United KingdomBest way to transfer British savings into american


That looks like a good rate, I've always used the Post Office as they charge no fee but you get more for your money with these even with the fee.


Indeed. Plenty of places have no fees and no commission, but instead recoup their money with a really poor exchange rate.


What you need to compare is how many actual dollars you get.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-18 08:47:00
United KingdomBest way to transfer British savings into american

There have been plenty of threads about this on the UK part of the forum. Have a look through, then check the rates offered for the amount you have to transfer.


As far as I know, you will find it difficult to avoid the wire fee.


I have seen recommendations for: (not available to US residents, though) /


Also these two, but I think it was them who wanted too much ID information from me to be convenient:


I have personally used from the UK, and from the US. USforex gave me the best rate when I transferred money about 6 months ago.


Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-12 10:36:00
United KingdomSending smartphones to the UK

This is probably a bad idea even if it acceptable. Most US networks use a different frequency band for data to those in the UK, so the "smart" bit of the phone would be of little value.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-16 09:10:00
United KingdomNich-Nick is Missing in Action

I posted in the TOS thread, but I'll post here too. I'd completely understand if Nich doesn't come back even if the ban is lifted. Please wish her good luck from me.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-20 11:30:00
United KingdomGetting money into the US

Bringing 20000 in cash is completely bonkers. It's perfectly legal, but you really don't want to have that amount of money about your person in a public place. And in any case, you still have to change it into dollars, be that in the UK or in the US. This leads onto the next point: retail banks make their money on currency exchange by giving using poor exchange rates. And yes, that includes transfers between pound and dollar accounts with the same bank.


If you are transferring a significant amount of money, you should use an online currency broker. This is a non-exhaustive list: (or (I found them the best value of the online exchanges recently, but that may have changed) (I believe for UK residents only)

This is a relatively recent start-up based on matching transfers going in opposite directions. The other sites listed make money by having different exchange rates depending if you're buying or selling. This company instead charge a fee, but use the mid-market exchange rate. When I transferred my UK savings, they had an attractive exchange rate, but transfers were limited to a few thousands pounds or dollars. I believe this limit is now much larger, but since their fee percentage seems not to reduce as the size of transfer goes up, they are unlikely to be competitive when you want to move large amounts.


Sign up to the websites and get an online quote from them, or phone for a quote. Don't just use the calculators on their home pages, as sometimes this just shows the mid-market rate (which you won't get, except at Transferwise, who charge a fee instead).


Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-20 08:59:00
United KingdomRenewing U.K passport in the U.K

My husband just renewed his passport and they kept the old one. I might be wrong but I think they have stopped letting you keep the old one - probably for security reasons, to avoid having too many 'spare' passports floating around.


If that's true, it's a very recent change. They usually send the old one back separately, with any supporting documents you had to send. For most on here, they need the old passport back, as it contains their US visa.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-06 07:54:00
United KingdomAfter all the hoops we have jumped through, 4 days into my new American job USCIS emails me.....

I've never seen this before, but it's obvious your first step is to obtain the Further Action Notice from your employer and read it. What does it say?



Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-06 07:51:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?


One thing to be aware off as well, in the US there are very few worker rights.

apart from some discrimination laws you can be hired or fired at the whim of an employer.


Generally speaking, employment laws are worse than the UK, but your statement is only true in states with employment at will.

Edited by Owen_London, 13 May 2014 - 12:07 PM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-13 12:05:00
United KingdomPassport Question

He renews it with the closet consulate to the area you live, most will do it by mail, if your close enough you can just go to them


Please don't assume that what is correct for you or your spouse must apply to everyone across the whole World. You will inevitably give out bad advice.


From about a year ago, all passport renewals for the UK must be mailed to the passport office in Newcastle for renewal, using the link Nich-Nick provided. They state you should apply at least 6 weeks before it's needed.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-07 09:17:00
United KingdomPreparing for leaving the UK: Final checklist


Where is this fabled forum you speak of? I can't find it anywhere on the site -- granted, I am an awful navigator, but still. . .

Could you link me up please.



I think he should have written thread, not forum:



Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-21 08:01:00
United KingdomPreparing for leaving the UK: Final checklist

And did you also know you can't collect a UK state pension AND US Social Security retirement. You pick the highest one to receive.


