Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)For the Italians here: international shipping
Thanks very much for the information. :thumbs:
arwenFemaleItaly2011-09-03 15:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)For the Italians here: international shipping

Ciao Max,
JUst checking if you ever found out any information about relatively inexpensive shipping? I've heard, but yet to follow-up, that DHL in Italy has relatively inexpensive rates (note use of "relatively inexpensive"). I need to follow-up on that soon...
Please let me know if you hear of anything and I will do the same.

I went into one of those mail box places here in Milan and they ship boxes to the USA. They have boxes of various sizes you can buy there.The biggest costs 150 euros for 23 kg.Unfortunately, it is not exactly a huge box because they have to calculate the volume too. They use Fed- ex and it will arrive in about a week. The post office is not much cheaper I'm afraid, so I'm just taking only the things I really like and getting rid of the rest!
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-29 16:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)For the Italians here: international shipping
Hello, I am inquiring about the same thing. I too will have just a few boxes (maybe about 4) I went to the post office to ask how much it would cost to send my stuff and the guy told me that sending it by ship (20kgs) would cost 95 euros. To send by air (20kgs) 145 euros. If you find another alternative please let us know.
arwenFemaleItaly2011-07-24 06:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIn line for Interview

Hi guys, I have a question. Has anyone been placed in line for interview for almost a month and still dont have an appointment? I read in the other topic that after they send you a letter where they put you in line for the interview USCIS usually send the notice with the date of the interview short after that. I was placed in line for interview on the 7th of july, and still dont have an appointment. Any advice?

Hmmm, My case was different. I got an e.mail saying that Naples was processing my case and that I had to wait 7 working days and then I had to call them and make an appointment for my interview. My appointment date was a month later. I don't know about this being placed in line. :blink:
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-03 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSorry but I just don't get it
Lisa and John...I feel your pain , I really do! I am not happy to say the least as our receipt date is 19 August 2010 and we are still waiting for our NOA2. We filed at the California center just like you. This has really screwed up most of our plans because we were looking at a particular time frame as I was hoping to move out there before I'm actually going to be able to now due to this lateness.I have seen that here on visa journey there have been a few couples who filed after us and they have been approved already.while I am happy for these lucky people I am also deeply upset at the same time. I am a British citizen living in Italy and things move pretty slow here as a rule, so I'm expecting another long wait once we do get the ok. Apparently it'll probably take another two months to get the visa according to the timelines, but these timelines don't seem to be very reliable lately. I am feeling totally depressed and miserable :(

Edited by arwen, 02 February 2011 - 02:53 PM.

arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-02 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal Problems
Yes, yes, I think it is normal! I've had a few hysterical outbusts which have lead to some difficult moments to say the least. I've even had cold feet a couple of times. How I look at it, as well as all the stress of mounds of paper work and waiting, It has finally dawned on me that this is it. Things become more definite-offical once the paperwork is sent off. I'm leaving my whole life behind to start a new one and it scares the ####### out of me! I is not as if I have a bad life at the moment which would make things alot more easy if I did. I am starting to detach myself from things in my life here which is making the wait more difficult. It is kind of like living in limbo.I am giving up everything and if things go tits up.....Well, I'm in ###### street! I do not have any family to bail me out. Of course, I like to think that everything will be fine, but I do occasionally get hyjacked by the internal negative chatter. I then start making myself paranoid and take it out on him by nagging him. Luckily he knows what I'm like, so he lets me go on until I stop. :lol:
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-06 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsaugust filers
So, finally we got our Noa2 yesterday....bout bloody time! The rest of you should follow pretty soon.
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-09 04:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsaugust filers are not alone. We filed on the 19th of August and haven't heard anything after the noa1. I'm not impressed to say the least! :angry:
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-08 05:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved and ready to go!
Cool, congratulations! May I ask if they gave you your original birth certificate back? I only have my original copy all beautifully hand written. I have scanned both the long copy and the short copy and was hoping they would be satified with that, after me showing them the originals of course!
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-10 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2. where you go????
Unfortunately it takes bloody ages! I waited 5 and a half months for the NOA2, then another month for an appointment!! You will get there in the end...
arwenFemaleItaly2011-06-12 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow many times have you visited your fiance?
I've been to the States 6 times in 4 years. I spent two Christmas' there, both of which I stayed for a period of two weeks. Then 4 summers, all of which I stayed for a period of 2 months. I wanted to be absolutely sure! :D
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-10 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificates in italy
Both of my police certificates were 8 months old the day I handed them over and they were excepted with no problems at all! Certificato generale del casellario giudiziale is the one you need from Italy. You can fill it in on line and then go and pick it up about a week later.
arwenFemaleItaly2011-07-08 15:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDate on Police record
You do not need a NVC number in order to obtain a police certificate. Chances are that you'll have to wait another month for an interview date anyhow, so you have ample time.
arwenFemaleItaly2011-07-08 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello everyone!
Hello there! Wow, what a great site with so much helpful information. My name is Arwen and the reason I 'm here is that sooner or later my partner and I will be filing for the K1 Fiance visa. For now, I'm just starting to gather some information on how we are going to go about doing it. huh.gif It looks like a right grueling process!
I am a British citizen but have been living in Italy for the past 14 years and my partner is a US citizen. We met on line a year ago and I made my first journey to visit him just a few weeks ago. We spent three glorious weeks together and I've decided to go back to see him at Christmas.
I have read up on all the requirements and we seem to meet them all, the only thing that immigration could see as a problem is the fact that we have quite a large age gap. I'm 34 and he is 52 but we love eachother and I have reason to believe that we are going to take our relationship much further. He is just a normal everyday working guy, he is not rich, so immigration can not accuse me of wanting to marry him for his money! no0pb.gif
What do you lot think? Could it be a problem? Has anyone found themselves in a similar situation?
Many thanks for reading my post
Arwen smile.gif
arwenFemaleItaly2007-08-21 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello, I'd like to introduce myself...

