United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK

:( Well, I tried Nova Travel and the best they could do was...

Thank you for checking with Nova Travel, the best option for your requested trip by AC** airline, and the costs would be $820.00** plus tax, round trip, based on limited availability.

$820 PLUS TAX! :o :( :o :crying:

What the #######!!! well the first time I contacted them they gave me a quote of 355 + Tax then when I called to say yes I want those tickets... they werent available anymore :sleepy: and she told me to call back on monday to see if she could find anything else... well then I was told:

A. next time call sooner :clock:
B. 850 + tax

well by then I had already found my 511, all inclusive price so I didn't care :D

now I wouldl like to find a place that has cheap tickets from England to US. so such luck yet.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 07:33:00
United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK

:D I got my ticket!!!! 511 total!!!!!

oh I can't wait to go! I am flying into London instead of Manchester and taking a train to Hull that way I can see the country side :thumbs:

:dance: :dancing: :content: :energetic: :content: :dancing: :dance: I am so excited!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dancing: :content: :energetic: :content: :dancing: :dance:

Just remember to pack the batteries separately ;)

Have a great time!

he he the only thing battery operated that will be going with me will be my camera... I definatley will not be needing anything else battery-operated when I go!!! ;) but then again... here on VJ, who needs to take anything else battery operated when they go visit a sweetheart??? :whistle:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 18:57:00
United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK
:D I got my ticket!!!! 511 total!!!!!

oh I can't wait to go! I am flying into London instead of Manchester and taking a train to Hull that way I can see the country side :thumbs:

:dance: :dancing: :content: :energetic: :content: :dancing: :dance: I am so excited!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dancing: :content: :energetic: :content: :dancing: :dance:

Edited by kisschick1976, 28 February 2006 - 02:57 AM.

kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 02:56:00
United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK

Kisschick, make sure thats inclusive of all taxes are you dealing with a guy named Atul


Kisschick, make sure thats inclusive of all taxes, are you dealing with a guy named Atul by any chance

Regards David

no I was dealing with a lady named Brigita, and when I got my money 2 days later, I called and asked for the total amount due... she said that there were no more seats... she will look again for me on momday. :wacko:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-25 15:18:00
United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK

Wow, the cheapest I've ever found to Manchester from Huntsville is around $700! :P

OMG!!! the nova travel site really helped!!! they have quoted me 355!!!! I'm sure you can find better than 700 if I can find 355!!! a huge improvment from the 600's!!!!
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-22 23:54:00
United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK

Hi check out this site I have used it twice before and always found a cheaper flight than trawling the various websites, novatravel is with whom I travelled with the. you always get replies within a day.

Regards David

thanx, I just sent off my request to see what comes back, hope I can still get a good price when I get my money in 2 weeks!!! :P
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-22 02:16:00
United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK

I am need to arrive on march 18 and leave on march 25, looks like Houston would be my best bet there!
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-21 22:09:00
United KingdomBest air fare prices to UK
Hey everyone, I haven't been on VJ for quite some time now... some of you may already know that Anton and I are seperated but that is not why I am here...

I was wondering if anyone here in this forum had any advice for inexpensive tickets to Manchester. I will be flying out od Corpus Christi, Tx and the cheapest I have found is 623 :( so I thought I would ask the professionals!!!!
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-21 16:56:00
United KingdomI-130 Processing at London Embassy

Following the processing dates on the Embassy web site for I-130 filed with them, it appears they haven't processed any for at least five weeks. They have been stalled processing those filed on the 13th June since beginning of August. It is just our luck ours was filed on 14th June.

Is this normal for this time of year or does anyone know of a reason why this has happened. Just trying to get some idea of when things might start moving again.

Somebody told me (nice credible reference there, huh?) that in August a great number of the staff goes on holiday, so things tend to get backed up. I haven't been checking yet because we're nowhere near that far along, but your question seems to support that possibility.


