Asia: East and PacificConcerns about Sydney...
theoretically :P Call them to make sure they still do though.

I remember there used to be embassies in Sydney, Canberra and Perth, though I only seem to find links to Sydney on here. I'm a QLD'er, so I'll be going to Sydney anyway.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-07-01 00:27:00
Asia: East and PacificConcerns about Sydney...
Can't really help with regards to Sydney with reschedualling, however:


Near the bottom of the page is a list of doctors that can perform the medical, and there are 2 in Perth. Maybe give them a ring to find out if they still do them.

I'm worried about my medical too :P check out;#entry864641, and also check out the 'Land Downunder' thread :D just for all us silly Australians
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-06-30 23:46:00
Asia: East and PacificAussies - where are you living in the USA
North Queensland girl, moved to Brisbane for 3 years for a stint at animation school, but other then that, have always lived in a 'country outback' sort of town.

I'll be moving to... ARKANSAS! So it won't be the culture shock I'd be expecting if I was moving to say, New York or something. Only 2 difference I've noticed so far is whilst we're hotter, Arkansas is more humid, and a LOT colder *yet rarely snows*.

Right now, the thing I wish I could bring with me are my 2 girls - Lilah and Tilly, my English Staffy dogs smile.gif Aside from the cost *and wait*, I think my 'rents won't mind holding onto them a little longer as they absolutely love them too, and the dogs help keep them sane I think lol
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-25 02:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Patricia: We're in the same boat, but got set back. My husband has been living with his 'rents for a while because of his cancer and just to get back on his feet. Last week though, he was in a car accident and the car got totaled (He only had it a year and it was a 96 dodge neon, good little car, but any accident would have totaled it). He's fine, just another bump to the head (seriously, this is the 3rd head accident he's had and he's fine x.X), but, no car :\

The day we were going to start looking at apartments, was spent looking at cars :\ but we got a new one on Friday (new = used, but it's nice!), so back again behind the eight ball. Might help if I was settling in nicely, but his brother seems determined to make my stay as miserable as possible. Just got to love the hypocrisy of a strict southern baptist family who allow stealing (he went into my room and ate half a pack of cookies I bought), but saying 'damn' is just horrible (I'm Australian! Where do you think sailors got their colourful language from? x.X)

I only got my Social on Friday as well, so haven't really looked at jobs, but like Kelli, it'll probably be Walmart too tongue.gif I just have very little experience (Only job I did was working for my mum's craft shop, and we didn't even have a till tongue.gif, I suppose this is one part where 'ignorant foreigner' will work. Love my friends, but I wish they'd stop asking me if we have cars and houses)
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2008-01-21 12:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
As it is Christmas in Australia, this is my nifty present:

I GOT MY GREENCARD TODAY yays biggrin.gif

Now to hope my SSN isn't lost in the christmas mail x.X

NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-12-24 15:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
QUOTE (hawaiiandreams @ Dec 20 2007, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the way, they only used one passort pic for the front of the medical form. Any other idea what the other 2 pics were supposed to be for!?

When you get the medical forms back, you will need to make 2 copies, attach the pics to those smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-12-23 09:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey all

My computer died just over a week ago so I haven't been able to update. Trip was alright, and no dramas at immigration smile.gif As I found out, I did good going with AirNZ, as the Terminal Qantas goes through had about 4-5 planes all come in at the same time. ouch. Now just to wait for the paperwork smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-12-11 13:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
wait.. maybe Varicella is chicken pox o.O....
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-26 21:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
"pertussis (anyonw know what the hell this is?!),"

Thats Chicken Pox smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-26 19:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
A panel doctor has to verify it, but anyone can administer it. IF you are unsure as to what you've had done, a blood test can tell you what you have. Go to your local doctor and ask them to write out an order or whatever for the above shots , get your blood tested, and in a week or so, you'll know, then either get them, or get your doctor to print out a list of all the stuff you have and sign and date it.

If there is something you don't have and need, the Panel doc can do it for you.

As for the list, dunno if it's been changed, but when I had mine, they said all I needed was Chicken Pox, Tetanus and MMR.

