Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 status...London delay

Looks like the online status site has just been updated. I've been waiting 8 weeks just to see my case on this list and it's finally made it. Good luck to everyone on it!

Are you pending or under review Rinkle? :)

I'm pending. Everyone has been telling me the timeline is 12-14 weeks but I don't know whether this is from when the paperwork is submitted to the Embassy or from when the DHS LOndon office "officially" receives my application. I am hoping to hear some news in early September.

I have been pending since May the 11th,some 11 weeks ago,the timeline starts from the day that london recieve your application,or from the date on your postcard they send you,.. I handed over my application in the embassy on 21st February,but I understand that it had gone over to the immigrant visa unit in the US before landing on USCIS`s desk in London as they have been checking my wife out in the US,I understand the frustration for everyone,but at the end of the day we have to live with the frustration of never knowing when it will be completed...good luck to everyone in pendingsville,hope everything works out. Maybe next week :thumbs:

Attached Files

SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 16:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 status...London delay

Does anyone know of any delay at London embassy as i have checked the status site and no updates have been put online in three weeks,I just hate bein in the dark and being at the mercy of these people who dont seem to give a rats ### about anybody :help:.. prolly i`m just a wee bit paranoid. :help:

Unfortunatley patience is a virtue now, ours took 12 weeks practically to the day and that is what we were told. They do not seem to update for ages sometimes and then all of a sudden, they go crazy. It is hard, we know that as do many others but you will get notice in the end and then you can hopefully look forward to your new life here.

Good luck

Thanks,I guess after waiting 3 years,what does another couple of weeks matter,I just cant wait to join my family..hopefully very soon
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-19 07:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 status...London delay
Does anyone know of any delay at London embassy as i have checked the status site and no updates have been put online in three weeks,I just hate bein in the dark and being at the mercy of these people who dont seem to give a rats ### about anybody :help:.. prolly i`m just a wee bit paranoid. :help:
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 16:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Case completed
My case was completed today after 12 weeks in pending,i jumped from the pending to completed in a week :thumbs: ,I dont know if that is a sign or if they are rushing thru the backlog but I am excited and so is my long to get your letter?..... I feel like breakdancin,but at 43 i better :Dnot
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-10 16:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)THEY DENIED IT

My husband and I were also denied, after being apart for 5 years, he was deported in 2002, we were approved for the K-3 and the I-130 and waited 2 years to gat an answer on waivers. My husband and I are truly in love, a really special love. How can someone who does not even know us, decide our life or our future? We will appeal and by the way the appeal forms are now $585.00 not $385.00, they just went up at the end of July. All this is so stupid.

I am so sorry for you two and I can safely say that I know your pain,but you will get through it with the deep mutual love that you and your partner have,honestly I felt like goin down and hunting down the numpty of an adjudicator who decided that years of seperation and rivers of tears do not qualify for extreme hardship but is merely an in is so morally wrong. My wife and her friends even her dad who worked in immigration as a high ranking officer cant believe that their country do this to people and we have their full support. Good Luck
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-15 23:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)THEY DENIED IT

:( I can hardly even breathe, why put the waiver on the "completed" list and it not be approved....what a total bunch of B>S! :devil: Please help Allan thru this with all your gracious support....Thank you! Georgie XxX

I am down but not out,I and my darling wife intend to go all the way. :thumbs: It was denied because our hardship letter was not strong enough,if we had been here before we put the hardship letters in we would have done it properly,we are now doing it the way we should have done.. I was so depressed I felt like chucking it all in,they even have the audacity to enclose an appeal form asking for $385 to appeal,how low can you go when rejecting something that two ppl have there hearts set on,they break them and ask for more money,that further enhances the proof that revenue is their priority and I would go as far to say that they know the results of any case before the money is handed over,this is the case here,that to me is fraud,and to think of the many thousands of ppl who pay for their entry into the US,or denials,they know the vast majority of outcomes before they take the fee. However I and my wife are swinging into battle mode and intend to take this all the way,she is a wonderful person who`s spirit has lifted the gloom out of me and made me strong again. I do not how anyone can define seperation not being a hardship,in fact in my letter they say it is merely a form of inconvenience,obviously written by a singleton or a person who goes home every night to see his/her loved one. I am fine now and have got over the disappointment and as real love has only came along once in my life I believe that it is worth fighting,we shall be together and we will beat the red tape. Good luck to everyone else in their quest for happiness. (L)

Hi Skysunset and Wifey

I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this. This is really a hard one to swollow. :(
Will tell you that when we should go through this d.. extra process we took a lawyer since he knew all about how to put together those hardship letters.
We were very afraid to do it ourself from the beginning.
I know that this is very expensive, but if it is possible for you I think you should consider to take a lawyer and help you out with better hardship letters.

