National Visa Center (Dept of State)Home Investigation Durning The Administrative Processing

Hi all,

My interview Was in 19 Dec 2011, Since I am in AP, Durning that time Home Investigation Complate , I called to embassy and Dos ... they still said case is still under Ap, Why is that ? buz I know My home Investigaion was not to bad . The people they were asking a question they were all my friends and family , they know all my marriage things and everything , so i am just wonder how long its gonna take more to complate that suck horrible processing FOR IR1 Visa !!!!

There are people here who are on the 11th and 15th months of their AP. No one can tell you how long it will take.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-06-09 10:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Priority Mail Tracking Problem

Mailed IV packet to NVC in Priority mail legal flat rate with tracking number using APC ( Automated Postal Center ) at local post office on 02AUGUST2012. USPS.COM Doesn't show any movment of the packet its been more than 30 hours still no update. I hope they didn't lose it.

******* The U.S. Postal Service has received electronic notification from our Automated Postal Center (APC) in FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023 on August 02, 2012 to expect your shipment for mailing.

My mother sent a package to me via USPS express mail and the tracker hasn't updated in more than five days :o Maybe they are having some issues...
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-08-04 09:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Expedite Request

you will receive your interview date on 22nd august - 25 august , September interview slots has been closed, so its mean u will get interview date for October. Islamabad embassy will deny your expedite request so don't hope that they will expedite your request, i can understand that u have very serious reason but they don't understand about it.Unless you are living in Pakistan and your have health or security issues in Pakistan. one more advice your wife visa totally depends on how long you stayed with your wife in Pakistan and how many times you visited her after marriage.Islamabad embassy putting all these type of cases in AP.It will be better that during interview u must be with her in Islamabad embassy ,then chances for AP are very low.And if they put your case on AP then this AP will be for few days.

Attending the interview does not mean that AP is less likely or will be short. Being at the interview in Islamabad is useful and important but AP seems to depend on red flags in the case, and fewer visits/stays in Pakistan.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-08-19 10:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPut life on hold?

I'm sure you are not the only person that lost a friend in the war! and like i said OBAMA brought home the soldiers that were still alive! When you can tell me which one of these Presidents didn't use "WE THE PEOPLE'S" money to do something or the other at some point then you can talk to me. ALL presidents have used tax payer's money to do something at some point so i'm sure Obama won't be the last and he surely wasn't the first. I don't understand why it is so hard for people to give this man the credit he deserves for what he has accomplished, atleast he is trying. He is a genuine person along with his family and that is not hard to see. Hey let's hope Romney wins and then i'm sure ALLLLLLL the problems of the world will go away. :whistle:

One of those soldiers was my brother! His time in Iraq was supposed to be 1 year and 5 months, but he came home before the first year finished thanks to Obama! My brother was able to come home to his baby and his wife a lot earlier than expected and still alive! Thank God they are bringing the soldiers in Afghanistan home too. I cringe at the thought of Romney coming into office and starting a war with Iran, all he talks about is how we need another war! That's the last thing we need! My brother can still be called back to service if another war starts, that's reason alone to not vote for Romney.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-09-07 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally with mi amor!!
Congratulations!! I am so very happy for you. That must feel wonderful to be together in time to start a New Year :) We are still in the stressful waiting period, but I hope we get the same ending as you! That is great news!
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2011-12-31 12:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChoosing between K-3 and IR-1/CR-1...advice please!!
I recently read on an experienced lawyer's website that K-3 visas have not actually been issued since February of 2010. They will tell you they do still offer the K-3 but they actually haven't handed out any, and it actually costs more because the green card is not included in the K-3 and has to be filed and paid for separately.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2011-12-31 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning

I think you are worrying wayy too much! There are several muslim hijabi girls who petitioned for their husband in Pakistan and were successful.