DAng.. sorry i didn't check the flag properly.. ugh. i'm an idiot. Oh well. You still found it :D

Absolutely not! You were being helpful....and that's nice! :)
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-23 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello, I'd like to introduce myself...

You don't need to read the I-129F instructions if you aren't the one filing the petition. Don't worry about.. him... he gets his jollies off trying to make people feel stupid.

Your part is coming up though so you DO need to study the packet 3 stuff, the stuff for the visa (the petition you are right is the USC's part). There is a link above called "embassy info". Scroll to your embassy and hopefully it has listed what to expect once you receive NOA2 and eventually packet 3 (here: http://www.visajourn...rance&cty=Paris ). Have a look at your consulates website as well to see if they have anything there (I had a quick look and couldn't find anything really). Also post in the France consulate forum (here: http://www.visajourn...-uk-and-russia/ ) this thread would be helpful for you too: http://www.visajourn...merica-couples/

Good luck!

Thanks very much, that was very kind of you! I've already found the link to the Naples (Italy) consulate. I think I'll find some handy information there! :D
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-23 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello, I'd like to introduce myself...

Welcome to the madness!

Question about copies already well answered, but just wanted to point out that depending on your age and location as a child, it's quite possible that you've never been immunised for MMR. Also, if you've not been anywhere exotic or had any accidents in the past 10 years, the likelihood is that your TDaP is out of date.

Most UK or EU residents find that they need an MMR and TDap. Dunno how they charge for jabs in Italy, but usually if you wait 'til the Panel Physician decides if it's needed or not, you'll be paying private fees for them.

Search the forum for immunisation requirements and you should get a link to the current list posted on the relevant website.

Thankyou for prompt reply and extra information. My antibodies test resulted in me being immune to everything except Mumps. I've been told already that if there isn't a vaccine just for mumps I'll have to have the MMR. As for the TDAP...yep, that's a must! Last time I had one of those i was about 10! Hehehe
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-23 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello, I'd like to introduce myself...

Unless a "certified copy" is specifically requested, you send a "photocopy" sometimes a photocopy of a certified copy. Your question indicates you have not yet carefully studied the I-129F instructions. Doing so is critical to your ultimate success.

