IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help, I don't understand
QUOTE (Omoba @ Sep 15 2007, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would contact a senator / congressman for clarification of the case status. You need to know where the petition is before you
can plan your next move.
Keep calling DOS, you may get another agent telling you something different.
I would also email the embassy, have something in writing that you are eager to continue with the case processing and anxious to start
your life with your husband here.
In my opinion it sounds like some kind of background or security check to me and it does not sound like it is back in the US.

I wrote to the Embassy and they told me my case is in administrative processing. I received word on this last week. Also, I called DOS and they told me the case is not in the USA but with the embassy. So I suppose you may be right it is going through its checks, although the time waiting which is 5 months next week seems like a long time to be going through security checks, but what do I know? I am new to all of this. Thanks for the help!
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-09-24 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help, I don't understand
What do you mean with revocation of denial? Are you saying that the case now will be denied? I did check with an attorney and was told they could do nothing until I get a decision on the case. When you say long time are you talking years?

Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-09-15 19:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help, I don't understand
I'm new to the forum and don't know much about immigration, but one thing I do know is I need help big time. My husband is from Tanzania and works in the middle east. He had his interview 5 months ago and we have been in administrative processing since then. In the meantime, we had a big arguement and I withdrew the petition over the phone. Well, I had a change of heart the very next day and called them back and said I was under so much stress from all of this waiting around and that I didn't want to withdraw my petition after all and they said alright, since I didn't ask for the withdrawl in writing and put the application back wherever they normally put it for processing. I called the Department of State today and they told me they could see where I had withdrew the application and changed my mind but they now say it is at DHS for review. What in the heck does that mean? I asked them whether it is back in the USA for DHS to look at and they said no, but it is in DHS review somewhere, and where they don't know, they said it could be in Turkey, Islamabad. They had no answers for me. Does anyone know what DHS review is and how long does all of this waiting take? Could this go on for years?
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-09-13 08:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOut of Immigration Hell, Visa on the way!!!!!!
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Oct 2 2007, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

If it has been 15 months how close to second wedding anniversary are you? If you are past that milestone before entering the USA, then you truly will be out of immigration hell.

A person entering on an (IR-1) visa gets unconditional 10 year green card. Or if 2nd wedding anniversary happens between (CR-1) visa issuance and entry to the USA, show the marriage cert to the POE officer, and the officer should code you for the 10 year card.

If less than 2 years married upon entry then your immigrations project wont be over until you lift conditions on the conditional greencard.

Thanks YuandDan,
My husband will be here before our second anniversary. I know about lifting conditions and that the process is not completely over however, I don't mind the wait on the lifting of conditions, my husband will be here in the USA with me which makes a BIG difference to me because we have been apart from each other for 15months, waiting for the lifting of conditions together is a heck of a lot better then being apart smile.gif
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-10-03 08:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOut of Immigration Hell, Visa on the way!!!!!!
I will have to change my name, no longer are we in immigration hell kicking.gif kicking.gif My husband called me this morning and said the Embassy called him and told him he could pick up his passport with the visa in it. My husband will pick his passport and visa tomorrow!!! It has been 15 months and 5 of those months has been in AP. Although I am new to the forum, thanks everyone for your best wishes in advance. It's great to know there is a place to go when you want to ask questions, vent or talk in general. For all of you that are still in AP know that it will eventually end. I don't believe I will truly believe it is over until he has the visa in hand tomorrow, so all of those who believe in prayer, please pray that all goes smoothly when he picks his visa up tomorrow.

Immigration hell is about to end! good.gif
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-10-02 12:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa granted now what?
QUOTE (Haole @ Oct 5 2007, 12:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Immigration Hell @ Oct 4 2007, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, I know this may sound stupid but I have been looking all over the USCIS website to find out information once the visa is granted and what happens next but I can't find information on the website. Yes I know he needs to make reservations to join me here in the USA, but I wonder what should he expect? When will his green card be issued? Will the officer at the port of entry try to keep him out of the USA? Any help or even if you can tell me where to find this information would be appreciated.