I will have to remember this! as of now, we are thinking that I will go over there and live for a few years then we do DCF to come back here. Thanks! :thumbs:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-07 16:48:00
United KingdomFor the USC
I can't believe no one's said it yet, but Jaffa Cakes! :dance:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-09 21:49:00
United Kingdomsending games to UK

Does anyone know if the Nintendo Wii games are regional too? Or the old Gamecube games? Purdy please! :P

Both are regional, sadly. :(

I know there IS a freeloader for the gamecube-- this allows you to somewhat bypass it, but it doesn't always work. My fiance used a freeloader trying to play a US game on his UK gamecube and it never worked properly.

Now how about X-Box? I am no good with game consoles. Last one I bought was N64 back when they were new. :lol: I was THIS CLOSE to ordering some games for my BF for his new X-Box that he got on special but then I rememberd about the whole region thing. pfft.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-03 23:45:00
United KingdomEver had a package to UK lost?
I sent Jonny's Christmas pressie on the deadline date which was the 11th I think, asked for airmail, got charged as a parcel even though it was in an envelope (I always send care packs in padded envelopes and the green customs form because the letter rate is a little cheaper) and you know when he actually got it? 12 January. A whole month later. They told me 4-7 days and all that. :angry: give it a few more days then panic :unsure:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 01:21:00
United KingdomMail order brides GRRRRR

I say balls.

lol you said 'balls' :devil: :whistle:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-31 03:45:00
United KingdomEntry troubles?
Just realized I hadn't posted my entry experience. sorry!

well I didn't sleep but 30 minutes of my 9 hr flight so I was a little :wacko: by the time I got to passport control. When it was my turn I swear I was just answering the questions all wrong at first (and realizing it after I said it!!!) and she was going to think I was a dummy!

*all smiles, I hand over my American passport*
Passport control lady: And where are you coming from dear?
Me: America *in my head I hear Homer Simpson saying D'OH!*
PCL: No I mean where from, what city.
Me: *blushing* Houston.
PCL: Business or pleasure?
Me: Pleasure
PCL: What is your business here?
Me: Visiting my fiance for a bit.
PCL: Oh really? Were is he from?
PCL: Is he British?
Me: Yes.
PCL: When will you be getting married and where?
Me: In Texas and in October.
PCL: Oh how lovely, have you got everything sorted then? do you have a dress yet? Oh weddings are lots of planning!! but so exciting!!! GIIIIRRRLLLLL!!!
Me: *did she just say, 'Giiiirrrrlllll!!'?* We have some of it planned, we still have a ways to go yet.
PCL: *looks all excited*
me: :blink:
PCL: Where will you be planning to live after the wedding? Will you be living here or over there?
Me: We will be getting a visa for me to come over here at first, later we may move back to America.
PCL: Oh so you already know about how to get a marriage visa then?
Me: Yes, We will be applying to the embassy in Chicago.
PCL: May I see your return ticket?
Me: I don't have a return ticket exactly since it was an e-ticket but here's a print out of my itinerary...
PCL: lovely. *looks over, stamps passport OVER ANOTHER ENTRY STAMP I HAD IN THERE ALREADY TO ROMANIA!!!, stares at it for a bit, closes it and hands it over.
Me: :)
PCL: Enjoy your stay and congratulations!!!

easy, and here I was all nervous that I was going to be asked a million questions and that I was going to cry! :lol:

Edited by kisschick1976, 08 March 2007 - 09:36 AM.

kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 09:31:00
United KingdomEntry troubles?
I'm taking a trip over there and will arrive on 1 March. I am a bit worried because I will be visiting my fiance this time instead of my boyfriend. All I will have to prove I am not staying there is my return ticket and a letter from my employer saying when I am expected back. I won't have any NOA's to show since after we get married in the United States we will be getting a visa for me to move over there. I remember last time out I was asked more questions than usual and was asked to see my return ticket as well as being asked how much money I was bringing in with me (that may be everywhere though... not sure) so I have a feeling this was notated and will happen again this time out :(

Hope I don't panic and start to cry hahaha! :help:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-12 02:09:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US

Hey Kisschick....You went to Hull !!! Fantastic !!although i dont live there anymore it is my hometown ...i usually use qjump for rail tickest - can get some really good fare foroff peak times - the catch is you have to be sure you get the train you booked !! i usually fly to Seattle and use BA,,though last minute can have some useful flight - my advice is search them all !!!

Good Luck!!!