No. I have no idea where you got that from.


If you qualify for both, you collect both. And since it only takes ten years of employment to fully qualify for US social security, and you can continue to contribute UK national insurance after leaving the UK, most people here should be able to collect both at the full rate, providing the current rules continue.


Don't be confused by the US/UK totalization agreement. This only comes into effect if combining your US and UK contributions helps you collect more from one or other administration.


The other issue is that WEP (windfall elimination provision) will reduce the US social security to some extent when collecting both, but that is still a very minor consideration.

Edit: If you've been assuming this, your husband might need to look into making back contributions to national insurance to increase his UK pension.

Edited by Owen_London, 21 August 2014 - 08:04 AM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-21 07:58:00
United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK

I got a copy of my medical records mainly because I wanted a copy of my vaccination record. Unfortunately, I think it's missing one or two, but it's better than nothing.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-05 13:10:00
United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK


Yes, if your phone is unlocked. I have a UK sim, a USA one and multiple ones from around Europe that all work in my unlocked Nexus 4. smile.png


Edit: I should caveat that. If you've got an older phone, it might not play nicely with the networks here.  What phone do you have?


It's not just that. European phones generally use different frequency bands for data than in the US. I brought my HTC Desire from the UK last year, and it can only transfer data at the slowest speed, because the frequencies are different, though there are a few cities and networks where that isn't true.


My phone was getting old and needed replacing,turned my wife's contract into a family one and got me a new phone.


One other thing to add, though - US mobile phone contracts with the primary network providers, both with phone and without, are much more expensive than in Europe. Reduced cost contracts are available from other companies, but they tend to come with a lot of restrictions.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-18 16:44:00
United KingdomThings you need to do before leaving the UK

This is an edited version of my "emigration list". Bear in mind I wasn't changing employers, and they paid for my relocation.


Close ISA account (ISAs don't count as tax-free for US taxes)

Get medical records

Buy or hire wedding clothes

Offer unwanted items to friends or charity

See family and friends

Go to places in UK that you'll miss

Return items that don't belong to you - I had to return my brass band uniform

Book flight

Movers in

Pack work ffice stuff

Pack clothes to travel on flight

Cancel bills - bear in mind many of these require a month's notice

Cancel rent

Cancel council tax + get refund

Cancel water

Cancel gas and electric

Cancel phone

Cancel broadband (+return router?)

Cancel mobile phone

Cancel bank standing orders

Read gas and electric meters

Council take away large items

Change address - bank - at branch

Change address - life insurance / pension(s) / shares

Change address - academic societies / trade union etc. / whatever else

Mail forwarding with Royal Mail (this needs a few days notice)

Clean flat




Also, this immense and detailed list from, which is more aimed at families emigrating for work, but still very useful.





Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-18 08:29:00
United KingdomMoving money from UK to US when migrating

I have used (and continue to use) Transferwise for smaller amounts,. but to transfer the proceeds of my UK house sale i also used a specialist broker - in this case, World First. i tracked the rates for a couple of months and put in an order to buy US dollars when it reached the rate I wanted - i did really well out of it. Their rates were not quite as high as Transferwise but there was no commission on top so it still worked out cheaper. (Transferwise commission on the amount I wanted to transfer was a 4 figure sum)


Transferwise have removed their small limits now. I haven't used them myself, though.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-09-29 10:05:00
United KingdomWhere to print declaration form for UK passport app

Print on letter size and allow the software to "print to fit". While they mention using the "correct size paper", this is to make sure you don't print it on A5 or smaller, not so that it's exactly the right size.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-10 11:59:00
United KingdomOlympics causing London slow down ??

Yeah London will just be a nightmare for commuters right now...

I have heard from several people that so many people are either working from home, on holiday, or going to the Olympics themselves, that the trains and tube are noticeably quieter than normal during rush hour. Possibly the main interchanges going to the venues are busier, but I'll get a better idea when I come through London Bridge on the train this evening.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-30 04:13:00
United KingdomVAT tax refund when migrating to the US


Im considering buy a bicycle before my move to the States on a CR1 visa. My question is, am I eligible for a tax refund on the product? if yes whats the process?



