Mexico, Latin & South Americafiance had her interview in Bogota
Hello all, I really want to thank everyone for the valuable advice and links, also for the time you have taken to respond.
I do have an interview in the middle of May.
The call center told us if the intervierwer would have used red ink they could give us a faster interview date. Just in case anyone has this issue later.

I have listened to all the great advice. I have every intention of being at the second interview. The reason this is such a big deal, I always try my best to be prepared for everything. The interviewer never requested any additional information from me, the petitioner, also never questioned my paperwork and never looked at our evidence for a relationship. The interviewer only requested more evidence for my fiances son. I totally understand this we never included any evidence for him other than his birth certificate and him in the interview. If I could have found something I would have covered that side of the process.

I have been blessed by God with a great ticket leaving Ft. Lauderdale on spirit air straight to Bogota for $171.00 round trip.

I have written my senator, maybe he can help some, he offered so why not. I did send a copy of the 221g to the senator written by the interviewer.
I will list the only thing the embassy checked on the 221g and the additional comments she included. Please bear with me and my bad Spanish. I speak better than I can write Spanish.

221g -no ha presentado la documentacion para establecer su elegibilidad

221g - has not submitted documentation to establish eligibility

se sugiere entrevista con el peticionario. el peticionario no debera hacer planes de viaje hasta no tener confirmada la fecha de entrevista con el servicio del centro de liamadas/call center. las instrucciones estan abajo anotadas

suggested meeting with the petitioner. the petitioner must make travel plans until we have confirmed the date of interview with Liam center service / call center. instructions are listed below

fotos desde el hacimento hasta
actualidad entre la madre

Photos from the hacimento up
Currently between mother
This was the only thing the interviewer has listed on the 221g

I have suggested to the senator a webcam interview in a local immigration office would seem better for new families just starting out, with the economy so bad in the US. After reading some of the comments this seems a little naive of me now. I have never realized the fraud aspect of the whole thing.

I will keep working the different angles to take even more evidence with me. I also want to piont out the great advice from an earlier poster for the school records and I also told my fiance to get doctor records that had her and her sons name on them.

I am open to suggestions for any material I should bring with me. This is hard thing for me to be patient with. I feel a little like guilty until proven innocent.
I also want advice on how I will be treated at the embassy.

I have read some bad stories about these types of interviews, it seems the worst interviews have been when the petitioner is a female or the age difference is huge. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks so much for your input,
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-04-19 19:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americafiance had her interview in Bogota
Thanks for the comments,

I understand the need for confirmation of the child. I hope in the future the embassy has a list of things to bring for this process. I have searched everywhere I know of before and after the interview for us to be better prepared. I cannot find anything for the children.
I do not understand the need for me to be at the interview. All my paperwork is in order and I have completed everything the government has asked of me. I honestly think it’s more of a power thing for the interviewer.

I have had the worst time trying to reschedule a new interview. I thought my fiancé was crazy when she told me the process to get a new interview date.
It starts with a trip to the bank and after they have $25.00 they will give you a pin # . You then call a embassy call center, you have just paid for 20 minutes of telephone time with the call center. My fiancé was kept on the telephone until her time ran out and had to go back to the bank for more time. So after another $25.00 and no success. I said to her I will call the embassy, yeah right, the embassy told me they only accept calls with questions for a visa on Wednesdays between 2-4 pm. So, I wait until Wed. and call at 2 pm. The time hit 4 pm and the telephone was still busy. I think the website should read we always unhook the telephone on Wed. between 2-4 pm. Well I said give me the phone number to the call center.

I call and it says this is the embassy call center, this call is $16.00 to reschedule your appointment. 1st call for me and guess what they could not find us in the computer,,, hmmmm. You will have to call back. So another $16.00. This time I have me and my fiance on the telephone with the call center for the embassy. I now have a interview date of 5/21 after spending $82.00.
I questioned the call center for thier location, reluctantly she says its in Mexico, for a US embassy call center hmmm. This is crazy its a 1- 877 number.

I called my senator and they said they would be happy to get involved when I told them about the call center and the embassy wanting me to at the next interview. I told them the embassy did not want me to bring anything new or request anything special just I attend. I thought the economy was horrible and to just cost a new family $2000.00. In a trip to Bogota for what? The senator's office said they wanted all the information I had about the call center and the lost money. I have not sent this information yet.

