Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g whats next?

my brother was interviewed on January 29 and was on 221g. We sent the document on the same day. on Feb 14 we checked CEAC and said it "issued" its his 16th day on AP. now are just waiting for visa. Hopefully all you guys will get through soon. 

mpesiaoMalePhilippines2014-02-16 14:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP for 16 days. VISA issued. Manila,Embassy

it updated twice. On feb 4 when they send us an email confirming that they receive the letter. on feb 14, the ceac updated but said it was "ready" for interview. we send them an email then 20 minutes later the ceac changed to "issued".


mpesiaoMalePhilippines2014-02-16 14:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP for 16 days. VISA issued. Manila,Embassy

So, my brother has an interview on Jan 29, he was on AP. They required to have my mom sign a letter of explanation why she did not file tax on 2012. (she just got in the US and didn't have income.) We sent the letter same day. Feb 14 Ceac website says its issued!! wohooo.


To al thats on AP just send the required document and lots lots of prayers. wishing you all the best. 

mpesiaoMalePhilippines2014-02-15 09:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing

what kind of administrative process are you on? my brother was under AP for 14 days. He was asked to have the petitioner write a letter saying "why she didn't file tax that year." -mother was a green card and did not work on that year she came.-  so, it all depends on what was missing or required documents you need. god bless to you.



mpesiaoMalePhilippines2014-04-23 22:29:00
PhilippinesMEDICAL in the morning - +D


mpesiaoMalePhilippines2013-07-30 11:57:00

Im a xoom user but recently they started cancelling my transaction and requested a copy of my id and social security. (no way id just give away a copy of my social security card. )


so i found this site and i was zoo easy to send and its linked in your fb and you can just select from your friends list too. :D

mpesiaoMalePhilippines2013-07-30 10:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support

Not following you. Your "other sister" cannot combine income. Is your mother just claiming the sister on her taxes or the sister AND the children? We can't help you if you're not specific. Just what "that" was good to hear?

"that" i don't have to put myself as a dependant on her (my mothers) taxes. ( in the end making it a higher amount needed for her to be a co-sponsor)
i have 3 sisters. the one that can help me with her income lives in another state by herself. she makes 27,000$ a year and claims herself and her kid (2 people).
(Sister "Amy" + her daughter "Mia" = 2 people)

my mother makes 32,000$ a year, and claims herself and 3 other people on her taxes (one of my sisters and her 2 kids) (4 people total)
(Mother "Rhonda" + Sister "Cassie" + Cassies's daughter "Jayden" + Cassies's son "Landen" = 4 people) (the only person in my mothers household making money is my mother)

the 2 incomes that i am talking about (my sister Amy's and my mother's ) do not live together or even in the same state. My thought was that as long as it's 2 incomes that can make the amount needed together, that they wouldn't need to be living together. (thinking about it now though it does sound pretty stupid)

and if none of that works I have my father that makes 37,000$ a year and only claims himself (1 person)
but as i put before I'm not 100% sure i can use him as a co-sponsor because he does get money from the VA.

I don't know any other way to put it. i'm sorry if i confused you.
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-09 01:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support

The intending immigrant counts but the petitioning US Citizen does not, unless YOU are adding income to that of the rest of the household. Yes, if your sister has income and is living in your mother's household, she would provide an I-864a as a household member, in order to combine income with your mother. Is it correct, your mother is claiming the sister and her children on her tax returns? If not, then your mother's household is just herself and your husband.

She is claiming my one sister who doesn't work. so she pays for her and her 2 kids. my other sister that is willing to help out lives in another state. that's good to hear though. it will be much easier that way. and no i wont be making an income when living at my mom's house. we plan on staying there only for about a week, maybe 2 at the most.
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-08 16:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support

You would not count in your mother's household size, Sounds like she will still be short of income. If your husband wants to start a business, do the two of you have some liquid assets?

no we don't have much of anything right now. but when we get out there are started we have an idea about maybe using angel investors to help us start.
as for my mother that means it's just her household size (4) ? and even if she's short can't i put her and my sister together to make what i need for the form?
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-08 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support
Thank you everyone for your help so far. :)

I talked to my father last night about all of this and to help us out he will be helping me set up a bank account in the US. My mother will be writing he letters and my sister agreed to be our co-sponsor. We are still looking for another sponsor though since she doesn't make enough.