For once, I actually agree with Boiler - buy it in the US.

In any case, I doubt you can get a tax refund. Tax refunds when emigrating usually come because your UK tax code assumes that you will receive pay and benefits at a set level through the whole year, but if you emigrate you only receive part of that money, which potentially means you should have been taxed at a lower rate. I'm not a tax professional, but I'd be very surprised if you can get a tax refund of VAT when you are a UK resident, who just happens to be emigrating soon.

Edited by Owen_London, 01 August 2012 - 05:21 AM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 05:21:00
United KingdomNow to tie up the loose ends..
I found this list on britishexpats: Link

A few bits are not quite right for here, as it's aimed at those on work visas, and a few bits I personally disagree with, but in the main it's a superb and exhaustive list.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-03 10:39:00
United KingdomEducation System - UK compared to US?

perhaps. but based on what i have been told by my fiance compared to my own education thats what I feel.

I really wouldn't work just on the basis of the experiences of one person from each country. You can't get less statistically significant than that.

Looking at degrees, while Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial and maybe UCL are world-reknown, the Times World University Rankings are dominated by US establishments, with almost all of them either in the northeast US or California.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-07 08:17:00
United KingdomEducation System - UK compared to US?

from what I understand US High School is better but UK Degree is better than US.

That's quite a sweeping generalisation you have there.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-07 05:49:00
United KingdomGot my Visa
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-13 04:58:00
United Kingdomneeding some info here

An idea:

You could get a job at a company that has locations in both UK and USA :)
Example: TK Maxx (in the US: TJ Maxx), ASDA (in us: Wal-Mart), Fresenius Medical - Dialysis Company (Same in US)

This is similar to what Penguin said but these seem more reachable

It's not that simple, I'm afraid. I'm in the middle of the L1 (intra-company transfer) visa process at the moment. L1 visas require the beneficiary (you) to be either an executive (L1-A) or have "specialized knowledge" (L1-B). In US immigration terminology, "specialized knowledge" usually means knowledge that is commonly based on a post-graduate degree, added to substantial knowledge of the company's "propietary processes and techiniques", such that it would cause significant disruption to your company to recruit a US national externally to do the job you are being offered. Working in Asda, even as a store manager, isn't going to cut it.

Zerogravity, it's difficult to give you further advice without knowing more about your current situation. But I will try with this:
- Non-seasonal work visas for the US are very difficult to get without having good qualifications and experience.
- If you're asking because you have an American girlfriend who you aren't yet ready to marry, keep working at the relationship, use Skype, Google Chat or similar as much as you can, and travel there as much as you can afford, until you are ready to get engaged and then married.
- If you're asking because you quite fancy emigrating to the US, think about why. The US has many of the same problems as the UK, it is better in some ways and worse in others. If you work on your qualifications and experience it will help, but you'd still need to find a sponsor company. Be prepared that it might never happen. Consider other countries if you are set on leaving the UK.

Edited by Owen_London, 20 September 2012 - 06:08 AM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-20 06:03:00
United KingdomVisa Query
Can you give us more information?

Exactly where are you in the process?
Exactly when does your UK visa expire? What sort of visa is it?
What country are you from?
Do you need to stay in the UK for work until your visa expires, or can you return to your home country very soon?

It's worth pointing out this whole forum is about US immigration, not UK visas, so there isn't much expertise. However, I don't see why UK Border Agency would extend your stay only so you can have an interview to move to the US, given that you could have done that in your home country. I'd imagine you'd need another reason for the visa extension. I'd guess your best, or even only, option is to return to your home country, and ask for the K-1 interview to be transferred there.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-20 06:44:00
United KingdomL1 visa approved!
My visa journey is a little different to most on this forum, in that my company petitioned for an L1-B visa for me, which is for intra-company transfers.

So, I had my interview at the embassy today. There was a lot of waiting and I had to get another photo as my original was deemed not good enough, but the interview itself was easy (not so surprising as it's a non-immigrant visa) and the upshot is I have been approved. I've posted a long-winded consulate review already.

Once I arrive in Houston, we plan to get married in a small ceremony in our local neighbourhood on Friday 30th November. Things are finally coming together.