*lightbulb* OOHHHh packet 3? Yeah, I didn't make an appointment till I got the Consulate Medical Forms and Doctors list that comes in packet 3. I got mine within the week, but I probably could have gotten it the following day if I lived anywhere near the docs.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-25 21:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
6 months for the shots is correct. First one, then a month later, then 6 months. You could get the 'fast' one which is like first one, second one 1-2 weeks later, then last one 12 months later, but when I went for my interview, I had only had 2 shots and they never questioned it. They are totally okay with you getting the last one within America. Whether they check up on you or not I have no clue, but, it is a good idea to still get that last shot smile.gif

As far as I know, you're talking about the actual shots, not the appointments correct? I noticed with my paperwork the Embassy seemed to sometimes organise medical appointments, but it was entirely up to me to organise it all (and it was NOT a problem in the slightest, then again, it was Brisbane... the biggest problem was finding the damn place ><)

Only other thing I can tell you to work on is to MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE PAPERWORK YOU NEED FOR THE AOS. If I hadn't checked over the paperwork again, I wouldn't have known to bring with me copies of my Joint Sponsorships citizenship, and I would have been delayed till I got them. Good Luck smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-25 19:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Kath: Heading over on the 8th of December tongue.gif right when Winter is nearing it's peak. Then again, it IS in Arkansas, where it barely snows *just gets frickin cold x.X* hehe.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-17 13:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
We found a nifty Telstra offer. Basically, you pay $10 to be a part of it, and if you only make $10 worth of calls, thats all you pay. The thing is, it's 0.02 cents a minute! An hour costs $1.20! Thats if you use the 0011(whatever) number, not the 0018 one.

Don't know if they use Telstra, but if they do, get them to call and ask them about it. My phone bill went from 10 calls at $80+ *I talk too much tongue.gif* to 35+ calls and $15 (including the initial $10). It's kind of funny to see the bill, as every call is listed and most are 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 cost tongue.gif

Don't really want to promote Telstra (privatization wasn't a good thing to us x.X), but this is a pretty good deal. We also use Telecard. I can call America, cell phone to cell phone, for the same price as landline, as it gets routed through the home *australian* phone number.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-16 01:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
The one thing I was worried about they never asked about, so I didn't upset the waters. The only hiccup I had, was that when I was called up for the second time, they said it looked good, except they needed the Joint Sponsorships evidence of US Citizenship, which I had.

I gave them a letter from my husban'd workplace earlier, showing he now makes more and thus doesn't need JS, but I guess since they had the paperwork, they just decided to just go ahead with it *Which, again, grr, NVC didn't want it, but now you guys do?*

Oh well, overall, a decent experience. I guess all I can say is just make sure you have your paperwork in order, take any and all proof that you can find, and CHIIIILLLL. That last bit needs to be taken more seriously imo tongue.gif

US consulate PS: Please make the ticket vending machine more, oh I dunno, NOTICABLE. SO many people walked right past it *including moi ^^;*. I mean, yes, a sign saying "PLEASE TAKE A TICKET" at eye level should be enough, but painting it bright neon pink and purple glittery stars will do wonders too smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-15 01:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I have returneth... WITH VISA!

I can't help but feel really disappointed though. I suppose I got to such a heightened sense of anxiety and borderline OCD that finally getting to the consulate, and coming face to face with what I would class as the most boring and dull place that I have ever witnessed, that I crashed.

Granted, I don't go out of my way to find boring and dull rooms, but dear god, that was just... depressing. I was so high strung out I didn't even think to take in the view, even though I was there for 2.5 hours.

Even now, I still can't seem to settle down. I guess it's due to the lack of my passport, which was my only form of photo ID till I got an 18+ card *which I HAD to get to get my passport x.X*, and no physical visa.

They didn't even ask me any questions! Just took my fingerprints, asked me if everything in the ds-230part 2 was true (no raising my right hand or anything), signed it, then asked if I had trouble getting an appointment for my medical. Whats that got to do with the price of cheese in France? I dunno, maybe it was some sort of weird immigration lingo question to test to see if I was fair dinkum or something *shrugs*

I'm glad its mostly over now though...
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-14 23:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
QUOTE (hawaiiandreams @ Nov 12 2007, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the additional info :-). By the way, I keep hearing everyone talking about pay stubs. Are they required for the interview? My hubby is military, so along with our transcripts, we sent a letter with the AOS confirming that he is currently employed by the militray. Do you think in his case the pay stubs would be required? Or were they just an additional measure if you thought it would help your case?

