K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Having Met in Last 2 Years and an Ongoing Relationship
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 20 2009, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (venusfire503 @ Sep 20 2009, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 20 2009, 06:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In most fiancee visas there is little to "frontload" much of it (if not all) occuring before the couple even met in person. Then we have many months AFTER the petition is filed and any proof of relationship during that time is not possibly available to "frontload" . How does proof of a relationship which does not even qualify for a petition, assist with the issuance of a visa? There is no qualifying "relationship" TO prove until after the couple meets in person.

Not everyone files immediately after first meeting in person. We had to wait just over 2 months. Some couples wait for many other reasons - some for many months, or even years. Also, some couples meet more than once, as we did.

Even if we had filed after my first trip there, we had quite a bit to send by that time - pics, email, phone calls, etc. To us, meeting was just a continuation of a relationship that had already started. Some couples get engaged during the first meeting in person, so they'd have quite a bit to send. Some lucky people spend much more than a week or so on their first trips.

QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 20 2009, 06:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That said, and with all this speak of front loading, is there any cases we know of here at VJ where front loading benefitted the issuance of a visa? I mean the theory is cast about often enough, though I begin to wonder if it isn't just one parroting another. "Frontloading...frontloading" "Must front load for difficult consulates" "Must frontload for maybe any consulate" Which is it? Who benefits? Who HAS benefitted? Cetainly there must be examples here. Someone who can say "Yeah, you bet, I would never have gotten my visa if I hadn't included those emails from BEFORE we filed the petition. They were about to deny us, no question, then we pointed out the emails and two photos from when we filed the petition and they changed their mind and gave us the visa!" Anyone? Someone?

We didn't discover VJ until after we sent our packet, so we just did what we thought was best - never heard of "frontloading" at that time.

There's no way to really know WHY it goes more smoothly for some couples than others, but we can all have our theories. Morocco is notorious for being a pain, and many couples get denied, or have to wait forever, or get 221g...whatever. The lady who interviewed my SO acted like there was NO WAY she was going to give him (or anyone else) the visa, but he got it a few days later. Not exactly sure what "did it" for us. All I can do is tell the facts in our case, and my theories about it.

Facts: I am 11 years older, divorced, with 3 children, raised Catholic, didn't know any French or Arabic, and had some money from the divorce settlement (wasn't even working at the time). We met - online - only 4 months before sending our k-1 petition. I did go to see him twice in that time. I met him during my divorce, and sent the packet the day I got the divorce decree. So, basically, just about ALL of the red flags possible. Yes, the lady was practically interrogating him during his interview (while I paced around outside for hours). But he got the visa, and was here less than three months after I sent the petition.

I hired a lawyer, thinking it was necessary. For the petition, we sent tons of photos, IM chats, email, phone records, boarding passes, etc. He also took several thick binders to his interview with more - and some of it might have hurt more than helped, I don't know - receipts from the laptop I bought him (so we could talk more often), evidence of sending him money through agencies, bank statements for the account I opened for him (gave him an ATM card - fewer fees, more convenient, faster, etc) - things that might have made it look like he was using me. We included receipts for and pictures of the engraved wedding bands we ordered between sending the petition and the interview date. And tons more pictures, etc. Both proof of meeting in person and of our ongoing relationship.

Opinion: whether or not others agree, I strongly feel that all the things we provided in the k-1 packet and at the interview really helped us out. I'm not so sure about the lawyer - I think that was a waste of money. At the time we thought it would at least show that we were serious about the whole thing. I would say that it can't hurt if you can swing it financially, but I've heard of it slowing things down in some cases, and totally screwing things up in others. I think for straightforward cases, it's a bad idea.

I really think that it helped that he remained calm during the interview and just kept answering the questions, even though some were asked repeatedly. We also made sure he was really prepared - well rested, we reviewed all the information he might need to know, etc.

So, I can't say 100% that 'front-loading' was THE reason that we had such a quick and 'easy' time of the visa part of the process, but I really do think that it helped tremendously. If nothing else, sending all that you can might give you some peace of mind. I'd rather "waste my time" gathering and sending too much than worrying during the wait and/or kicking myself for not sending enough. But like all things, everyone has to make their own decisions.

Best of luck to all during their journeys!


The key to this is...would he have been or was he, allowed to submit more evidence of relationship at the interview? Did they accept from him the evidence of relationship (since the filing of the petition) that he brought to the interview?

The concept of frontloading (as it has come to be called) is that an unreasonable consulate will refuse to look at recent evidence at the interview, yet this same unreasonable CO will then reverse his decision because of (by that time) "old" evidence of an ongoing relationship that was sent to the consulate by USCIS. This assumes that an unreasonable CO who, as TBoneTx points out, "answers to no one" including the USCIS, will ignore current evidence and qualify you on what amounts to ancient history. The concept seems kind of preposterous to me.

In your case, you front loaded, and have no indication it hurt or helped. I am sure you would change nothing, just as I would change nothing in our case, because you were successful. If there was an instance of front loading being the deciding factor, I would not be surprised to see it come from Casa Blanca or a similar consulate.

I am also told if you cut off a rattlesnakes head it can still bite you until sun-down. I cutoff plenty of buzzbottom's heads and they can be downright creepy in what they will do after being skinned and gutted, but that head ain't bitin' anyone without serious provocation (like stickin' your fingers in there) but it makes a good sounding story.