a few more questions though. when it comes to figuring out the amount needed. do you look at the guidelines and add yourself as a claimed person for family size. say my mom makes 32,000$ a year. she claims 4 people already (herself, my older sister, and her two kids) would i add me and my husband to that making it 6 claimed people a year? meaning it would end up being needed 39,487$? (poverty guideline for 2013 for 6 people is 31,590$ by 125% is 39,487$)

if it is like that then i would see if i could use my dad. but i read online that you can't use people that get government funding. my dad was a marine, he gets money from the VA because he was injured while on duty. however that money is non tax-able. the money that he claims every year is from a lawsuit for workman's comp. taxable returns he makes 37,000 a year. and he only claims himself. am I able to use that? cause if i am i don't need a second sponsor.
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-08 06:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support
Oh wow thank you for correcting what form I need. I did what you all said and looked up about re-establish domicile. It doesn't sound every easy for me. I don't want to move back to the US without my husband. I never had a bank account, I never got a drivers licens, I've never voted before, and I don't have a residence in the US. I've already asked my mother and her boyfriend if we can live with them till we find somewhere to live, and they have no problem with this. Would it help saying that my husband is a computer programmer and his main wish when getting to the US is to start his own company out there? He's only ever dreamed about living in the US since he was a little kid. And when it comes to me, I WANT TO GO BACK HOME!!! I do like it out here for some things. But face it the US is better. I miss everything out there and living here is driving me nuts. I missed out watching some of my nieces and nephews growing up. I just need to get back there. But I will not leave my husband behind.

All in all I think I will just have to think about this more. I'm not going to spend thousands of dollars on this and not have it go through. thank you everyone, I guess it's just back to studying about how to do all of this for now. If I have any more questions I will be back to ask. Thanks again. :)
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-06 18:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of Support

I'm an American citizen with an Italian husband, and we are looking into everything we need to move to the US. I have been living in Italy for almost 6 years and have a permanent visa to stay here with my husband as the provider. When looking into what we need and what we have to fill out I came across the I-134 Affidavit of Support. I was wondering what I could do to get through this since I do not live in the US any more and my husbands income will end before we move to the US. I know that I could have a job set up to start as soon as I get there and I do have family members that will support us.

We plan on going with the DCF filing since we live out here, In hopes that it will make it go faster.

So pretty much, I don't have an income. My husband does, but it will end before moving to the US. Since I have been here for 6 years and I never had a job that lasted more then a week when I was a teenager, I have never sent in for income taxes, I don't think.

I really don't think I would be able to use this at all. Gosh I just don't know what to do. Someone help me?
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-06 12:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat documents?

Two police certificates are required: Certificato Generale del Casellario Giudiziale AND Certificato dei Carichi Pendenti.

Thank you so much. :)
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-13 04:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat documents?

well, there's the photo collection, also .. whatcha got on that?

I have a wedding book done with a professional photographer, along with wedding photos from family and friends, and a wedding video. other then that I have photos of our vacations together after getting married. family events together too.
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-12 07:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat documents?

2. yup. 420. there will be more later, when at NVC, then a medical fee , then a new immigrant fee to pay to make the greencard. all later, though.
3. those are optional. OTOH, since you've been living with him all this time, you need to revisit what evidence you two have of living together, sharing financial instruments and responsibilities. utility bills, photos, lease contracts, house mortgage, car stuff, wills, insurance, etc.

marriage certificate - at this stage, I-130 submittal, only need photocopy with translation and translation statement.

police certificate needed at NVC stage (or with DS-230 submittal to Napoli, if doing DCF in Italy), so you have some time to get the answer about what's what.

I'm a fan of DCF, although you might get speed at National Benefits Center (the service center that is currently adjudicating I-130 petitions when filed from abroad) as we've seen 'filed-from-abroad' casefiles here get approved under 2 months at MSC (the service center code for the National Benefits Center).

Thanks for responding so quickly. the only problem that I'm having is the showing of a bonafide marriage. since I'm living here and our apartment is in my husbands name only. (my name is on the residency certificate though, all it does is show that I live in the same place) The lady at my husbands bank said I can't get my name on his bank for some reason... My name isn't on the car cause i don't have a drivers license. there is no health insurance out here. my only hope to do this is the affidavits from family and friends and photos. I'll also be going to the US soon to open a bank account under my name. I don't know if i can but i'm going to try and put my husbands name on it too. do you think that will be enough? cause that is literally all i have.... :(
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-12 06:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat documents?
Hello everyone,

I'm looking into filing the IR-1 visa for my husband. I was wondering if anyone had some helpful advice for us before going into everything. Let me just explain our situation first.