I... really have no idea o.O I would have guessed Military comes under a seperate header then civilian. I was never actually sent paystubs, but he had to send some in for his AOS. I have copies of them, but only because he sent me everything, and I'm paranoid.

If he didn't HAVE to send them in, and they still proceeded, I would assume it wasn't needed. If you can get some though, and take them with you to the interview, and it'll help your nerves, then I'd get some. If they don't ask for them, great, but if they do, you're prepared.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-12 00:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
We didn't ask them about the Affidavit of Support exactly, but I did ask them about Joint Sponsorship, and they said that they have the JS paperwork, so if they have that, and whilst I hate this word, I ASSUME that they would then have the AOS from him.

If not, I do have a copy with an original signiture on it smile.gif As is, I won't be needing JS anymore as he now makes more money, and I have a letter from his workplace that states so smile.gif

From my understanding, with the AOS, I can't remember if its the signiture or the paystubs that have to be within 6 months. For me, the AOS is 2 days within the deadline *phew* and worse comes to worse, the letter is only a month old smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-11 23:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
QUOTE (vylex @ Nov 11 2007, 09:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nipredil, expanding folders will be fine. They also don't mind those nice shopping bags. We had a lot of extra documents in a fancy shmancy shopping bag. One of the other folks seemed to have a nice huge expanding folder. No issues bringing those through. Just nothing that seems to enclose completely like a backpack.

Ahh phew smile.gif thanks. I just had images of walking around Sydney with a crapload of paperwork, and losing everything to a gust of wind, or handing them in with footprints all over them and just generally looking, well, shabby :\

Stressed? Worried? ME? naaahhh helpsmilie.gif My problem would be easied more if I lived in a town that at least had a doctor! Let alone a supermarket. Yay for Country Australia wacko.gif

I start my 'epic' journey tomorrow morning, 1 last day to pack and worry tongue.gif Thank again everyone
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-11 14:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Quick question: They don't like backpacks being taken into the consulate, but I can't seem to find anything about expandable folders, and reading the reviews, it only mentions 'paperwork'.

It sounds nitpicky, but the last thing I want to do is get to the consulate and waste time dragging my paperwork out of my neatly organised folder, then hoping that I take enough paperwork up with me. As is, I've found a mistake (one in my DS-230 part 1 that looks like I spent a year+3 months in USA, and not just 3 months x.X put a 5 where it should have been a 4 x.X), so I'm taking my boarding passes and whatnot for ALL of my trips.

So... are folders doable? Or is it paper only?

and I was doing so well tongue.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-11-10 05:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
again, thanks smile.gif That takes a HUGE weight off my mind.

I still am stressed about it though, how can one not? This is a HUGE moment in someone's life, and in the end, no matter how long you've known that person, how long you've been married, how much evidence you have, there is still that chance you could be denied, and have to go through the process again.

I'm so happy for you though smile.gif grats again smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-26 15:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

That bit about the NVC paperwork helps a LOT! Thanks for the information smile.gif wow, congrats again smile.gif fantasic!
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-25 22:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Good Luck for Tomorrow Vylex! Got everything crossed in hopes for you biggrin.gif go get 'em!! hehe
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-24 14:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Finally got a reply tongue.gif

My mum suggested I right it from her POV so it wouldn't look like I was some paranoid kid who isn't ready for 'the big smoke' that is USA tongue.gif

In it, they say that basically they do have the AOS information (If they have the Joint Sponsorship information, then surely they'll have HIS AOS info)

However, my nagging did pay off in the end tongue.gif As far as I know, he never sent in a letter, with a letterhead, from his current employment with the original AOS, just payslips. I nagged him about it and he got one to send to me to take with the interview. NOW, they tell me if I do bring one in, they'll take it into account and they may in fact forget the JS altogether.


Sydney to stop screwing with my mind plzkbai x.X

I'm a firm believer that common sense isn't common anymore, and when it comes to Governments, Australian, American, whatever, it's just plain LOCO! headbonk.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-18 01:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Kath: I've done that now smile.gif I basically made that post in the middle of the night after crying in bed for 3 hours because I was stressing ^^;; mental breakdown anyone? oops hehe

thanks for the encouragement smile.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-17 00:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
It'd be nice if they got their information up to date. Came through NVC? Well we send THIS lot of paperwork. Going DC? Here, have this. Lawyered up? Try these on for size. Not "Take this lot of paperwork and YOU figure out if you need to bring it or not, Oh btw, if you don't bring it, aww too bad so sad, NEXT!".