YES! I will be going back in March AND after we get married in October, I will be moving there :D

The plan is, I fly from Corpus to Houston to Gatwick then take the train to Hull. Last year I had to take a 5 hr coach and that sucked lol.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-11 19:26:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US
:blink: HOLY #######!

you sure it's a real plane and it's not being run with rubberbands? :P j/k

man, I wish there was a deal like that to get to Houston from UK.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-04 01:43:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US
Thank you all for your help, we have found many many options and were even able to look at a couple of other airports that are closer to him like HUY and MAN.

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM!!! I'm going to squish him with my hug :wub:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-29 22:24:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US
Thank you all so much, this will be a big help!!! :dance: I can't wait to see him! :luv:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-27 10:53:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US
My boyfriend is looking to come visit me here in the US in November so we are looking at different websites to compare prices. So far the lowest all inclusive price we have found is £347.52 for LGW>IAH return. (thats not including a train ticket from Hull to London or me driving to Houston though :P)

We still have plenty of time, but I am just wondering what websites some of you have used here.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-26 21:37:00
United KingdomRegional Accents

Just got back from a 5 week stay in Hull. :thumbs:

I noticed Jonny has started picking up my accent and has even been caught saying 'Ya'll' cos I'm from Texas :dance: I did also notice that when he talks with other English people, his Yorkshire accent becomes much broader than when he talks with me, he never noticed. I have a perfect example, hope I can remember how it went exactly.

Jonny: I love you babe.
Me: Oh I love you too babe!
Passing motorist: Scuze me dear, do you know where I can find *random place*?
Jonny: Aye... don know, not familiar with the town meself luv.
Passing motorist: ahh, cheers then.
Jonny: (to me) so what are we having for tea tonight? (back in the same accent I have always known) :lol:

Also happend quite a bit when he was around his family. was so cute and when I pointed it out to him he didn't believe me at first :lol:

I grew up watching British comedy so I was already using certain words and knew what most things were. So to me Tide has always been washing powder for example. We tease eachother sometimes about what things are (steak fries vs. chips) and it's all in fun. Thing is, I still prefer to use my American vocabulary and have no intention of changing things when I move over there just as I would not expect Jonny to change his vocabulary when he moves here. Sure we will get strange stares some times, but I'm sure our accents will be dead giveaways that we are not local.

ha haa!! I know what you are talking about! Got a Yorkshire bloke myself. I love to hear him talk to his co workers because it is ssoooo totally different then the accent he uses with me most of the time!

I love his accent.

Tell me about it, when he turns the Yorkshire up to 11, it just melts my panties. :luv:

ahh yes and I guess that should have been Aye... don know, not familiar with t' town meself luv. lol.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-07 13:34:00
United KingdomRegional Accents
Just got back from a 5 week stay in Hull. :thumbs:

I noticed Jonny has started picking up my accent and has even been caught saying 'Ya'll' cos I'm from Texas :dance: I did also notice that when he talks with other English people, his Yorkshire accent becomes much broader than when he talks with me, he never noticed. I have a perfect example, hope I can remember how it went exactly.

Jonny: I love you babe.
Me: Oh I love you too babe!
Passing motorist: Scuze me dear, do you know where I can find *random place*?
Jonny: Aye... don know, not familiar with the town meself luv.
Passing motorist: ahh, cheers then.
Jonny: (to me) so what are we having for tea tonight? (back in the same accent I have always known) :lol:

Also happend quite a bit when he was around his family. was so cute and when I pointed it out to him he didn't believe me at first :lol:

I grew up watching British comedy so I was already using certain words and knew what most things were. So to me Tide has always been washing powder for example. We tease eachother sometimes about what things are (steak fries vs. chips) and it's all in fun. Thing is, I still prefer to use my American vocabulary and have no intention of changing things when I move over there just as I would not expect Jonny to change his vocabulary when he moves here. Sure we will get strange stares some times, but I'm sure our accents will be dead giveaways that we are not local.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-06 10:45:00
United KingdomHot Plane Deals
I just booked my flight for the end of this month. my total was $611 this time with Continental. CRP>IAH>LGW

As I mentioned before, I live about a 4 hr drive from the nearest major international airport and I'm wondering if anyone else out there in VJ land is in the same situation and what do you do? Have someone drive you? take a bus? or do like me and fly there? to me it's less hassle if I fly there but that's what drives my price up so much. Bus would be about the same, you pay the fare and then have to get a taxi to and from the airport.