What’s everyone's opinion about a senator calling and writing a letter for me? I am a little reluctant to rock the boat but, I have almost had it with all this nonsense.
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-04-18 14:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americafiance had her interview in Bogota
Well where do I start?

My fiance had her interview in Bogota Colombia for a K1 Visa. She has gone over the questions they ask her with me on the telephone.

The interviewer ask a small amount of questions about our relationship maybe 5 or 6, never once asking to see any new evidence of our relationship. Keep in mind the original packet I sent with the I29f was almost too good. I had included everything except the 134 form.

They did ask and keep all my letters from my employer and my bank.

My fiance has a 5 year old boy, we decided it would be good for her to have him in the interview also. Our thoughts were focused on evidence of our relationship. We thought the interviewer would question my relationship with her son and his feelings for me.

WOW was we wrong.
I have no clue why, after these few questions the interviewer ask for the child to leave the room. Then questioned her about her relationship with her son, she has all the proper papers for him required by our government original birth certificates etc. Then the women interviewer says she wants more evidence my fiance is the boys mother,
The interviewer wants photos of the boy while growing up with his mother in the photos. The interviewer never once wanted to see the photobook my fiance prepared or any supporting evidence of our relationship together, not included in my original package.

And finally after lots of questions about her son's father, such as where is he now and how long did you date him, why are you not with him now? Keep in mind these things happened 6 years before and she was prepared for questions about our relationship, not one that failed years before. The interviewer writes down 3 things to bring back to the embassy.

Supporting family photos to prove she is his mother.
Another up to date copy of his birth certificate, (she had the original)

And the interviewer says and oh, by the way as she writes down what she wants my fiance to bring back, You can also bring your fiance to the next interview. She never said bring any additional papers or why, just have him come with you.

I have so many mixed emotions of what I want to say to these people. The oh by the way attitude, like its no big deal to just jump on a plane, lost hours and pay from work for both of us and not to mention the $1000.00 plane ticket just for me, hotel, etc.
I can understand if my paperwork was lacking or I did not have evidence of our relationship.

I have said all this to ask if you good people, do you have any suggestions on how I should handle this? Should I telephone the embassy for additional information they may need or ????

Thanks so much
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-04-18 09:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMedical Exam & Vaccines (Colombia)

My fiance was able to do her vaccines in her home city. The only problem she had was at the embassy doctor. My fiance had some vaccines in late March and some in the first week of April. The embassy doctor told my fiance she needed 3 vaccines in April and could not have them in March. He said they needed to be given to her in the same month as the interview. I have no idea if this true or not but, he got another $100.00 from her for the same vaccines a few weeks later.

I hope this helps
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-04-19 20:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWE HAVE A VISA
Thank you all for the replies. Our POE Is Ft. Lauderdale FL. I now feel we are finally on our way to a new life together.
The time apart waiting on the paperwork seems to drag by.
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-05-31 00:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWE HAVE A VISA
Its been a lot of stress with ups and Downs but, we have visa's for my fiance and her son. Thanks for everyone that posts their experience on visa journey it's a blessing. All the information helped me be prepared.
Thanks for everything
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-05-23 15:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaActual questions during our interview in Bogota

Thank you so much for sharing these questions. My fiancee and I are getting ready for our interview and I find this really helpful

I wish you the best luck with your interview and hope you have a nice trip. Let us know how everything thing goes
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-05-31 00:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaActual questions during our interview in Bogota
My finace and I put together a list of questions we were asked during the second interview in Bogota Colombia. The consul first ask her questions while I was seated 20 feet away, lasting about 25 minutes. The consul then asked me the same questions with her seated the same place, my questions lasted a bit longer. We hope this helps some couple get a better idea of the type of questions asked during the interview.

Now about the questions, this was the second interview for her and my first. They were direct and to the point. They did not sugarcoat any of the questions. I still can not remember all the questions. The interview questions seem to be designed and presented in a way to keep you always off balance. Example, the consul ask about my family and I on Christmas and before I finished answering, [color="#FF0000"]she asked when did my fiance and I first have sex.
The consul then ask when was the last time we had sex. They always tried to keep pushing questions steadily.