I have a copy of his paystubs and tax return and as I was stressing about the Letterhead from his Place of employment, he got me one of those too. I was just freaking out about the 'original signitures' x.X It shall be interesting to find out if I don't actually need the AOS itself now.

If I don't, I think I might just be quiet about it when I speak to him tongue.gif I hate being told 'I told you so', by someone who really has no idea how much it can all come tumbling down all because of 1 piece of paper...
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-16 21:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:\ nm that link. It just doesn't want to appear x.X

Basically, Aussiewench on another site says that NVC sends all paperwork to the embassy/consulate. Date was around May this year, so pretty recent information, as opposed to the 10 yr old one I found that said he was to send the AOS to me x.X

Edited by Niphredil, 16 October 2007 - 06:47 AM.

NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-16 06:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Heads up for others:
(***removed***.com and Aussiewench with all the answers!)

Whilst it's not an official answer to my predicament, it's... weirdly soothing. At the moment anyway tongue.gif I guess I'll just suck it up in the morning and just ask the consulate. If they say no, then I have proof from them that I don't need it.

ARGH, why does this process suck so much x.X *hugs you all* It's great to have a place to rant where people understand smile.gif

Edited by Niphredil, 16 October 2007 - 06:41 AM.

NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-16 06:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I'm starting to stress out again, about the Affidavit of Support as usual x.X

My husband sent me a copy of the AOS that he sent to NVC, with his original signiture, however, it doesn't have the Joint Sponsorship's original signiture, and... you can see where this is headed.

Everytime I try to talk to him, or my folks, they just keep coming back with 'But they already have that paperwork, why do they need it, and originals at that, again?'. At this point, if Sydney told me to go jump off a cliff, I'll do it, so if they say 'Bring another AOS in', then I will.

However, I look at the instructions, and they're just a general 'what to bring' list. If you're not divorced, you don't bring divorce papers. If you have no armed services record, you don't bring it in. Most of it is straight forward, but, grargh! I'e already had 1 nervous breakdown because of this.

The AOS has been approved as far as I know... we wouldn't have gotten this far without it approved right? Is everyone else just taking a second 'original' copy? Or is this another case of 'Oh, thats for DC filers, you don't need to worry about that'.

I hate writing to the Embassy, especially since I sent in a notice saying I was ready for the interview, when clearly now I'm not. Almost thankful for the 2.5 months for interview, so I can catch these problems beforehand.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-16 05:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
uuummm.... @.@ I dunno Sharyna. You're going for K-1 visa, we're already married. I think our medicals are a bit more.... hmm involved?

With mine, I had to take down 3 photographs *just regular passport ones, you don't need the USA types*, and sign all 3 of them on the back in front of one of them *Well, they had me do it, but considering you have to sign it, I imagine they'd have to witness it*. One is stapled to the original, the other 2 are sent back with the completed medical forms and told to attach them to the copies you will make.

I really have no information regarding fiancee visa, mostly because in the beginning, thats all the info I found and it wasn't the same as married, so I've learnt to ignore it, sorry sad.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-09 01:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
With the medical, they sent the forms to me. I guess they changed it *shrugs*. It also contained a note saying I'm to make 2 copies and to attach the 2 extra photos I brought with me to those copies.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-08 20:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I sent the e-mail and got a response a few hours later. Great!!

My mind was put to ease about not only Police Certificate but also the DS-230 part 2 (They don't need the latter, but if I send it *shrugs* thats fine too)

However, something else popped up that concerned me which I asked them about. My Joint Sponsors now need to send me a copy of their proof of US Citizenship x.X a Tax Return isn't proof enough (because Illegals frequently file them?!?!).
To top it off, I went back through the slew of paperwork hubby sent me and found out he never sent me a letter with his workplace's letterhead stating what he makes a year etc x.X

There was a reason I wasn't sleeping at night... my mind sensed a disturbance in the force tongue.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-03 20:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Sharyna: the good point about staying with the same airline/group is that in Australia, get them to book your bags all the way through to your final destination.