-Don't worry about your pictures in Hijab with your husband. You don't need intimate pictures either. Pictures of you and him alone and with family at different times, places, etc are evidence. Pictures from your wedding day are also evidence (may be some pictures of you and him signing the nikah papers) and after marriage, etc
-You can contact Skype customer service to request chat/call logs, that would also be an evidence. If you use any other IM service and/or email.. get the logs and those are evidence.
-After your marriage, if you stay at a hotel, get both of your and his name on that and attach receipt for evidence. Your and/or his family and friends can write Affidavits that show knowledge of your marriage and relationship (see guidelines for that)
-There is a list of other evidence that is provided by USCIS (find that in the guidelines as well, there is an option to add additional evidence depending on what you have)
-You plane tickets are also evidence, from each trip.
-Wedding certificate/registration is required evidence of your marriage.

If you are only worried you will be denied because you are muslim and marrying someone from Pakistan. You don't need to worry. They will not discriminate you in that way. If that were the case, no one from Pakistan would be getting their fiance or spousal visa (and forget about tourist visa). CO in Islamabad are familiar with culture/religion/traditions of Pakistan and look at the relationship in that way. They do not expect intimate pictures of couples where holding hands in public is considered wrong. They have ways to find out if the relationship is legitimate.

I wish you all the best!

Worrying is definitely my thing! lol. And this process is stressful and complicated to say the least. I really don't like having to document my life so that some one might be satisfied that neither myself or my fiance is a scammer! But we all have to do it and one day it will be over insha Allah. I am not particularly worried about being muslim and pakistani, but more about the fact that my fiance tries to break away from the standard traditions of his culture and explore new ways! It sounds like they expect you to be tied down to old customs and traditions. We didn't want to have a traditional pakistani style wedding but now it looks like we have to! Thank for the advice, we will keep it all in mind as we start the CR1 process in a few more months. :)

Edited by Kyda, 06 March 2012 - 12:31 AM.

SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-03-06 00:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning

Just to be clear, USCIS handles "petitions" and Consulates/Embassies handle visa applications and issue. Getting a petition approved compared to obtaining a visa based on that approved petition kind of compares in difficulty to "getting pregnant" compared to "giving birth". Getting pregnant is the easy part. Some births are pretty simple and others are seriously traumatic life threatening events, with others falling anywhere in between. Islamabad is one of the more difficult ones, and even if the process through interview ends up being pretty straight forward, you usually have a long wait before you "bring your baby home".

Time to get familiar with the real world of bringing a spouse or fiancee from Pakistan and prepare yourself for the coming ordeal. It's not just filling out paperwork and waiting for the result.

Haha I really like your analogy. That is pretty neat. Insha Allah we will just both be working and saving money and waiting, occasionally visiting and of course alwaysss talking on Skype :) and maybe the time will go by as fast as this last year did :) We hope, we pray :) :)
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-02-01 18:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning

Petitioning at some consulates can be a little more difficult than other consulates. Some consulates are just super hard to get through. Each consulate has their staff trained to look for things that may be indicative of potential fraud by the beneficiary.

In no way am I judging you about your story, but the Consular Officer will - it needs to have rhyme and reason, it needs to make sense from a third party's point of view and you need to handle any petition and additional proof as a legal case. Just showing up to an interview and saying "but we LOVE each other" won't result in a visa. Especially from a country like Pakistan. Unfortunately it is a T country [I think that's the phrase. It's Monday morning and I'm rather slow on Monday mornings]. Petitioners from T countries get extra scrutiny based on ties to terrorism found within their nation.

Many South Asian countries are also considered high fraud countries. In these cases, the consular officers are looking for immigration fraud [trying to gain immigration benefits fraudulently mainly through bogus relationships]. Anything that isn't "typical" for that culture's traditional family/relationship values may be questioned. Things like mixed race marriages, mixed faith marriages, older brides, divorces, blended families [step-kids] all add to extra scrutiny from the consulate. This is where you need to take an unbiased look at your relationship and see how it fits with what is typical for a "normal" marriage in Pakistan. Anything that deviates from that norm may need to be addressed in some fashion as it will most likely be brought up in an interview.

It's great that you found both a man and a faith that make you happy. Many people have successfully gone through this process. I just want you to be as prepared as you can from the start as it IS a bumpy road. Best of luck!

