US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSo, yeah. I'm Pretty Depressed
[quote name='2Complicated' timestamp='1308268143' post='4727613']
So my fiance had his second "interview" today. He was denied. He was given several forms. Some included E601, G325A, and OF221. He was told we'd have to pay a fee of $545. They kept All of his paperwork (even the copies). They still have his passport too. I already contacted the Congressman. I can't believe this. I'm not going to give up.
Sorry. I am in the same boat. My finace's visa was denied this week too from Morocco. I have been heartbroken this entire week. Did you file for the K1 visa twice or did he have two interviews? Why was he denied the first time?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS K1 Review
My interview date was June 13 the letter arrived last week. I was thinking the same thing about frontloading the petition and sending addtitional information to the USCIS in the event that they may look it over. How did your friend get them to review the case?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS K1 Review
I just received a letter from USCIS stating they are reviewing my K1 visa (Morocco). I was under the impression they always let the K1 expire and rarely if ever review them . Has this happened to anyone or does anyone know of any cases such as this?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-23 11:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMail to Morocco from US
I sent 2 packages via Fed Ex to Morocco and he received both. I can tell you that it cost alot of money. First I sent the Rosetta Stone and that cost $300.00 then I sent paperwork and that cost $125.00. But he did receive both. He lives in Settat but I sent it to Casablanca and he had to pick it up. If you have the money then FED EX otherwise forget it.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 05:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHeart broken, case returned to USA after 2 interviews

Live in Morroco for awhile. Get drunk and locked up in the local drunk tank as often as you can, and then call US Citizens Assistance service at the Embassy to come get you out. After about 2-3 months of getting up at 3am to go get you out, they will be happy to approve his VISA just to get rid of you :)

Hahah. That's hysterical.I love your thinking. That's the route I will go if Casablanca never approves my finace's visa. Love your sense of humor.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 21:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

A few questions for you:

I am not an expert, but what you said about Italy makes my ears perk up. Was he able to get police and court records from Italy for the interview even if he wasn't a documented resident? That could have been a red flag, though I'm not sure... the idea that he might not have been there legally.

Is there any way to pause your job or take 6 months or a so from your jobs and live over in Morocco with him? Several of us K1 petitioners who were successful have lived in Morocco; this obviously strengthens the case immensely.

Did you frontload your petition?

DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-08-14 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
Do you think this timeline would work if I went to Morocco for 1 week in July to spend time with Cherkaoui and then went back in September or October for 3 weeks to get married and did it in a 90 time period like you said? I will take your advice about not filling another Finace visa and go the marriage route. From what I have been reading it seems Casablanca denies both types of visas if the Petitioner doesn't spend time with the applicantas evidence from yesterdays post for the K3 getting denied twice. It might help for me to make several trips to Morocco before we marry it will give Cherkaoui time to learn English. Thanks for the information on the "testing of the relationship" and % it makes sense and I do intend to "prove them wrong. No about Italy. He was not a resident. We already tried the Italy route when I went back there to visit him. He left Italy to go back to Morocco knowing he could never return to Italy so that we could be together. Thanks for your replies.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-18 11:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
He was interviewed by 5 people total. 4 of them spoke English and French. Only 1 of them spoke some Arabic and Moroccon Arabic is different from Arabic and he could not translate very well for Cherkaoui. I will get the list from Cherkaoui. I think I will make 2 trips to Morocco and start the paperwork for marriage the first trip. And then go back again the second trip for marriage. That gives him time to learn English and more time for us to spend together to solidify our relationship. Cherkaoui is under the impression the paperwork is coming back to the US and they are going to reinterview me. He told me this information was given to him from someone that works in the consulate.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 14:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
Thanks for your reply. The reason I petitioned him so quickly is because of my age. We want to have children and time is limited in our case and niether of us have been previously married or children. You raise a great point about pregnancy. You also raise another valid point about religious differences not being an issue in the US but more so in the Middle East. Cherkaoui has lived in Italy for over 18 years total so he has adopted more of the European customs than the middle eastern customs. The OC's dont understand that. And he could have married in Italy for citizenship with various women but would never marry for that purpose. Only love and the OC's dont understand that either because he couldn't communicate any of that to them. You are right about educating myself on the Casablanca consulate and spending more time with him in Morocco. I will patiently wait for the email response for the denial and questions. Thanks again for your time.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 11:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
I wouldn't go off on you about religion. I didn't think that it would matter until you just brought it up. I have never been married and neither has he. Therefore, no divorces on either side. I am not muslim. I am waiting for a response via email from the Moroccon Consulate regarding the questions and denial. They will not give me that information over the phone. Obviously there really isn't an appeal process for a denial of the k1 visa. Either resubmit a new one or marriage. Would a immigration attorney help?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 10:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
I think the CO's decisions are arbitrary. My friend's friend from Morocco just got approved for a K1 finace visa in Morocco from a women he met online from Ohio. She never even met him in person until 1 week before the interview. They spent absolutely no time together and he was approved. The time together doesn't matter if it did they should have been denied. They met on the internet we met in person. They were approved. I was denied. She went to the interview. I didn't. I think I made the fatal mistake of not being there.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 10:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
We spent the three weeks when I initially met him in May and then I flew back to Rome for 10days in October. Then his interview was June. I was deciding if I should go to Morocco next week and try to speak to the consulate before they send the paperwork back. Or get my paperwork together to get married in a couple of weeks and then reapply for the k3. I am getting different responses.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 10:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