Actual questions during our interview,
What are your hobbies? What hobbies does she have?
What are your favorite foods?
What gifts did you give to each other for christmas? Did you talk to each other on Christmas day?
What are your favorite sports? What sports does she like?
What sports do you play? What sports do you want to play together?
When you are not at work what do you do?
What is your occupation and where?
What hours do you work?
Do you send her money, how much?
How do you send her money? How often do you send her money?

Do you honesty intend to marry your fiance when she is in the US and stay married.

What do you do in your spare time?
Where did you spend christmas and who were you with? What did you buy each other for Christmas?
Who ask for marriage and when? Where did you propose, what day are you planning the wedding?
Where do you want to honeymoon, where do you want to get married (beach,church)? (I told the consul it was almost impossible to plan a honeymoon if we couln't plan a wedding until we had a visa in hand, she smiled)
Do you like coffee, how do like it prepared (sugar, cream, no sugar)? How do she like her coffee?
What are your Family members names and what type of work they do?
What time of the day do each or you work, where did you work before, and the name of the company?
How long have you both worked for your current employer?
How do you communicate, is your spanish good or her english good, which person calls and how many times a day do you talk, do you use the computer or telephone?
They never asked to see any additional evidence other than what I sent in my original packeage 7 months before. I even offered more proof of our comunication.
I understand its alot of questions and I am also positive its not all of the questions they ask us. I would like to see anyone add to the list for future coulpes.
My fiance and I walked out with a couple from Miami who were on their second interview, they also got the visa at the same time, they had the same type of questions with a different consul. This coulpe said thier consul ask if they used a condom. I think the embassy has switched gears or something. I can not remember reading anything before that describes this type of interview from Bogota.

Keep in mind this was our second interview. Its also difficult to present yourself well to an interview person, when you have to speak with a telephone looking through a bullet proof window. I always gave them more information than they asked for, I think it worked. I did not like the sex questions but, I am positive it was to try and throw us a curve ball. I answered honest as well as my fiance,
Something worked for us because we were approved for a Visa and the consul wished us luck in the future.
We hope this helps someone
Jay an Kathy
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-05-30 09:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTravel permit for children - Permiso de viaje para Niños - Colombia
We had the same problem with the paper for DAS. I am positive we did not have or need any papers from the dad for us to obtain a visa at the embassy for my fiance's son. The dad still keep giving her excuse's and wanting copies of the visa. We then decided to put him in a uncomfortable situation, I purchased a plane tickets for my fiance and her son. My fiance then meet him with her son and a few other family members placed all the papers on a table with the needed DAS papers and explained to everyone present the only thing stopping her son from traveling to the US was the fathers signiture. I am happy this worked because at this point he had refused my offer of money. I guess he could not look at his son and refuse him a chance like this. I hope you find a way to get him to sign the papers. I understand the stress level it creates and what your fiance must be going through. good luck.
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-06-11 07:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Information - Stressed out
I carried all of our papers in my laptop bag/briefcase. They had a bag search and x-ray machine at the embassy in Colombia. I would assume the security is similar. good luck
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-06-11 06:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWho is in Charge of the US Embassy in Bogota?
good luck, I have a letter they wrote to my Senator about my case. The embassy never gave us one answer to any problem we had questions about. The vice consul wrote only facts about the interview. We questioned about the bank and he only copied the instructions from the website. I hope you have better answers than I did. I was able to let the embassy realize my Senator would go to bat for us if necessary. It must have helped. We have our visa. Best of luck . You have found some good information. Thanks
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-06-04 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Well where do I start?

My fiance had her interview today in Bogota Colombia for a K1 Visa. She has gone over the questions they ask her with me on the telephone.

The interviewer ask a small amount of questions about our relationship maybe 5 or 6, never once asking to see any new evidence of our relationship. Keep in mind the original packet I sent with the I29f was almost too good. I had included everything except the 134 form.

They did ask and keep all my letters from my employer and my bank.

My fiance has a 5 year old boy, we decided it would be good for her to have him in the interview also. Our thoughts were focused on evidence of our relationship. We thought the interviewer would question my relationship with her son and his feelings for me.