Hmm, well we are a mixed race marriage and I am not a "syed" like his father wanted, but after he got to know me my father in law really loves me so much :) But I hear a lot in pakistan that some still view whiter as a better than darker, especially in marriage prospects. I am not sure how traditional that practice is, but maybe it will mean there is not really anything unusual with our color difference and getting married anyway. Thanks for the advice!
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-02-01 18:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning
Oh and an extra note, I always loved hijaabs on other women even years before I became a muslim. I always secretly wished I could wear one of those but I didnt want to be insulting to the faith. If I had know Islam when I was a teenager, like 17/18 I know that I would have converted to it, but unfortunately I did have completely wrong ideas about what Islam was (pretty much all the bad things you can hear about it) and so I never took up study of it in my search for a religion to follow as my own. I am sure there is no way to prove this to USCIS, short of one affidavit from my close friend who always listened to me point out hijaabi girls and say how jealous I was of their head scarf :P
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-30 00:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning
Oh and an extra note, I always loved hijaabs on other women even years before I became a muslim. I always secretly wished I could wear one of those but I didnt want to be insulting to the faith. If I had know Islam when I was a teenager, like 17/18 I know that I would have converted to it, but unfortunately I did have completely wrong ideas about what Islam was (pretty much all the bad things you can hear about it) and so I never took up study of it in my search for a religion to follow as my own. I am sure there is no way to prove this to USCIS, short of one affidavit from my close friend who always listened to me point out hijaabi girls and say how jealous I was of their head scarf :P
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-30 00:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning

I wasn't referring to the photo on your actual passport. You will need to submit a CURRENT passport style photo of yourself along with any petition for spouse of fiance. The standards I quoted are a requirement. I would use those standards for any other photos of the two of you together after marriage as well, so it is clear who is being photographed. For those photos, yes, covering to the eyebrows is a problem.

Oh no hijaab showing forehead looks really bad on me, but of course if we need to then there is no choice.

And about the religious issue, I dated two muslims online before I knew my future husband, I was getting interested in Islam but I had not converted. When I talked to my fiance after I stopped dating the other guy, we talked about religion more often. He had told me that he really liked me and I said no to his interest a few times because I was sick of talking online to people, but we kept talking and I really grew to see what kind of person he is and I talked with his family and started to change my mind about a future with him. We had talked about religion a lot during all this time (I was non religious but curious because I had gotten a really good impressions of the muslims I knew and I always wanted someeeee religion to have faith in). After talking to him and many other muslims I decided that I agree with the basic beliefs of Islam and that this was the religion I want be a part of. I said my shahada and he and I talked about prospects of a long distance relationship between me and him. I prayed and prayed (what I should do with my life), and he prayed (for me to accept him :P ). Long story short I converted in connection to knowing him and several other muslims online. I would never have taken the time to study Islam and come to know about it if it weren't for these people who liked to discuss religions and I loveeeeeeeeeeeee my decision to be a muslim. I have never been happier in my life, but it was so close to the time that my fiance and I moved from friendship to a formal courting period, but that was all a year ago. Why does that matter so much to USCIS, just curious why that would be looked at suspiciously. ? Would they think he forced me or that I am losing my mind? I don't know please tell me what you are thinking.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-29 23:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning

The Hijaab is fine for photos together as long as they can see your face. I would use the passport photo requirements as your guide for any photo.

Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.

My passport is with me without my hijaab before I converted to Islam and I don't think the picture can just be changed readily. Also I usually wear my hijaab covering to my eyebrows, is that a problem?
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-29 21:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning

Why can't you also take pictures after the marriage? Could you schedule the nikah, etc to be closer to the beginning of the trip and make sure you have documented a lot after the actual marriage???

You are right to assume that a CO may think twice if you try to argue that a MARRIED couple couldn't touch, weren't allowed to be in private together, etc.