Of course not. I don't know anything about their actual relationship except what is posted here. I said their case fits a profile that is often denied for the reason they were given. At least one party to any denial is almost always certain the denial was not justified. Sometimes that party is a victim of fraud themselves and sometimes the denial is unjustified. A profile is a profile. It doesn't help to try to read extra things into what's said here. The solution to the OP's problem will be to provide the kind of evidence of bona fides that gets the desired result. In this kind of case, that evidence usually includes a marriage certificate, several months living together as a married couple and a new spouse visa process.

My Question is do we have a better chance of getting approved if I get Married in Morocco or appeal the finace visa or refile the fiance visa. I have a serious career that will not allow me to move to Morocco for 3 months. I could go to Morocco for 2 weeks max at a time. I am District Manager and cannot leave for 3 months. By the way we fell in love on a train in Rome and have not gone one day without speaking to each other on skype or the telephone. It is genuine and I'm heartbroken and so is he.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 10:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

You are saying that their relationship is fraudulent?

This is not fraudulent. We met on a train in Rome and fell in love. We did not meet on the internet. It is probably the most genuine relationship that there is. We talk everyday. I am trying to figure out how to put our profile picture up.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

Being married doesn't prove a relationship automatically. The fact that it takes so ling to get married there creates a visit that is longer than many employed people can afford and that visit creates more evidence of a relationship. Many people that are dealing with rule heavy countried will travel to a 3rd one to get married. It adds to the hassle of document collection a bit but may work with your timeline. Some CO's are very difficult and will decide that they are going to deny no matter what proof of a relationship you have. Our first K1 interview was a good example of that but the second K1 went well even with the then notoruious Asian lady of Lagos. If they return the petition and you reapply for another K1 and that gets approved they have reivewed the reason for denial and the second one is basically a reaffirmed first petition. This in some ways is stronger than the CR1 that acts like a whole new path.

Being married doesn't prove a relationship automatically. The fact that it takes so ling to get married there creates a visit that is longer than many employed people can afford and that visit creates more evidence of a relationship. Many people that are dealing with rule heavy countried will travel to a 3rd one to get married. It adds to the hassle of document collection a bit but may work with your timeline. Some CO's are very difficult and will decide that they are going to deny no matter what proof of a relationship you have. Our first K1 interview was a good example of that but the second K1 went well even with the then notoruious Asian lady of Lagos. If they return the petition and you reapply for another K1 and that gets approved they have reivewed the reason for denial and the second one is basically a reaffirmed first petition. This in some ways is stronger than the CR1 that acts like a whole new path.

You could be right. The problem is his petition is only valid until 08/03/11 and the paperwork may not come back to USCIS in time. Do I need to reapply for a whole new K1 or is there an appeal process for the denied first one?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 08:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

Giving up on the K-1 Visa will be like throwing away the chance to make it right.
What were the questions the CO asked your fiancee that he wasnt able to provide
Do you think it could be the age difference
or the Religion Difference

I believe a call to the embassy and asking to speak to the CO that interviewed your man would make a change.You dont need fly down.I have seen such move work in Nigeria,all you need do is prove the genuiety of your love

I call the embassy everyday and they refuse to let me speak to the CO. They won't tell me the questions all the questions or the reasons but did say he does not speak English. He speaks Italian, French, Arabic we communicate through Italian. I guess they don't believe that. It could be the age difference but I look really young and neither of us have ever been married or have children and we want to start a family.I emailed the consulate and am waiting for a response as to why the denial. I have travelled to Italy to see him twice. The problem is his petition is only valid until 08/03/2011 and by the time the Casablance Consulate sends the paperwork back to USCIS for review it could be expired.I don't know if I should go there and get married or wait and try what you say.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 08:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
Thanks. Its so sad. I have been crying for 2 days. It is a true love story. We fell in love on a train in Rome and it was love at first sight! Neither of us have ever been married or have children and we just want to be together. He gave up his life in Italy to go to Morocco for the visa so we could be together.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 08:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

I highly doubt the consulate would let you in. If you go, go during citizen service hours and ask to speak to Nahal Kazemi. They won't let you have your own paperwork, that's a certainty. They will tell you the papers are gone already, though you know they're probably sitting in an office in there. I believe they wait until they have a stack of denials to send off before they DHL them. Usually takes 6 weeks to 2 months for USCIS to receive them. And they will most likely let the case expire before it is reviewed.