Hello there, to be honest I hadn't looked at the I-129F instuctions because I wasn't aware that I had to do anything. My partner sorted all that out because he is the US citizen and it was down to him to file for the visa. I'm sure he did an excellent job as he followed visajourney's step by step instructions! He made a complete copy of the packet for me which I have here in Italy. :)
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-23 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello, I'd like to introduce myself...
My name is Arwen and I've been lurking around in the background for quite some time now, mainly gathering useful information that I'm going to need very shortly ( I hope)
First of all, a great big thankyou to all you people who make this site what it is. You all are such a huge help to all those thousands of anxious, paranoid people out there who are sweating out the visa process. You are all very much appreciated :thumbs:
I am a British citizen who has been living in Italy for the past 19 years and finally after 4 years of doing the long distance thing my partner I have decided to take the plunge. Now, we are right at the beginning of our visa journey and to be honest I'm starting to feel very daunted by it all already. It all just seems soooooo overwhelming! We filed 19th of August and they received the packet and cashed the cheque. We are now just waiting..... In the meantime I have been preparing the documentation that I will need to take to my interview (when it happens) I have already obtained police certificates and I have an appointment for my vaccinations very soon. I was vaccinated as child, but the records got lost along the way, so I had an antibodies blood test done. I will take all this evidence with me to the medical examination and hopefully I will not need any further vaccinations.
Please allow me to ask a question, stupid as it may seem, but can someone please clarify the meaning of 'copies' of documents, ie police certificates/bith certificates/ Italian residency certificate. Does this mean photocopies or some kind of certified copy? I'm kicking myself now because when I sent off for my police certificates, I only asked for one copy, Duh! As for my birth certificate I have the orginals, both long and short with the beautiful cursive handwriting they used long ago. When you hand over these orginals, do they give them back when they are done with them? I'm a bit nervous of parting with orginal documents... I don't care about the police certificates, but I obviously do about my birth certificate....
So, will they accept photocopies? I will show them the originals at the interview.
Many thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to read and answer my post.
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-23 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am in need for some wise advice.

The issue is NOT the apartment or the job timing, the PROBLEM (as he quite clearly stated) is his dog travelling and how during May - Sept animals aren't allowed in the hold due to extreme temps.

He postulated that if everything goes according to current timelines, that he'll have his k1 by Feb... with 3 months notice for everything that takes him to May.. right at the start of the dog "no fly" period. If he gets approved in Feb and waits till the last minute to fly, Feb + 6 months is August.. still in the "dog no fly" period...


OP. You can still travel on the VWP after filing the K1. You will need to show strong ties to your country though to prove you're not trying to immigrate (have the K1 NOA1 will help show you're doing it the "right" way).

I also agree that you have maybe a couple of options.
1. Send the dog early to live with your fiancee
2. Send the dog AFTER you, and having him/her stay with the person s/he normally stays with

I personally think, if possible, option 2 is the best. You can organise the flight for the EARLIEST possible time and be there to collect your dog when the time comes and s/he doesn't have the trauma of staying with someone s/he doesn't know.

Great! You hit the nail on the head! :thumbs: I thought I was getting a little lost in translation for moment there :lol: Thanks very much for your advice, it is much appreciated. My fella and I are going to discuss it tomorrow and hopefully come with something!
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-29 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am in need for some wise advice.

I would wait until visa is in hand. You could stall the process a little more (to avoid the extreme temperature months) by letting there be a little bit of a lag before returning your paperwork and again when scheduling your interview. Also just a thought as I don't know how things work there but here if you had to give 3 months notice that means ATLEAST 3 months prior rather than having to be out in 3 months. For instance I have to give my landlord 30 days notice but I could actually tell her TODAY that I'm moving out April 30 and not incur a penalty or have to move out next month.

Unfortunately that is not an option. I have to give her three months notice, if I don't she has the right to keep my 3 months deposit money which is 2 grand and there is no way I'm having that. The same with my job, they could keep 3 months of my liquidation money, so it could proove rather expensive if I just walked out. I need all the cash I can get right now, so I'm doing everything by the book!
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-28 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am in need for some wise advice.

Would it be possible for you to bring your dog to your fiance in the US on a trip before your visa is granted? Or, your fiance could come visit you and bring the dog back to the US?
I'm not sure what the rules are ... if you have to show "ownership" of the dog for it to get on board... anyway, just a suggestion
It would mean you & the dog would be apart for a few months, but I assume you can do that, if you have been apart from your fiance for 4 years!

