Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Chip & Susanne:
Herzlich Willkommen in unsere Runde Susanne! Hoffe euer Visakram geht ruckzuck ueber die Buehne

Wie lange ist Chris denn weg?

eute war Matthew's 24-Monate Check-up. Hab vom Arzt gesagt bekommen, dass mein Sohn discipline braucht. Grund war, dass er geweint hatte.
Matthew ist extrem schuechtern, was Fremde angeht (ist aber meine Schuld, weil ich ihn die letzten 2 Jahre zu sehr isoliert hatte)
Hinzukommt, dass der Arzt sein private parts untersucht hatte....kein Wunder, dass er schreit denke ich nur.
Auf jedem Fall hab ich eine Standpauke bekommen, was ich alles falsch mache....oh mann ich liebe diese base!!!

Danke! :)

aww Thea, hoffe Hubby bekommt bald ne gute Verbindung und das er safe&sound bleibt bis er wieder hier ist. Hmm nich viel los hier, wieder ne Babywelle, is irgendwie ansteckend, hehe.

Reist Du immernoch so viel durch die Weltgeschichte? Ich seh manchmal Fotos von Haiwaii, dann wieder Europa und am naechsten Tag Asien bei FB...

Chip&Susanne: wie habt Ihr Euch denn kennengelernt? Alles gute mit dem Visakram, das ist echt nervig, was?

Oh Mann ich bin total kaputt heute von der Arbeit, wenn's so weiter geht schaff ich es glaub nich bis zu meinem due date.
Ich hab hubbys toolbox neulich bei home depot gekauft und das Ding mit Muehe und Not von der Garage in den laundry room geschliffen (2 riesen grosse Boxen) und verpackt und jetzt seh ich bei sears gibt es dieselben von craftsman fuer 50% off. :hehe: Ahhh ich hasse diese doofen sales. Umtauschen geht nich, das wuerde ich niemals ins Auto heben koennen.

Wir haben uns ganz unspektakulär im Internet kennengelernt. Heute warten wir genau 4 Monate, jetzt muss ja irgendwann mal was passieren :) Lg Susanne
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-12-14 03:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Oh Mann was fuer ein Scheiss Tag heute auf Arbeit... Ich hab die Nase voll von schwangeren... hehe. :devil: :P Die NICU ist nicht gut besucht in letzter Zeit also muss ich immer in den Kreissaal/OP gondeln und das ist irgendwie immernoch nicht so mein Ding. Und die amerkianische RN's sind zum Teil genauso fies und fressen Neulinge wie mich wie in DE. :(

Naja, morgen nocheinmal, dann 2 Tage frei. B-)

Also ich muss sagen fuer ein Ostkind hatte ich schon ziemlich viele Spielsachen und Reitstunden etc. Muss wohl daran liegen das ich so ein lieber kleiner Engel war als Kind, muhahaha. :innocent:

Susanne: willkommen in der deutschen Runde und alles Gute fuer's Noa2!! Wo in den USA wirst Du denn leben??

Danke :) Ich seh deine Frage jetzt erst :blush: Ich werde in North Little Rock in Arkansas leben. Mein Verlobter ist in Kalifornien aufgewachsen und im Sommer nach Arkansas gezogen. Dort ist auch ein Teil der Familie. :)
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-12-11 16:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

Hallo Susanne, willkommen im Thread :). Ja wir sind glaube alle schon 'drueben' viele schon seit einigen Jahren. Viel Glueck mit deinem Visum. Hoffentlich gehts ganz schnell fuer euch.

Ha und ich seh grad, du bist ja auch ausm Osten :dance: . Irgendwie sind wir ganz schoen in der Ueberzahl.

Danke :) Ich werde mir dann von euch ein paar Tipps holen, wenn ich auch 'drüben' bin :) Jaaa, weihnachtliche Grüße aus dem Erzgebirge!!
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-12-08 02:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Ich seh jetzt erst, dass es hier ja auch einen German people thread gibt :)
Ihr seid ja alle schon ganz weit. Ich warte noch auf meine NOA2.
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-12-07 05:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhelp with filling out the Affidavit of support

Do you know if the embassy accepts copies of the form I-124 or does it have to be the original?

sorry I meant I-134
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-02-08 14:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhelp with filling out the Affidavit of support

The I-134 is for an individual with no opportunity to combine incomes. The joint sponsor's income needs to qualify on it's own. In this case the mom's income must be enough to meet the requirement. Her joint tax transcript/return along with supporting documentation for only mom's income (W2, 1099, etc.) or recent pay stubs and employer letter would be used to do prove sufficient income.

Later when filing the I-864 at Adjustment of status the in-laws' income can be combined. For the I-134 it cannot.

