well before the interview? my fiance will be in london on friday for his medical and is thinking he may stop by there just to see if he can pay it in person since he'll be in the neighborhood... any ideas if it is worth trying?
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-09 23:13:00
United KingdomPassport photo for interview--US or UK standards?
Great! Thanks for the help everyone!! I am so jealous of the passport photo booths the UK has, we don't have anything like it!! We have to go deal with the under-experienced photo people at Walgreens. :P
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-02 08:31:00
United KingdomPassport photo for interview--US or UK standards?
First of all, I am looking at this website: and it says that the photos brought to the interview must meet Department of State standards. I compared this to the UK and US standards and it appears that they want the pictures to follow the US requirements, and we're assuming this means he can't just get them done at the photo booths. We looked into snappy snaps or whatever it is called... and it is extremely expensive! Something like 15 pounds for 2 pictures... and.... we need 3. ARGH!! So, I am wondering, am I correct in assuming this pics can't just be done at the normal photo booth? And if not, does anyone have a suggestion about where to get them done cheaper? Oh, and now that I'm thinking about it, does the pic for the medical need to be US standards too?

Also, I have read on some of the forums that the visa fee must be paid before they will even schedule the interview... but it says on the embassy's site that information about paying the fee will come with the letter that tells us the interview date. So, what's the truth? Do you have to pay the fee before the interview is even scheduled? (PS if they require advance payment, that must mean that it is rare to not get approved :) wishful thinking.. or eek! do they not refund the fee if you are denied?)

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-01 22:35:00
United KingdomRidiculous objectification of our SOs thread

My SO finds the U.S. a wonderland! English men fall over themselves when they see the glory that is the United States of America--vast riches, big cars, gigantic microwave ovens, sunshine, and barrels of ibuprofen. Once they arrive in the States, their families demand that they immediately send back such American delicacies as Milwaukee's Beast Light, Hershey bars, and Wonder Bread--all of which would remain intact following a nuclear meltdown and thus travel well. You ladies married to Brits, you know what I'm talkin' about? Can I get a Hallelujah?

My fiance's family demands the Lucky Charms and Tootsie rolls!! And now my friends are demanding the Haribo sour cherries from him!!!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-12 21:43:00
United Kingdomadministrative processing vs additional processing..

That's great news. So did your fiance receive a text from DX Couriers?

yep! he got a text the day before it was delivered, saying it will be delivered on this day between these times (and it came on the early end of that) so i guess leave a cell number with the courier as opposed to a land line number!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-23 11:38:00
United Kingdomadministrative processing vs additional processing..

Ok, so... I just need a clarification here. AP means "additional processing", correct? My fiance just had his interview on the 15th and from what he could tell he was good to go and filled out the mailing information and paid the postage fee... but I just called DOS to check if the visa has been issued yet and was told that the visa was still "pending" and going through "administrative processing." My heart dropped when I heard that because all I could think was AP!!! Does administrative processing means that they just haven't issued the visa yet? We would know if they had to do additional processing, wouldn't we? Like they would have told him at the embassy if they needed something more or had to review something, wouldn't they? I am so nervous...

FALSE ALARM!! not 20 minutes after my freak out, my fiance sends me a message that says "SMS has your US Embassy item 1811114949 set for delivery between 8am and 6pm 18/03/2011" OMG yayyyyyyyy!!!! and holy cow that was super fast!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-17 11:07:00
United Kingdomadministrative processing vs additional processing..
Ok, so... I just need a clarification here. AP means "additional processing", correct? My fiance just had his interview on the 15th and from what he could tell he was good to go and filled out the mailing information and paid the postage fee... but I just called DOS to check if the visa has been issued yet and was told that the visa was still "pending" and going through "administrative processing." My heart dropped when I heard that because all I could think was AP!!! Does administrative processing means that they just haven't issued the visa yet? We would know if they had to do additional processing, wouldn't we? Like they would have told him at the embassy if they needed something more or had to review something, wouldn't they? I am so nervous...
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-17 10:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen is police record needed?
thanks for the help!!
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-20 18:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhen is police record needed?
I have heard that you should bring a police check to the medical exam, but it doesn't say anything about it on the London Embassy site. For the London Embassy, is a police background check needed? At what point in the process is it needed? And how do I go about getting it? (Do I have to go to London to get it?)

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-17 15:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 and evidence to send with forms?
So, I have read on here that the proof of financial support goes with my fiance to the interview. However, the D-156K says to include "Evidence of Financial Support" with the form. Does that mean that the I-134 should be sent with all of the other paperwork? Or does this just mean that evidence such as tax forms and pay stubs should be sent?
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 23:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbirth certificate (UK specific)
Great! thanks for the suggestion about the UK forum, obviously I don't know what I am doing and need all the help I can get! The government sure makes everything clear as mud, or else we wouldn't need sites like vj
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-29 19:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbirth certificate (UK specific)
That link says that documents need to be brought to the interview, yes, but I am wondering where it says explicitly that you must not send evidence with the paperwork. However, it does happen say explicitly on the DS-156K form that "The following must be attached in order to apply for a fiance(e) nonimmigrant visa:

Your birth certificate
Birth certificates of all children listed in number five
Death certificate of a spouse (if any)
Marriage certificate (if any)
Divorce decree (if any)
Police certificates
Evidence of engagement to your fiance(e)
Evidence of financial support

And this form is dated 12-2010 and "Previous Editions Obsolete"

Please understand why I am still concerned and am not 100% confident in the answer I have received.
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-26 22:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbirth certificate (UK specific)
It seems that it has been a couple of years since you have done the K1 so.... are you sure that is still the case?
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-26 21:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbirth certificate (UK specific)
Is it ok to attach photocopies of everything (like the birth certificate) to the forms that you send into the embassy? The DS-156K form says it wants the birth certificate.

Edited by meredith and zac, 25 January 2011 - 11:56 PM.

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 23:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionbirth certificate (UK specific)
So, for the UK embassy, when exactly do they require the birth certificate? Will we need to send it in with the forms, take it to the medical, and/or bring it to the interview? And do they except a photocopy? If not, is it necessary to have more than one official copy, or will just one be enough? THANKS!!! :)
meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-25 23:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionaffadavits required?

No. Affidavits are not required.

They are not even strong evidence because you can ask someone to write anything or have someone sign something you wrote when you just met them standing on a street.



- You only really need affidavits if you have not got proper evidence spanning 2 years of marriage.


Great, thanks!! 

meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-28 16:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionaffadavits required?

We are starting the process of removal of conditions and I am looking at the USCIS's list of instructions, and it gives a list of documents.  It says "the documents should include, but not be limited to..." and one of the things on the list is "Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by at least two people who have known both of you since your conditional residence was granted and have personal knowledge of your marriage and relationship." 


Does this mean that affadavits are required?  I feel like I read somewhere that affadavits are not considered good evidence, and only need to be included if you don't feel you have sufficient evidence. 



Also, if we have the following evidence:  Joint tax returns, joint bank accounts, joint car loan, joint insurance policies and a joint mortgage, do I really need to include pictures and christmas cards, etc?   I feel like almost silly sending in that kind of stuff at this stage in the game.


Thanks in advance for the help!


meredith and zacFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-28 15:00:00