Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappily Married
my wife received a Russian and an international drivers license prior to coming to the USA...i am sure Stevie Wonder issued the permit to her....i have been teaching her to drive for the past two the beginning she scared the ####### out of me, but she is now getting better. i bought my wife an older Lincoln, has all the bells and whistles...keeps her happy, and is big and safe...and paid for....if she has a bump in the road, no big deal.......she can't wait to finally open the sunroof......
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-03-07 20:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne way Tickets
i used gotorussia to buy tickets (1 way)..i paid for the tickets here, and my wife recieved the tickets at their office in Moscow...there was a glitch with the tickets, and my wife and children were able to receive tickets (at a lesser cost) at the same agency in Moscow, for a more direct flight to the point is, that i believe Russians can purchase tickets in Moscow for a better price than if we buy the tickets here in the USA.....

i forgot to mention...the tickets were on Delta, and checking all prices here in the US, she was able to get a far better deal for the same airline by purchasing the ticket in Moscow....
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-02-16 10:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinancial Info (prior to interview)
Hi Russ...thanks for the info. i already sent all the docs for aos. an interesting conversation occurred when i had a meeting with an official with the Charlotte NC sub-station for homeland security..he told me never to use the uscis web-sites for info because the info was either unclear or incorrect....he also said not to use the uscis telephone info system for the same reasons. i would suggest to all VJers to visit district or sub-stations if possible. you can make appointments online, and they will issue all the docs, and make sure that you know how many copies to submitt, and what fee's etc. i found the visit quite informative......thanks again for your help and information Russ.
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-03-16 20:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinancial Info (prior to interview)
Hi Russ......are you sure you only need 1 tax return for AOS.....i thought it was 3 tax returns....just curious as i will soon be ready to send all of the docs for AOS....thanks, Larry
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-02-20 17:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinancial Info (prior to interview)
Hi Slim, i provided the I-134,bank statements, 2yrs tax returns,letter from employer...everything that was sure to have telephone records, e-mails, and photo's to prove the relationship is legit. the CO's are different, so it is best IMHO to cover all bases. in my wife's interview, the photo's seemed to be the most important of all...remember, you have 1 shot...IMHO leave nothing to do not want to waste time gathering additional info after the interview...all will be okay....good luck....Larry
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-02-16 22:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Forum
congrats to all that have been successful in their interviews !! i also have been MIA since my wife has arrived 3 months has been great for our family since their arrival, and their adjustment has been easier than i expected.....again, good luck to all.....Larry
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-02-15 16:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruspetition is returned back to NVC
JamesT and slim...i can assure you all we be okay....i remember sitting at my computer worrying about every little thing...staying glued to this forum, and gleaning every bit of info i could.......during my time, there was rumor of a Latino CO that was making life miserable for there are interview dates being seems that there is always some issue that keeps us on wife and kids have been here six months is wonderful...except.....the pain in the butt AOS....our odessy will not end until our wives receive their permanent green take a drink, and try and chill the best you can....and GOOD LUCK !!!!!!
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-05-18 19:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI 94 A number
yes....absolutely correct
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-06-25 18:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Pick-up at DHL Office
make sure there is no Russian holiday....they seem to have a zillion of them...count on 3 business not buy airline tickets ahead of time !! your wife/fiance can actually walk up to the airline, and usually receive a cheaper ticket than we can buy here in the USA for them....good luck !! is all with your new family ??
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-07-22 21:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket
i bought my wife and kids tickets through gotorussia travel agency...they have an office in Moscow, so my wife simply picked up her tickets there. it worked like glitches...........i sent the check for the tickets to gotorussia agency in Atlanta...they handled everything after that point, and coordinated all in Moscow
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-09-02 17:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest Wishes to Slim!
congrats is now eleven months since my Russian wife has been an incredible and very fulfilling time....i am so happy, and i wish you and your wife health and happiness. again,congrats !!!!!!