Now when Jonny came here he flew from Gatwick to Houston and I drove the 4 hrs to pick him up. his flight cost him about £320 return (IIRC) would have been a little more to fly into Corpus but when you think about hotel and gas it all evens out really. We did get to visit NASA while we were there :)
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-05 12:23:00
United KingdomHot Plane Deals
My best deal for now is $625.10 tax included with Continental. That's CRP>IAH>LGW though. I live 4 hrs away from the closest major airport in Houston. 7 if I want Dallas. :wacko:

Fingers crossed I can leave at the end of this month :D

Edited by kisschick1976, 01 February 2007 - 02:45 PM.

kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-01 14:44:00
United KingdomFooty Thread

I can't see the piccy (is that a GOOD thing??) ;) I just have a red X....

Man U 2-nill vs. Charlton today...woot. On a sad note, Chelsea won today too. ;) M.

Sorry bout that here we go, I've uploaded it to my photobucket now.

Posted Image

remember, I think the person who made this (not me) meant city and not united :lol:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-11 20:00:00
United KingdomFooty Thread
Think the person who made this meant City and not United but it's still funny :P

Posted Image
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-06 02:42:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

Buy some decent bras! If you're a woman that is. Bigger sized bras are a buggar to find over here! :lol:

I noticed that....British women seem to have really large breasts in relation to American women, even accounting for higher rates of obesity in the USA. I'm the same bra size here as in the USA, but shops here sell G cups and bigger! The largest cup size I ever saw in a store that caters for women of average size is DD. Where DO G cup women buy bras in the USA? :blink:

I found out I am a 40G. In the US I could never find anything larger than an E cup so I was having to wear like a 44-46 E just so it would fit me. boobs all hanging out the bottom :( Lane Bryant couldn't help me and Catherines you needed to take out a loan just to walk in the door :( Last March I was in England and I noticed that they had larger bra sizes mixed in with the regular sizes. I figure I should get fitted and buy some. I went to M&S and asked one girl to measure me, she sent me to a dressing room and asked me to strip down to my bra. Couple of minutes later another lady comes in and measures me. '40G!' she says and leaves to bring me a few to try on. I was elated! OMG bras that FIT! no special ordering! They made my boobs look nice instead of saggy and frumpy!

Jonny says I walked out of the dressing room with a huge serial killer grin :lol: He also told me that after the first girl took me back to the fitting room, she came out and said loud enough for him to hear from where he was standing, "I'm going to need some help in here, there's a woman in there that needs to be fitted and she has HUGE BOOBS!" then makes the international huge boobs hand motion. That was when the older lady went in to help me.

So yes if you have huge boobs *makes international huge boobs hand motion* I would stock up on bras now cos it's impossible to find them here :(
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-27 12:20:00
United KingdomFear of Flying Remedies
I was so terrified of flying last time I was getting hives! What did I end up taking? 2 dramamine and a clonopin. the clonopin calmed me down and put me to sleep (or maybe it was the dramamine?) but then the restless legs set in and I was awake for 8.5 hours of my 9 hr flight :(

on my way back I took a stergeron 15 and half a clonopin. I stayed awake (I had no choice, I was on the isle and the 2 people next to me had the smallest damn bladders ever! That and they were getting 2 drinks every time the drink cart passed by!) but I was calm enough, even through the 5 hrs of turbulance that could have rivaled the pilot episode of Lost.

My best experience ever was 2 dramamine, one xanax and I woke up in Zurich :D 2 more dramamine for the conecting flight and I woke up in Romania. I loved it.

I took this course here:

and my future MIL told me about Bach's remedy drops, they are supposed to calm you down. I've never tried them but she and other members of the family swear by them. I couldn't find them here and I totaly forgot to look while I was in the UK.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-30 21:36:00
United KingdomUK, US Banking

I have used currency exchange to transfer money from my UK account to my US account. They are a Canadian company. You pay your money from your UK account to the broker (in the UK) via BACS (for which there is obviously no charge) and it arrives in the US via EFT (no charge also). All this is easy to do through online banking services. No charges, and they offer competitive rates. It worked for me.

