US Citizenship General DiscussionWe need an N-600 thread
Thanks for the info. I just received my Naturalization Certificate and my son will turn 18 this May. We will apply right away for our passports, which expire in 10 years. If we don't complete the N-600 process, will he need to do so in order to renew his passport? I ask you because government isn't really helpful in this regard. Thanks!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2012-02-15 14:25:00
CanadaThe coolest show!

Just in case anyone missed the first show, here are some show times. And no, I don't get a commission from the History Channel for promoting this show :lol:

Saturday, June 23
3 am Ice Road Truckers: 01 - Ready to Roll
TVPG L | cc
Friday, June 22
11 pm Ice Road Truckers: 01 - Ready to Roll
TVPG L | cc
Wednesday, June 20
2 am Ice Road Truckers: 01 - Ready to Roll
TVPG L | cc
Tuesday, June 19
10 pm Ice Road Truckers: 01 - Ready to Roll
TVPG L | cc
Sunday, June 24
7 pm Ice Road Truckers: 01 - Ready to Roll
TVPG L | cc

I live in Yellowknife, it is quite amazing!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-06-19 23:52:00
CanadaStill no NOA1
We applied for our NOA1 April 30th, our online status posts application received May 7th and action implemented May 9th. We followed up appxo. three weeks ago via phone and they advised they would reissue the mail that we're expecting (NOA1?). However we still haven't received anything, and online status isn't changed or updated. Anybody else experience this?

I noticed other Canadian beneficiaries are well on their way.

Your responses are appreciated.

Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-06-25 11:12:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process
Florida, and you?
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-20 12:41:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process
Thank you everyone. My son won't attend school - it's too bad as the opportunity to get established would likely make for a smoother transition, however we don't want to ruin a good thing, nor leave the impression that we're messing with the system, of course which is never the intent.

I think after my next trip (if they allow me in) I won't return until we have our visas in hand. This is a heart breaker.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-19 15:06:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process
I just spoke with two offices, the main office and Edmonton. Edmonton advised that I cannot travel. The main office was rude and said that if I wanted to risk being denied access to the US for up to 5 years, then I shouldn't attempt to travel, but it's up to the officer. This is not fair.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-18 16:05:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process
I just spoke with customs and they advised me that it's against the law to travel to the US under the K1 application process, even for Canadians, and because we're within close proximity it wouldn't hurt to wait the 6 -12 months because of all the years we'll have together. What the %^&* is that?
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-18 15:41:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process
High School - He's 17. I'll remain in Canada, continue to work and live status quo, and my younger son will stay here with me as well.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-18 15:11:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process
I'll call them, and keep you posted.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-18 14:49:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process

My son will attend school for up to the 6 month allowable time to visit the US. Do you think Customs will frown on this? I'll have a return ticket of course and it'll be revised for when he returns for his medical, and interview respectively. Just not sure what to tell them really and lying is not an option.

Your input is appreciated.

I am quite certain the customs inspection would not be concerned with this... however, the immigration inspection may

The school is accepting him without the SSN and he doesn't need a visa either. Their view is the K1/K2 is enough to substantiate enrolling him. Actually they have another student in the same situation. Immigration inspection? (perhaps I'm having a moment) Sheesh! Your views are more than welcome, keep them coming.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-18 14:44:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process
My son will attend school for up to the 6 month allowable time to visit the US. Do you think Customs will frown on this? I'll have a return ticket of course and it'll be revised for when he returns for his medical, and interview respectively. Just not sure what to tell them really and lying is not an option.

Your input is appreciated.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-07-18 14:35:00
CanadaAnyone have any great study habits???
Group study might be the way to go, besides you may enjoy new friendships. My cousin who aced her Registered Nursing Degree was a crammer and a procrastinator, that was her forte and I'm proud of her for taking that risk. Cheers.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-09-11 15:31:00
CanadaCanadians with K2s
North of 60, wishing I were south of our border right about now..... ~sigh
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-09-11 15:25:00
CanadaCanadians with K2s
Any Canadians with children moving to the US? Anyone experience longer than normal processing time?

I'm just wondering, maybe a little impatient today, it snowed - sheesh!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-09-11 15:17:00
CanadaCan/Am Custody Issues
What are the specs concerning the vists? Does he get designated or alternate holidays such as summer, XMAS, Easter, etc., and who pays for the trip? Remember that if it's in writing, then it's likely binding, if it's not in writing, then at the end of the day, you've both done your part concerning negotiating and setting the guidelines concerning your child/ren.

Good luck!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-10-31 08:49:00
CanadaCan/Am Custody Issues
Hi there, I'm from Canada and my lawyer recommended and we achieved a court order. I'm still in Canada so perhaps my 'official' custody issue is not really an issue.

You may want to secure a Canadian lawyer (which province are you from?), and just wait to see if he actually takes you to court, sounds like he's a laggard anyway. My ex who is an absent parent threatened many things but never did pursue anything, no he's just plain gone. I have two boys - 17 & 13 and they're resolved to not ever seeing him again, and I don't talk about him either.