The only time you'll need to get your bags is for customs/immigration, and once you're through, on the other side, there should be someone who'll direct you to put your bags either in a seperate location or on a conveyor belt. No lugging them about to the counter, AND you'll have your boarding passes, so just head to the gate smile.gif

I do this with Qantas/AA through LAX all the time. Once I'm out of that corridor with customs, right before you head out the doors beyond security, there's an area to the left, usually with about 4 people and lots of bags, where you can dump them (you may need to show your boarding pass), and away you go smile.gif Don't know about SF though

It's another time saver. When you check in in Australia, just ask them about it smile.gif

Vylex: That's a fantastic tip about the e-mail correspondence. I'll be sure to fire one off smile.gif My luck, I'll get the interviewer who was just dumped the day before and is bitter at those getting to see their SO's x.X
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-03 01:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I got the readiness form in Packet 3 *it's on the back of the Documents Required tick box*. However, I don't think our postal system is this fast, as I sent it on the Friday, and got the interview date on the Monday.... especially when packet 3, according to the stamp, took 4 days to get to me from Sydney.

I had thought about that in regards to the return ticket... I just need to check ticket prices and whatnot x.X I dunno, I guess the 8th, even the 5th would be a decent day. it's about 3.5 weeks after the interview, so if there is a problem, I can get it fixed, and... well I mean, whilst sh*t happens, I see no reason to be denied. Unless that whole 'limit of visas' kicks in @.@

I did get this tidbit of information though. High Season starts 10th of December. However, she also mentioned that a late low season ticket may cost more then a beginning high season one. Just something for those that are planning flights like me biggrin.gif
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-01 23:32:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats to everyone smile.gif

I'm all pretty much set now. My only BIG hassle is trying to determine a date for leaving. One ways really aren't all that much cheaper it seems x.X oh wells. Looking at a december 8th date perhaps, or 5th. All very nerve racking. What if I don't get it? *meep!* what if I do get it, and the MBE comes ripped? What if the sky fell? What if martians came and landed on our planet and forced us all into slavery?! OH NOES! lol

I also never sent the consulate an e-mail. It's all quite confusing. They want the Police to send them the certificate, but they also want you to bring in copies... ####### mate? So I decided to just bring it in with me. Not like I have some sort of weird criminal history, however...

Vylex: Is your wife taking the DS-230 part 2 with her, or sending it in beforehand? Again, confusing. I understand I can't sign it yet, but one form says to send it in 'when completed', and the other only mentions sending in DS-230 part 1.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-10-01 15:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Very beautiful pictures smile.gif

Whilst it wasn't diving, I did get my husband into the Pacific Ocean at the Gold Coast. I warned him about the dumps... wasn't enough tongue.gif We left with him having a stomach full of salt water and not feeling all that good, but he had a great time smile.gif

Vylex: I'm wondering, what e-mail address did you use? When I e-mailed them, I went to their site and used the immigration address. I'm thinking it was the wrong one now as I still have nothing. Eh, I'm still concerned tongue.gif I'd like for them to know that I'll be bringing my police certificate with me so they're not waiting for it.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-09-24 13:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Cool beans smile.gif Thanks
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-09-19 13:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Okay thanks smile.gif

Well, we both have 2-3 months if they decide that no, they want the police to send it to them :\ another silver lining hehe
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-09-18 16:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I sent the e-mail on the 11th :\ Last Tuesday :\
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-09-18 14:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks everyone, and grats Tonyr7 biggrin.gif

I've heard nothing so far :\ I'm just going to take it in with me. I was worried that they wouldn't give me a date till they got it, as they would be expecting it. Don't know if they even got the e-mail. I've received no confirmation unlike NVC that they even have it.

I'm unsure about the interview date letter too, as I only sent the readiness form on Friday. It takes about 4 days to get to Sydney from here. *shrugs* Maybe they got the e-mail and decided to send it out, seeing as how far away the interview date is.

I don't know what goes through these people's heads tongue.gif hehe
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-09-18 14:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
The doctor is sending me the medical information... which I got done with yesterday @.@ I think I lost 2kgs just looking for the dang place

aannnddd... I GOT AN INTERVIEW DATE! biggrin.gif

14th of November smile.gif I'm quite happy with that. 2 months away, enough time to organise flights and hotels.
NiphredilFemaleAustralia2007-09-17 23:28:00