I am just curious if there is any truth to this rumor or if it is an oft repeated wive's tale followed by people going through difficult consulates becaue they "aren't taking chances" But it may be as effective to tie chicken's feet around your neck or something, garlic cloves, etc.

Personally we are going for the garlic and chicken feet routine... and we're thinking about wearing a sign around our necks saying 'pick me pick me pick me pick me!" lol Just kidding.... kicking.gif
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-20 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Having Met in Last 2 Years and an Ongoing Relationship
QUOTE (itzallgood @ Sep 20 2009, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Sep 19 2009, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Sep 19 2009, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 19 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bogota, like any other Latin American consulate, is not the relative cakewalk that Kiev apparently is. Front-loading with evidence of ongoing relationship can't be a bad thing.
Si, man. USCIS will not care about the evidence of ongoing relationship, but your consulate certainly might (or definitely will), and the consulate is obliged to acknowledge the existence of anything that USCIS has first seen.

I think sending as much evidence as you can when sending in your initial petition would be wise, whether required or not. I major front loaded because I wanted them to be aware of how strong our relationship was. I sent 122 picture, chats, phone records, letters, emails, copies of train receipts, bus receipts, flight itenerary, money conversion receipts... anything I could get my hands on. If you get a rfe for not providing enough information then it will only slow your case down. Best to avoid asking questions and just show them what you got upfront. I think if you spend exstensive time together when you met, and you only show someone 4 pictures.... it would make them think of the validity possible. I know I certainly might think... but then again not allppl like to take as much pictures either. So I guess that cant be a valid point. I took over 950 pictures. But they will want to see pictures of you both together, and not just statue like pics, but pics that show feeling for each other. Happiness, romance, and even pics with family members to show everyone elses happiness. Front load the heck out of it to avoid road blocks and doubt I say.

It is really refreshing to see that "you get it" regarding the importance of pics. Not just the quantity, but the QUALITY showing love, life, family. NOt statue or newspaper pics, hehe.

Too many folks here like to poo-poo or discount pics, saying, "Not really important in the approval process of the visa because pictures are just secondary evidence."

Bull roar! It is said that "a picture is worth a 1000 words." Heck, why not send 10 pics instead of saying 10,000 words trying to convince 'em you are bonafide? laughing.gif


You the bomb!!! lol Im glad to see that some people recognize the importance of "proof"... kicking.gif
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-20 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Having Met in Last 2 Years and an Ongoing Relationship
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 20 2009, 05:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 19 2009, 10:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 19 2009, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (apotter @ Sep 19 2009, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys and gals, I have a question. For proof of having met I intend to send the following:

1. Copies of all airline boarding passes, passport stamps
2. 4 Color Photo's of me and my fiancee together.

For proof of ongoing relationship:
-MSN conversations

Should this be enough to satisfy their requirements and avoid RFE? Thanks for any input,


Your proof of having met is fine. You do not need proof of ongoing relationship for the petition. You can send it if you want.

Bogota, like any other Latin American consulate, is not the relative cakewalk that Kiev apparently is. Front-loading with evidence of ongoing relationship can't be a bad thing.

Kiev is not a "cakewalk" They are very strict in that documents MUSt be in order and complete. Nothing is waived and recently they have been rejecting translations from Ukrainian sources because they do not have the "certification" as required by USCIS and Consulates. They do NOT as some consulates do, add capricious and arbitrary requirements, they are straight down the line, but the DO follow the line.

I see lots of mention of this "front loading" and fully understand the concept (I also always mention it never hurts to include additional information) though the OPs question is about proof of meeting. MSNs and emails are indeed completely and totally useless for that purpose.

That said, and with all this speak of front loading, is there any cases we know of here at VJ where front loading benefitted the issuance of a visa? I mean the theory is cast about often enough, though I begin to wonder if it isn't just one parroting another. "Frontloading...frontloading" "Must front load for difficult consulates" "Must frontload for maybe any consulate" Which is it? Who benefits? Who HAS benefitted? Cetainly there must be examples here. Someone who can say "Yeah, you bet, I would never have gotten my visa if I hadn't included those emails from BEFORE we filed the petition. They were about to deny us, no question, then we pointed out the emails and two photos from when we filed the petition and they changed their mind and gave us the visa!" Anyone? Someone?

In most fiancee visas there is little to "frontload" much of it (if not all) occuring before the couple even met in person. Then we have many months AFTER the petition is filed and any proof of relationship during that time is not possibly available to "frontload" . How does proof of a relationship which does not even qualify for a petition, assist with the issuance of a visa? There is no qualifying "relationship" TO prove until after the couple meets in person.

I see that most consulates (maybe all) are concerned with what has happened since the petition filing in the relationship, since there was likely not a qualifying relationship before the filing.

Again, I would be pleased to know of A case where frontloading was the deciding factor, even if only anecdotally (i know such things can be difficult or impossible to clinically prove) We have lots of experienced people with experience all over the world, Cetainly there is some examples. I am curious.

I will stick with my advice. Emails and MSN chats are completely worthless to prove meeting in person. Include them if you want. No penalty.