Another note, if you have sole custody you don't have to talk to him about any joint decision making, because you have it all! I don't have to respond and it's less stressful.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-09-10 10:10:00
CanadaK2 (soon to be 18 yrs) wants to emancipate
Thanks for the advice everyone, He has been going up and down like the yo-yo and he's willing to compromise after a chit chat with my parents, who also live here. I just needed to vent and get other opinions, either way, he won't be alone!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-06 23:28:00
CanadaK2 (soon to be 18 yrs) wants to emancipate
He'll be 18 in a couple months.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-06 13:45:00
CanadaK2 (soon to be 18 yrs) wants to emancipate
He has at least a year left in school and has not done well over the past couple years including being let go for part of last year.

He is not very motivated, doesn't cooperate w discipline, is manipulative and I have no control over what he does. He hangs out with the wrong crowd, and is easily swayed. I guess I've done everything that I can, and am willing to let him go, rather than continue to go against the grain. My fiance is supportive of my decision either way, and I truly want to end what has become a ongoing and very stressful battle.

He has been on and off about the move, but I'm convinced that he's strung me along the whole time. Talk about tugging on my heartstrings.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-06 13:42:00
CanadaK2 (soon to be 18 yrs) wants to emancipate
My son doesn't want to move with us now. He won't participate in the K2 process (physical/interview), shall I just leave him here to fend for himself? Because I'm leaving!! And his father isn't involved nor capable of caring for him.

Any advice?
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-06 13:26:00
Canadagetting a cross border
I take everything:
- last two pay stubs
- copy of lease
- most recent utility bills
- employment letter (similar to when you apply for a bank loan)
- letter from my MP (I've met through professional acquaintance)

Don't offer to share any 'fiance' information, and I've been asked who I'm visiting and whether he's a boyfriend or fiance. My simple answer is that I'm visiting. I've never been turned away but am always prepared to be....

Good luck
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-16 16:50:00
CanadaPacket 3 & Canada Post
It's been over a week (less Remembrance day) since Vancouver 'sent' my packet 3. Am I impatient? Can I be impatient???? I am impatient!!!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-19 17:41:00
CanadaPacket 3 & Canada Post
Thanks Stacey
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-16 16:52:00
CanadaPacket 3 & Canada Post
Hello all, Department of State advised my packet 3 was sent from Vancouver Consulate November 9th, and I still haven't received it. Knowing Monday was a holiday, perhaps there was a bit of delay in the 'system'. Can anyone tell me how long it normally takes to receive package 3? I looked on the timelines and the number of days is varied. They also have the correct mailing address. Wondering if it's via regular mail or courier?

Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-16 16:38:00
CanadaAre the children's biological father a US citizen????????
Hello everybody, I just received packet 3. On the Consulate's cover letter, three questions asked (including my response):

Please advise if your children’s biological father is a U.S. citizen.
No, he is not a US Citizen, this information is on their respective long-form birth certificates of which I will bring to the interview.

Do you know if they have a derivative claim to the U.S. citizenship through their U.S. citizen parent?
N/A, my children’s biological father was born in Canada and is a Canadian citizen.

If you have not inquired about their potential claim to U.S. citizenship, please advise.
HOW IN THE HECK (swearing of course) DO I ANSWER THIS ONE?

If you applied with K2s, please advise whether you received the same questions.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-21 17:54:00
CanadaInterview Fees
I'm so sorry, I'm having a hard time or am impatient finding info that I need.

Do we pay the $100 interview fee for each, myself and my two children?
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-23 12:09:00
CanadaInterview Before Medical Vancouver
Okay okay - They acknowledged my requests and changed our interview date to Dec 13th to accommodate my medical on the 12th. So one trip, less travel time, perhaps I'll send the kids home after our interview, stay the weekend in Vancouver and catch up on long overdue visits with friends in the area. Heck I might even buy myself a new pair of shoes!!

Thanks & Cheers everybody!

Tips are welcome!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-29 15:53:00
CanadaInterview Before Medical Vancouver
I live in Yellowknife. I can get an appointment for myself and my 17 year old in Edmonton on Monday, this is a $700 trip for each of us, plus a car rental. Then I can fly back to Edmonton to pick up my medical report on the 10th, rent another car, then carry on to Vancouver for a couple/few days (three of us for the interview). Sheesh!

BTW - They're not responding to my email and I just sent them a fax! Of course there isn't a phone number to call, and their 900# is out of service.

Right now, I'm in VJ hell, and look forward to this part ending.... soon
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-29 11:57:00
CanadaInterview Before Medical Vancouver
I would hope that they would reschedule my appointment to the Thursday, following a Wednesday appointment. However I've also heard that they can conduct the interview and approve it, pending a successful medical. Anybody out there experience this?
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-28 16:46:00
CanadaInterview Before Medical Vancouver
Is it possible to book the medical (done on Wednesdays only) a day after the interview (scheduled on Tuesday)? Otherwise I'll have to spend a week in Vancouver. If anyone has experienced their Vancouver appointments in this order, I'd love to know. Also did you get your Visa right away or was it mailed to you?