I did actually think about doing that even though I'd hate it because. She is used to me coming and going and by now knows that I always come back, but I always leave her with the same person. It would mean me leaving her with a person she didn't know, but seeing the situation is the way it is, it might be a better option. This leads me to another question, Am I allowed to travel on a visa waiver once I have the k1 or do I have to go before they give it to me? It would be great if I could take the dog to the states at Easter and then use my k1 a couple of months later when I'm all organized. That way we will be separated for 2 months only.
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-28 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am in need for some wise advice.
Hello there,
I find myself in a bit of a predicament and I really don't know what to do. I am a British citizen and I've been living in Italy for many years now. I have a good life and a good job which I thought would take me right up to retirement (if God spares me) How wrong was I! I met my American fella online 4 years ago and have been out to see him several times now for long periods of time. We filed for the k1 on the 19th August while I was there in the States with him. If the processing times are correct, immigration should be contacting me around January. By the time I have the medical and interview another month and a half will pass, which will lead me up to mid February. Now, my problem is that I am bound by contract for both my job and my flat. I have to give three months notice for both! This will lead me up to mid May before I can leave for the USA. My problem is that I will be taking my old pooch with me and according to my research, most airlines will not take animals in the hold after May the 15th through to the 15th September due to extreme temperatures. I will not take any chances at all, so I need to leave before that time.I love her dearly and am terrified for the flight as she is an old dog and has never flown before.
As you can see I am cutting it very fine regarding timing. I do not want it to be a mad rush during the couple of weeks leading up to my departure. I was thinking about handing my notice in at work and for the flat the first week in January just to make sure that I am ready for the first week in May. This is a huge risk as I don't know if they will give it to me yet, and if everything went tits up I would be up sh** creek big time. Jobless and homeless. My question to you is, statistically, what are the chances of me being refused the visa? I personally can't see why they would. I have never been in trouble with the police and neither has he. I have no health problems, we love each other and have been together for four years. What do you think? Am I crazy? Please Discuss :)
arwenFemaleItaly2010-11-28 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease helpj
You need to do a disappearing act right now! This means cutting ties with him completely...having nothing to do with him! This guy is a bully and thank God you found out in time. If he is treating you badly now..imagine what he could be capable of further on down the line! I'm not an expert, but I don't think he could have a negative impact on you getting your student visa. It would have been a different story had it been a fiance visa. He is probably just being an ars.... to frighten you. You can even tell him you've changed your mind and won't be coming to the States at all. How is he going to find out? Get out while you can! Good luck..

Edited by arwen, 01 January 2011 - 08:12 AM.

arwenFemaleItaly2011-01-01 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 F petition approved!
That's great news! Congratulations! I'm hoping that our NOA2 won't be long now seeing that we filed a week before you in California. :D
arwenFemaleItaly2011-01-25 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Long Does This Really Take???

yea but were you processed at California or Vermont?

California! I'm hoping to hear something from them anytime soon. I just need to get on with organizing my life! Where did you file?
arwenFemaleItaly2011-01-27 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Long Does This Really Take???
How long doe it take?? Bloody ages!! We filed August 19th and we're still waiting for NOA2. I have seen that someone who filed after us has already been approved, so I don't know what's going on there! Looking back in all the old forums, it looks like it used to take much less time. I guess we filed at the wrong time, so we're just gonna have to sweat the wait out! :blink:
arwenFemaleItaly2011-01-26 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need to show engagement ring for the CO interview?
I don't think that should be an issue!I do not have an engagement ring and nor do I wish to have one. Just a plain bog standard wedding band on the day we get married will do me. Personally, I see it as a waste of money.I would rather keep our money to do something nice together. We will not be inviting anybody to the wedding either. It's just going to be me and him....oh and the dog of course! :lol:
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-06 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview
I am not taking sides!. I don't think you realise how abrupt you come across in your posts. Go back and read them! I am not the only one who has noticed! You can be irritated all you like...what do I care? If you carry on with this attitude of yours, you'll be lucky if anyone even bothers to answer you the next time you ask a question. I will leave it at that!
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-04 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview

I am not being rude in anyway. I get frustrated when people try to tell you something they know little or nothing about without checking facts.If you read my posts very well i said i am appealing to people to not say anything if they don't have experiences or know for a fact what they are advising people on. Read his post and you will see where he said he can quote a law as if he was sure and i was lying so that's why i said people should read very well b4 jumping on any posts and if he wanted to know more he could have just asked the facts and details about my case even though i had attached a previous thread to make people understand what this is all about.

Well,obviously your frustration becomes rudeness then! Jim has contributed an enormous amount of good, useful information to this website FREE of charge and in his own FREE time. You are the one who is jumping on posts now! If you are not satisfied with the information here-look elsewhere! Sometimes mistakes are made. Like Jim said, we are not lawyers. Everybody contributes what they can to make this website what it is and if you are more informed on a certain matter-share it by all means, but in a non criticizing manner!
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-04 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstaying time in home country

hi: i just called the USCIS, the top representative told me it's 4 months from the interview approval!