Yes you have to prove meeting in person within 2 years... BUT you also have to prove a ongoing relationship that is geniun. Take the advice that you feel for comfortable with... but I would provide to much rather than 'too little'. If its as completely worthless as they say to send the additional proof in, then you have not hurt anything. But if you provided too little, then it would hurt alot and prolong ur case. I know a few ppl who have received rfe after rfe asting for more evidence because they did not provide enough evidence.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-20 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Having Met in Last 2 Years and an Ongoing Relationship
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Sep 19 2009, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 19 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bogota, like any other Latin American consulate, is not the relative cakewalk that Kiev apparently is. Front-loading with evidence of ongoing relationship can't be a bad thing.
Si, man. USCIS will not care about the evidence of ongoing relationship, but your consulate certainly might (or definitely will), and the consulate is obliged to acknowledge the existence of anything that USCIS has first seen.

I think sending as much evidence as you can when sending in your initial petition would be wise, whether required or not. I major front loaded because I wanted them to be aware of how strong our relationship was. I sent 122 picture, chats, phone records, letters, emails, copies of train receipts, bus receipts, flight itenerary, money conversion receipts... anything I could get my hands on. If you get a rfe for not providing enough information then it will only slow your case down. Best to avoid asking questions and just show them what you got upfront. I think if you spend exstensive time together when you met, and you only show someone 4 pictures.... it would make them think of the validity possible. I know I certainly might think... but then again not allppl like to take as much pictures either. So I guess that cant be a valid point. I took over 950 pictures. But they will want to see pictures of you both together, and not just statue like pics, but pics that show feeling for each other. Happiness, romance, and even pics with family members to show everyone elses happiness. Front load the heck out of it to avoid road blocks and doubt I say.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-20 00:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecking Status with a case number..
Dont mean to be redundant... meant to post this in this forum, but accidently in another.... so here goes again: We were given our case number, and I am unsure if it is possible to check status with the case number online. I miss being able to check things the, but not sure if you can do the same with the other, other than emailing the embassy that we will be going through. Anyone know?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-22 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhats in the envelope
QUOTE (firdaus @ Sep 23 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey all my fiancee received her visa in the mial...but she said there is an envelope were they told her not to open...whats in the envelope???? and the visa itself is that attached in the passport or is that in the envelope..and when and who opens the envelope????thanksss

Does anyone know if a person can return to the embassy to get there visa and envelope instead of having it mailed. We are going through Casablanca.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-23 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched
QUOTE (Paris Heart @ Sep 24 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jkminney @ Sep 24 2009, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This may seem like a really daft question...But I've noticed that people have written "touched" on their status changes. How do you know when your case has been "touched"?


On the USCIS website, you create a account for yourself, and when your "touched" it shows by the Last Updated column, when the date changes, you've been touched!!

Since they changed the webite I am not seeing that colum you are talking about.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-24 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFees and more Fees
QUOTE (luvlikcraz @ Sep 25 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Sep 24 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baron555 @ Sep 24 2009, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
$960 - Plain Ticket (I wonder who got that lucky to get such a cheap price!)

Plain ticket?

I went to Morocco from april 1, 2009 to april 22. And for a round trip, total price I paid was $398.......from Iberia's web site.....That was a miracle, because I can not find any other flight for the next year under $1000!!!

I went this summer and paid about $450... now I am paying around $830.00 and thats only for a one way!! Ick!

QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Sep 24 2009, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Sep 24 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baron555 @ Sep 24 2009, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
$960 - Plain Ticket (I wonder who got that lucky to get such a cheap price!)

Plain ticket?

I went to Morocco from april 1, 2009 to april 22. And for a round trip, total price I paid was $398.......from Iberia's web site.....That was a miracle, because I can not find any other flight for the next year under $1000!!!

The cheapest plain ticketI have found was on orbitz for $1,200.00. I generally check other website, and orbitz always seems to be the most inexpensive.

Check out this summer I purchased a ticket for about $450.00.

Was that a round trip ticket cost?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-25 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFees and more Fees
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Sep 24 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baron555 @ Sep 24 2009, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
$960 - Plain Ticket (I wonder who got that lucky to get such a cheap price!)

Plain ticket?

I went to Morocco from april 1, 2009 to april 22. And for a round trip, total price I paid was $398.......from Iberia's web site.....That was a miracle, because I can not find any other flight for the next year under $1000!!!

The cheapest plain ticketI have found was on orbitz for $1,200.00. I generally check other website, and orbitz always seems to be the most inexpensive.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-24 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFees and more Fees
I posted this in another forum and it didnt quit work out very well, so Im coming back here to this one. Im trying to find out the fees are after filing the Noa2 for the middle east region, specifically Morocco. This was a website I was given which I am taking a look at, but would to know first hand from other people who have already gone through this process. Can someone be kind enough to give me some assistance?

$140.00 - Mailing papers to Morocco using Gauranteed Global Express with USPS (my quote)
$229 - Medical (I heard it was $130.00)
$146 - Interview (Never heard of that one....hummm)
$73 - X-ray (I heard was included in the $130.00 medical)
$60 - Vaccinations (I heard that was also included in the $130.00 medical)
$960 - Plain Ticket (I wonder who got that lucky to get such a cheap price!)
$1010.00 for Adjustment of Status to be paind before his visa expires on 90 days
$??? - Police records
$??? - Paper showing singlehood (We'll have to do this...)