WOW was we wrong.
I have no clue why, after these few questions the interviewer ask for the child to leave the room. Then questioned her about her relationship with her son, she has all the proper papers for him required by our government original birth certificates etc. Then the women interviewer says she wants more evidence my fiance is the boys mother,
The interviewer wants photos of the boy while growing up with his mother in the photos. The interviewer never once wanted to see the photobook my fiance prepared or any supporting evidence of our relationship together not included in my original package.

And finally after lots of questions about the boy she writes down 3 things to bring back to the embassy.

Supporting family photos to prove she is his mother.
Another up to date copy of his birth certificate, (she had the original)

And the interviewer says and oh by the way as she writes down what she wants my fiance to bring back, You can also bring your fiance to the next interview. She never said bring any additional papers or why, just have him come with you.

I have so many mixed emotions of what I want to say to these people. The oh by the way attitude, like its no big deal to just jump on a plane, lost hours and pay from work for both of us and not to mention the $1000.00 plane ticket just for me, hotel, etc.
I can understand if my paperwork was lacking or I did not have evidence of our relationship.

I have said all this to ask if you good people, do you have any suggestions on how I should handle this? Should I telephone the embassy for additional information they may need or ????

Thanks so much
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-04-12 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hello to everyone,

In a one way I kinda hate to post this, but that feeling didn't last very long.
NVC just sent me a letter saying my package would be sent to the Bogota embassy to be processed. The letter is dated 2/23/10 my NOA-2 was dated 2/11/10. This seems to good to be true. I thought the backlog would continue all the way to the interview.
I am so happy this thing is really moving now.
hope everyone else is processed this fast.
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-02-26 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hello everyone,

I just recieved my NOA-2 hardcopy in the mail on 2-20-10. They sent me the approved email and text on 2-12-10. The actual paper says approval was on 2-11-10.

I am happy things are moving even if they are slow. Now I guess its another wait for NVC to pass it along to the embassy.

I remember a guy tracking the package being sent to the embassy through DHL. He gave this link

The visa journey link to understand the process is http://www.visajourn...howtopic=194465

I hope everyone has complete success soon.
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-02-21 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
I want to thank you for your comments, something is helping. I was approved today. I am so happy after the long wait to make it this far. I hope they have got it in the right gear for everyone else. My NOA1 was NOV. 2, so my NOA2 is listed on the official website as FEB. 12

I got a text message and a email message saying I was approved.

I will update my profile later tonight,
good luck everyone, now I have to study about the next process the papers will go through in Colombia.

ashwood486MaleColombia2010-02-12 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
I want to thank everyone who have really put in a lot of work. I know it gives me alot more hope in knowing I am not the only one waiting on the process to finish. You guys and gals have been a big help for me just by reading your stories and then the spreadsheet you have going is great.

It is nice to see such teamwork come together for everyone.


From a different angle, I know the company I work for would have long been gone if our output matched the current levels of VSC. I have to make jokes, if I don't the depression starts to kick in and I want to book the next plane. I can't imangine in todays world anything taking this long. I have seen huge buildings and bridges built in less time.
Keep up the good work,
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-02-05 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
QUOTE (Jl_n_JL @ Dec 23 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi November filers, and Merry Christmas.

I have couple questions for you.

When creating/editing your timeline, did you use the date you physically received your NOA1 on your timeline or the notice date on the NOA1?

Of the group of November filers, how many have actually had their case touched?

Thank you, and good luck to all.

(I used, physical receive date, and I haven't had any touches.)

I noticed a change from 11/2 to 11/6 so I guess my case was touched, but I am similar to many other people, I am not getting to excited about a touch. I just want the end results as painless as possible. No RFE's or any major bumps in the process.

I think in todays computer age this process is much to long anyway. It seems to me we should get the tax departments to teach the other government agencies how to speed up the process, they sure know how to make things happen in a hurry when it comes to personal service. LOL

hope this helps, good luck
ashwood486MaleColombia2009-12-25 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hello everyone

I thought this post would have been weeks ago, things sure keep us busy these days. I hope everyone's Christmas is going well.

Sorry about not posting sooner, I have not seen any indication my status has changed since 2 days after arrival. I recieved my hard copy very fast and was very hopeful for a fast processing time. I was hoping to give my fiance some good news for the holidays but,,,,doesn't look like that is going to happen.

I have followed every piece of advice and read all the important documents more times than I can count. I expect my package to be easy for them, lol.