Edited by Owen_London, 25 September 2012 - 10:51 AM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 10:50:00
United KingdomTime to receive passport back from embassy
In case anyone is looking for delivery timing, my visa and passport arrived back today, three days after the interview. And that's despite the embassy website claiming that non-immigrant working visas (which includes L1) take longer than other non-immigrant visas.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 08:32:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Restritions


I'm aware that no electronic items are permitted inside the embassy, however, is there any restrictions on the size of the bag you can take in? I'm contemplating taking a small case, the size your allowed in the cabin of a plane. Is this allowed? Also do they let you in with any liquids?



They ask you not to bring large bags in, as there isn't enough space for them in the waiting area. If you can, I'd suggest you leave it at home, or store it at your hotel until you're done. I suspect there's also a restriction on the size of bags that can fit through their security scanner too.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-01 09:39:00
United KingdomWhen to Arrive at Embassy for Interview??
I arrived at 8-35am for a 9am appointment, and I waited in the queue for security for about 45 minutes. The queue was about that long for an hour or so after that, then gradually got shorter. The Embassy do ask that you don't arrive more than half an hour before your time, but as far as I can tell, people are just seen in the order that they arrive inside the building (after security), and the time you are allocated doesn't directly control your interview time. Whether they would prevent him entering before 9-30, I don't know.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 14:55:00
United KingdomTax refund from UK income

They only give you a tax refund if you have worked less than 6 month in that tax year.

I have no idea why you would think that. It's not true. Almost anyone who worked less than a full year in the UK and was taxed through their employer under PAYE will be due a tax refund.

Edited by Owen_London, 14 October 2012 - 10:15 AM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-14 10:14:00
United KingdomMoving money from the US to the UK

Thanks for this. Had noticed a few threads about moving UK money to the US (and actually contributed to the thread you linked) but hadn't seen any for moving money the other way. Didn't think I could use the same company that I had used before (the Post Office), hence the question.



Sorry, I should have noticed that you're looking to take it the other way.

I just checked the HiFX signup page as an example, and it looks like you wouldn't be able to use it as a US resident, but you can use it as a UK resident to transfer USD to UKP. I'm not sure if the other companies will be the same.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-17 16:28:00
United KingdomMoving money from the US to the UK
This question pops up pretty often, so this is one of my previous replies:

The specialist currency transfer companies usually give better rates than transferring directly through your bank.

I opened accounts with, (looks like they also do the Post Office service linked above), Moneycorp and Currencies Direct.

For the amount of money I wanted to transfer, all four required scans of both ID (e.g. passport) and proof of UK address (e.g. recent utility bill) loaded to their secure website. XE's requirements wanted one of each; HiFX wanted one of each, and sent me a password in the post that I could type in on their website; Moneycorp wanted two forms of each ID, which was a problem as I don't have a photocard driving license. I did like that they talked through the possible future trends in the pound to dollar exchange rate with me though; Currencies Direct, I forget what they wanted. Some of the companies I didn't use have been trying to phone me every few days, though I think that's finally stopped.

In the end I used HiFX, as their rates were noticeably better than XE. I have no complaints.

Original thread here
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-17 08:48:00
United KingdomBest places to sell household items?
I had the British Heart Foundation come to collect my unwanted furniture, and they seem to cover much of the UK for furniture and electricals collections. They did take some of it, but the sofabed couldn't go as it had lost its fire label, and the boxes of books and crockery couldn't go as it wasn't in the booking. I'm not sure if that was my fault or theirs.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-17 16:13:00
United KingdomWe were approved!
Excellent, congratulations!
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 17:05:00
United KingdomRemoval Companies UK to USA

Hello Guys, has anyone ever heard of excess baggage removals company in the UK. i AM PLANNING ON USING THEM TO MOVE MY items to the US. Any tips/advice would be highly appreciated

Hi. Did you read the thread before posting that?

The only reason I ask is that Excess Baggage are mentioned by at least four different people. It's difficult to give you more advice than what's already in here. Have a read through, and if you have any specific questions, then ask.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 10:47:00
United KingdomRemoval Companies UK to USA

I have just booked with Excess Baggage, hoping they'll do a good service on my stuff too. I don't have much (6-7 boxes) mainly clothes, some books and some various personal effects. The only "big" thing is an overlocking sewing machine, which is almost new therefore I will get a proper converter once in US, rather then leaving it behind or sell it.