Just trying to get an idea whats coming up.... and Im sure others are wondering too.

Have I missed any other fees?

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-24 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof...
QUOTE (simbolo @ Sep 23 2009, 09:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Try to perform some data recovery on it, plug it into a working computer and the data might still be there. Unless the HD does not spin up anymore...

YUP! Great idea... I work in computers with Geek Squad... and I didnt think of that! blush.gif Do you have a Best Buy where your at?? Geek Squad will recover your files for $99.00, AND included in that price is a 250GB external harddrive (valued at $70.00) so you never lose your files agian! biggrin.gif

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-23 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof...
I was not able to provide any msn chats prior to a 'certain' date so when I submitted my K1 I enclosed a lettter that due to data loss I was not able to provide chats for a certain time period. Storing your chats on a flash drive is completely safe. Just when you save them to the flash drive just check and make sure it saved. You can get a 2GB for approximately $12.00. And a 4GB for probably $19.00. The proof you can send in replacement of chats phone records, emails, and snail mail, and pictures. If you use a calling card, contact the calling card company and request a list of ur transactions. Since you just recently submitted your K1, you will have atleast 4-5 months of chat to be able to include for proof. When you sent in your original petition last month, did you include chats with your petition? Im sure that they realise that sh_it happens... just make sure you back up with other proof and start saving to a flash drive and u be ok.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-23 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
QUOTE (carolynhotstuff @ Sep 25 2009, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After reading this post I called my cable company and they do have an international plan a lot cheaper than the calling card I was using. I got rid of my movie channel and will pay for the international calls instead. Through Comcast I will get 300 minutes for $14.95 per month to call 100 Countries. I didn't realize I could already call Canada and PR for free. Also I can request phone logs with the number I called and the minutes.

Thank you guys for all your help because it is so important when you get to the Embassy stage to have proof of ongoing relationship.

How can you make calls through comcast?? I have comcast but know nothing about it. And you can call the middle east??
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-25 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Sep 24 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Sep 23 2009, 08:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Sep 23 2009, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where is the experts people I have one question, I hope you guys can help me. Me and my fiancée we communicate on the phone I use calling card phone from, but it don’t show her phone number it just show only transactions how much I purchased is that good proof? what you guys think.

Appreciate your help

I also called my fiance using a calling card. If you contact the calling card company they can provide you with a list of the phone numbers you have called using the card. I was able to request the information with my calling card and wasnt a problem. Are you using a rechargable card with the same pin each time? So just provide them with ur calling card number, and pin number, and they can email you all the activity on your account. Yes the k1 requires proof of meeting, but you should also show proof of an ongoing relationship. If you are unable to get a complete list from your calling card company I would provide it anyhow. Does hurt your process in any way so why not?

I called phone Card Company I asked them to give me call history; they said we can’t provide you with that information, they said we can only provide you how many time you purchased card phone.

'MouadsWife' what kind phone card do you use, I’m using CallingCardPlus long time, and I don’t have any information other then what how many card phone I purchased.

Im using they have great rates. A friend of mine emailed them last night asking for the information on her account and she has already received all the account detail in her email.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-24 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
Im using and I get great rates. Its only .10 cents a min to call Morocco. I have not found anyone out there to beat that!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-24 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
QUOTE (afisher @ Sep 23 2009, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Sep 23 2009, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Sep 23 2009, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where is the experts people I have one question, I hope you guys can help me. Me and my fiancée we communicate on the phone I use calling card phone from, but it don’t show her phone number it just show only transactions how much I purchased is that good proof? what you guys think.

Appreciate your help

I also called my fiance using a calling card. If you contact the calling card company they can provide you with a list of the phone numbers you have called using the card. I was able to request the information with my calling card and wasnt a problem. Are you using a rechargable card with the same pin each time? So just provide them with ur calling card number, and pin number, and they can email you all the activity on your account. Yes the k1 requires proof of meeting, but you should also show proof of an ongoing relationship. If you are unable to get a complete list from your calling card company I would provide it anyhow. Does hurt your process in any way so why not?

I put about 50 used calling cards in a zip lock bag in the packet that was used at the interview. The interviewer pulled the baggie out of the package and handed it back to my fiancee and said that this was not proof and she didn't need it.

What I did was once or twice a month I would call direct, that way the numbers were on my cell phone call logs.

Even though you use a calling card if you call the calling card company they will provide you with a list of numbers you called. It gives the 'direct' number you called. Providing them with alot of old used calling cards is not proof because it does not show them anything. I can 'show' them a credit card, but by showing it to them does not show what you have bought during the term of the credit card.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-23 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
BTW... I pulled out my papers that I got from the callingcards place I buy mine from, and I have about 75 pages of activity from January 2009 to May 2009. It gives the date called, time called, where I called from, what phone number I called from, and the location (country) I called, and the number I called. Im using I realise yours is not the same, but most calling card companies can provide the same information upon your request.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-23 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling card proof?
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Sep 23 2009, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where is the experts people I have one question, I hope you guys can help me. Me and my fiancée we communicate on the phone I use calling card phone from, but it don’t show her phone number it just show only transactions how much I purchased is that good proof? what you guys think.