I hope so much that you won't loose your hope's. It's always a good thing that they suggest you to appeal.
The worst thing is really that you still have to wait and this time it may be a little longer.

Many hugs and good wishes to you both
Anette (F)

Many Thanks Anette for your kind words,we are not going to use a letter,my wife has a very good strategy in progress at the moment and we are just going to bombard the embassy with all necessary evidence of hardship and give it a real go,our first hardship letter was so weak they saw right through it,this time its gonna be as watertight as the proverbial ducks butt,now is not the time for lawyers we could end up picking a right duffer,we have loads of support from Georgie friends and family who cant believe what their own government is doing and who are rallying around us,I was going to walk away when I got the news but now i have reloaded and am goin to fight on to the end...I will get here eventually,I am positive :thumbs:
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-15 23:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)THEY DENIED IT

:( I can hardly even breathe, why put the waiver on the "completed" list and it not be approved....what a total bunch of B>S! :devil: Please help Allan thru this with all your gracious support....Thank you! Georgie XxX

I am down but not out,I and my darling wife intend to go all the way. :thumbs: It was denied because our hardship letter was not strong enough,if we had been here before we put the hardship letters in we would have done it properly,we are now doing it the way we should have done.. I was so depressed I felt like chucking it all in,they even have the audacity to enclose an appeal form asking for $385 to appeal,how low can you go when rejecting something that two ppl have there hearts set on,they break them and ask for more money,that further enhances the proof that revenue is their priority and I would go as far to say that they know the results of any case before the money is handed over,this is the case here,that to me is fraud,and to think of the many thousands of ppl who pay for their entry into the US,or denials,they know the vast majority of outcomes before they take the fee. However I and my wife are swinging into battle mode and intend to take this all the way,she is a wonderful person who`s spirit has lifted the gloom out of me and made me strong again. I do not how anyone can define seperation not being a hardship,in fact in my letter they say it is merely a form of inconvenience,obviously written by a singleton or a person who goes home every night to see his/her loved one. I am fine now and have got over the disappointment and as real love has only came along once in my life I believe that it is worth fighting,we shall be together and we will beat the red tape. Good luck to everyone else in their quest for happiness. (L)
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-15 13:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Giving Up
A while ago I was denied my I-601 and with a lot of thought and discussion with my USC wife I no longer wish to continue to prove myself to USCIS,besides not being able to afford the hefty lawyer fees that come along with this fight i am beginning to see the light in what is a very corrupt system,i have collected news articles and trawled the internet for the past 3 years and i have come up with various items that prove my theory,while i myself committed a couple of crimes they were one of CMT and 2 minor shoplifting all over 10 years ago i am in no way a terrorist,murderer,druggie or rapist or any other similar,I have seen various VIP`s who have serious rap sheets that are settled in the US,while it seems like sour grapes i believe that if the USCIS was consistent in treating everyone fairly and on the merits they have shown then I would be sitting at home with my wife,i also would be sitting there if i had a few million in the bank. While some famous ppl seem to get away with their past and blatantly jump the system,people like myself who work damn hard from afar to see his wife and kids are well cared for are readily tossed aside. My I-601 was not written properly and thats what failed me but at the end of the day the real extreme hardship in any relationship is the seperation,also everytime the embassy grabs money from you for some form or process they know well in advance the outcome of whether you get here or not which to me makes them thieves their selves. I was trying to do the right thing and be honest but it has got me no where,I have so many issues with that damn country that no wonder many people hate it,what gives the US the right to deny anyone their right of free travel when they are a nation full of immigrants theirselves,we have to put up with their criminals who can enter any country they want..All i wanted at the end of the day was to be with my wife and kids,i am 44 years old and a committed family man,i work hard,pay my taxes and yet i am treated as a criminal by the US,it is insulting and degrading and I no longer will pay these fraudsters another penny,if i was to pay the lawyers i would need a 100% guarantee of success,that unfortunately wont come,i deserve better than to be ridiculed by these people,they make a lot of money out of misery and worry, that is disgusting. These people should kiss the feet of the true americans (native indians) and beg for forgiveness for driving them out of their homelands. I am a proud Scot and will live in my country,my wife,bless her may or may not join me but she understands that there is only so many rejections a man can take,and i will not tolerate having my distant past however much i regret it from being dragged up to belittle me,I am worth more than that.. God bless everyone going through the process and the very best of luck. Allan
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-20 08:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