I'm a US citizen by birth. (Chicago land area) but have been living in Italy for 6 years now. (with a legal residence status )

My husband is Italian, and we have been married for 6 years (neither of us has been married before)

We want to move to the US to start a new life. I'll be able to get a good job and my husband will to also be able to focus on his dream of someday opening a web based company.

I want to do this filing the right way so that there is no problems.

1. for affidavit of suport I have either my dad (he makes 37,000 a year and only claims himself. that money is due to a workman's comp case that he won in court. He has the financial means but I don't know if he can use that because he also gets money from the VA. The money he gets from the VA however I believe is non taxable so it doesn't show up in his income taxes. could I still use my dad even though this isn't considered income from a job and he also makes money from the VA?)

Or I can use my brother (He makes way more then enough and only claims himself. He has his own remodelling company as well. But the only thing that bothers me is that he has a bad past... would this make any difference ? )

2. When filing for the I-130 it only cost $420? I swear that i saw that there was another form that cost $1010, but I can't find that anywhere now. I just want to make sure that I send the right stuff with the right amount of money.

3. Other documents that we need are affidavit of a bona fide marriage. This can only be done by people that witnessed the marriage? (none of my family or friends were there. they couldn't make it out in time, but they know we are married and have seen us together before we got married and after.)

does anyone know where I can get these notarised in Italy (and if possible for my mom to make one too, in the US?) ? and should I have them write it in italian and then translate it to english and have both copies notarised?

the marriage certificate, I have a printed out one that we used for my documents here. is that the one they need? or do I have to go to the Town and get a copy of the original on that we signed the day we got married?

And lastly for this one, the police records.... Does anyone know the names of the ones in italian that we have to get? I know there are 2 different ones that we need.

Well I think that's all for now. Thanks in advance for helping me out (my husband is working full time right now, so I'm kinda on my own with all of this and it's hard to get everything...)

Right one last question. Would it be better to do this the DCF way. (yes they do it here in italy) and if so about how long does it usually take compared to mailing it in?

thanks again. :)
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-12 05:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOld passport

You may want to make a complete copy of it just so you have it. Just wondering why you are going thru the process to renew it now given that it is still valid for 3 more years. You might see how hard it is to renew in the US and keep it until it is about to expire or see about planning a trip to Italy to renew it before it expires. For the Spousal visa, you do not have to prove meeting within the last two years like with the K-1, so I see no real need for the stamps to prove he entered the US other than photo copies.

Good luck,


my husband thought it would be best to change it cause last month in italy they came out with an updated version with a micro chip implanted in it. but I was thinking about waiting to get it done before it expires later on just because we have so many things to get done already as it is. and i'm sure they will still take his passport as is now (with no micro chip ). Thanks for the help :)

Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-13 18:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOld passport
sorry I know I keep making more and more topics....

since my husbands passport expires in 2016 we were thinking of re-newing his passport before filing for the I-130. If we do this though the place will take his old passport and we wont get it back. Do we need the old passport (the one that shows his entry to and exit of the united states) for filing ? Or will this all be ok with the new passport?

thanks everyone for all the help that I've been getting here. I hope to one day return the favour. :)
Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-04-13 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 and/or I-864A

Petitioner- I-864
Dad- I-864

Ok thank you so much. :)

Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-11-05 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 and/or I-864A

I know there is already many threads made about this kind of situation. But i really need a little help figuring mine out. So let me start.

I am pettioning for my husband (italian) to move to the US. I am American, but i live in italy and have no job in the US. So when we move to the US, we will be firstly living with my mother and her boyfriend. She doesn't make enough for the i-864. So my dad has agread to use his income. He makes enough, but we wont be living with him. So what forms do i need and for whom?

Thanks in advance.

Sel_Chan89FemaleItaly2013-11-05 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 visa
Ok so how we have to pay do they send us any documents and let us know where and how much we have to pay
7skiesNot TellingPakistan2013-02-07 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 visa
Ok and how about the all fees

I hear we have to pay visa fee to how we can pay do we pay visa fee in usa or in pakistan
7skiesNot TellingPakistan2013-02-07 21:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 visa
Hi I am new on Vj I am pakistani male my finace is us citizen she apply k1 visa for me just day ago my question is how long it take and how the all k1 visa prosses work right now we pay application fee can any body tell there is anyother fees coming up and how we pay I know about the medical fee can someone help me please
7skiesNot TellingPakistan2013-02-07 21:11:00