Appreciate your help

I also called my fiance using a calling card. If you contact the calling card company they can provide you with a list of the phone numbers you have called using the card. I was able to request the information with my calling card and wasnt a problem. Are you using a rechargable card with the same pin each time? So just provide them with ur calling card number, and pin number, and they can email you all the activity on your account. Yes the k1 requires proof of meeting, but you should also show proof of an ongoing relationship. If you are unable to get a complete list from your calling card company I would provide it anyhow. Does hurt your process in any way so why not?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-09-23 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about when to get documents
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 4 2009, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bijad and Teresa @ Oct 4 2009, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 4 2009, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bijad and Teresa @ Oct 4 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 4 2009, 09:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bijad and Teresa @ Oct 4 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Except the I-134 and that should be within 90 days (actually no particular limit but certainly acceptable within 90 days) so you can do that now also.

Let me sound a little stupid - why do you say 90 days? I am actually getting this done now, and our petition hasn't even been approved... so it will be well over 90 days when he actually submits it with his interview. I had heard of some individuals submitting it with their petition, and I had never heard of an "expiration date" or even the time frame of 90 days.

There is no guide for the I-134. The I-864 requires all documents be within one year, BUT also specifies that "more recent documents may be requested" I have never heard of a consulate requesting information more recent 90 days, they could, but not to my knowledge. Beyond that you are pushing it. Consulates can make their own decisions on this matter and do not have to be consistent.

I would not prepare an I-134 until you have an interview date. In my case I completed mine 2 days before the interview and it was "current" within one week. Consualtes from high fraud ountries (Morroco...OH YEAH!) will consider "old" information on the I-134 a "red flag" I wouldn't push it with Morrocco

Lovely, just paid $40 to have the bank write that up!

Write WHAT up? A bank letter? Are you kidding? I wrote my own bank letter, took it to the branch president and asked her to type it for me on letterhead while I poured myself a cup a coffee and waited in her office. Had she suggested I pay $1 for it, the next thing I would have handed her was a withdrawl slip for the balance in all my accounts.

Bank letters are optional anyway.

I am not kidding one little bit... they called it an "Immigrant Letter". I am not worried about it being "old" many from Casa have not even been asked for it, he will have it if they need it. I am not paying more money to have another letter written. In the letter it included all the information the Affidavit of Support asks for; current balance, deposits over a 12 months period and when the account was opened. The bank said they could get the amount deposited over a 12 month period so they would have to send it off to the "major" branch and have it written there! Oh well..

Well, bank letters are optional anyway, so go with it. Even if they disregard it if your other information is sufficient and more worries. I would get a new kidding. I got the deposits off 12 months statements and added them up and wrote the letter myself, they just verified the amounts, etc. Tyoed it and signed in like 10 minutes, really. They have done four of these for me, for the initial k-1 and AOS and our k-2 to follow and AOS for that, never a problem. I cannot deal with people that have no idea what customer service is about, that is their business.

Is there like a 'sample' letter that I can view somewhere? "Bank letter"? I am not sure exactly what I am asking for from the back, or what the letter should look like. I had initially thought I would print out my bank records online and submit those for the past 3 month or however needed. So what am I missing, what do I need 'exactly' from the bank?

Also... As far as other records for the affidavit of support goes, should I submist a w2 or copy of a tax form for last year only? Just one year?

And what if my employer is part of a major branch and can not type a letter verify my employement and wages. What can a person do then? I have old paycheck stubs? Do you suppose that would qualify?

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-04 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about when to get documents
My fiance has 9 week until his interview, and is supposed to get documents for the interview, just a few being, court record, police record, and singlehood certificate, and we'll have to get them all translated I presume. Oh, and get the medical exam also. We thinking to wait to get them done about 4-5 weeks prior to the interview. My fiance is worried that the papers requested and the exam will expire if we get them too early. I would like to know other peoples past experience on getting papers done and time frames that should be allowed. Can you tell me what would be a good time to begin getting these? Thanks!

Edited by MouadsWife, 03 October 2009 - 11:56 PM.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-03 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
It took me 3 months of contacting uscis and a email to finally be able to view my status entering my receipt number. The phone calls proved to be useless, but the email proved to help. Log onto uscis.gic and email them and explain to them your situation of not being able to enter your number to view your status and maybe it will get the ball rolling for you.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-04 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForms... written or typed?
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Oct 5 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Oct 5 2009, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just read a post that when this idividual was interviewed, the officer stated that the forms that she submitted had to be 'typed' and not hand written. The post was vague so not sure what forms she was speaking of. I am filing a K1 and going through Casablanca, and the forms I am working on are as such:

DS-230 Part I and II
I-134 Aff of Support

I was going to type as much as I could, but certain areas of the form, such as addresses have to be hand written because difficult to get the whole address in.

What has anyone heard about these forms having to be typed instead of handwritten. Thanks!

As you say, type as much as possible, and hand write were needed. Mostly, it is useful because it's difficult to mis-read typed text, but sometimes very easy to misread chicken scratches type of hand writing!