Many thanks
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-28 16:03:00
CanadaMedical Appt in Vancouver
My interview date is Tues, Dec 11th, I'm sure they know that I'm traveling from afar, so the norm would likely be that I could book the medical a day after the interview (Wednesday). The reason I ask is because Vancouver is not responding to my emails.... Thanks Everyone!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-28 15:46:00
CanadaMedical Appt in Vancouver
Do I wait to book the medical when I get my interview date? Checklist says to schedule the appointment, but I'm not sure I want to make two trips.

NB: I know I've seen this on a previous thread, however I can't find it......

Thanks for your valuable information, as always!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-11-22 18:56:00
CanadaVancouver - When do you get your Visa
Thanks everyone.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-12-02 10:38:00
CanadaVancouver - When do you get your Visa
I managed to change my interview to December 13th, in order to accommodate the medical on the Wednesday (Dec 12th). My interview on the 13th is at 1:00 PM. When do you get the visa? I'd like to fly out of Vancouver that evening or the morning of the 14th.

THanks again everyone!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-12-02 09:59:00
CanadaK2 to follow after - Can he visit
No, he'll attend the interview with me, next week. So I guess he'll be here for Christmas, unless I confirm otherwise. Thanks for the input. B
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-12-02 18:53:00
CanadaK2 to follow after - Can he visit
Can the K2 visit while I've already activated my k1?
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-12-02 12:17:00
CanadaHow long is the interview wait in Vancouver?
Yes - DOS is very friendly and helpful.

I'm glad you get your interview on a Wednesday, mine is on Thursday so we're spending a total of 5 days including travel. But that's okay - we'll manage.

Good luck everyone!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-12-06 18:55:00
CanadaHow long is the interview wait in Vancouver?
I cheated and contacted the Department of State. They told me when my packet 3 was sent (took 2 1/2 weeks to receive), when I returned the packet 3, I requested my interview date before Dec 21st. Knowing our 'fantastic' mail system is slow, I called the Department of State again, and they shared my interview date with me. So my wait too 2 1/2 weeks.

Good luck!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-12-06 14:39:00
CanadaMedical Review - Vancouver
Dec 10 - The three of us traveled all the way to Vancouver. We decided to stay at the Four Seasons (very lovely, but no coffee maker) because it was half way between the Woking Medical Clinic and the Consulate, and we were eligible for a very good discount ($125/night). It was attached to the Pacific Centre Mall and about a block from Robson Street, as well as the Skytrain which took us to the Mall for some Christmas shopping.

Dec 11 - We got up early and walked toward the Clinic. On the way, we decided to get some breakfast at Denny's (don't go there, it was pricey and greasy). When we arrived at the Clinic on the first floor at 0615, we were third set of people in line. The receptionist came through a door (from the stairway) and advised us to enter the clinic on the second floor. We all filled in medical history forms, etc. and handed them in, then we were given numbers 6 & 7 (under 16 doesn't require blood or x-ray - he was disappointed) and told to go through two doors and into the lab area and wait to be called by number. Make sure you ask for a copy of your passport (that the clinic keeps) for the lab to verify your identity, and thankfully we had our drivers licences with us. But the lab tech was kind of inconvenienced. Then we were sent back to the clinic. The X-ray dept is attached to the clinic waiting room, and they too call the same numbers, only took a minute. But the 17 year old's film didn't turn out so he did a retake, took another minute.

In total there were approx 12 people there for immigration medicals for many different reasons. We had all of our papers with us, medical records from past hospitalizations including prognosis (including chidbirth - sheesh!) and our immunizations. All was good. Except my oldest son who is very athletic beat the NHL players in heart rate, he was sent for an ECG with a Cardiologist exam - no worries but recommended that he pursue an athletic career (he's so big and strong!). Physician and staff were awesome, he brought coffee for his staff and they were all friendly. One of them are present for female exams, we chatted about the bruises on my legs, I play full-contact sports. I commented to them my impression of their positive working relationship, and they agreed - they're good!

All in all the experience was quite pleasant, and a bit longer than we thought - at least we had breakfast, but we were still third in line and were out long before the others were, and left the building at around 1045.

We walked back (about 5 blocks) to the hotel and had a nap. The kids stayed while I walked back to the clinic to get our results and film. I paid the fee ($325 X 2 adults and $150 for child - whoa) and left. Then proceeded to stop at Bebe and Le Chateau to find myself a gift, nothing white for a wedding - wrong time of year - oh well).

We hung out for the rest of the afternoon, then went for sushi that evening. Life is grande!

~ Will post the interview in a moment!
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2007-12-30 18:45:00
CanadaVancouver Consulate Interview
My interview date request was before December 21st, they initially scheduled it for the Tuesday, and yes medical are done Wednesdays only, so I emailed a date change to the Thursday and it was granted. Otherwise, we would've been in Vancouver for at least a week. They're efficient with a smile. Enjoy Vancouver! B.
Bernie and GaryFemaleCanada2008-01-02 16:51:00