He should get his GC and SS card [If he checked the box on DS 230 for SSN.] in the mail in 2 to 4 weeks after arrival.
After that ! Kick back!
If he is CR he will have to apply to remove conditions 21 months from date on GC.
If IR he will get a 10 year GC and the next step [3 years] will be to apply for USC if ha wants to.

Thanks for the info! I have another question. He is a CR, when does the clock begin for him to apply for his USC, is it after the conditions have been lifted and the clock starts then for USC or does the clock start for USC when he is granted his GC?

Thanks again for the help smile.gif
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-10-05 11:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa granted now what?
Okay, I know this may sound stupid but I have been looking all over the USCIS website to find out information once the visa is granted and what happens next but I can't find information on the website. Yes I know he needs to make reservations to join me here in the USA, but I wonder what should he expect? When will his green card be issued? Will the officer at the port of entry try to keep him out of the USA? Any help or even if you can tell me where to find this information would be appreciated.

Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-10-04 23:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFriend of mine gave up her journey
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 1 2007, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Immigration Hell @ Oct 1 2007, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chaingang @ Sep 29 2007, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ding @ Sep 28 2007, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Immigration Hell @ Sep 25 2007, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today I got some sad news, a dear friend of mine who has been going through this visa process has decided to give up the journey. I couldn't believe it. She told me her and her husband has agreed to go there seperate ways because she's tired of waiting for a visa to be issued to her husband. She told me this could go on forever and she is not willing to go on like this indefinitely. She has been waiting for two years. I was so sorry to hear this news. I'm wondering does this happen quite a bit during the visa wait??? I can't seem to wrap my brain around this process causing the divorce of two wonderful people. Any thoughts anyone?

Is this America? Aren't we allowed to marry who we want in pusuit of happiness? I mean 2 years if PROOF of a real relationship. Aaaargh!

Sorry, just a rant in sympathy with people stuck in limbo with a dire choice to make.

well sorry to say both of them are cowards, this is the test of true love, i am denied underscection 221(g) and its my 4th year i am stuck in this hell process, but i dont give a damn on it any more , there is one problem that is going on with everyone that we are thinking about it alot, if we dont think that much about it , it wont stress us , i dont think that much about it , i am taking it as day to day routine life, i talk to my wife daily , on internet , phone , we talk and we understand each other really alot, we are use to this problem and we have made decesion either it take more 4 years or 400 years, this give up wont come up , let them do whatever they can , as kim said here that u have to wait for 6 months for interivew of ir1/cr1 visa and thats true i waited for 6 damn months and got denied, it happens, but i fought back didnt loose courage, and one thing more by loosing courage wat in the hell one can get, nothing at all , its better to fight and if one can survive this pain , then he/she can go through any opstical,
determination, patience, is key to success in this b*t*c*h process

Hmmm, I don't agree with that statement. I do believe each person is different and the circumstances in each case is different. Since I am new on here I don't know much about how long people wait to be together, but 4 yrs that you
have been waiting is extremely long to me and being denied at that must be truly painful, I do believe you are in the minority as far as sticking it out past the 4yrs after being denied. I have read some postings on here where people have been denied and went with a plan B to be together in another country if their circumstances has allowed it. I have also read where people have said if they had been denied then they would have to go there separate ways because their circumstances does not allow for them to be together in another country. I don't believe the issue is as black as white as it seems. One last thing which I know will probably upset a lot of people on here, I wonder how many people who have been in long waits such as years end up going outside of their marriage while they are waiting??? I dare to say more people then we know, because most people won't admit to infidelity. My thoughts only...I'm waiting for the arrows to come by way smile.gif

i will say once again , thats its my 4th year being denied and trust me i am not stress, nor i will let my self my stress, if i am getting visa or i am not getting visa thats another issue but i wont leave my wife for damn visa, hell no never, if i cant go to usa she can get here, i will say onething , that if some one dont get to usa it means the world is finished hell no , again i will say we shouldnt have to stuck up our head on onething that oh damn why i am not getting visa when i will go , this is ####### i wont take this stress any more , these thoughts will mess up everything and lets be honest, one onething even u say f***k it , i am giving up , so what, still it wont slove the problem u will be stuck up in same place, time will go on , time wont stop it self, when we know the outcome why would give up hell no never ever, i will fight till to the last bullet till the to last drop of my blood, no one can stress me or no one can make me to give up , even bush tells me , u cant get visa , i will say f****k u , if u wont give me visa , i dont care my wife is going to be with me, this is what all matters to me ,