If you have read that people in your consulate don't accept hand written, then you can put "See attached sheet" in the form, and then attach a sheet with the question clearly labeled and take up as much space as required (similar to how the guides direct you to answer the how you met question for I129f)

Ok... thats a good idea. I have no idea however what our consulate will require as far as this. I was under the impression that it could be written or typed. But since I'm a tad OCD I will type as much as I can! wacko.gif
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForms... written or typed?
I just read a post that when this idividual was interviewed, the officer stated that the forms that she submitted had to be 'typed' and not hand written. The post was vague so not sure what forms she was speaking of. I am filing a K1 and going through Casablanca, and the forms I am working on are as such:

DS-230 Part I and II
I-134 Aff of Support

I was going to type as much as I could, but certain areas of the form, such as addresses have to be hand written because difficult to get the whole address in.

What has anyone heard about these forms having to be typed instead of handwritten. Thanks!

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiances packet 3 not received...lost in mail maybe...
QUOTE (Majid_Anna @ Oct 2 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Oct 2 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiances packet 3 was never received. Embassy in Casablanca said they mailed it to him on September 25th. After I emailed the embassy to find out the mailed date, they stated that if he did not receive the packet he would have to come to the embassy in Casablanca to pick it up there. They did not give a specific address or location to pick it up at, and did not state what papers would be required to pick up the packet. Does anyone know how this works? Would he have to take a copy of the approved petition with him in order to pick up his papers? And the place that he would go to pick this up at would it be the same place his interview will be held at? I realise I can probably email them again and ask these questions, but did not want to bombard them with more questions, and thought it would be easier to get a reply here. Thanks for your help!

Hey there! To be honest, I would give it another week. Sometimes the mail in Morocco is slow, sometimes fast....even more so depending on where he lives. Have a great weekend!

Thanks for your reply. I was thinking he would get it sooner than later because he only lives 1.5 hours from there. But I will give it until mid next week and see what happens. I hope he gets it soon. I assume you cant just want up to the embassy and say "hey give me some papers".... they must need something.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-02 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiances packet 3 not received...lost in mail maybe...
My fiances packet 3 was never received. Embassy in Casablanca said they mailed it to him on September 25th. After I emailed the embassy to find out the mailed date, they stated that if he did not receive the packet he would have to come to the embassy in Casablanca to pick it up there. They did not give a specific address or location to pick it up at, and did not state what papers would be required to pick up the packet. Does anyone know how this works? Would he have to take a copy of the approved petition with him in order to pick up his papers? And the place that he would go to pick this up at would it be the same place his interview will be held at? I realise I can probably email them again and ask these questions, but did not want to bombard them with more questions, and thought it would be easier to get a reply here. Thanks for your help!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-02 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about forms sent to fiance
QUOTE (yehaww @ Oct 5 2009, 10:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've submitted all my forms for a K1 fiance visa. They were approved and my fiance in Sweden has received her packet of forms, the DS-230, DS-156 and 156k. But we're a little confused. The forms appear to be something that should be filled out AFTER marriage. There are references to "spouse" everywhere. They are asking for "date of marriage". So my questions are:

Form DS 230:

question #14: Name of Spouse - Should she just enter my name and info even though we are only engaged?
question #18: Date of marriage - Do we just put N/A? Or put the date we intend to marry?(we haven't decided that date yet)
questions #19-28 - These are asking for information on Father and Mother, directly after asking for her "spouse" information. Are they asking for my mother and father's info, or hers? I assume it's her parent's info, but the placement on the question is such that I want to make sure they aren't asking for my mother and father's info.

Form DS 156:

There are more spouse questions here like #18 and 19 spouse name and DOB. Just put N/A or my info?
#26 How long do you intend to stay in the US? Indefinitely?
#27 What is the purpose of your trip? Marriage?
#28 Who will pay for your trip? We will both be paying for the expenses, should we just put both of our names?
#29 Have you ever been to the US? She has been here multiple times, but there is only a small box, do we attach a separate sheet?
#30 Have you ever been issued a US Visa? She has always come on the visa waiver program, so should she just write "visa waiver"?
#31 Do you intend to work in the US? She does, but we don't know what sort of job she will be able to find. Just write "Unknown"?

Form 156k:
They state that "The Following Documents should be attached in order to apply for a fiance nonimmigrant visa": Birth certificate, Evidence of Engagement to your fiance and Spousal support document. Her packet from the American Consulate in Stockholm came with instructions stating that these documents wouldn't be needed till her interview, after she submitted the 230 and 156 and 156k forms. But now I see that they are asking for these documents now. Is this the case?

How do we show evidence of Engagement? We never bought rings or anything. Should she just include a renewed "letter of intent", like we wrote for the original packet? I've read on this site that some people say that these forms aren't necessary and that a Consulates instructions trump what is listed on the forms. My concern is that I'm wanting to wait about a month to send her my affadavit of support because I'm getting off of disability next week and getting a job and want to have some paystubs to send. But we're wanting to get the process rolling by sending in the forms. I realize I'm asking a lot of questions but I would be very grateful for any help here.