Really?? This is the first time I've ever heard it being valid for four months!!! I have read hundreds of forums and all of them say 6 months. I really need to know as this is vital to my time line. :blink:
arwenFemaleItaly2011-02-10 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTomorrow morning

I have my interview at the London Embassy tomorrow for my K1. Absolutely petrified but not sleeping so relieved the day is here. We realised 3 weeks ago that my fiance, as she was still a student, did not meet the financial requirements so her dad has filled out an I-134 form as well as her and I have his tax returns and bank statements for the previous 3 years. I also have a letter and bank statement from my Mum committing to pay me £500 per month until I am able to work, so blessed to have great family support.

Any final advice/tips for me. Feel like this is the biggest day in my life.

It's a piece of'll walk it! :)
arwenFemaleItaly2011-07-19 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 / Question about Letter of Intent
You need two seperate letters of intent, one from you and one from your fiance for the I-129 f. The template you are using is correct. Nearer the time of your interview when the petitioner will have to send you all the original documents from the I-129F he/she will need to send another more recent letter of intent as a lot of things can happen during those 6/7 months before your interview.They will probably not ask for it, but it is a requirement.
arwenFemaleItaly2011-07-31 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmedical can be done in one day?
In Italy, 3 hours :)
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-02 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP - THE ENVELOPE
Stop being so paranoid! :D I'm sure you will be fine! It is quite obvious it is just a slight tear and that you have not been tampering with the envelope's contents. You would not be able to smuggle out or in one of the forms through a hole that small (it is this immigration is worried about) So calm down and forget about it. If they ask you about it, tell them. Simple as that! :)
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-02 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIgor's list how reliable?
I personally would not obsess....
Everything will happen in it's own time. Just go with the flow. I do not believe any of these lists to be acurate. I waited 7 months for my NOA2.
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-03 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical result at POE
I was under the impression that you keep your medical results for you AOS. I too needed a copy of my vaccination records, so after my interview I explained to lady at the consulate that the day before the doctor had told me that they would open my envelope at the consulate take what they needed and give me the vaccination records.( I was told by the doctor not to open the envelope)
The lady sort of rolled her eyes and took the envelope off me, ripped it open gave me my vaccination records and then handed the envelope back to me. :blink: 'Ermmm, aren't you supposed to keep that? ' I asked.' Ummm, no-I don't want it' she said. I think that they may have copies of our medical results in the famous DO NOT OPEN envelope. I'm just going to photocopy my vaccination records and close the evelope the best way I can and if they say anything, I will explain what happened.
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-15 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa
Sonia, You and your fiance are quite capable of doing it all by yourselves. You do not need a lawyer if you have a clean slate. It seems a lot more difficult than it actually is. It is quite straight forward and we had no problems at all! You need to wait patiently and there are a lot of forms to fill in. There is everything you need to know right here on this site. Step by step instructions for the K1. You will just have to pay the required fees which in our case was 400 dollars for packet number one, 269 euros for packet 3. 150 dollars for Fed ex (when he sent me all the original documents) 160 euros for medical exam.
300 euros for 3 days in Napoli to attend my interview. (all interviews are held in Napoli)
Ciao, Arwen :)
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-04 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

yes is B2 ..and I agree , i think I will to go through this way ( K1 ) , even if when I enter in USA , was not with the intention to get married .But you reason can be not so easy to explain .

thanks Sonia

I know... I would hate you to encounter any problems further on down the road, but I then again I don't know much about the B2 visa, so I can't comment on that. If you need any help regarding the K1 don't hesistate to ask...capisco Italiano! :D
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-04 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

Why do you assume she lied ? She may have come with no intent to marry and therefore marriage and AOS on B2 is perfectly legal. Also it is USCIS that needs to prove the intent at the entry time, not the petitioner / beneficiary that need to prove there was no intent.

Ok, I'll refrase that. Immigration may think she lied. ( it makes no difference to me whether she did or not) She got a holiday visa.. probably didn't mention her boyfriend at the port of entry. This could be a red flag. A friend of mine in the Military did something similar to this and his wife got denied when trying to adjust status. She had to return to Spain. Yeah...she got to the US in the end, after about a year and a half and spending thousands because they then had to get a lawyer! If you say it's legal and can guarantee she won't have any problems..ok, I'll say nothing more. This is why I asked her what visa she entered on as most Europeans enter on a Waiver-which is good for three months only. No offense was meant!
arwenFemaleItaly2011-08-04 05:50:00