They will completely get that you two didn't meet without a chaperone if only filing for a fiance visa as that is completely customary for muslim engagements in Pakistan. But, if you file as spouses and you can't show somewhat personal/intimate [not sexual but not posed for formal family portraits as the ONLY photo] photos it could be a hard sell.

Yes after the marriage we can take photos together in private, but since they will be viewing it I would want to wear my headscarf, but normally alone that would not be the case. Will they understand that or should I let some officers see me without the hijaab :\
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-29 21:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning

USCIS will continue to cash checks sent in with petition, no matter how ineligible the foreigner might be. So, nothing stops you from petitioning 100 times if you want. Once there is a lifetime ban assessed, (usually for fraud) then further petitions are fruitless unless the finding can be overturned.

So I can petition and not know if they are going to reexamine the case? Or would you generally know they are not going to give it another look?
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-29 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning
Well, technically because of our faith we cannot live together or see each other alone, but I know that without this a case seems weaker to them and more like a sham marriage. I read about the religious exemption to this visa but it seems nearly impossible to obtain. So I am afraid that our one week together, not touching would make the marriage seem a fraud to USCIS. I am confused too if we should take pictures on our next visit after marriage of me without the headscarf (as he is allowed to see me, but no other man) I don't want them to mistakenly think that since I wouldnt take off my scarf for pictures that it means he and I aren't really together. Also because of finances and difficulty in getting a visa from pakistan to where we want to marry, both my family and his family aren't going to be able to physically come to our wedding (we want to set up a skype call and video tape but thats it for our family). Maybe one or two of my parents could afford to come, but that is all. I am worried that our poorness is going to make everything seem fake to them :(

Edited by Kyda, 29 January 2012 - 07:53 PM.

SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-29 19:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning
OK so what are grounds for permanent inadmissibility? just things like crimes, or fraud? Oh and what if they think it is fraud when it is not fraud. Do you have to wait longer to reapply?
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-29 11:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Petitioning
Hi my question is can a USC have the entrance of their spouse permanently denied? I guess I mean can you always reapply to bring your spouse home if they finally deny for insufficient proof of bonafide relationship? Are USC's allowed to keep petitioning to have their spouse in US or is there a point where USCIS says no for good?
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-01-29 09:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2nd CR1
O.o oh boy o.O
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-04-14 19:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEffective April 13, 2012 fees reduced.Please discuss
Wow that is so great!!! April is choomantar month :D
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-04-18 17:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEffective April 13, 2012 fees reduced.Please discuss
So they reduced the fee from 404 dollars to 230 dollars? Is that right?
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-04-18 10:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresurdu nikkah nama at nvc
Excuse me does anyone know if you have to get the english translation of the nikah nama resigned by everyone again?
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-06-26 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant to Print Chat Histories?
Ok Thanks guys. I understand that we should send in a sampling and not everything. That makes me feel better, but what about the XML format of the chats? I will have to copy and paste, and that means I could edit the script, how does the embassy know to trust the chat records? I'm afraid I will spend a lot of time printing and preparing and they won't even like these records anyway? Plus its hard to read. Any suggestions?
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-06-27 06:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant to Print Chat Histories?
Mainly for the USCIS stage.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-06-27 00:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImportant to Print Chat Histories?
Hello Everyone. My question is how important are the chat histories as evidence of a good faith marriage? Are these records really important alongside a marriage certificate, joint bank account, and evidences of living together? We have a chat record of nearly every day for more than a year and I tried downloading it from skype but I didn't like the XML format because its hard to read. Also we live under extreme power outages and it is difficult to take out excerpts of our chats and take them to a shop for printing because all of that requires lots of time with electricity, which we don't have. :( These are all chats before our marriage, and I'm not sure how important they are to the process. It seems like some people say that they don't look at this kind of evidence. If anyone has suggestions or advice as for what to do, I would greatly appreciate it :( Thank you.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-06-26 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

Remember she was talking about her mother, which would indicate that she was a bit older. She could have had to have a "complete" hysterectomy rather than a partial. That would have involved what she could have claimed to be 4 organs (if you include an oophorectomy).
Also, now that she is pregnant, the endometriosis will either abate or completely go away. The bottom line is that the US citizen is the one with the "health" concern. She is legally able to leave and enter the US with no problems. Unless her husband doesn't want her to go without him. Under Islam law, he has the power to let her leave or not. Don't know if this is the case, I just know that is how islam law in Pakistan works.
The OP has her answer. This is not a reason for expedition. It is a reason for concern for the health of her baby (and hers) if she has reservations regarding the Pakistani health system.