Form DS 230:

question #14: Name of Spouse - (none)
question #18: Date of marriage - (n/a)
questions #19-28 - They are asking for your fiances parental information

Form DS 156:

There are more spouse questions here like #18 and 19 spouse name and DOB. Just put N/A
#26 How long do you intend to stay in the US? (K1 Visa - Applying for permanent residence following marriage)
#27 What is the purpose of your trip? (K1- Visa - marriage)
#28 Who will pay for your trip? Put one name, yours or his... best to keep it short
#29 Have you ever been to the US? Attach a seperate sheet, saying "Suppliment for form DS-156 Question 29: Have you every been in the U.S. And give same information its requestion on the form. Make sure you sign the bottom of the attachment.
#30 Have you ever been issued a US Visa? Unsure
#31 Do you intend to work in the US? It states "if yes, give address of employer", but it sounds lame putting 'no'. You can put yes and in the box "Intend to work after receiving work permit'

Form 156k:
They state that "The Following Documents should be attached in order to apply for a fiance nonimmigrant visa": Birth certificate, Evidence of Engagement to your fiance and Spousal support document. Her packet from the American Consulate in Stockholm came with instructions stating that these documents wouldn't be needed till her interview, after she submitted the 230 and 156 and 156k forms. But now I see that they are asking for these documents now. Is this the case? Yes, get those douments and have them ready for the interview.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter From Employer Verifying Position, Title, Salary for - I-134 Form
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 5 2009, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Oct 5 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 5 2009, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chuckie4_11787 @ Oct 5 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question if anyone knows for sure:

I work for a Fortune 500 company and I am about to request a letter From my Employer Verifying Position, Title, and Salary for my I-134 Form. I can get a signed letter direclty from my Executive Director verifying all of the requested information. Is it necessary to go through a Human Resources Department for this letter? Does anyone know if a letter directly from my boss (ED) will be acceptable (Easy to get and quick)? Will this be returned unless it's obtained through the "Human Resources" department (Will take a longer period of time to obtain). Anyone know? Thanks! Best regards to all. Craig.

Letter from your boss is acceptable in company letterhead.

But what if the company does not have any letterhead?

Every company should have letterhead. If you are talking about a small company, then it's pretty simple to print out letterhead using Word and the company's logo & contact data.

Its not a small company. Its 'Best Buy'. They do not have letterhead at the store... its only at the main HR office. But I guess thats a thought... I could make my own letterhead u suppose. Whats important i imagine is just the signature and information. You think? I mean copy and past the company logo on paper....
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter From Employer Verifying Position, Title, Salary for - I-134 Form
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 5 2009, 06:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chuckie4_11787 @ Oct 5 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question if anyone knows for sure:

I work for a Fortune 500 company and I am about to request a letter From my Employer Verifying Position, Title, and Salary for my I-134 Form. I can get a signed letter direclty from my Executive Director verifying all of the requested information. Is it necessary to go through a Human Resources Department for this letter? Does anyone know if a letter directly from my boss (ED) will be acceptable (Easy to get and quick)? Will this be returned unless it's obtained through the "Human Resources" department (Will take a longer period of time to obtain). Anyone know? Thanks! Best regards to all. Craig.

Letter from your boss is acceptable in company letterhead.

But what if the company does not have any letterhead?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter From Employer Verifying Position, Title, Salary for - I-134 Form
QUOTE (chuckie4_11787 @ Oct 5 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question if anyone knows for sure:

I work for a Fortune 500 company and I am about to request a letter From my Employer Verifying Position, Title, and Salary for my I-134 Form. I can get a signed letter direclty from my Executive Director verifying all of the requested information. Is it necessary to go through a Human Resources Department for this letter? Does anyone know if a letter directly from my boss (ED) will be acceptable (Easy to get and quick)? Will this be returned unless it's obtained through the "Human Resources" department (Will take a longer period of time to obtain). Anyone know? Thanks! Best regards to all. Craig.

That was just going to be my next question on vj! I cant go directly through HR, ANDDDDD they dont keep business letterhead where I work... it would just have to be on plane paper! How do you suppose that will pan out for me?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTotal Frustration
Not to nound completely ignorant but what is a 'tax transcript"? Im going through Casablanca and wondering if I will or could have similiar problems. Thanks!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about divorce certificate and noa2
On the list of forms they asked my fiance to provide and bring with him to the interview are: 1. Original Marriage Certificate and... 2. Original Divorce Certificate. Are they request those document for him in case he was every married before??? Or, are they requesting 'my' original marriage and divorce certificates??? Im leaning towards that they meant if 'if applicable' but not sure... thought?

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-06 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of address information
BUMP! wacko.gif

1. Can they use this to deny the visa?

2. Also... on the list of forms they asked my fiance to provide and bring with him to the interview are: 1. Original Marriage Certificate and... 2. Original Divorce Certificate. Are they request those document for him in case he was every married before??? Or, are they requesting 'my' original marriage and divorce certificates??? Im leaning towards that they meant if 'if applicable' but not sure... thought?

Im going to change my user name to "thethreadkiller'... bc everytime I type back on a thread it dies! crying.gif

Edited by MouadsWife, 05 October 2009 - 11:51 PM.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of address information
QUOTE (illnevergetthis @ Oct 5 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Oct 5 2009, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After we sent our peititon in... my fiance moved. Now our petition has been approved and is at the comsulate in Casablanca. So they do not have an updated form, paper, G-325 with his current address on that. I wonder when he goes to his interview if it will be an issue. When he does go to his interview in December, should he provide an updated G-325 bio form? Or just advice them of the change of information. I dont want any issues to make this take any longer. Thanks!