A better plan for your trip to Morocco is to get married. Get fingerprinted for your police record now, and when it arrives, gather your stuff and head over there for a while. It takes a couple weeks to get married in Morocco.

Then file a CR-1. That's your best option right now.

Good luck

Thanks for your response. Do you have any other advice or options? Can I email and try to request a review of my case in person at the office before they send the paperwork back?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-16 14:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

yes, I am going over for our interview. I know I can not be inside when they quesiton him but If any troubel I will ask to see CO. My lawyer has sent email saying I will be there. If you go thru Marriage, make sure you can be there for the next interview.
best of luck to you.

The consensus seems to be to go over there and get married. I am going to get fingerprinted to get my police record tomorrow. I cannot stay in Morocco more then 2 weeks because of my job. What documents should I send him to get translated? And how many copies? What else can I do to save time? Do I have to get the tax returns and employment check stubs translated? Good Luck to you too!
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-16 14:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular

My recommendation in your case would be to strengthen your case and re-apply instead of fighting for K1. From what I read Morocco is a very tough consulate due to large number of fraud. What I would do is:
1) Abandon K1
2) Go to Morocoo and get married and live with your wife for at least 3 month there. Take lots of pictures and make sure that you are registered on the lease, etc.
3) Re-apply for CR1 after living there for at least 3 month
4) Come for interview

In order to provide better recommendations can you answer questions:
1) How did you meet?
2) What is your age difference
3) How many times did you meet and for how long?

We met in Italy when I was travelling on vacation. I am female and 41. He is male and 31. I visited him twice in Italy. He is a moroccon citizen living in Italy. He left Italy so we could work on the visa. Do we have a better chance of just getting married in Morocco? I am so heartbroken and so is he. He left his life in Italy so we could be together without a chance for him to get back to Italy.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-16 13:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
My finance's interview was Monday and the K1 Visa was denied. I was unable to attend the interview was obviously a huge mistake. The paperwork is still at the office in Casablanca. All paperwork was complete the reason was they don't believe legitimacey of the relationship even though we have 100's of pictures of us together. Does anybody know if they consular office would see me or talk to me or let me Fed ex all of the paperwork back to the USCIS if were to fly to Morocco next week? Has anybody ever tried to plead a case by showing up unexpectedly? I was told it could be 8 weeks till the paperwork returns to the USCIS.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-16 12:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhich is better k-3 or CRN-1 spousal?
Courtney have you ever met your booyfriend before December? Just curious do you plan on marrying a man you never met in person? If this is your first trip to Morocco and you plan on marrying without any other meetings previously then I would not suggest it. Getting married on your first initial meeting is a huge "red flag" in Morocco. Alot of the women that I know that married on there first visit were denied the marriage visa and they have to go through an appeal process that takes years.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 05:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRefiling of K1 in Morocco
Ok. So is a waiver a written statement I should include. Are there instructions anywhere regarding the waiver?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRefiling of K1 in Morocco

I agree with this info.

USCIS will let know the OP that the petition is expired and will be able to file another one. It is advisable to know the reason of the denial of the first one. However, there is no reason to wait to for the USCIS. The cover page should have to be very explanatory about the previous one. And don’t forget the waiver letter too.

Good Luck

What is the waiver letter I should include
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRefiling of K1 in Morocco
I was wondering if anybody refiled a K1 in Morocco a second time and how long it took from filing to the interview? Will the timeframe be shorter since they already have the original information and do you include all of the information from the first K1 filing or all new paperwork?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-03 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 , HOW DOSE IT WORK ?
You have to meet before you apply. Morocco is the toughest country to get visa's approved. You would be wasting your time, money and energy. Unfortunately your only option is to wait to meet her.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 05:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Here or there? (embassy & k-1 questions)
WEhat if the individual moves to another country without documentation? I would assume then you cannot file.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-10-01 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Here or there? (embassy & k-1 questions)
I'm not sure about that. If he is a citizen in Morocco I believe you have to file in Morocco otherwise everybody would randomly file from anywhere.
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-09-28 05:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressecond interview k-1
Did your fiance/husband get called for a 2nd interview? I've heard that a few times in Casablanca andit usually turned out to be in the petitioner's favor. Was a letter sent of a phone call?
DonnaMarieFemaleMorocco2011-10-01 12:02:00