Do you know if the embassy accepts copies of the form I-124 or does it have to be the original?
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-02-08 11:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhelp with filling out the Affidavit of support
Thanks a lot! So now we are filing Form i-134 for the K1 visa interview, that only his mom will sign? We wanted to add tax transcripts from 2008 and 2009 as proof or supporting documents. My interview will probably be in March, so my fiancé and his parents may have not filed their 2010 taxes until then. I heard tax transcripts are enough, and bank statements etc. are not needed.
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-02-08 09:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhelp with filling out the Affidavit of support
My fiancé's mom(fiancé is the USC) wants to sponsor us. The tax papers are filled out by her and her husband. They always file jointly. I know that my fiancé has to fill out the Affidavit of support and in addition his mom because she will be our co-sponsor. Does her husband have to sign the paper too? Since it always says 'i, the applicant' etc..., so I would think, only his mom has to sign but the tax papers that they will include as proof will be on both their names as one unit/one person. Or do we need a third affidavit of support and the dad has to fill one out individually? Can somebody give me advise?
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-02-08 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYEEEEEEEESSS.. AT LAST N0A2!! JULY VSC..
Congratulations!!!! Finally :star: :star: :star:
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-01-19 07:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer
Congratulations on all the recent approval and safe flight for the ones going to the US - oneway :)
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-04-17 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

Chip+Susanne: My expected wedding is the same day as yours... Still waiting for our interview date though!

Hope you will have your interview soon!!!! Awesome, the same wedding day :)
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-03-25 05:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer
I had my visa interview yesterday and I was approved :) I am leaving Germany on the 12th of May. I hope all the other August filers are moving along and getting ready for the big move soon! Thanks for all the support here!
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-03-24 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

So how is the August group doing? Anybody close to a interview yet?

I have an interview scheduled for the 23rd of March, three weeks to go :)
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-02-28 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer
We have been approved today too, my fiancé (USC) and I are very happy. He received an email and a text message. :)
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-01-28 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

Just curious now that some of us are reaching the 5 month mark? Wish I could update my timeline..but nothing to update since 10/03/10, when everyone basically got touched. This just waiting sucks...wish me or someone else has news from August K1 submitters.

We are reaching the 5 months mark on Monday :huh: So we will give them a call next week.
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-01-08 04:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

####### I'm on mobile so I can't press anything. :lol:

hahaha that just really made me laugh out loud!!!! :rofl:
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-10-21 05:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

Ook, I have just pressed it for both of your posts. :P

I just pressed it too :thumbs:
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-10-20 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

From the timeline charts... I can predict they're going to pick up the pace soon. Because, well, they were busier during Summer, but they can't keep it like that for the rest of the year. They'll clearly start to approve more soon. Let's just not lose our hope/mind. :D

Yes they will! Just when you think nothing is happening, you will be totally surprised!!! :star:
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-10-18 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

I feel your pain, 3 months and still waiting :blush:

25 days to go until I see my OH. God it cant come quick enough, I hate wishing time away liek this :angry:

This is awesome!!! It will make the time go quicker once you see him, and maybe you will get the NOA2 when you don't expect it :)
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-10-15 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

Dont get me wrong VSC isnt exactly moving at the pace of a jaguar but at least VSC have started approving early July, only a couple though. And CSC havent even began June filers yet so yes VSC is ahead of CSC but only just. The reason why i posted that was CSC has seen no movment what so ever lately where as VSC have.

Ok then, there is hope. For me it has only been two months, but it's still too long already!!!
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-10-15 07:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

One day down is another day closer to approval.....yes im getting tired of saying that too. C'mon VSC I know that your moving faster than CSC but jesus put us out of this misery already

sorry, maybe I just did not get the message, but is VSC really moving faster? That's great and how do you know that?
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-10-15 04:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 August 2010 VSC filer

I gotta tell you, sometimes I feel the same. We feel the same, me and my fiance. But he's always stronger than me. I'm trying to learn how to do that from him. :unsure:
I'm just like you, sometimes I feel so depressed, other times I say to myself: It's going to be fiiine, we have a real relationship. I don't think I'm afraid of the interview, but I can't stand this waiting game, it's killing me(us...), we've been together since 2007 and it was all about waiting all the time. So I'm getting sick of it. There's not so much time left, but well, there are some days when I just can't control myself and I cry like a baby. :innocent:
But THIS process WILL BE OVER and WE WILL BE WITH OUR LOVED ONES!! Just think about that. I don't know if my reply will help you, but I figured I could at least try... :luv:


I feel the same, I think we all feel like this. And my Fiancé is also so much stronger. I feel encouraged that we are all here going through the same thing and undestand each other. You are not alone!!! Soon the waiting will be over!
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2010-10-13 04:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers

I usually give a big hug and kiss to Ann then leave. I don't think I have ever looked back. Her brother took us one time and said something about me just leaving and not turning to say good bye. She told him that its just to hard for us both, if we don't just do it we won't be able to .

We do the same thing. We have that rule that once we said the last goodbye, we are not allowed to turn around anymore, because it would be just too hard.....
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-01-13 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2010 K1 Filers

And btw i miss you guys has been so quiet here =/

I cried too so much last time when I had to leave him (in November after Thanksgiving). He still kept it together but as soon as he got to the car he cried really loud :crying:

Soon we will be with our loved ones and don't have to say goodbye anymore!!
Chip+SusanneFemaleGermany2011-01-12 04:31:00