I can tell you that I was stuck in this in London for an extra 3 weeks because of christmas time last year. They where not working hard the last 2 weeks in december. Actually somebody told me that this department was closed down the last 2 weeks.
I can imagine that there is something with vaccation time in july and the reason for not many workers.
Hope for better speed in august for you :thumbs:

Thanks for your reply :thumbs: ,can someone get me a job in that embassy,sounds like they holiday more than they work. I just wanna come home to my wife and kids,here is hoping that something happens soon

I really understand your pain since I have been in the same waiting situation and it's so frustrating. :huh: (F)

Are you on the list pending or under review? And for how many weeks have you been on the list?

Anette Thanks Anette..Today brought the good news that my case was completed,I was in pending this time last week,but today i jumped to the completed column...I am excited and its been 9 months since i last saw my wife in ND,its been a helluva journey and now it is done... I will pray to god for some positiveness :D

SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-10 16:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

Looks like London is definitely running slow at the moment. I submitted my paperwork to the Embassy on May 31st and CIS there didn't receive it until July 12th, which is 6 weeks. They are still putting out a 12-14 week timeline, which I can't understand if they only completed 3 cases in July! I would guess the total processing time is going to be at least 20 weeks. My lawyer told me that a few months ago there were some personnel cuts at the Embassy and where there used to be up to 3 people working on I-601 applications there is now only one ... which may help to explain the delays.

I was hoping to get back to the US for our next wedding anniversary in early October, but it's going to be very close. We keep hoping and praying for some good news but in the meantime I just feel like banging my head against a wall!

I know I have posted on this subject before but I cannot help but notice that people say London has a quick turnaround in I-601`s,this obviosly is not the case,they completed 10 cases in the whole of June and only three in the whole of July...someone says it is just a slow month but that is a snails pace by any standards,this is not helping people who are waiting on tenterhooks to see if they have jumped out of pending,I myself have been in the "red" since May 12th and see no end to it at their current rate..this is a joke and it is beginning to affect me and my wife. Can anyone shed any light whatsoever on this situation,as I was confidently expecting to be there for my anniversary but that has come and gone today,whenever I look at that status site i see virtually no progress... good luck to everyone waiting....waiting....waiting :(

Happy anniversary by the way! Mnay thanks for your good wishes,our case was completed today after 12 weeks so they must be scything thru the cases so hopefully yours will be very soon...good luck :thumbs:

SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-10 16:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

I can tell you that I was stuck in this in London for an extra 3 weeks because of christmas time last year. They where not working hard the last 2 weeks in december. Actually somebody told me that this department was closed down the last 2 weeks.
I can imagine that there is something with vaccation time in july and the reason for not many workers.
Hope for better speed in august for you :thumbs:

Thanks for your reply :thumbs: ,can someone get me a job in that embassy,sounds like they holiday more than they work. I just wanna come home to my wife and kids,here is hoping that something happens soon
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-08 17:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

In the past year London's normal processing time seems to have been 4-6 months. If you filed in May, you should be pretty much "on course".

I've been waiting since November 2006 -- for people who filed in Mexico before they put their pilot program in place, the wait is around 12 months. I feel your pain but try to patient since there's just nothing else you can do.

Thank you kitkat,I actually filed on Feb 21st when I handed over my money and paperwork at the embassy and went on the list in may,I guess i am impatient,like everyone else I just want to get to my family and live my life,I have never felt the days drag by as much as i have these last few months but the consolation is that there are many people like me who are apart from their loved ones so i should`nt be so selfish,at least i have my imagination which is a wonderful thing,god bless

Attached Files

SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-04 13:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill
I know I have posted on this subject before but I cannot help but notice that people say London has a quick turnaround in I-601`s,this obviosly is not the case,they completed 10 cases in the whole of June and only three in the whole of July...someone says it is just a slow month but that is a snails pace by any standards,this is not helping people who are waiting on tenterhooks to see if they have jumped out of pending,I myself have been in the "red" since May 12th and see no end to it at their current rate..this is a joke and it is beginning to affect me and my wife. Can anyone shed any light whatsoever on this situation,as I was confidently expecting to be there for my anniversary but that has come and gone today,whenever I look at that status site i see virtually no progress... good luck to everyone waiting....waiting....waiting :(
SkyesunsetMaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-03 15:25:00