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-10-17 17:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine Police certificates etc + flying to UA
check with have heir office in atlanta....i have had good success with them.
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-10-17 17:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInconsiderate update!!
it is your flat...there are women everywhere...just go out and get you one, or two, or as many as you like...seriously, there are many women...simply look, and don't be afraid to speak to for the girl now...tell her your time together has finished and she must leave now !!!!
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-10-18 13:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLooking for approved AOS applicants from Russia
i have not logged in for a long time, so hello to answer the original question, we had our AOS interview June 29th 2006...oh well, we are still lost in FBI name check hell..but, except for travel restrictions, it is no big is my wife that is what it is, and no stressing will make it move any good luck to all, and HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-12-31 18:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFBI name check
we have been waiting 8 mos since our AOS interview... ... but look on the bright side, you are probably closer to leaving fbi name check hell than i am....
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-02-11 15:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI am moving to Russia
it is always sobering to hear something like is truely is an unfortunate reminder that we must cherish each day...RIP CASTAWAYSAILOR !!!!!!!
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-02-16 15:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe's here.... what now?
everything mentioned is correct...but, unless your lady is very comfortable in English, get her in an ESL class ASAP.....finding a job w/o English skills can be difficult.
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2006-10-23 17:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow did you meet?
i met my wife on will have been married 3 yrs in august....we are happily married, and i have always hated the mail order bride title......for anyone who has actually gone through the process, it is quite expensive and time consuming..........i am sorry to hear that some relationships did not work for whatever reason....marriage is a tough business, and takes alot of work and patience...good luck to all...................
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-04-14 17:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
You are correct, i am not sending anyone back, bad use of words, but immigration is taking care of that. again, i want everyone to understand that i am definitely not bashing FSU women. For me personally, i am finished with searching oversea's, there are enough women here in the USA, and marriage is the farthest thing from my mind. I had my personal reasons for traveling to the FSU, but it was definitely not because there were not wonderful women available here in America. The immigration process is long, emotional, as well as expensive, particularly for a family of three. I learned a lot from this experience and even though i feel the disdain from this experience, i know that i will love again, the time will come when i can move on. But i will definitely keep my eye's wide open !! Sorry if i snapped a little, but the wounds are still situation is far more reaching than most, and when it is finally over, i will be able to explain it fully.
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-07-29 18:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
Let me get this correct, sending a woman back who charged me with DV falsely, costing me an enormous amount of money defending my good name, taking her and her children in my heart and taking care of their every need, oh and by the way, she is fluent in English, is mean, then color me the meanest man in the entire world !! Do you really believe that ####### that you are spewing ?? perhaps you should grow up ... and your description of American men is also a load of #######, i can assure you that is certainly not the case with me, and not knowing the appearance of the other men that have married FSU women and are living very happily together, i am sure their wives would have a large disagreement with you. It is not your business of how i accomplished what i did, i will save that for the people that may need it in the future... and i truely hope i will never be asked for this help....but little girl, nobody gets a free pass for fraud !! get a grip and join the real world.... i am quite certain that if what happened to me and others like me happened to you, you would scream like a stuck pig !! and yes, you offended me and all other American men. you either have a low opinion of American men, or an overly inflated opinion of yourself....and somehow think that FSU women who commit fraud should get a free pass....
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-07-28 01:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
citycat, there is nothing to suck up, i am ok, but it was a total scam....i know everything completely, and my estranged wife has been ordered to leave the country immediately. i hope nobody else will have this happen, but unfortunately, i have found that my situation is not unique. my advice to anyone else that may encounter this situation is to protect yourself and act quickly with immigration...believe me, these women know how to work the legal system... there are many "how to" sites on the internet. it has been two months of hard work, but i refused to quit even when the odds seemed impossible.....