Do you know, since my shipment will be arriving from a week to few days earlier than I do, altho they say they'll try to get it there at about the same day I arrive, if my fiance' can clear customs for me? I will be sending my passport and visa copies along with docs to them. I read on this website,-gift the following:

"When you come to CBP to enter your goods, you must complete CBP Form 3299 Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles to give to the CBP Officer. If you cannot come to the CBP office yourself, you may designate a friend or relative to represent you in CBP matters. You must give that person a letter addressed to "Officer in Charge of CBP" authorizing that individual to represent you as your agent on a one-time basis to clear your shipment through CBP"

Does it mean that it is fine or will I need to pay for storage until I arrive to the US?

Your quote looks crystal clear to me. It's fine, providing you provide a letter written according to the CBP's instructions, and signed by you.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-12 06:50:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

This has worried me slightly, as we have mainly chatted using video calls through GMail. They don't have a log - just text chats do. So I won't be able to proove those. We have 100s of e-mails and text chats. Some of them fruity? When we doing them, I never thought they might be used as evidence! Maybe I'll print off the cleaner ones - if I can find them. However, we do have loads of photos including one on official one on the glass floor on the Skydeck at the Willis Tower. It's also available online at the Skydeck site. I just hope this is all enough. I'm due to go back for Christmas - maybe I'll bring back some of the cards I've given him over the past year.

That sounds amusingly like my list of evidence, even the Sears Tower photos (my fiance partly grew up in Chicago, so insists on calling it that). It should be enough evidence, but try to keep any envelopes with the dates franked on them for the cards.

Jacque, I'd suggest you take printouts of the emails, or at least the listing of emails between the two of you.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-30 08:19:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

Not an issue for London.

Did you really just reply to the thread title without even reading the first post?

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 05:01:00
United KingdomThe "Where can I get X in the USA" thread

I haven't seen back bacon anywhere. A friend told me she found some in the freezer case in a Fiesta store. There's a British Internet mail order store in the Woodlands called Goodwood's. It's not set up like a retail store, but you can pop in and buy anything off the shelf or from the freezer. They carry bacon. They do sales of 15% off everything pretty often as well as other markdowns. You can also do an online order and in the comments section say you will pick up locally. They deduct the shipping costs before charging your card. You also don't have to do the minimum frozen orders when it's not being shipped.

Yep, thanks. I think I might persuade my wife to buy some for my birthday.

Edited by Owen_London, 14 January 2013 - 10:30 AM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-14 10:30:00
United KingdomThe "Where can I get X in the USA" thread

We got Ribena in Kroger, but I can't remember if they had Orange Squash too.

For those in Texas with HEB, my husband likes the HEB brand cheese called Artisan Cheddar found in the deli section of bigger stores. It's the best substitute for real English cheddar he's found and more affordable than imports. Second best is Boar's Head Black Wax Cheddar found in many stores with deli sections. We tasted every cheddar at Kroger one day. Seriously! It wasn't very busy and the deli manager was super nice.

I agree HEB is good. We have two pretty large HEB Markets near us, on 290 in northwest Houston, and they have a good international aisle. The only thing we've actually bought from the British section is Bird's Custard, but they have good quality tea elsewhere in the store, and their cheese is mostly good. That said, we also go to the Costco near Willowbrook Mall, and our preferred cheddar comes from there, plus we found some excellent sticky toffee pudding, which my wife liked so much that she made some herself for Thanksgiving.

I have still yet to find a normal grocery store selling back bacon, though.

Edited by Owen_London, 11 January 2013 - 10:53 AM.

Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-11 10:53:00
United KingdomTime between 221(g) reponse and receipt of visa

Hi guys!! my interview was done but have 221g form b'cos the CO wants to request w-2 and I-864A of MY co-sponsor(sister in law) Spouse which is my (brother in law)but my co sponsor which is my sister in law is in the above poverty guidelines why they need to request? please?

You need to start your own thread in the right place, I'm afraid. Advice given in the UK forum is not necessarily going to help you in the Philipines.
Owen_LondonMaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-18 10:13:00