You need to notify the consulate now. Immigration is supposed to be notified within 10 days of a move. Email the embassy and ask them how they want to be notified of an address change. I know that in Jordan, I had to email the embassy. Also call USCIS.

OMG Im panicking! How big of an issue is this? Can they use this to deny the visa? Im thinking of emailing Casablanca now to ask to update this.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of address information
After we sent our peititon in... my fiance moved. Now our petition has been approved and is at the comsulate in Casablanca. So they do not have an updated form, paper, G-325 with his current address on that. I wonder when he goes to his interview if it will be an issue. When he does go to his interview in December, should he provide an updated G-325 bio form? Or just advice them of the change of information. I dont want any issues to make this take any longer. Thanks!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-05 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQUICK HELPPPP!
Our petition was approved and has been sent to the Casablanca embassy already. So it would not be useful to call NVC at the time. I think I panicked prematurely... he moved into his new apartment on September 24th, so its only been a matter of days, so I dont think it can be that much of an issue with them. I did email them and gave them our case information and new address. I usualy hear something within 2 days. So... I guess we'll see what they say.
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-06 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQUICK HELPPPP!
I need some quick help... I am trying to call the casablanca embassy and I only have one number that your are allowed to call for inquiries between the times of 3:00 and 4:00pm. I am needing to call to change an address on our case. Does anyone know of another good number to call? The number on there website 212-2-220-4127 is not a working number. Thanks!
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-06 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSuddenly Confused "R We Surprised?"
I have been reading some threads on MENA and seen where a form, DS-230 Part I is evidently supposed to be mailed to the consulate before the interview. When I received my email from them telling me what documents were required they did not tell me to mail any forms to them. And when my fiance received his packet 3, he did not mention any forms that were supposed to be mailed either. Does anyone know if any forms are to be mailed to them prior to the interview? Or do we take all the forms with us to the interview???
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-07 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much does it cost????
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 8 2009, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittykisses73 @ Oct 8 2009, 07:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And you should refrain from being nasty! I was just helping someone with the amounts I know! I stated I was not sure and I MEANT I AM NOT SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a better day, and find out who tinkled in your cheerios today! I was trying to help by offering amounts. WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO NEGATIVE RUDE AND NASTY ON HERE mad.gif mad.gif ! I wish the poster of this topic much luck!

QUOTE (pushbrk @ Oct 8 2009, 10:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittykisses73 @ Oct 8 2009, 05:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not sure if you have to file the I-130 that is the petition for the alien relative to stay in the country. We adjusted from the VWP so we had to file the following forms:

I-130 $355
I-485 $1010
I-693 $280 (Medical exam by civil surgeon in Orlando FL)
I-765 No cost if you file with the I-485 (I-765 is Employment Authorization)
I-864 No cost
I-864A No cost
G325A No cost

But filing from a K-1 I am not sure if you need all of those. Hopefully someone can help you with that. We are all toll $2000, plus the wedding which was small but still not cheap.

No I-130 is needed when adjusting from a K1. When you don't actually know the answer, I find it's best to refrain from posting. Somebody will be along soon who does know. It's saves a lot of confusion.

Take heart, we all have add, at one point or another pee flavored Cheerios! To me it happens once a month, then my husband starts thinking about pitching a tent in the backyard till the "storm" is over. rofl.gif
Also, I do the same as you. I offer my opinion and mention that I am not sure... I'm certain that very few people are 100% SURE of everything. And if they tell you they are, they're either lying or idiots. I think if someone asks a question and gets 15 replies, it helps them more than 2 or 3 replies.

Lastly, someone mention $131 for the interview. Do you mean the one you get at a USCIS' office? Cause I'm pretty sure those do not cost anything (then again, this is my opinion and nothing else wink.gif

You think thats bad? Wait until the 40 mark sets in and ur hormone crazy... then it happens a dozen times a month! lol blush.gif You should nix the tent and maybe think about building him a guest house when that comes along! lol He would want sturdier and more secure walls around him I promise u! lol

Edited by MouadsWife, 08 October 2009 - 10:56 PM.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-08 22:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much does it cost????
[quote name='Kittykisses73' post='3383003' date='Oct 7 2009, 08:08 PM']AOS is $1010
I-130 ( if you need this with a K-1 ) $355

I am filing a K1, and I just got my noa2 and an appointment date, and in the packet 3 it said nothing about a I-130. What is an I-130 and what it is for? This extra fee of "$355 threw me for a loop! lol

As far as the cost for the medical, I dont know what country your doing this from, but in Morocco he received 2 different costs, one being 1500dh and another being 1800dh. I believe the one for 1500dh converts to about $197.00. But realllllly concerned about this other form I know nothing about that you mentioned. blink.gif

Edited by MouadsWife, 07 October 2009 - 10:00 PM.

MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-07 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick Question regarding 1099
QUOTE (thepizzadude @ Oct 10 2009, 08:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is used to report MISC income.

What if you dont have misc income??? Will they request it anyway?
MouadsWifeNot TellingMorocco2009-10-10 20:25:00