i am not suggesting that all FSU women are like the woman i married, but she was the best con i ever saw, i never had a clue until the day it happened. i simply will suggest that everyone keep their eye's wide open, and don't be blinded by love. Good luck to all, and i truely wish everyone happiness !!
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-07-27 00:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
hi all...i just wanted to give an was my domestic violence issue at court....she never came to court, so case was dissmissed....i am happy, and relieved....i only now wonder what will come nest....but at least i won this round...thanks to all for your support....
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-06-08 11:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
hello all.....i hopefully have some good news...maybe.....if anyone wants to read a story that i posted on the russian meeting house 1 yr ago today under "surprising story" documents a situation with a mother and older daughter from the Ukraine, that were recent friends of my wife.....anyway, to make a long story short, they tried to warn me that my wife was here only for a green card....something told me to save her cell number in my phone..

i called her today, and asked if my wife really told her this, and she said..."to be honest, yes"...i asked if she would speak to my lawyer, and she said to give him her telephone number....hopefully she will not get cold feet, and do the right wife hates her, and has actively black balled her from other fsu women...i heard this conversation in another friend of my wifes home about 2 weeks ago....she spoke in terrible terms about these women....anyway, maybe things will turn more in my direction...... i am also under skinsfan in the other forum for those interested.....
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-06-01 13:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
thanks for all of your kind words...please everyone, don't let my sad story influence your lives...i only want people to pay a little closer attention to any is blind, and i trusted without i see that i was in love with a mirage, an idea....i have definitely turned the page...i only worry about keeping my good name....this domestic violence thing is a scary issue...but, i know i was a good and loving man that provided well for the family... the judge denied her 1st petition on the 29th of may, for lack of evidence, so hopefully that is a good sign for me....please..for those of you that are in a relationship, or starting one.....don't give up on your dream because of what you read on any forum......again, i thank you all for your kind support !!!
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-06-01 11:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend

This is certainly sad to hear and makes you wonder sometimes what's going on in our mate's mind.
Time usually heals our wounds....then we can gather it all back together again and move on in life.


Well I am sorry to hear that but believe me I have heard worse stories. I will strongly urge you to do something. If you don't it could be a big mistake. There is a guy named Maxx who has been through the same and can give you some advice that may make a big difference. He is a really great guy and he works with men all over the country going through what you have just started with. Actually it would have been better sooner but better now than later.

The easist way I can tell you to reach him is to go to and register and pm him. Do it as soon as you can. Maxx is the guy. You may see a Maxxim there, that is not the right guy. Take my word for it and do it.

thanks turbo guy...i will try to find him....i had no clue that this was going to was a total surprise and day i am at the mall buying them clothes and cosmetics, the next day they i understand it clearly now...i don't feel anything other than being the fool......
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-05-30 18:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
thank you all for your kind thoughts...later today i recieved a visit from the police with a court date to reply about domestic i know i have been duped...and it is her way to maybe a fast track green card...we have been in fbi namecheck for 1 yr...what a nightmare...this is the closest thing to rape that i can even imagine....... my hope is that the court system is just, and i am not raped again for the second time....
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-05-30 17:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussad weekend
well, where do i start.....friday, my wife said she was going to a chiropractor at noon...she was in an auto accedent march 30th....she never came home until the next day at noon with the police to remove her things...WOW !!!..........i had paid for my wife to go back to russia for three weeks (2nd 3 wk trip in 12 months) i stayed at home with her kids and catered to their every need....whe she arrived back on may 3rd, i went out and bought her a new car, the last car was destroyed in the accedent...that was 2 1/2 wks ago....she began speaking on the phone in russian very often, and meeting her russian girlfriends...i heard her speaking to a man in russian on the phone, and she said it was a friends boyfriend who needed advice....i am not one to be jealous, so i let it go....whe she came back from russia, she said she had to go to the russian embassy for a transfer of property...that appt is today.

bottom line, we never had any problems or arguments, other than normal disagreements in marriage...i don't know if she has received her green card...she was on fbi name check...but i was always at work when the mail arrived at the house...i tend to think i was duped.....i wish all good has been a tough long weekend, and i know she has received help because she has no job....., as far as money, she has helped herself to my wallet daily for 1 1/2 yrs...don't let my sad story influence your lives...i truely wish all of you love and happiness......
skinsfanNot TellingRussia2007-05-30 12:12:00