My UK and US bank do not work together officially or have a presence in each other's country. There are no bank charges involved.

I just called them and they quoted me a rate 4.5 cents better than the one Nationwide has.

I really hope this isn't a scam.

As an example, gave me a rate of USD1.95 to GBP1 when the "mid market" exchange rate was USD1.98 to GBP1. Seems pretty good to me (surely better than withdrawing USD from an ATM using a UK debit card??)

Note that charges no transfer fee...

Ok this sounds perfect for me. I will be still working for the same US company when I move to the UK. (I can work anywhere there's internet.) My bank is a block away from the office here. While I was gone for 5 weeks my boss deposited my check for me and I was able to use my card in most places in England. I was being charged my bank's exchange rate which for the convenience I didn't mind BUT since my card wasn't a chip and pin type I was SOL in some places and couldn't make a purchase.

so using I can continue working for my company, have my check deposited for me (Or if they ever figure out how to do direct deposit, even better, but it does not look likely... the man dosen't even know how to use email.) , use to exchange it and have it sent to my new bank account in the UK that will have a chip and pin card. :yes: I love it!

Man, if I had heard of this before I left I could have just exchanged money this way and send it to Jonny's account and have him withdraw it for me.

THANK YOU!!!!! :luv:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 18:44:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
When Jonny was here he called my Mimi (cat) a buggerlugs. That word really stuck with me. He told me it's the most Yorkshire word there is. :lol:

When I was growing up I always preferred Brit-coms to our sit-coms. Since I was about 7 I was already saying things like washing powder, swotty, 'not a sausage', motorway, among others I can't think of at the moment. People would look at me like :blink: and now that I am marrying a nice English muffin (well ok a Yorkshire pudding:P) everyone's pointing out to me LULZ YOU BE TALKING ALL ENGLISH NAU!!!!!!! Ok guys, if you had paid any attention to me in the last 30 years, I have ALWAYS talked like this, buggerlugs being the only addition. :wacko:

Jonny has been picking up a few words from me though. He slips and says Ya'll and there have been a few Tex-Mex words :lol: cumin = comino
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 14:32:00
United KingdomWe have to fly to Texas

fear is neither rational nor logical, if you've ever read "men are from mars, women are from venus" (ISBN-13: 978-0007152599) many women don't nessarily want a "solution" for their problem, more so an outlet to discuss their problem.

I agree with this. Some women will at times want someone just to listen to them as it helps straighten out things in their minds. I do it, I know lots of women do it. I saw this post as more of a venting post than a 'come help me figure something out' post. those of us who gave advice were just showing that we listened and cared.

Before my last flight to England I was so terrified I was breaking out in hives, crying, panicking, dreading... I made a post here about it, part venting, part help me find a solution, part tell me I will be ok. It helped. My hives went away and I wasn't as scared anymore. (my fear went from 11 down to 10 :P)

In the initial post, did Homesick_American even ask for help?

*I'm getting sick with fear at the thought of having to fly. I hate flying.*

kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-08 23:33:00
United KingdomWe have to fly to Texas

XANNAX- its made for anxiety start slow .5mg & go up.
i hate flying more than anything. my personal recipe 3mg of xannax w/ 3 double captain morgans & coke. you aren't gonna care about ****, & if your plane ride is won't even know about it.

TRUE STORY- okc-la 1mg / 2 cap & coke, lax- hkg-3mg/3 cap & coke (i woke up over japan 12hrs later) hnk-cbu 1mg/1 cap & coke.....repeat on return trip.

I second this, Xanax also works to tranquilize the part of the brain that controls vomiting. 2 birds one stone. When I had health insurance I took a xanax and 2 dramamine for my flight and woke up at my destination. I hear ativan works the same way too.