talking about divorce , give up , these are all cowards in my point of view sorry to say but this is the truth, and i will ask those guys and girls who married , that DID THEY MARRY WITH VISA OR WITH THEIR SPOUSE? this is selfish attitude, it shouldnt be like this, one last thing i will say that
its easy to say i do , but it is damn difficult to stand up on those words, its easy to get married but sustaining the marriage is damn difficult, no deny,
MY advice once again dont give up , and work hard God will help you , i have faith on it that Allah will listen , coz i know that PRAYERS CAN BE DELAYED BUT CANT BE DENIED.

For someone who is not stressed it sure seems that way. I could hardly understand the point you were making through all the choice of four letter words you chose to use to get your point across. In case you didn't get my point I will stress it again, I don't agree with you about being a coward because I think each person's case is different. I for sure don't know all the circumstances in my friend's case other then she can not go to live in her husband's country and he can't come here for now. Maybe she doesn't have the make up of a person who can wait indefinitely and I know she doesn't have the money to visit him every year, not everyone is the same. Coward or not, it boils down to this, it is too bad that a process puts so much strain on a marriage. Glad to know you are not stressed out in your journey, unfortunately not everyone has the patience or belief that you do, but then that's what make the world go around...different people.
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-10-01 13:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFriend of mine gave up her journey
QUOTE (chaingang @ Sep 29 2007, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ding @ Sep 28 2007, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Immigration Hell @ Sep 25 2007, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today I got some sad news, a dear friend of mine who has been going through this visa process has decided to give up the journey. I couldn't believe it. She told me her and her husband has agreed to go there seperate ways because she's tired of waiting for a visa to be issued to her husband. She told me this could go on forever and she is not willing to go on like this indefinitely. She has been waiting for two years. I was so sorry to hear this news. I'm wondering does this happen quite a bit during the visa wait??? I can't seem to wrap my brain around this process causing the divorce of two wonderful people. Any thoughts anyone?

Is this America? Aren't we allowed to marry who we want in pusuit of happiness? I mean 2 years if PROOF of a real relationship. Aaaargh!

Sorry, just a rant in sympathy with people stuck in limbo with a dire choice to make.

well sorry to say both of them are cowards, this is the test of true love, i am denied underscection 221(g) and its my 4th year i am stuck in this hell process, but i dont give a damn on it any more , there is one problem that is going on with everyone that we are thinking about it alot, if we dont think that much about it , it wont stress us , i dont think that much about it , i am taking it as day to day routine life, i talk to my wife daily , on internet , phone , we talk and we understand each other really alot, we are use to this problem and we have made decesion either it take more 4 years or 400 years, this give up wont come up , let them do whatever they can , as kim said here that u have to wait for 6 months for interivew of ir1/cr1 visa and thats true i waited for 6 damn months and got denied, it happens, but i fought back didnt loose courage, and one thing more by loosing courage wat in the hell one can get, nothing at all , its better to fight and if one can survive this pain , then he/she can go through any opstical,
determination, patience, is key to success in this b*t*c*h process

Hmmm, I don't agree with that statement. I do believe each person is different and the circumstances in each case is different. Since I am new on here I don't know much about how long people wait to be together, but 4 yrs that you have been waiting is extremely long to me and being denied at that must be truly painful, I do believe you are in the minority as far as sticking it out past the 4yrs after being denied. I have read some postings on here where people have been denied and went with a plan B to be together in another country if their circumstances has allowed it. I have also read where people have said if they had been denied then they would have to go there separate ways because their circumstances does not allow for them to be together in another country. I don't believe the issue is as black as white as it seems. One last thing which I know will probably upset a lot of people on here, I wonder how many people who have been in long waits such as years end up going outside of their marriage while they are waiting??? I dare to say more people then we know, because most people won't admit to infidelity. My thoughts only...I'm waiting for the arrows to come by way smile.gif
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-10-01 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFriend of mine gave up her journey
QUOTE (severinep @ Sep 27 2007, 03:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If she divorces her husband, she will just prove the visa services that her husband didn't deserve a visa.
I don't think you can divorce over this or that means they had other problems in their relationship that you are not aware of.