In addition to a complete hysterectomy and oophorectomy my mother also needed her gallbladder removed. Her endometriosis was very SEVERE. The doctors didn't even know before they started surgery on her that the damage was that bad. And yes you are right; the point of pregnancy is to reduce the chance of endometriosis starting or progressing. I did not want an expedite for a health concern due to endometriosis, I was only explaining why we did not "plan" our pregnancy for when we are in the US. And yes, you are completely right again. Our nikah certificate lays out the rules for what should happen if we decide to separate living quarters, and that can't be done simply to have birth in the US. There must be a problem with our marriage for the separation clause of our personal nikah to go into effect. This is what we both agreed to on our own nikah. So I will not be traveling to the USA for an extended period of time without my husband also coming.

Edited by Kyda, 23 July 2012 - 08:33 AM.

SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-23 08:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?


This is just a side note: as I was reading through the post it seems to me you are the one who "jumped" and became very rude to people who were trying to answer you. When they wrote "If you're a USC you can hop on a plane anytime and give birth to your kid in the US" they didn't mean to be rude. This is the immigration fact...the cold, icy truth. As far as immigration goes, this is THEIR attitude about this. If you are a US citizen you can always fly back home, and give birth to your kid if you want your kid to born in the U.S. You have nothing in your way to do that so. For this reason, USCIS will not expedite your husband's immigration procedure. He is not at risk from dying if you stay in Pakistan and give birth to your kid there. There is simply no reason you guys would have to expedite your husband's immigration process. People were not trying to be rude here, they just told you how USCIS views a situation that is similar to yours. I talked to my two best friends who are happen to be from Pakistan here in the US and they agreed and could not add any better ideas for your husband to expedite his process for immigration.
Good luck!

Everyone keeps writing on their posts that this is "THEIR" attitude and not their own but it it seems that everyone here has adopted the same icy cold attitude as their own while undergoing this process. It is very rude and other people think so as well. Its not my own fault that I read the criteria for expedite and saw that "emergent situation" is not the only criteria listed. What you all are describing are "emergent situations" but this is not the only criteria listed. It may be that they rarely approve an expedite for anything but a very emergent situation but this is all you need to say. You don't need to tell me that my situation is not emergent, because I am QUITE capable of realizing that fact and I did not sit here and write a post that I'm in an emergency so can you please tell me if I can get an expedite. I merely asked if being pregnant in a third world country qualifies for expedite under their listed criteria because I was unsure. You can answer this question without accusing me of bad things or being rude. Saying that you can just hop on a plane and give birth in the USA is rude. I'm not an idiot who can't understand that a USC has a passport valid for travel to the US.

hope you get your expedite
congrats on your pregnancy

SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-23 08:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

I have severe endometriosis too and I didn't have organs cut from my body and they absolutely did not care about my reason to expedite... personally getting for organs cut sounds a tad far fetched, and more importantly, you don't even HAVE it yet. But again, even if you did have severe endometriosis like I do, they won't care, my embassy was easier and they said "We have a schedule, no expedite, etc..."

IMO, endometriosis sucks, but it's not a good enough reason.

