Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians
I don't live in the US yet, but I've stayed there over a longer period of time already..

I will definitely miss:

Norwegian summer nights(even though it rains all summer :D)
Being able to bike and walk everywhere
Fresh berries in summer
Mountain walks
Speaking Norwegian :-)

As you can see, Im not quite ready to leave Europe/Scandinavia yet, good thing I still have a few months to go :-))
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-06-22 15:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians
What do Scandinavians think of their new country? Is it a big adjustment?
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-06-16 11:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians

Det har jeg ikke hørt om, men så gikk jeg ikke veien om K-1, heller - jeg vet at etter man har fått K-1 visumet, entret USA og giftet seg, må man søke om Adjustment of Status, som koster mer penger, men betale for selve visumet vet jeg ikke...? Prv å spørre på Engelsk inne på K-1 forumet? :)

Takk for svar! Skal gjera det :-)
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-06-14 09:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians

Hvilket visum?

Forlovedevisum/ K1. Meiner eg har lest ein plass at man må betale etter intervjuet(viss godkjent), lurar på kor mykje det kostar.
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-06-13 14:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians
Tjo hei!

Kan nokon her fortelje meg kor mykje den medisinke undersøkinga kostar i Noreg? Og kor mykje må ein betale for intervjuet og mottatt visum?

(Hope its alright that I posted the questions in Norwegian).

Takk for hjelpa! :-)
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-06-13 06:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pozdrav svima

Htjela bih pitati, da li neko od vas zivi u St. Louis?
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-05-29 13:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

Ne znam za poslove ostalih ali moram reci da sam imala dobro iskustvo sa ljudima iz kad sam morala na fizikalnu terapiju.

Thank you, opet. :)

Ja sam fizioterapeut, pohadjala u NL, pa me zanima kako su drugi prosli sa nostifikacijom takve diplome.
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-06-02 12:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

Do 6 mjeseci (nekad i duze) za zelenu kartu. Nakon sto posaljete za AOS - oko 90 dana do EAD tj radne dozvole.

Ako je frka za odmah raditi onda se vjencajte pa posaljite I-130 supruznicku peticiju.

Hvala! :) Nije frka, ali ne bih voljela da budem toliko dugo bez posla, dosadno :-D

Da li je mozda neko ovdje fizioterapeut po struci?
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-05-29 11:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
Cao svima

Moj buduci muz je Bosanac s americkim drzavljanstvom, ja sam takodjer iz Bosne, ali zivim u Norveskoj i imam norvesko drzavljanstvo.
Htjela bih vas pitati, koliko dugo nakon dobivene K1 vize i vjencanja, se ceka taj 'crni' zeleni karton? :-D

Da li se poslije vjencanje i AOS moze stupiti u radni odnos?

Hvala unaprijed na odgvorima, i zelim vam svima puno srece! :)
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-05-28 06:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Türk Kahvesi *Turkish Coffee* Cafe*
Iyi aksamlar

Turkey is a beautiful country, and Istanbul is the greatest city in world(at least for now:))
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-05-29 14:04:00
PhilippinesWhile waiting for your step/daughter/son

Hello guys,

Initially I applied for a K1-visa for my fiance and everything was going fine. She has a 6yrs old kid and we are planning to bring the kid to live with us when she comes.

I have a BIG problem. I cannot stop thinking about the kid. I am confused. Sometimes I do not know if I am waiting for M'e or her kid.

When I go to the malls, I do not think much about her. I think about the kid. If I see anything cute, I want to get it for him. I already started to buy him things for when he comes. I am attaching a pictures of some of the toys I already bought him. Everything in his upcoming bedroom is new. From Bed, WALL-LCD TV for his game box, desk, PC, TO spider man underwear. I mean everything!

I am also getting him a college fund and things like that. What is wrong or right with me. Why am I loving this kid this much. Is this dangerous?

I am so confused about all this :( Maybe it is because he will be my first kid?

What do you guys feel about your upcoming step/daughter/son?

I cannot wait to hear your comments.



I don't have children of my own, and I don't know if it's dangerous, but this is very sweet of you. I hope you and the will come to have a good relationship.
All the best!
DineFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2011-06-05 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 Vermont K-1 Filers
We've got our NOA1 on Jan 13 and waiting for NOA2, checking and counting the days on a calender like crazy ones :-) Wish all get their NOA2 as quickly as possible :-)
pilivaFemaleUkraine2009-03-04 16:17:00