Although if valium is all they wanna give you, I can understand that. It's not like you can pull a bar of Xanax outta your butt, and if you could would you take it anyway? :unsure: Makes me worry about when I move over to the UK if I will be able to get anti-anxietey meds :crying:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-08 15:14:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today
I actually believed that the Texas flag could be flown at the same height as the American flag and that we had other special rules about flags. I guess it's a good thing I looked it up first before opening my mouth! :

One part that sticks out is this part though:

"...flag codes are advisory guidelines about how flags should be displayed and respected, not enforceable rules mandating how they must be displayed and respected — the codes prescribe what is proper, not what is legal. (Or, in the words of the federal government: "The Flag Code does not prescribe any penalties for non-compliance nor does it include any enforcement provisions, rather it functions simply as a guide for voluntary civilian compliance.") The federal flag code does not authorize the government to dispatch G-men or police to arrest persons who allow their flags to touch the ground, display flags upside-down or backwards, or fail to destroy old flags "in a dignified way." ..."

I wouldn't worry about it though, When I lived in Chicago I hardly ever saw American flags but you could tell what nationality a neighborhood was cos there were hundreds of foreign flags everywhere. I bet some busybody with loads of time on their hands would have a field day there!
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 08:31:00
United KingdomFear of flying, take two

Update: My GP wrote me a prescription for 16 1mg tablets of Ativan...or however you spell it. Let's see if it actually works!

I'm very glad to hear this!! I have only heard good things about Ativan :thumbs: GOOD LUCK!
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-18 13:55:00
United KingdomFear of flying, take two

don't look now but there's something......out there.......on the wing!

Posted Image

What a weird place to put an insurance advert.

'But can I save a lot of money by switching to Geico? Just how easy is it? '
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 08:20:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.

He knows guns are legal in Texas, right?

I thought the same thing :whistle:

I'm so sorry though. He really should have said something sooner, if he was afraid of how you would react, what reaction did he think he would get from you by telling you he faked it for the last few years and kept you away from your home while doing it?!?

I guess he will be the one to file for divorce since you have to be a Texas resident for 6 months before you can file, your county may have different rules though, Nueces was 6 months I think. I hope he wasn't planing on that just to have the home field advantage. :angry:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-21 08:16:00
United KingdomHelp with Resume
Mine isn't very dynamic or anything but here's my education section of my resume:

Education and Activities

• Internet Marketing seminars
• Search Engine Optimization seminars
• Ongoing online education in computer languages such as CSS and XHTML among others

• I was first chair in the orchestra.
• An officer in my NJ ROTC unit.
• I worked in the attendance office and in the school registrar.
• I graduated in the top third of my class.

Jackson-Hewit Tax Services
• Completed tax preparation courses.
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-24 15:55:00
United KingdomGoodbye

Given the shocking behavior in my thread yesterday I feel this is no longer an appropriate or friendly place for me to be, especially since this site is all about family immigration and my cowardly ** of a soon to be ex husband lied his way through our marriage and we're now divorcing.

So I'm not really interested in hanging out with a bunch of happy families, especially when they're rubbing salt in my open wounds.

To the people who were supportive, thank you.

I may visit occasionally but this will be my last post for a while.

I guess.. I suppose we all could bail out of VJ when our relationship goes south.
I thought about disabling my account since our denial and since my husband has asked for a divorce.
but, I am here maybe not for the " pour some salt on me treatment" but, maybe for a little healing.

Oh honey, I'm so sorry (F)
I'm glad I didn't disable my account after my marriage to the Romanian fell apart and ended in divorce, hanging around here and helping out when I could was great therapy for me, I made friends here and I missed them all. I don't even read any of the forums except the General Discussion Area. All I can advise is, keep busy and don't forget your friends. When you're mind's occupied you're not sitting thinking about what went wrong. Let me know if you would like to talk about it. (L)
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-22 12:35:00
United KingdomGoodbye
Good Luck, If you're ever in the Corpus Christi area*, look me up! :thumbs:

We can meet up over a drink, even if it's Texas sweet iced tea at a Jalisco's

*Its now my turn to be the displaced Texan in Yorkshire, I will be gone for about 3 years but will be back to visit home occasionally! If you have any advice on how to feel more at home while I'm there, please keep in touch!!!!! I may need another Texan to send me HEB brand items :lol:

Take care!!!! I will miss your posts!
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-22 10:56:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
I just wonder if the op won their lawsuit :whistle:
kisschick1976FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-13 20:14:00