Wow thank you for accusing me of lying about my own mother. She did have four organs cut from her body due to severe growths and cysts. Don't say that its "a tad far-fetched" because you have not needed to have organs cut from your body. If you want me to act the same as you I can accuse you of calling your mild case of endometriosis "severe" since you have NOT needed organs cut from your body; it must not be severe at all. Why couldn't you just tell your story that they didn't care about your endometriosis instead of adding an insult to myself and my mother. and FYI I was NOT SAYING THAT I WANT AN EXPEDITE BECAUSE I MIGHT HAVE ENDOMETRIOSIS, I WAS ONLY SAYING THAT THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE TRIED TO GET PREGNANT INSTEAD OF WAITING FOR WHEN WE ARRIVE IN THE USA. THANK YOU FOR SKIMMING MY POST. If you were confused about something I said, you could try asking me a question instead of laying out accusations.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-23 08:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

Since your concern is over your unborn child, why don't you go ahead and come to the US and give birth here in the US?

I've already addressed this, read earlier posts. Thank you.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-23 07:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

Someone please correct me if i am wrong, but since the petitioner is living abroad, wouldn't it qualify them for DCF? Or does it not apply for Pakistan?

I asked the embassy and they said that you have to prove "exceptional circumstances" for why Islamabad embassy should handle your case instead of mailing it to the Chicago lockbox. And since Islamabad is so tough that pretty much means the same thing as "DCF is not possible."
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

You are right. 26 or married. Not sure if that change is effective now or not. No matter. You're married.

Thanks, I thought that was true...
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

No reason to expedite, unless it is a high risk pregnancy. Even then, you as USC could move back anytime.
And while there is no rule at males from Pakistan go through AP< it is very very rare that they do not, and that cannot be expedited.

it sounds like you are better off in Pakistan where your medical expenses can be covered.

Thank you for your answer.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 08:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

Based on what you wrote, you do not have any grounds for expedite. You have indicated nothing more than you would rather be in the USA than to stay in Pakistan. All spouse immigration cases have the same feature, in that the couple prefers to be together in the USA. How many babies are born in Pakistan every day? How many families everywhere are required to deal with the practical aspects of marriage and sexual intercourse?

Nothing unusual here. (It takes a whole lot more than "unusual" to justify an expedite.)

Thank you for the reply, I was just asking a question. No need to be so harsh in all the replies. Simple "no" it won't be considered a good reason, but you can always try, would have been sufficient. Thank you all for the replies, no more are needed.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 08:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

Pregnancy is not a reason for an expedite. You can get on a plane at any time and return to the US to give birth. There are social programs to provide insurance for pregnant women who can't afford health care. Are you aware the US has one of the highest rates of infant mortality of any of the developed nations?
While some males from T countries are lucky to have a short AP, it is very likely your spouse will have to endure this. Expedites will not speed up the AP process.
While I hope things work out for you I suggest you begin looking at the process not being completed prior to giving birth.

Also are you aware that the US's "high rate" is 5.9 versus 5.2 or 2 deaths per thousand. The way you say it sounds like US is more deadly for babies than other developed countries and this is hardly the case. Pakistan's infant mortality rate is in the 70's. This is a real difference to talk about, not the difference between 2 or 5 deaths. There are 49 countries with infant mortality rate between 2 and 6 and US is one of the top 50.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 08:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

Pregnancy is not a reason for an expedite. You can get on a plane at any time and return to the US to give birth. There are social programs to provide insurance for pregnant women who can't afford health care. Are you aware the US has one of the highest rates of infant mortality of any of the developed nations?
While some males from T countries are lucky to have a short AP, it is very likely your spouse will have to endure this. Expedites will not speed up the AP process.
While I hope things work out for you I suggest you begin looking at the process not being completed prior to giving birth.

Don't look at my post as a way to escape AP. This is not what I have said. I merely asked a question if this is something covered under expedite because they list "humanitarian situation" as a criteria and that was very general to me. I already live with my husband, AP won't bother us.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?

Also I previously mentioned that I won't have insurance in the USA but my medical expenses can be covered here in Pakistan, so despite being a USC that doesn't mean I can just hop on a flight and give birth in the US.

Well then why are you trying to "just hop on a flight and give birth in the US." ????

You have misunderstood me.... O.o

If you are under 26, you stay on parent's insurance throughout that time - being married does not weigh in. YOUR spouse is never covered by your parent's insurance.