I wish you all the best with your holidays and being seperated from your loved ones, maybe VSC can spread a little Holiday cheer for everyone.

I enjoy reading everyone's progress, Thanks
ashwood486MaleColombia2009-12-19 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescrazy signature question
Thanks for pointing me to the other thread, I guess I have worried over nothing.

About the child , she has the paper from the father , so leaving the country should not be a problem, or so I am told. LOL It seems everything starts out smooth and then things always get rocky for a while .
thanks for the help

QUOTE (rsn @ Sep 22 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashwood486 @ Sep 21 2009, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, everyone great forum

I am currently getting all the information together for the K-1. I had hoped to send it out this week but,

My question, I sent the forms to my fiance in Colombia with the e-mail, she printed them and sent everything back no problems. I noticed she printed her signature in english, on all the forms including the letter of intent, she says thats how she signs her name. So now I have no idea what to do.

I have a feeling this is not going to be a good thing with the first person that looks at the packet.

open for many suggestions at this point.

thanks so much

good.gif to all the responses to this issue. This was also discussed over here very recently with the same answers.

ashwood486MaleColombia2009-09-23 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescrazy signature question
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 21 2009, 10:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashwood486 @ Sep 21 2009, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, everyone great forum

I am currently getting all the information together for the K-1. I had hoped to send it out this week but,

My question, I sent the forms to my fiance in Colombia with the e-mail, she printed them and sent everything back no problems. I noticed she printed her signature in english, on all the forms including the letter of intent, she says thats how she signs her name. So now I have no idea what to do.

I have a feeling this is not going to be a good thing with the first person that looks at the packet.

open for many suggestions at this point.

thanks so much

a signature is a signature. My wife's signature is completely unintelligible in ANY language or alphabet and it is perfectly acceptable to USCIS, the consulates, the DMV, and the mortgage company. It is HER signature. It does NOT look like her printed name (or anyones printed name)

If that is how she signs her name (and you just found this out now?) then that is how she signs it. No problem.

I hate to admit it but, I never really looked at the signature before now, I was concerned with all the other details being correct . I want to thank you now for all the information you have provided to so many other people. I have used yours and everyones post's to gain much needed information for this process.
I also have listed her 6yo son on the form and we intend on bringing him with us when she has the visa. Have you got any advice for this situation? Maybe some do's and don'ts for the process? I have been reading about it on VJ. thanks for your time and knowledge.
ashwood486MaleColombia2009-09-21 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescrazy signature question
QUOTE (Lina y Mario @ Sep 21 2009, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashwood486 @ Sep 21 2009, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, everyone great forum

I am currently getting all the information together for the K-1. I had hoped to send it out this week but,

My question, I sent the forms to my fiance in Colombia with the e-mail, she printed them and sent everything back no problems. I noticed she printed her signature in english, on all the forms including the letter of intent, she says thats how she signs her name. So now I have no idea what to do.

I have a feeling this is not going to be a good thing with the first person that looks at the packet.

open for many suggestions at this point.

thanks so much

Further details on how she signs her name would be very helpful, as you aren't being very clear. Would live to be able to offer you some help, but you are being too vague.

Sorry, I should have said she did not sign her name in what I would call a normal signature we normally see in the US.
She hand printed her name in english. I just thought it might be a red flag.

ashwood486MaleColombia2009-09-21 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescrazy signature question
Hello, everyone great forum

I am currently getting all the information together for the K-1. I had hoped to send it out this week but,

My question, I sent the forms to my fiance in Colombia with the e-mail, she printed them and sent everything back no problems. I noticed she printed her signature in english, on all the forms including the letter of intent, she says thats how she signs her name. So now I have no idea what to do.

I have a feeling this is not going to be a good thing with the first person that looks at the packet.

open for many suggestions at this point.

thanks so much
ashwood486MaleColombia2009-09-21 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of ongoing relationship
I know the embassy in Bogota will accept Englishor spanish documents. All the paperwork they gave us to fill out was in Spanish. I would try to include some evidence in English for the I29f packet but, at the embassy they will accept the spanish version. Good luck I just finished our second interview with her visa being approved. If I can help just PM me.
ashwood486MaleColombia2010-05-22 14:16:00