She should ask her husband to try the Green card lottery (if he is elligible).

And I have another question: what happened at the embassy? He had an interview, they said he would get the visa within a month and then nothing? She might be hiding the truth there.

You wanted to know what happened at the embassy, well the visa was not issued and they are in administrative processing. From what I understand this is not unusual, that checks have to be made and especially since he is a Muslim male. It's a known fact that since 9/11 Muslim men between certain ages are going through extra checks and if they are from certain countries they are scrutinized even more so. There is no reason for her to lie about that. She is suffering. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks concerning what she can divorce over because each person is different. If the wait is too much for her perhaps she is not cut out to have her life put on hold indefinitely. Since she can't join him in his country then things don't look good for them. Time will tell if she sticks with her decision or not. As for other problems between the two of them, I think everyone has their problems but I have never been curious to get into her personal business, so I can't answer that one, and to tell you the truth I don't think it's my business or anyone else's. I know from reading other people's posts that this process takes a lot out of people and I don't know why it is so hard to believe that the process can take a toll on a marriage. Even I have my moments of saying I didn't marry to be apart from my husband and yet here I am day in and day out married and without my husband. All I can do is listen and hope things will work out for them both but if it doesn't I will still think she is a teriffic person because she is.
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-09-27 12:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFriend of mine gave up her journey
QUOTE (questworldz @ Sep 26 2007, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sheesh, all these hassles seem to be stemming from going the k-3/I-129f route. I am just glad I just plain got married and filed a straightaway I-130. No problems , no snags so far. God has been good to me and I pray he will continue to do so. I could manage 9 months. 12-18 months I'd go crazy and just say F*** IT and move to my wife and start all over where she is.

It's no guarantee that if you file an I-130 that everything will be smooth sailing. We filed an I-130 and my husband went through the interview with no problems and was even approved for a visa and we are sitting in administrative processing going on the 5th month since the interview.
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-09-27 11:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFriend of mine gave up her journey
After reading all the comments, some of you wanted more details. My friend is not in a position to move overseas to be with her husband. She has children that she must support with her income. Because her husband is a resident of a third world country he can not help her with her finances so her family is solely supported by her. So moving is out of the question. She is in administrative processing like a lot of us are. She did tell me that at one time she thought her husband would be joining her soon because he went to his interview and the Embassy took his passport to put a visa in it and told her husband that he should be receiving the visa within the month. Well, as you know that didn't happen and she is in administrative processing. It truly breaks my heart that this has happened to her. I am hoping that she is talking like this out of depression and just temporarily fed up with the situation. I am really scared for her because she sounds as though she really means that she is ending this whole situation. At this point she refuses to talk with me about it anymore when I brought the subject up to her today, so I didn't want to push. Seeing her like this is very discouraging to me because I am in the same process she is in. I just hope my wait doesn't drag out for two years or more. It's a crying shame that immigration seems to break up people instead of keeping them together.
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-09-25 21:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFriend of mine gave up her journey
Today I got some sad news, a dear friend of mine who has been going through this visa process has decided to give up the journey. I couldn't believe it. She told me her and her husband has agreed to go there seperate ways because she's tired of waiting for a visa to be issued to her husband. She told me this could go on forever and she is not willing to go on like this indefinitely. She has been waiting for two years. I was so sorry to hear this news. I'm wondering does this happen quite a bit during the visa wait??? I can't seem to wrap my brain around this process causing the divorce of two wonderful people. Any thoughts anyone?
Immigration HellFemaleTanzania2007-09-25 12:47:00