Really? is this true? I thought it was until the age of 26 or when you married.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 08:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?
People give birth everyday in Pakistan to sick babies. The mortality rate is very high for infants, so just saying that people give birth here everyday is a gross understatement of the risks here....

Also I previously mentioned that I won't have insurance in the USA but my medical expenses can be covered here in Pakistan, so despite being a USC that doesn't mean I can just hop on a flight and give birth in the US.

But thank you for your replies...

The USC is the pregnant one? No reason for an expedite. You can go to the US any time that you want.

FWIW: A male from Pakistan goes through a long time in Additional Processing once the visa would be approved. There is no way around that.

Actually this is false. There are cases of pakistani males who don't get any AP at all or get a very very short AP. This is not a rule.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-22 01:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite for Pregnancy in Pakistan?
Hi Everyone. My husband and I are preparing our CR1 petition in Pakistan and we have not filed yet. Two days ago we discovered that we are pregnant. Now we are wondering if this is a possible reason to expedite our case? I know that the government can say its our fault for not planning a pregnancy once we are in the USA but there are several reasons why we tried to get pregnant as soon as possible. There is family history on my side that women have trouble getting pregnant and bringing a baby to birth. My mom was told by her doctor many years ago that she needed to either stay on birth control or have babies to slow down endometriosis. My mom had three babies and then afterwards she did develop severe endometriosis and had four organs cut from her body due to this reason. My aunt had three miscarriages when she was married and never successfully had a child. My other aunt could not have a child for the first ten years of her marriage. For these reasons, my own doctor recommended me to go on birth control, but these pills made me depressed and my doctor had to put me on two antidepressants until we realized that the birth control was the problem. Now that I have moved to Pakistan and completed the marriage ceremony with my husband we have decided to try to have a baby before it may be too late. My mom and my aunts were young when they first married and tried to have children and yet they all had problems. My mom's endometriosis was severe by the age of 29 years old and had been developing throughout her 20's (and she had no symptoms of this disease, something perculiar because this disease is usually painful). For these worries, my husband and I have not been cautious about not having a baby because I am already 22 years old and I am at a higher risk for endometriosis or other pregnancy complications even at this age. Now we have learned that we are pregnant and due by February/March. Pregnancy in Pakistan is risky but I don't even know that I can give birth in the US covered by insurance since I am now married and believe that I am no longer covered by my mother's insurance (right?). We will either have to give birth here with my father-in-law paying for a private doctor and hospital, or get to the US earlier so that my husband can apply for a job and/or a loan. His job is pretty set in the US as I have several family members who can get him a job (they all share the same Degree and work in the same field).

So my question is, how likely is an expedite for my husband and I? Or will we have to get ready for a birth in Pakistan?

Edited by Kyda, 22 July 2012 - 12:00 AM.

SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-07-21 23:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling I-130 from Pakistan

If you are going to stay in Pakistan on a long-term stay visa or residence permit, then you will be living there and thus would use your Pakistani address on the applicable forms (and you would send the package to the Chicago lockbox).

If you are going to stay in Pakistan on tourist visa extensions, then you are only visiting (albeit for an extended amount of time). As I said before, visiting is not living together and you would use US Addresses on the forms and the lockbox your package would be sent to would be determined by your US address.

I am also living in Pakistan until my husband completes his visa process. We married here and then applied for a family visa, but on the visa in my passport they write that it is a visit visa with multiple entry. Other women I know who have come to Pakistan have received the same type of visa. This is the visa they issue to wives of Pakistanis as a "family visa" but it is labelled as "visit". It is used for those who are living with their husbands here for an extended period of time and must be renewed every year (regardless if they issued it for one year, or five years, the USC must go to the passport office each and every year) I don't know of any other visa they issue for wives of pakistanis that doesn't say "visit" on it.
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-08-06 00:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAP due to passport photos?

Resubmitted the photos and with the grace of God, my wife got a call from the couriers 9 days later to pick up her passport with visa!


That's great news :) Mash Allah :)
SmilesAbroadFemalePakistan2012-08-14 04:08:00